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14640892 No.14640892 [Reply] [Original]

>read philosophy book
>every single sentence uses huge ass words and useless jargon that you have to look up
>look up word that leads to more big words

why do these pretentious fucks do this shit?

>> No.14640906

Because the words describe very specific things and it's easier to write one or two words rather than a couple of sentences or an entire paragraph. Use your brain idiot.

>> No.14640917

no theyre just shit writers who try to sound smart

>> No.14640921

What 'philosophy' book? Every new term should be clearly defined.

>> No.14640924

simulacra and simulation by Baudrillard

>> No.14640927
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They won't help you much. Conceptual jargon and techiques can't help

>> No.14640939

You probably picked up a book by some recent author who is responding to 20 other authors, each with their own vocabulary and peculiarities. And you expect to be able to understand everything right of the bat.

>> No.14640946

but it does not need to be a word salad, either they furthermore discuss a topic, so the longer they discuss one topic, the more clear what those words are sounding and mean, and its the same with reading inbetween the lines, there has to be enough afterthought after every word

>> No.14640947


>> No.14640949

They will help you in so far as assimilating into the acedameic environment, but it's all mental masterbation if you don't take that knowledge to further deconstruct "your reality". True philosophy is not an act of gaining, techinques, methods, or achievement, but of throwing away the junk and chains of conceptual narrowness

>> No.14640974

That's pseudo-intellectual gibberish. Read Putnam instead, specifically "The meaning of 'meaning'" in:


>> No.14640985

Continental philosophy is all word salad. Avoid.

>> No.14640998

>reading a Frenchman
You asked for it, they're known obscurantists

>> No.14641005

more like
>look up words that lead to more interesting books

>> No.14641015

Philosophy is just retards namedropping older retards. It is honestly gay as fuck

>> No.14641039

That's just Continental philosophy.

>> No.14641114

To hide the fact that they have nothing of value to say.

>> No.14641207

Why should an advanced calculus book take the time to explain concepts you should already understand? Now apply the same thing to philosophy. Why should a philosopher reexplain basics or the idea another philosopher has already presented.

>> No.14641263

woah careful on the strawman, calculus and math is just nature, noone on the other side of the math equation is attacking you with anything. the philosopher on the other hand is human and just a man, so whatever he says is not a profound law like math

>> No.14641270

Both mathematicians and (real) philosophers will precisely define all terms before using them.

>> No.14641274

Are you drunk or just a retard?

>> No.14641281

how do u know if mathematics is natural was it not all created by men just as philosophy is or are they both natural?

>> No.14641291

you're right i guess i don't. but math is much more profound than philosophy. but you still literally attack an argument i havent brought up in anyway

>> No.14641312


>> No.14641316

Why should I precisely define what a continuous function is in a paper? Why should I precisely define what it means for a matrix to be invertible? Why should I precisely illustrate the proof of a theorem that has already been proven in a paper? OP's struggle with philosophy is the same. He is reading way above his level and understanding and has no conception of the groundwork that has been previously laid.

>> No.14641321

Are you using a proper dictionary of philosophy?

>> No.14641327

If you limit yourself to everyday language you get everyday thoughts.

>> No.14641340

>read scientific journal
>every single sentence uses huge ass words and useless jargon that you have to look up
>look up word that leads to more big words

why do these pretentious fucks do this shit?

>> No.14641346

>Why should I precisely define what a continuous function is in a paper?
In a mathematics textbook or monograph, not a paper. In that sense, Philosophy is unique. Even articles in philosophy journals will define all relevant terms up front.

>> No.14641509
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>be philosopher
>discover new concept
>concept doesn't have a word yet
>create word for it
>brainlets get angry at me for not spending paragraphs writing out the concept in detail every time it comes up instead of using a single word

Imagine if you didn't know the word "car" and called people pretentious every time they used it over "a passenger vehicle designed for operation on ordinary roads and typically having four wheels and a gasoline or diesel internal-combustion engine".

>> No.14641562

>the virgin car
>the chad automobile

>> No.14641575

OP never advocated for repeating the definition upon every use of the term, brainlet.

>> No.14641593

No he just demands you define any word he doesn't know, as if the author is supposed to anticipate his shortcomings personally.

>> No.14641601

Philosophy is like math, it builds. They use a complicated word as a shorthand for a concept that's been exhaustively defined previously
That's why people say to start with the Greeks

>> No.14641602

>open up differential topology textbook
>can't figure out what's going on

>> No.14641668

>No he just demands you define any word he doesn't know
I don't think that's an unreasonable request if the author is introducing a new term, or using an established term in a nonstandard way, or using an ambiguous term that has more than one standard definition.

>> No.14641676

>That's why people say to start with the Greeks

>> No.14641782

>naturalism Retard has arrived

>> No.14641786

never felt that. only when i was really young. stop expecting complex shit to be in laymans.

>> No.14641794

I honestly didn't find it that obscure, definitely an accessible read, specially contemplating other works by Baudrillard, like The system of object

>> No.14641839


>> No.14641895

To hide the fact that they have nothing of value to say.

>> No.14641970

Tell me, in your own words, one unique insight you have obtained from these works.

