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/lit/ - Literature

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14638920 No.14638920 [Reply] [Original]

>ruins your literature board with hordes of teenage reactionaries

>> No.14638931

>Implying that more people interested in literature is a bad thing
Faggot as fuck.

>> No.14638932 [DELETED] 

I keep fapping to marzia feet and you cant stop me felix, i know you tell her to dont show her feet on cameras but you cant controll wikifeet and my local hard disk

>> No.14638942

You have it backwards. It was teenage reactionaries from this site that ruined Pewdiepie.

>> No.14638944

I've only seen one of his book reviews and it was amazingly 5th grade

>> No.14638951
File: 332 KB, 500x594, 201603_1355_bidea[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's not much literature on /lit/ anymore. most anons here barely read.
Great job, newfags.

>> No.14638954

It's still preferable to the substanceless "read theory" teenage leftist. At least there's something tongue and cheek about this larp.

>> No.14638956
File: 688 KB, 1377x1106, 1511233572258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More people interested in literature is not always a good thing, no
That would only be true if the cream always rose to the top and people interested in literature at any capacity eventually broadened their horizons, but that isnt true. Often times people dont read anything that might challenge their beliefs, especially when people are reading to reinforce their worldview

>> No.14638961


Tbh his recommendations are pretty good.

People get whiny because their 'thing' has been comprimised by people who 'just dont get it'. I feel that, but ultimately more people reading good books is good for everyone

>> No.14638965

he's redpilling zoomers, which is based.

>> No.14638973

>/lit/ was good at one point.

>> No.14638974

What books does he even talk about that people here have started talking about?
This is also right, it’s good that those teenage reactionaries actually reading instead of watching pseuds make video essays on extremely narrow modern political and philosophical outlooks. Ironically a YouTuber who spent years making let’s plays of flash games will have a far more positive impact on modern culture than the pretentious faggots who produce trite summaries of important works.
The worst posters here do not come from that guy, they come from /pol/ and reddit looking to discuss philosophy they read a Wikipedia article on.

>> No.14638978

What will happen to all these teenage reactionaries? I think some of them came to their senses after Charlottesville and realised how retarded these ideas were and how they were heading down a bad path.
Do they come to their senses in college? When they get a gf do they lose the insecurities and so no longer feel the need to indulge in this nonsense? Or will they actually just cool off into boomer tier conservatism while secretly holding some of these reactionary beleifs?

Republicans and conservatives still overwhelming come from the older generations. When those people die off in 10-15 years time and more progressive ideas keep getting through are we going to see a crazy spike in lone wolf attacks?

>> No.14638981
File: 46 KB, 1200x554, DbvnRWVVwAE1ByV[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is "pewdiepie", a grown adult, so susceptible to chantard culture?

>"I'm going to read a book. How will I decide which one to read? I know! I'll ask /lit/"

He's 30 years old, for fucks sake.

>> No.14638986

There are oldfags here who are older than that. I'm turning 30 this year. Been here since 2007.

>> No.14638987

>/lit/ hasn't got worse

>> No.14638988

>they come from /pol/ and reddit
>not from this guy
Not mutually exclusive, /pol/ is the new gateway to the site, so when he does epic 4chan meme reviews they get filtered through /pol/ as they come here

>> No.14638993

what is wrong with you?

>> No.14638994

Pewdiepie is getting young people to read Plato and Aristotle. Of all the famous people in the world, he is unironically one of the most positive influences there is.

Videogame youtuber Pewdiepie is unironically a better influence than tenured Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley.

>> No.14638995

/pol/ is only the gateway for right wing people, the left wing people are coming in through some other channel

>> No.14638996

The world is wrong. I'm right.

>> No.14638999

Do you really think leftist activists are superior to conservative ones?

>> No.14639002

>He's 30 years old, for fucks sake.
He dropped out of college and has never really had a serious 9-5 job, paying grocery bills and making sure he's going to make rent. Shit that grounds you in reality. He became a famous millionaire when he was still incredibly young and so he never matured the way a normal person would. His fanbase is incredibly young so a lot of the people that he's interacting with and being influenced by are also incredibly immature.

