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File: 46 KB, 679x452, reactionary masculinity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14643388 No.14643388[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the books that talk about the reactionary epidemic among young people? I know that everyone grows out of the reactionary phase in their 20s, but have any academic philosophers looked into this? I think pseudointellectuals like Jordan Peterson are quite problematic, since young men only turn to reactionary idols if they grew up without a male role model in the house.

I think that if we replaced the Petersonian reactionary male role models around today, with men who are less prone to falling victim to the toxic masculinity personality type (someone like Justin Trudeau comes to mind) then we would have far fewer teenage reactionaries running around and ruining this board

>> No.14643409

Bro i Love your work. Your trolls are fantastic. I was at the point of seething When i realized it was You again. Lol. 10/10 but polite sage.

>> No.14643411

Being white and anti-reactionary in the modern world is impossible without losing all dignity. Sorry. But there is no uplifting role model for young whites that could inspire them to be left wing.

>> No.14643425

Nah, im genuinely looking for books that discuss the reasons behind the rise of right wing populism among the youth

Maybe its because we need to get rid of the stigma around the "tough white male reactionary" archetype for men? Men need to learn that they dont need to be strong, tough warrior types. Peterson has been poisoning the minds of the youth and is quite dangerous considering how influential he is

>> No.14643426
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>> No.14643438

cause and effect is a universal metaphysical principle

>> No.14643440

>Justin Trudeau

massive faggot

>> No.14643446

I wonder who's etc etc

>> No.14643462
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The real problem is rock and roll died.

There used to be subcultures that would siphon off alienated youth. Where do white teen boys have a place of their own now?

they could be goth or punk or metal heads, but thats all gone, too much nigger music and pop sluts

what the cia really needs to do is create artificial subcultures that siphon off angry and lost youth and have them channel that rage into art, not being white supremacists

>> No.14643472

Why? Just because he dosen't think that Women and Minorities are subhuman means he isnt a real male role model?
Your fragile masculinity is showing

>> No.14643482
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because he is a neoliberal globalist so y boy.

>> No.14643485

>Nah, im genuinely
Please don't double down. It's uncouth.

>> No.14643494
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>there is no uplifting role model for young whites that could inspire them to be left wing.

>> No.14643524

Not to sound like an incel, but that's more on women than peterson. PUA and other such shit is rising because there are unmet needs among large swaths of men, and they rise to meet the demand. All advice for men on finding a partner are roads that lead very close to what you're asking, not necessarily, but it's a slippery slope.

>> No.14643546

Yes. What you call “fragility” is the appropriate response to social threats. You’d feel it too had you not been castrated by intersectionality.

>> No.14643607

>Then we would have far fewer teenage reactionaries running around and ruining this board
They’re the chemo to the theory spam cancer. Go back to posting maps of Chicago when you’re flustered, even though everyone and their grandma knows that redlining and blockbusting happened,

>> No.14643616

I havent seen any reactionary brainlets even pick up a book yet, let alone refute leftist theory

>> No.14643618

>dark black face
>as an Arab
Was he retarded? Had he never seen an Arab before?

>> No.14643620

They syphon it into gitting gud at vidya

>> No.14643623

Has nothing to do with Peterson. Unironically you're better off indoctrinating women to be accepting of emotional and feminine men.

>> No.14643629

They don’t have to. Everything within the theory canon is irrelevant to anything outside trying to achieve leftist political goals. The appropriate response is one of radical anti-intellectualism and anti-academic iconoclasm.

>> No.14643630

>Nothing to do with the most well known reactionary male role model alive at the moment

>> No.14643658

Peterson is just a grifter who took advantage of social tensions. His popularity reached its peak a long time ago.

>> No.14643665

He's literally a run of the mill conservative boomer.

>> No.14643674

He's not reactionary and while he might be well-known he doesn't have a big following of anyone serious. Meaning he has little to no impact. Anyway, do you really think some retard most have just seen a couple youtube videos of is somehow more important than the entire social order and culture? Not to mention economic trajectory. As I said, if you're serious about this then indoctrinate women, because they being the sexual selectors are main enforcers of your supposed 'toxic masculinity'.