>> No.14642007

Never read french philosophy. The are literally all pretentious pedophiles.

>> No.14642157

lmao imagine having this attitude to any other discipline

>read chemistry book
>every single sentence uses huge ass words and useless jargon that you have to look up
>look up word that leads to more big words

what even is an ionic bond?

>> No.14642167

Name a work of legit philosophy that does not define its terms.

>> No.14642265

I'm not saying that you're wrong, coming to terms is absolutely important, but I think you're giving OP too much credit. He's not talking about "introducing a new term" or "using an established term in a nonstandard way" or anything, he specifically referred to "huge ass words" and "useless jargon". Jargon is literally just language and vocabulary particular to a group. OP is complaining that philosophers are writing about philosophy to other philosophers instead of whatever the fuck he's supposed to be that's so special.

>> No.14642312

The noumenal value of a transgression, in so much as one my even transgress in any permeable sense of being, is surely inherent to the metaphysics of doubt. As such, the dialectic ineffably leads one to turn the page on the unutterably, the quantum becoming, yet always regard the unbecoming through the semiotics of the past. In this sense transgression is its own, self-incestuous, rebel. We may then begin to grasp the nature of Rebel Without A Cause.

>> No.14642314

Sure, but the OP later clarified that he was reading Baudrillard, who is a French obscurantist with absolutely no interest in defining terms or in using terms precisely in accord with established definitions. So the analogy with mathematics etc. couldn't be more wrong.

>> No.14642358

Oh, i see... i guess next time try to find some actual philosophy, not french pseuds.

>> No.14642374

Well it's not like I read the thread before posting

>> No.14642597
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Just keep looking up the words and eventually you'll learn something.

>> No.14642613

Not really
Stop making shit up and polluting people’s brains

>> No.14642745

The whole simulacrum thing has made me revaluate my interactions with media in general, particularly social one. The Disney/USA analysis also changed my general feelings and views towards non-places. Maybe all this stuff was said earlier but someone else and I haven't come across it yet, who knows

>> No.14642756

But it's not pretentious, the words they are using have the meaning they are described as having, you just don't understand them yet. So learn them and increase your knowledge.
Basically this. Once you know what the terms they're using mean then deeper investigation becomes possible. The real question is why are people who are trying to read philosophy so resistant to learning? Why is challenging yourself and learning new concepts a bad thing?

>> No.14642779

Why I didn't know that you sucked that many dicks.

>> No.14642790

they need a way to justify their shitty major, or they come from rich pompous families where everyone talked like that

>> No.14642800

but there are precalculus and basic algebra books i can read to understand the calculus book. Where the fuck is the prephilosophy book?

>> No.14642841

The Greeks?

>> No.14642851
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>I have to read thousands of years of discourse from the goddamn Ancient Greeks to understand what some rich pretentious faggot meant in the shitty rants he wrote in the 1800s
It takes more work to read some beta faggot's essay than it does to properly study calculus?
no fucking thanks.

>> No.14642943

See, everything you just said is, at best, very ambiguous. Ignoring corporate media and ignoring social media is a no-brainer, hence trivial. Not an intellectual achievement of any kind. Beyond that, if there is some extraordinary insight we're all missing, please enlighten us.

>The Disney/USA analysis also changed my general feelings and views towards non-places.
Oh, for fuck's sake. What are you even talking about? Saying vague bullshit about "culture" ('non-places'?) is no way to go through life, son.

>> No.14642944

Unless you're, uh, you know... Ancient Greek.

>> No.14642953

I don't have a problem with the big scary words because I'm not a brainlet like OP but I am reading zizek and for every interesting idea he puts out there there are about 6 boring useless non statements that he expounds on.

>> No.14642976

Philosophers have high verbal iq but low spatial iq. As such, they overcomplicate things so as to appear like what they have to say is actually important. I lost all interest in philosophy once I realized this.

>> No.14643340

lmao git gud

>> No.14643371

It's not about being pretentious, idiot. It is a fucking academic discourse you are reading when throwing yourself into philosophy. Try reading any fucking paper in any STEM field.
Neologisms and "long words" are used because they convey a lot of context in just one short word. When somebody writes a paper today and there is "Geworfenheit phenomenon" in a sentence it means "hey guys you remember the whole life work of Heidegger? Yeah? Assume that and now we keep thinking".
We don't have fucking time to explain to you every single fucking concept

>> No.14643424

>mfw my textbook completely skips over dedekind cuts

>> No.14643445

There are plenty of introduction to philosophy type books

>> No.14643450


>> No.14643466

there are literally plenty of tools for this. The greeks being the most obvious

Is this bait? Plato and Aristotle are some of the most important thinkers in history. If you don't want to bother understanding how to add and subtract don't get mad you can't just 'pick up' calculus

>> No.14643595

>no its the children who are wrong

>> No.14643902



>> No.14643930
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>reading americans

>> No.14643972
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Go back.

>> No.14644002

This is in bad faith, philosophers don't use an agreed upon pre defined vocabulary, they define everything themselves and create their own meaning and fucking language at times. it's hardly comparable to mathematics