It's the same with characters like Logan Paul and Jake Paul. They became incredibly wealthy and famous very quickly at a young age with tonnes of people telling them that they are genius and so awesome and cool. That shit can really fuck up your head.

>> No.14639004

>Jason Stanley

>> No.14639009

A famous american philosopher.

>> No.14639014

Most people who work 9-5 jobs aren't "grounded in reality". What a fucking cliche. They are lumpenproles who are plugged into mainstream popculture and believe the bs the mainstream media feeds them. The average person lives in a simulacra. Pewdiepie is woke.

>> No.14639020

I've never even heard of him. What is he "famous" for?

>> No.14639024

There is this part of the left that thinks calling people you dislike "losers" is a brilliant argument. It is not.
Why don't you try to prove them wrong instead of insulting them?

>> No.14639033

>this entire post
Just lmao, you brainwashed little faggot

>> No.14639034

>I've never even heard of him.
He is fairly prominent among those in Academic Philosophy

>What is he "famous" for?
Calling everything he dislikes fascism

>> No.14639039

>Calling everything he dislikes fascism
Is he from the big nose tribe, by any chance?

>> No.14639041
File: 126 KB, 900x900, faggyshitfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant blame a person on the inevitable.
Tons of youtubers are doing the exact same ruining this site.

>> No.14639048

all online political discourse does that
you only call people out on it when its convenient

>> No.14639057

I see this coming much more often from the left.

>> No.14639067

>Do you really think leftist activists are superior to conservative ones?
Not necessarily, but I think that people who actually study politics, philosophy and/or economics seriously are superior to 18-year-olds who post on /pol/ and /lit/ about how based Evola/Trad Catholicism/race realism/Dugin/Neo-Cameralism/Nick Land are. Anyone who has a brain and has read Evola can tell that the man is actually mad. Like interesting to read, but just has no connection to reality. Most of these kids rarely understand what they're talking about and these 2010s online political subcultures are more akin to teenage and early 20s subcultures based around music and fashion of decades gone by like emos, goths, punks, hippies, etc... Some of these kids are a bit weird or isolated. In the past, they would have just been beatniks or goths or whatever. These days, they get on the internet and decide to become some variant of fascist or decide that they are really transgender/genderqueer. Serious left win activists are not fucking tumblr teenage girls for fucks sake get off the fucking internet and get out interact with real people over the age of 25.

There are plenty of interesting and intelligent people from the conservative tradition; as in, those from the Burkean school of thought that radical change is dangerous and bad. For example, Barrack Obama is pretty much the epitome of 21st century Burkean conservatism. In contrast to Burke, modern American 'conservative' activists tend to want to some of the most radical change imaginable to a first world country.

However, to be honest, the vast majority of seriously reactionary, racist, or misogynist are either not very intelligent or are quite unwell/disturbed in my experience.

>> No.14639068

confirmation bias

>> No.14639074

This is more likely the case.

>> No.14639088

>detached from reality
You belong to a church that asserts with absolutely no evidence a dogma of equality between all human populations of earth in every important measurable aspect and responds with hysteria to any dissent, no matter the weight of evidence supporting it.

It is cute though that the bulk of your post here is 'the people that disagree with me are weird/dumb/crazy and don't have credentials from the institutions whose authority my mind is incapable of disagreeing with.

>> No.14639095

>Not necessarily, but I think that people who actually study politics, philosophy and/or economics seriously are superior to 18-year-olds who post on /pol/ and /lit/
>Serious left win activists are not fucking tumblr teenage girls for fucks sake
And where are those people? Journalists from the mainstream media are not smarter or wiser than your average /pol/ack.
Or are we talking about the philosophy professors who tried to destroy Rebecca Tuvel? Oh, what great sages. They are the 21sr century version of Socrates.

And Obama is not in any way a conservative.