>> No.14643683

It might be true that his following has nobody serious in it, he is still more influential on the majority than any real academic is

>> No.14643707

I think that might be the failure of academia. Those institutions (especially the elite ones) are set up in such a way as to to allow intellectuals from engaging with the rabble. The solution is to collapse the entire western educational system and start from scratch.

>> No.14643768

>"tough white male reactionary" archetype for men
This literally does not exist anymore. Young white men imitate black rappers, who act in an even more stereotypically hypermasculine fashion than the old white versions, eg. rockstars.

>> No.14643835

“Toxic masculinity” is just a term weak men use to feel virtuous about their inferiority

>> No.14643891

Actually its something being pushed primarily by women

>> No.14644517


>> No.14644634
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2/10 I laffed

>> No.14644661

And it's used to control weak men, which is why they adopt it so easily.

>> No.14644692


>> No.14644709

And how does one grow less "fragile" without toughening up? Sounds like stereotypical toxic male bullying to me

>> No.14644748

Read The Internet is Serious Business by BEAST

>> No.14644761

The only winning move is apparently total callous apathy

>> No.14644771

Fragile masculinity is pretending to be tough by spouting reactionary ideas against people who are already less privileged in society.
A real man would show his strength by defending minorities and other underprivileged groups

>> No.14644780


>> No.14644792

If you think any teenage male is going to look up to Justin Trudeau you are very fucking daft.

>> No.14644795

Yikes, this is exactly what I mean. White males have developed a Slave Morality against the Masters (Jews) and can only define themselves in terms of being opposite to them

>> No.14644800

you want to see antisemitism check out Muslims, who are coming to the west in ever greater numbers

>> No.14644804

When you see the horrid excuse for subversion left-leaning tranny faggots like OP attempt, it really makes you detest them even more.

>> No.14644805
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Wait wait you're actually asserting the existence of an archetypal "real man" and saying he must not only view strength as a virtue, but also display his strength for public approval?

>> No.14644809

Muslims are literal semites retard. Antisemitism includes being anti-Arab (something that reactionaries also endorse)

>> No.14644814

he's promoting some bizarre white male savior concept. The Left have moved on a long time ago, white men are supposed to shut up and sit down and listen to women and poc

>> No.14644818

Of course strength is a virtue. Take a look at Justin Trudeau. He is a strong world leader and has done more with his life than any of you incels ever will. Hate on him for being a "cuck" if you want, it wont change the fact that you will never do anything with your life

>> No.14644820

Muslims hate Jews

>> No.14644831

Almost every Muslim I have ever spoken to doesn't hate Jews, they hate Zionism. But thanks for letting everyone know you are a reductionist brainlet

>> No.14644833

>Fragile masculinity is pretending to be tough by spouting reactionary ideas against people who are already less privileged in society.
'Toxic masculinity' is anything a man does that's disliked by some retard.
>A real man would show his strength by defending minorities and other underprivileged groups
A 'real man' doesn't give a single shit about you or your shitty standardized opinions.
You're boring.
The 'left' is boring.
'Society' is boring.
Entertainment & videogames are also fucking boring.
The only thing that isn't boring is real meaningful competition, and since this is being eroded everywhere, people will just make up a new game to play.
And, again, you, your posts, and the ideas behind them are fucking boring.

>> No.14644838

lmao, Muslims literally kick all the Jews out of their countries

>> No.14644850

Take your cringy liberal jargon and gtfo. No one takes you seriously and no one cares what the latest liberal bugman theory has to say.

>> No.14644862

I want to see just one of these faggots genuinely try to argue this ridiculous concept in good faith which would mean NO appeals to traditional masculine notions of stoicism, courage or strength

Just once.

>> No.14644881

Unironically, what is wrong with shutting up, sitting down, and listening? Do you really feel so ephemeral that if you aren't able to be standing and talking over people you think you'll disappear?

