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14644139 No.14644139 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that bullying is beneficial and natural behavior.

It tempers the character creating tougher, non-degenerate individuals by teaching children what is socially acceptable and what is not. Thanks to anti-bullying programs in school we are now faced with the scourge of trannies, furries, and other deviants who should have gotten that beaten out of them in school.

Bullying against shitskin miniorities is more than acceptable since it leads to homogenous communities by making it clear to freeloading foreigners that they are not welcome to destroy the Nation and People. It reinforces community ingroup ties by teaching kids about the realities of the eternal struggle in the world between races, and fosters natural, self-preservation behavior.

>> No.14644149

imagine being obsessed with race like an early 20th century german lmfao, pathétique.

but yeah bullying is good.

>> No.14644151

I bet it is some limp wristed twink boy that has been going to the gym for one month that has megalomaniac fantasies that made this post. If you were in front of me right now I would bash your head in.

>> No.14644469

not OP, but im ripped af 6'3 demigod and i agree with him. if u want to beat him up you'll have to get past me first, faggot.

>> No.14644481

Top tier bait. Now post face and body. With timestamp. DO IT OR YOU ARE A NIGGERFAGGOT!

>> No.14644483

>T. Dyel incel social outcast

>> No.14644488
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>> No.14644572

You’re not wrong broadly, but your pathetic race science is a kneejerk fear-based reaction. The wormwhites that must bully to feel superior are simply afraid to be strong on their own, thereby turning a blind eye to their own subjugation.

Further, the subjugated group is simply a pressure cooker waiting to become a subject group and blow up in your face, per D&G. Your desire to get off the lid on is a cowardice of what may come, so you recline proudly on your cookware throne. Try not to wince while your ass burns.

>> No.14644580

Desire to not* get off, whoops

>> No.14644595

>your pathetic race science is a kneejerk fear-based reaction
the entire world agrees africans are retarded. Arabs, Indians, Chinese, Europeans, everyone who is exposed to them comes to the same conclusion. I think even some of the Africans are kind of aware of it

>> No.14644675

Post body with timestamp fags

>> No.14644678

this thread has nothing to do with literature


>> No.14644765

Post face.

>> No.14644947

The perpetuation of a view of society whereby it becomes a "natural" system of actions and reactions unaffected, or indeed hindered, by thought and the search for meaning, inevitably leads, sooner or later, to the degradation of human faculties, at the individual, national, or universal level. Your naturalized concept of a "national spirit" inexorably leads to the physical destruction and moral dissipation of the very nation in question.

>> No.14645019

Nice naturalistic fallacy.

>> No.14645024


>> No.14645081

>Thanks to anti-bullying programs in school we are now faced with the scourge of trannies, furries, and other deviants who should have gotten that beaten out of them in school.
But what is the law but a similar "anti-bullying" "program" that does not kill off trannies, furries, the religious, and other sick people, thereby causing their sicknesses to spread and infect more and more people, until even the children of the powerful are under attack? And whose fault is this but ours, for enforcing massive systems of democratized giving and recieving? Why did we destroy the hierarchy? Why did we give the weak power? Because we forgot how to respond to the cries of the impotent...

>> No.14645555

As someone who's been bullied, unironically based

>> No.14645917

nice cope

>> No.14645961

In an ideal world we wouldn't need to stick together along race lines. But alas its a bit like violence, you can't just opt out without everyone else being in on it. Too many whites just like to stick there head in the sand while ethnic gangs roam around in an increasing number of White countries raping, robbing and assaulting