>> No.14639103

>There is this part of the left that thinks calling people you dislike "losers" is a brilliant argument. It is not.
>Why don't you try to prove them wrong instead of insulting them?
The fact that they are losers is an explanation for why people fall into these beliefs; I never said it was a refutation of them. WHY it is false and wrong to believe that certain races are biologically inferior or that women should be in the kitchen or that the only thing that can save western civilisation is bringing back the fucking Latin Mass is a whole different kettle of fish.

It's like about people in a UFO cult or the Westboro Baptist Church, Jim Jones/David Koresh cult about why people fall into these groups (they are isolated, lonely, easily led, need sure answers and a community of people who respect them) and people in the UFO cult shouting back 'OH YEAH WELL WHY DON'T YOU JUST TRY TO PROVE US WRONG ABOUT HOW THE GALACTOIDS ARE GOING TO TAKE US TO PARADISE PLANET'.

It's because the ideas 'reactionaries' are spouting are so disconnected from reality and so fucking retarded that logic isn't going to work.

I have obviously hit a nerve with you kids now.

>> No.14639111

Gatekeeping is quality control, normoids will learn this one day, if they actually develop an interest that isn't some fad.

>> No.14639114

Not him but
>you belong to a church that asserts with absolutely no evidence a dogma of equality between all human populations of earth etc...
this really isnt true at all and its mostly just refuting racial pseudoscience (which conspicuously gets used to justify racial oppression) or racial categorization to begin with
Also, when race is a concept invented a few hindred years ago to justify colonialism and slavery and isnt firmly rooted in any kind of genetics, it doesnt really seem all that dogmatic to believe it may have quite a few things wrong
To me, it seems that the burden of proof rests on those trying to prove race is real and not socially constructed

>> No.14639119

Yeah and Leftists become leftist because they're envious losers, what a fun game to play.

You have 0 reason to believe the races are the same. Let me emphasize that ZERO. Not one study ever done implies you should believe it

>> No.14639121

>I think some of them came to their senses after Charlottesville and realised how retarded these ideas were and how they were heading down a bad path.
I lost all hope for a decent society after the far left and the media conspired to turn the death of a communist agitator into a national tragedy. At this point the only hope is to accelerate environmental destruction to wipe out the human species before it can ever fall to communism.

>> No.14639124

The Peterson fans ruined it long before that.

>> No.14639126

>It's because the ideas 'reactionaries' are spouting are so disconnected from reality and so fucking retarded that logic isn't going to work.
What are said ideas?

>> No.14639127

Race is genetic distance and nothing else, this can be objectively measured. Any possible measurement of the abilities of these distinct groups shows disparity.

IQ scores, brain sizes, crime rates, academic achievement, whatever you want, pick literally anything and the races perform wildly differently no matter what you control for.

>> No.14639134

>And where are those people? Journalists from the mainstream media are not smarter or wiser than your average /pol/ack.
>Or are we talking about the philosophy professors who tried to destroy Rebecca Tuvel? Oh, what great sages. They are the 21sr century version of Socrates.
Serious left wing activists would be miners who decide to unionise after people their buddy get laid off being injured to too long. Women who set up an work in domestic violence shelters. Groups like the SPLC who bring violent fascists to justice. People who write about the history of Labour rights in fucking Nicaragua. People who campaigned and fought to stop gay people being beaten up and have the right to get married. People who have actually done shit that has measurably improved people's lives. Left wing intellectuals would be like 90% of academics in universities including the majority of STEM academics.

The problem with the younger generations is they seem to have very little experience outside the internet so their idea of what constitutes politics and activism consists of shit people their age say on twitter and write in articles.

>> No.14639144

>Left wing intellectuals would be like 90% of academics in universities including the majority of STEM academics.
Yeah because you get kicked out of universities for being insufficiently progressive

They have fucking RUBRICS of how committed you are to 'furthering diversity' that disqualify people in the hard sciences

>> No.14639147

>What are said ideas?
Literally just listed three of them in the comment you replied to.