>> No.14644882

Masculinity is a social construct though, you dont really need it

>> No.14644890

>Unironically, what is wrong with shutting up, sitting down, and listening?
Nothing, if anything good would come from it.

>> No.14644891

Im not a leftist so I dont have to even engage in this entire sad process of hating myself, but the guy I was responding to is a leftist and he's acting like a white male savior. He'd be fucking laughed at for grandstanding like that these days, nobody, literally nobody wants the white men to be strong and protect and save them. White men are a fucking laughing stock to the left

>> No.14644904

You're conflating "socially constructed" and "arbitrary" with "superfluous"

This isn't even really one of the arbitrary ones; it's underpinned by what you guys would call "biotruths"

>> No.14644910

Women and "POC" (that is, niggers) have nothing to say that's worth listening to.

You're a prime example of that.

>> No.14644920

Shutting the fuck up about racism, privilege, bias, patriarchy etc is the one thing white people are neverrrr going to do. Never gonna happen

>> No.14644923

Actually good post

>> No.14644926

People larping as saviors have always been a laughing stock to everyone (see Quixote).

>> No.14644943

La Mancha was a parody of every book leading up to it for like 1000 years.

>Never gonna happen.
It wasn't so long ago that Burroughs had to write about this shit from the safety of Mexico. The tide will turn back again quite easily.

You people are all short-sighted as hell.

>> No.14644962

>everyone grows out of the reactionary phase in their 20s
I would rather read a book on this idea. Any recs?

>> No.14645007

Do get something out of being put in your place other than smug personal satisfaction? I don’t see any strength in such activities. The whole thing reeks of weakness.

>> No.14645121

yes, but there is a prereq of empathy and consciousness of self. things solipsists don't believe in. what is strength to you and what makes it a virtue?

>> No.14645183

>reactionary epidemic

Where? Where is this supposed epidemic happening? Fringe meme websites that the average person doesn’t use? I have no idea where you deluded freaks get the idea that everyone 18 and under is turning into a militant fascist but the average zoomer is on TikTok sharing videos of 13 year olds shaking their naked asses and guides on how girls could tie themselves with a belt

>> No.14645214

Well it's wrong for one. Youth is not inherently radical, but messianic revolutionary liberal politics essentially requires the naivete, energy and convert zeal of youth. Its obsession with the passion of the speaker (as opposed to the content of the speech) is a holdover from the Romantic origins of liberalism.

People become more conservative as they age because death approaches and you can no longer take refuge in these fairytales about human nature.

>> No.14645246

>reads marx once, nothing else

>reads mein kamf once, nothing else

Me and the rest of the board
>reads many books, without artistically spamming their ideology everywhere
>"/pol/ go back, /leftypol/ fuck off back to bunkerchan, neither of you read any books"

>> No.14645258

The type of “conservative” people become as they age is a pragmatist who has no time for politics. They become more concern with paying the bills than any lofty ideas, no matter what those ideas may be.

If you think people become die hard conservatives as they grow older rather than just going for whatever ideas make their day-to-day life easier, you’re delusional. Not to mention that the far right are also populated with naive youths. That’s what this whole identity politics conflict is— Just a bunch of kids throwing shit at each other from both sides.

>> No.14645328

If you said anything worth listening to you wouldn't have to demand people sit down and shut up.

>> No.14645337
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Everything you said so far is arbitrary nonsense. Why should i defend the weak instead of submitting them to my will or leaving them to die/suffer? Your ethics are based on nothing but personal preference. The fascists knew this. Everything is about power. Humanism pervades everything in western culture because it has the power to do so. There is nothing objective about it. No superior morality brought to us by the age of reason, just a mystified dogmatism that is the expression of the will-to-power of our elites.

>> No.14645390

Lmao @ all the dumbasses practically choking on this bait, nice catch OP lol

>> No.14645391

>state of nature is ideal
have fun, anon

equating worth with things that affirm your ego.

