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File: 28 KB, 319x480, ug033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14640580 No.14640580 [Reply] [Original]

>The human thinking is born out of some sort of neurological defect in the human body. Therefore anything that is born out of human thinking is destructive

>The body does not exist except as a thought. There is one thought. Everything exists in relationship to that one thought. That thought is 'me'. Anything you experience based on thought is illusion

>The day man experienced the consciousness that made him feel separate and superior to the other forms of life, at that moment he began sowing the seeds of his own destruction

>All our experiences, spiritual or otherwise, are the basic cause of our suffering.... The body is not interested in anything that you are interested in. That is the battle that is going on all the time... There seems to be no way out....

>What I am trying to say is that there is no individual there at all. There is only a certain gathering of knowledge--which is thought--but no individuality there

>There is no such thing as your mind or my mind. May be there is such a thing as the "world mind" where all the cumulative knowledge and the experiences thereof are accumulated and passed on from generation to generation

>> No.14640635

So, whats the prescription? Please don't say shitting on designated shitting streets.

>> No.14640666

Nothing "you" can do that's what he's saying, no technique, no method, no model of thinking, no self centered activity is helping in aiding your suffering, it is the 'self' that is the crux of the issue, it is the neurotic necessity of 'becoming' that is the cause on man's sorrow

>> No.14640686

lol "I" get it.

>> No.14640748
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>> No.14640989
File: 87 KB, 480x350, 59518109-what-is-there-to-understand-the.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14640990

I can hear his voice when I read OP

>> No.14641069

>>The human thinking is born out of some sort of neurological defect in the human body. Therefore anything that is born out of human thinking is destructive
dumb fuckin post-guru charlatan

>> No.14641110
File: 243 KB, 380x889, Screenshot_2020-01-29-00-27-59-1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumb fuckin post-guru charlatan

Not at all retard. Kys for misunderstanding him. UG wanted all gurus and religious men to fuck off. He's saying if thought Is separate from this body how can this separation be real? Is there one or two? We live in relation to "I", this "I" (mind) is our operating system, our value system, it is the cause of man's confusion. It's better you read him

>> No.14641118
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>> No.14641179
File: 99 KB, 823x455, ug_on_knowledge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He would say thought is necessary to act intelligently in this world and act sanely, the problem is its nature of always wanting to be something or become so and so, this needless tension and neurotic never ending becoming is the cause of man's dilemma. The body is not interested in what "you" are interested in, it is not interested in the cultural input, pleasure is pain for the body. This is undeniable

>> No.14641193

How is this not just basic bitch Hume? Hurr durr you're a totality of your senses. Need I invoke Kant to BTFO this retard?

>> No.14641219

Invoke him please

>> No.14641224

Jesus christ this entire process is made of non sequiturs and bad assumptions.

>> No.14641230

Jfc no

>> No.14641267

"You" what is "you"? It is thought, it revolves around an "I" which is the thought that attaches all thoughts, it's the fulcrum, your sense of self, the separatness. How else do you understand the self?

>> No.14641351

this. this man is a dangerous cultist.

>> No.14641378

LMAO. You're just a pussy. UG threatens your sense of self, it's understandable. You should look up what UG said about Osho. UG never taught, the books written were written by people close to him in q and a format mostly, UG was bothered by 1000s of people who would ask him about enlightenment and so and so because of his upbringing. He would always tell them that he has nothing to give them or teach. How is that being a cultist? You could say that about anyone who has contributed to anything regarding philosophy. ..

>> No.14641386

he says he stopped asking the question yet he can't seem to stop trying to convince people of the answer to that question.

>> No.14641398

He has no answers. Try again

>> No.14641403

your OP sounds very much like an attempt at answers to me (stated as facts no less)

>> No.14641405

That he gave to questioners who wouldn't let him be

>> No.14641415

so what are his books about ?