>> No.14639149

>Groups like the SPLC who bring violent fascists to justice
The SPLC are lying fucking pieces of shit

>> No.14639150

>when race is a concept invented a few hindred years ago
Motor vehicles were only invented about one hundred years ago. I guess we should stop using those too. While we're at it, let's give up on some even more recent discoveries like personal computers, cell phones, and the internet. God, what a stupid fucking objection.

>> No.14639151

someone should mail his house feces or dead rats or something that explode in his gfs face or something so he can receive the message to fuck off this site

>> No.14639159

Hahaha, polfag trash thinks he's people

>> No.14639162

You can point to all the differences you want, it doesn't justify being racist or xenophobic ya big baby

>> No.14639170

>Serious left wing activists would be miners who decide to unionise after people their buddy get laid off being injured to too long
And are they educated in philosophy and politics? Are they better read than the average /pol/ack?

And they are actually the best leftist activists. The ones you are trying to make heroes are the ones trying to get people fired for opposing "diversity statements" as hiring criteria in universities. They are the ones trying to replace the works of Western Canon by inferior works due to the race of the writers, they are the ones trying to get people fired for opposing abortion or for saying there are two genders.
The ones promoting polyamory, promiscuity, drug usage and drag queen story time.

Are they really the sages of the 21st century? How many of them have read a handful of Socratic dialogues?

>> No.14639176

Number of limbs?

>> No.14639178

It justifies thinking there are differences rather than every group being the same. Which is heresy for the entire progressive establishment, making them extremely disconnected from reality.

>> No.14639179

The modern concept of race predates genetics, so the only way race can be genetic is if the white slaveholders and colonialists who invented it just happened to categorize people by genetic distances they didnt know existed, which is pretty laughably unlikely
>iq scores, brain sizes, crime rates etc
Many of these significant disparities are real, but to point to them as evidence to the realness of race division is circular logic, since racial oppression is the root cause of almost all of these
For example, when openly racist housing discrimination from the 60s means black poeple are forced into neighborhoods woth underfunded schools, then of course the black crime rate will increase and black academic achievement decrease
>motor vehicles
absolutely moronic take on my post if you think im saying new = bad
also dont call race a "discovery", it isnt

>> No.14639183 [DELETED] 

Conservative people are on average better looking and wealthier than progressives?
Conservative men also tend to be physically stronger than progressive ones?

>> No.14639191

I personally only read Marx ironically.

>> No.14639192

>since racial oppression is the root cause of almost all of these
you have zero evidence of this. Not a single study shows getting rid of 'racial oppression' closes any of these gaps. Poor whites/asians have higher IQs than rich blacks.

>> No.14639193

Even if race is socially constructed, one can still find certain ways of existing more conducive to the achievement of social goals than others and can use that to justify the marginalization of some. A people capable of creating something as socially destructive as jazz don't really deserve much consideration.

>> No.14639197

>also dont call race a "discovery", it isnt
It is a genuine scientific discovery.

>> No.14639200

>who invented it just happened to categorize people by genetic distances they didnt know existed, which is pretty laughably unlikely
Yeah absolutely unlikely. For example people classified coyotes and timber wolves as being different, and then genetic studies....confirmed they were different? Wow how does that work

Oh right it works because the races are extremely obviously visually distinct, showing their genetic distance. Jesus christ youre fucking retarded

>> No.14639201

You have 0 reason to believe the races are the same. Let me emphasize that ZERO. Not one study ever done implies you should believe it

'Are races the same?' is a vague and unscientific question. Is it possible that there are general overall trends in ancillary characteristics between groups with different phenotypic features that we have callled 'races? Yeah. Are these difference so stark and so innate that culture plays a minimal effect by comparison? No. Are races so distinct we should base our political system and the way we treat others around this? No.

Nigerian Americans are the same 'race' as African Americans slave descendants.; they are both from west Africa. Nigerian Americans are one of the most educated demographics in America and their score high as fuck on SATs (they have a tiger-mom culture of parenting similar to east-Asians).




>> No.14639206

You all think you're really smart lmao

>> No.14639211

You like to call conservatives losers, but conservative people are on average better looking and wealthier than progressives. Conservative men also tend to be physically stronger than progressive ones.

