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/lit/ - Literature

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14645440 No.14645440 [Reply] [Original]

unless you have read all of the following:

Epic Of Gilgamesh / First Philosophers by Waterfield
Hermetica / Upanishads / Bhagavad Gita
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras / Laozi's Tao Te Ching
Hesiod's Works And Days / Sappho's Odes / Aesop's Fables
Sun Tzu / Machiavelli
Confucius's Analects / Buddha's Dhammapada
Plato's Trial Of Socrates / Aristotle's Organon / Epicurus Essentials
Cicero's On Duties / Boethius Consolation Of Philosophy
Plutarch's Lives / Plotinus Enneads / Proclus Elements Of Theology
Seneca's Letters / Epictetus's Discourses / Aurelius Meditations
Ptolemy Almagest / Copernicus Heavenly Spheres / Kelper's Epitome Of Copernican Astronomy
Talmud / Bible / Quaran
Augustine's Confessions / Aquinas's Shorter Summa
Montigane's Essays / Bacon's Essays
Hobbes Leviathan / Pascal Pensees
Descartes Meditations / Spinoza's Ethics / Leibniz's Discourse
Locke's Human Understanding / Berkely's Human Understanding / Hume's Human Understanding
Montisque's Selected Political Writings / Voltare's Candide / Burke's Reflections On The Revolution In France / Tocqueville's Essays On America
Rousseau's Social Contract / Paine's Rights Of Man / Smith's Theory Of Moral Sentiments
Kant Prolegomena To Any Future Metaphysics/ Hegel's Philosophy Of History / Schoppenhaur's Four Fold Root Of Sufficient Reason
Schelling's Ideas For A Philosophy Of Nature / Fitche's Vocation Of Man
Federalist Papers / Marx's Manifesto / Hitler's Mein Kampf / Rand's Atlas Shrugged
Emerson Self Reliance and Nature / Thoreau Walden and Civil Disobedience.
Mill's Utilitarianism / James Pragmaticism
Stirner's Ego And It's Own / Kierkegaard's Either Or / Nietzsche's Beyond Good And Evil
Whitehead's Introduction To Mathematics / Guenon's Introduction To Hindu Doctrines

>> No.14645624

pewdiepie didn't review any of these but he got me to start reading and come here

>> No.14645680

Suffering is more conducive to being /lit/ than being well read.

John Stewart Mills had a perfect education, knew Latin, Ancient Greek and Sanskrit perfectly by age 7. Read all the classics, and most literature ever written in his vast library. He was regarded as one of the smartest, and most well read individuals that anyone who ever met him said. Yet, he is a utilitarian bugman, devoid of any of that special quality we call greatness. That's because he had a very easy, carefree life. J.S. Mills's are everywhere in this life of ours. Their circumstances granted them great education, great reading, yet nothing good comes out of them. Contrast this to men who have suffered dearly like Immanuel Kant and Schopenhauer, and Augustine. Without their hardships, their consciousness would have never been heightened and they would have been rendered dull and complacent like the rest of people who have never known terrible misfortune.