>> No.14645694

I dislike the term 'toxic masculinity' as it implicitly refers to all masculinity as toxic from the poor choice of terms alone. Doesn't matter what it's meant to be, as the public has been instilled with the idea and the association of general masculinity as a bad thing, as they seem to want.

>> No.14645793

>right wing populism
Oh the humanity

>> No.14645911

How does it imply all masculinity is toxic? The use of the word “toxic” seems to act as one that tries to distinguish it from regular masculinity. They wouldn’t even need to event the term if their intent was to attack masculinity in general.

>> No.14646044

You are avoiding the fact that your morality and ethics are dogmatic and arbitrary. I posted Kaczynski because he recognizes that, but so did Nietzche and Stirner.

>> No.14646057

if you honestly don't get it just replace with 'toxic femininity' or 'toxic jewishness' or whatever and it should become clear

>> No.14646071

Peterson has explicitly stated that he is a leftist trying ward off reactionary tendencies, and he isn't lying. If you think he is disturbing you're going to have a hard time coping with what is coming.

>> No.14646332

>yes, but there is a prereq of empathy and consciousness of self.
What do these things even mean. the term empathy gets thrown around like it's nothing these days, and it ultimately seems to mean "feeling with an agenda." It's hard to see why lacking sympathy for such people is solipsistic or why empathy should be reserved for them rather than more abstract conceptions of identity like the state or society.
Your worldview seems to be based on a mountain of dogma and baseless assumptions.

>> No.14646413

All masculinity is toxic, there's lesser and more acceptable forms of masculinity but at it's core masculinity is rooted in dominance.
Femininity is submission but that doesn't mean women have to accept that people will always seek to dominate them.
We're shifting the patriarchy a little more towards a more peaceful matriarchy when we seek to minimize masculinity in men.

>> No.14646418

The post industrial economy is doing it. You’re just going along with it.

>> No.14646457

I think they know there morality is but are trying to find reading material that will indoctrinate young men into believe it isn't

You'll notice that in their OP they state
>Jordan Peterson are quite problematic, since young men only turn to reactionary idols
Without ever defining why being reactionary is a wrong and instead taking it as a given that the"tough white male reactionary" is bad.

Further down their true motives become more clear >>14644771
>A real man would show his strength by defending minorities and other underprivileged groups
OP's desires for whites, men or any other group they consider greater to them. To act in ways that will benefit women, minorities or other groups they consider lesser.

Essentially "other groups of people should serve my interests above their own"

Any masculinity that does not serve women or minorities is deemed toxic to their end goal

>> No.14646532

In reality, masculinity is emerging for the first time in history. We can measure this by the market price of vagina. 100 years ago, and for all of history before that, you had 80%+ of your life's wages committed to a woman in order to even sample the pussy, and you only got to pick one. In today's dollars, that is a market price of about $2,000,000 for pussy. Today, however, the price of vagina has plummeted to about $0 (download an app and send a few "netflix and chill?" messages). This $0 market value of vagina represents an approximate equilibrium in the masculine-feminine competition, albeit with some legacy biases towards the feminine owing to a few thousand years of matriarchy. It won't be long before the market value of vagina is strongly negative, which is another way of saying that patriarchy has finally arrived. What we're experiencing today is the transitional phase from matriarchy to patriarchy. The dying matriarchy is making a fool of itself lashing out in a few ways (which you interpret as liberating feminism, not yet being wise to the fact that things are usually named opposite of their reality) but this will pass soon enough.

>> No.14646612

>I know that everyone grows out of the reactionary phase in their 20s
You're right, only poseurs and fags are reactionaries. Right-wing revolutionism is where it's at.

>> No.14646620

Based. Our task is not to turn back the clock, but to purge all elements which allowed the possibility of liberal decay in the first place.

>> No.14646632
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>> No.14646654

You want to control us, you'd happily see us poor, humiliated and in chains.