>> No.14639219

Nigerian immigrants in America are selected from the far right side of the Nigerian bell curve. The average IQ in Nigeria is very low. The Conservative/Progressive IQ gap is much smaller than the black/white one, so that is a very bizarre thing for you to bring up.

In any case you have carefully avoided discussing the actual point- the races differ signficantly on measures of intelligence and behavior no matter what you try to control for.

>> No.14639234

>shit takes and misinterprets everything he reads
>dude... Kierkegaard is like thanos!
>Buddhism good Christianity bad
he’s a retard

>> No.14639242

>You like to call conservatives losers, but conservative people are on average better looking and wealthier than progressives.
In America, the major factor determining voting pattern is age and race. Older people tend to be conservative and have accumulated more wealth than say a 25 year old.

Progressives are astronomically better educated than conservatives.

Also, we're all talking about mainstream conservatives now, most of whom are sane and with whom you can have a rational grown up discussion.
What I was talking about initially are teenage /pol/tards.

>> No.14639247

His video on Aristotle is good enough to interest people in reading him.
Which other famous person does something more positive than Pewdiepie?
Look at the "American Dirty" controversy.

>> No.14639249

Yeah because 'education' means going to an institution that indoctrinates you into progressivism. Might as well say that people who enter the catholic church tend to be catholic

>> No.14639252

Interesting that you haven't addressed his point about how racists and conservatives have significantly lower levels of education and a lower IQ than progressives.

>> No.14639258

I accepted his point outright. It's just a far smaller difference than the black/white one

>> No.14639262

They also tend to be slightly more narcissistic

>> No.14639266

>Yeah because 'education' means going to an institution that indoctrinates you into progressivism.
That explains why most people in my subject, physics, are overwhelmingly progressive. I guess taking that masters in geophysics really turned me into a Marxist guys.
My father was a university academic and I am very familiar with academia. Being conservative is not grounds for fucking suspension from an academic post. Discriminating against minority students would be; as it would with almost any other fucking job. This is what I am talking about you guys not living in fucking reality.

>> No.14639267

When usually people talk about losers, they mention economic failure, not "not having enough education credentials".
If anything, education is mostly seem as a signaling device to improve your economic standing. A means to an economic end.

And you can't really argue that the difference in attractiveness or physical strength is due to age.

And most conservatives do have beliefs you consider to be "crazy reactionary".
You are trying to call losers people who are wealthier and better looking than those who agree with you.

>> No.14639270

absolutely terrible comparison and stop ignoring the obvious political motivations and biases that went into racial classifications
>visually distinct
if there were no more to genetics than could be seen to the naked eye then we never wouldve had this discussion
>not a single study shows that getting rid of racial oppresion closes any of these gaps
pretty difficult for a controlled study under those conditions
>poor whites/asians have higher iqs than rich blacks
post your source

>> No.14639278

>Being conservative is not grounds for fucking suspension from an academic post
There is research where some academics said they would discriminate against hiring conservative colleagues.
And right now they do take some ideology pledges in order to hire.

>> No.14639282

>Being conservative is not grounds for fucking suspension from an academic post. Discriminating against minority students would be; as it would with almost any other fucking job.
Oh but it is

Here is a rubric showing that if you score too low on your commitment to affirmative action(the literal opposite of not discriminating) you will be looked over

>> No.14639286
File: 24 KB, 324x333, EKghE_BWsAECEtD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coyotes and timber wolves have the same genetic distance as Europeans and West Africans, so it's actually a perfect comparison.

Here are black/white SAT scores by income from the College Board in 2008

>> No.14639287

CVille was a filter of sorts, but not because anyone "came to their senses"
It made the whole thing feel real, and a lot of young right wingers got scared and bitched out. They're still seething and still right wing, but not as willing to immediately engage.
>senses in college
Most of the radicalize in college. the notion that the cville movement was made up of high schoolers is absurd.
>lose the insecurities and so no longer feel the need to indulge in this nonsense
They actually join right wing groups, read books, exercise, and focus on an ideal almost religiously. There is no going back to normie living after taking the "redpill"
>cool off into boomer tier conservativism
Not at all. The most "cooling off" they would do would land them at nick fuentes levels, but for the most part there is no goinf backwards. They mainly just lose faith in the idea of a political solution and patiently await the inevitable collapse.
>Republicans and conservatives
This new phenomenon is not related to either of those groups.
>spike in lone wolf attacks?
Anyway, you fundamentally misunderstand the dynamic of what this movement is.

