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/lit/ - Literature

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14639363 No.14639363 [Reply] [Original]

So I thought the movie was fantastic.
Hows the book?

>> No.14639387

Immaculate, sad.

>> No.14639435

It's shelved along with the manga and light novels so it can't be good.

>> No.14639503

No doubt as rapey

>> No.14639509

Gas weebs

>> No.14639522
File: 67 KB, 580x773, 838ba61ea8d3fd1fbeee0a42274e251f94ca5fe7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime website

>> No.14639596

Not an anime board though, maybe go back there?

>> No.14639634

every board is an anime board—ones on which you can post about non anime. remember, everything but /a/ is a containment board.

>> No.14639644

website for discussion of various topics that's based on a japanese model. you simply associate the japanese with the cartoons they make because you're a sperg

>> No.14639651


>> No.14639654

that could just be because there's an anime based on it but you're probably right anyway

>> No.14639660

all anime is shit

>> No.14639664

there's a bigass thread about pewdiepie on /lit/ right now and as sad as that is it's still more relevant to literature than a thread about anime

>> No.14639665


>> No.14639667

the site was created to discuss anime, everything else was containment

>> No.14639670

Naw. This is about the book the film was based on. Poody. Pie is just a vlogger who reads

>> No.14639679

actually /lit/ was made because people kept bugging moot in emails to make a board for book discussion b/c they wanted to talk about books so it's literally not containment. boom.

>> No.14639683

Should I watch perfect blue? Was it refuted by any prominent /lit/ thinkers?

>> No.14639685

tyhe only actual containment board i'm aware of is /mlp/. there aren't really any others

>> No.14639686

this thread is about an actual book which has an anime adaptation.

>> No.14639695

apparently it's a super obscure book that literally no one would know about without it having an anime based on it so this thread is crape

>> No.14639701

Been a long time since I saw it, but Satoshi Kon was one of the best directors in the medium.
It felt like a Hitchcock kind of thriller, but very creepy Japanese like.

>> No.14639703

>not pop culture content, not good!

>> No.14639709
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Mmmm, yes please

>> No.14639713

a crape is a crap you take after being anally raped so you have weird tastes

>> No.14639720

that looks gross. do you drink liquid shit?

>> No.14639759

You have weird Anglo

Do you think pancakes and syrup are gross too?

>> No.14639770

>pancakes and syrup

>> No.14639781

>only one reply actually answering the OP question

>> No.14639785
File: 264 KB, 640x480, FE291C12-228E-4D65-8064-9176A37D0A65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pancakes and syrup? Yeeuck

>> No.14639788


>> No.14639797

i mean op doesnt' really need more than one, we can just use the thread for wahtever else after

>> No.14640153


>> No.14640170

Hey, I messed up my reply to >>14639683
I meant to send this.

Been a long time since I saw it, but Satoshi Kon was one of the best directors in the medium.
It felt like a Hitchcock kind of thriller, but very creepy Japanese like.

>> No.14641214

We're trying to talk about the book, that's literally the entire point of this thread

>> No.14641235

Anon that's both egg and syrup on that thin as fuck pancakes, syrup is not yellow.
And while I personally dislike eggs, I must admit there's nothing wrong with that pancake(despite it looking like crépes)

>> No.14641242


>> No.14642240

You're being specially obnoxious today. Is it your menstruation?

>> No.14642250

Have some respect for yourself. You're a cringelord

>> No.14642368
File: 41 KB, 320x449, PerfectBlue_Awaken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed it but outside of the same basic themes, the book and movie go in different directions. It also has a 'sequel' in that it collects 3 novellas the author wrote continuing the themes.

That's because of the edition the English release is based on. Originally it was a regular novel in Japan, but after the movies success it was re-released under a light novel label. The content itself is the same, they just changed the cover.

>> No.14642377

You should watch ALL of Satoshi Kon's works, starting with Perfect Blue.
Lately some American theaters have been airing them even, Perfect Blue and Millennium Actress have come and gone.

>> No.14643395

You're pretty rapey desu

>> No.14643430

Reported for off topic. Manga isn't fucking literature you disgusting weeb.
Can't wait until the gulags.

>> No.14643434

I am n-not in prison... you are!

>> No.14643670

Okay faggot, the reason I say that is because I do have self respect and I'm not going to ever say a positive thing about this story in anime or manga. It was completely boring lacking any meaningful attachment to the meaningful or meaningless. All attempt at symbolic requiose was completely isolated in some vague pointlessness of the product itself.

>> No.14643932

Its a novel retard

>> No.14643962

I don't give a fuck. There are literal containment boards created for weeb shit like this. This board is trash enough as it is, we don't need garbage threads making it even worse.

>> No.14643976


>picture of anime girl on the cover

Nah go fuck yourself

>> No.14643984
File: 174 KB, 267x260, 43c5209f3d5a2114cd8c9557570a2750bd95d2e8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, Reddit

>> No.14643998

Technically it's the opposite. They are the original site boards. All the rest are containment boards.

>> No.14644043
File: 1.27 MB, 1024x768, go back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>all anime related boards are containment board for weebs

Holy shit, how new are you, faggot? Go back to r/books

>> No.14644749

Lmao what a cringey and pedantic opinion. Seethe more

>> No.14644759

Here we see the regular chimp/lit/ poster