>> No.14646690

Their movement is the most top down, astroturfed and unrebellious thing ever. Why are they so delusional about their own power? Watch them when they mob and bully people, they seem to have an implicit understanding of their own position but never is it properly internalized.

>> No.14646692
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>> No.14646705

Asking a leftist 'why does the rebellious underdog keep winning against the powerful people' is a hilarious experience. They start spouting shit that sounds like literal Divine Providence

These people straight up have an understanding of history as a fairy tale in which the righteous oppressed rise up and overthrow the evil oppressors, over and over, in the eternal march of human progress. It's just unreal how deluded they are

>> No.14646831

>all these dumb fucking pseuds responding to obvious bait
You deserve all the ass pain you suffer 2bh

>> No.14646859

This guy sincere. I thinking he’s got a messiah complex and thinks he’s going to save at least some disaffected white youth.

>> No.14646878

That's تقية you retard.
Who the fuck would be open about his a hatred of jews in the open in the west?
Especially with whole conspiracy theories that Muslims grow up with about how westerns will take any chance to destroy them with their religion.
I am an ex muslim, one of the main beliefs I learned as a kid was that in the end of times Jesus will come and kill the jews and a pig.

>> No.14646976

just because you are unable and unwilling to view them without the lens of your political dogma doesn't mean they don't exist. I know it's easy to say they are concepts that don't exist outside of some nebulous leftwing attack on you, but come on...you seem to think that empathy implies something that can only be applied to minorities, it's not. it's not baseless to say that every human is deserving of dignity and respect. if you are unable to feel what other people could be feeling, then I can see why you would think these things are baseless. it's not a zero-sum game, mon anon, you can have a good life without blaming other people for being the cause of society's ills

>> No.14647079

Pierre Albert Duhamel?

>> No.14647117

>Muslims are literal semites retard. Antisemitism includes being anti-Arab
This show a clear ignorance of Islam to think that there is a racial or geographical basis to it. The majority of the worlds Muslim population is NOT part of the "Arab" or "semitic" populations.

This is common Western misconception as most Muslims they encounter in both real life and in the media are from the Arab world.

>> No.14647130

>Petersonian reactionary
at least put effort into the bait

>> No.14647152

harry potter

>> No.14647227

>there are people who actually think like this

>> No.14647231

Yes, he was a professor at Boston College and friend of Weaver's IIRC

>> No.14647503

Given the rise in intersectional thinking broadly why do you think a person with such intense privilege as Trudeau would be someone who could act as a role model?

You have a man born into a very powerful political family which essentially allowed to skip out on all the meritocratic features of society

>> No.14647556
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Justin Trudeau is like the male feminist who pretends to have "emotional intelligence" just long enough to get some naive girl into bed. He's an arrogant twerp who doesn't care about anything except the next election.

Being a Trudeau in Canada is like being royalty. I don't think foreigners really understand how privileged Justin's entire life has been, and how easy his road to power was. His father's party has been in charge of this country for the better part of a century. Because of this, Justin routinely gets away shit that would be a political death sentence for anyone else.

I would honestly rather have some Indian cab driver be prime minister than fucking Justin. At least they earn their money.

I hate Justin Trudeau so fucking much.

>> No.14647594

>Being a Trudeau in Canada is like being royalty. I don't think foreigners really understand how privileged Justin's entire life has been, and how easy his road to power was.
In the states we have Kennedys.

>> No.14647606

the big other of intersectional discourse is a privileged elite white male who checks his privilege everyday and diligently streams all the diverse tv shows and then goes on to work for the pentagon, ivy league universities, major hollywood studios, the new york times, CIA etc. The 'good father' with the 'bad father' being incarnated in the person of Donald Trump. Middle class 'marginalised' minority groups are deracinated neoliberal bug people culturally and ideologically undistinguishable from white liberals.

>> No.14647618

Nobody cares about people in power sleping with whores. In fact, kings and aristocrats having mistresses is a time honored tradition spanning thousands of years.

>> No.14647752