>> No.14641460

You need to get a background of the man first before you read, also recommend you watch YouTube videos of the man, there are many interviews. He was known throughout the world because he grew up in the Theosophical society and gave talks throughout India, the New York Times once wrote about him speeches. From a young age he was obsessed with moksha, liberation, enlightenment. He spent 7 years from the age of 14-21 studying with a "guru" only to come to the conclusion that this is bullshit. There's much more it's easier you read this for background


Here's an interview


Here's him telling seekers to fuck off I have nothing to teach basically


>> No.14641470

Romeo and Nigger
King Nigger
The Nigger of Venice
A Midsummer Nigger's Tale
Much Ado about Nigger

>> No.14641498

The good news is I already came to the same conclusions. I'm pretty much on par with Thomas Ligotti's - The Conspiracy against Humanity.
I have no desire to preach it to the world though. If people can find some solace in their faith I wouldn't want to be the one to take it away from them. I knew how distressing it was for me. If people want to find the truth it's out there. It's not that hard to find if you really want to.

>> No.14641526

>Thinking won't save you
That's what YOU think

>> No.14641549

Language is limiting

>> No.14642288

Ok, how does that respond to what he said? No shit the ego is a thought. What you said has been an idea for millennia btw.

>> No.14642380

99.9999999% of people can't separate themselves from it, it's all they have, it's their world, their illusions. Being free from its death gripe is nearly impossible. You want a challenge? Do what UG did

>> No.14643037

I will

>> No.14643050

No chance

>> No.14643088

Kek. The only thoughts worth having

>> No.14643091

>when you need to make money with your philosophy degree

>> No.14643110

HI retard

>> No.14643117

He dunked on all philosophy and religious thought put together.

>> No.14643128

>The human thinking is born out of some sort of neurological defect in the human body
This is just thinking. UG makes thining bad - if you don't make thinking bad, thinking is just thinking.

>Therefore anything that is born out of human thinking is destructive
See above, same thing.

>The body does not exist except as a thought.
This is also just thinking. He is creating a web of ideas. Maybe its comfortable to him like a hammock.

And so on. He says "Anything you experience based on thought is illusion" but at the same time he keeps on thinking and, this is maybe his problem, he does not act according to his own realiziations, that is: he does not treat thought based experience as an illusion, because, for example, he gets very angry about the thoughts of other people. Why? Their thoughts are illusions and his counter thoughts about them are illusions to. Instead of smiling upon this grand whirlpool of illusions in a detached but interested manner, he gets involved and angry: Ah I'm so angry listen to me everyone deceives you and so on. I dont know.

>> No.14643143

No one understands UG, but that's to be expected.

>This is just thinking. UG makes thining bad - if you don't make thinking bad, thinking is just thinking.

He doesn't say like a brainlet this thought is better than this blah blah, no, thought is always wanting to become, this "I" thought is nonstop. Thinking is important he says to act sanely, but it has a choke hold on us, it strangers us. What thought is interested in is not what our body is, this is the dilemma of man. Your bottom paragraph is nonsense and wrong. You completely and utterly misunderstand UG.

>> No.14643568

Hi UG (Uncle Grandpa)

>> No.14643603

>No one understands UG, but that's to be expected
Do you understand him?

>> No.14643609

>>The human thinking is born out of some sort of neurological defect in the human body.
No. Gratuitously asserted = gratuitously refuted.

>> No.14644659

Go on

>> No.14644668

There's no way we can get a definitive answer for that kill yourself science fag

>> No.14645048

>>There is no such thing as your mind or my mind. May be there is such a thing as the "world mind" where all the cumulative knowledge and the experiences thereof are accumulated and passed on from generation to generation

But there IS such a thing as your generation and my generation. So THIS is the power of Buddhist-Catholic mydudeism?!

>> No.14645066

I made it about 2 sentences in before I dismissed everything ever about whoever this is as performative and deeply stupid.

>> No.14645073

Cope. UG dabbed on all religious thinking and pleb fags like yourself

>> No.14645430

The greatest cope there ever was is seeking some 'authority' from which to derive your opinions and to point at as a means of backing your views. It's a very common bugman cliche since they are incapable of real critical thinking. In short, kill yourself.

>> No.14645442

The point retard is not to listen to authority figures on reality or life/truth or gurus we know nothing.

>> No.14645506

>don't listen to gurus
>my guru told me so
ok cockroach

>> No.14645587

You can call anyone youve ever read that. Massive cope

>> No.14645869

reminds me of spinal catastrophism