>> No.14639292

>The fact that they are losers is an explanation for why people fall into these beliefs;
Imagine being this retarded

>> No.14639296

>so its a perfect comparison
didnt i literally just say "stop ignoring the obvious political motivations and biases that went into racial classifications"
>sat scores
so nothing conclusive, cool

>> No.14639297

> Strikes a blow in the culture war against leftists and Zio power by redpilling legions of young white men.

>> No.14639299

Why are leftist 4channers so obsessed with proving how smart they are, how rational they are, how not prejudiced they are, how not weird they are, how not big of losers they are? Are they just gloating about being normalfags? Its so weird to me on a site thats has been notorious for this stuff way b4 muh /pol/

>> No.14639304

ufo cult galactoids? This is just him being disingenuous about the people he is berating.

>> No.14639305

Your insecurities are showing.

>> No.14639314

Now you're just purposefully missing the point. The biases are irrelevant, they were right in their guesses based on the external phenotype of the races.

SAT correlates with income

>> No.14639317

why are right 4channelers so obsessed with making seething posts directed at no one in particular

>> No.14639318

Don't know why it ate my post, SAT correlates with IQ, not with income

>> No.14639320

Are you lost?

>> No.14639322

That kind of rambling doesn't limit itself to leftists>>14639211

>> No.14639323

No he said this:
>wrong to believe that certain races are biologically inferior or that women should be in the kitchen or that the only thing that can save western civilisation is bringing back the fucking Latin Mass is a whole different kettle of fish.

I agree with him that these are typical 4chan reactionary ideas. I see them posted all the time.

>> No.14639331

>wrong to believe that certain races are biologically inferior or that women should be in the kitchen
That's only a reactionary belief in the west though, it's the norm in the rest of the world.

>> No.14639336

You ignored the facts of his post. The difference remains similar even without political motivations (which are legit)

>> No.14639337
File: 977 KB, 1222x1600, ChicagoRacialDemographicsCensus2000OriginalBillRankin2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please, PLEASE stop believing the fallacy that a test in a controlled environment gives objective data, it doesnt
this is probably the third time ive posted this example of my city, and i dont want to get too exhaustive about it, but look at pic related
these are the racial makeups of our neighborhoods, and its so heavily segregated as a direct result of overtly racist housing practices within living memory
to look at this and think that all races are growing up in the same environment is such a massive oversight that its downright unscientific
next post ill show public school funding and explain a little more

>> No.14639347

You're entirely missing the point. The black kids who grow up in rich houses in nice areas perform about as well academically as the poorest white or asian kids.

>> No.14639351

major cope

>> No.14639355
File: 157 KB, 960x720, slide15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, iq may correlate with sat scores, and income, and education, but to think its genetics causing iq, which influences the rest is just unreasonable considering the evironmental causes that were created bu racial oppression
I see, ill look into the source

>> No.14639359

>A: conservatives are losers
>B: statistically speaking, they are not

How is B obsessed?

>> No.14639364

You still haven't responded to this:
Why should whites be sympathetic to a people whose proudest achievements are corrosive to the society they created. There's no reason to believe that the common traits that allow make us members of the same species should be valued more than the way we exist as social animals.

>> No.14639373

How is A?
You'd think that picking out self congratulating studies shows a greater level of obsession

>> No.14639377

Please please be b8

>> No.14639379

It's not unreasonable at all though, it's literally what the data shows. The idea that the disparity was created by racial oppression is never supported with any evidence, it's just asserted. SImply showing that there has been racial oppression doesn't imply that it's the cause of the IQ gap

>> No.14639380


>> No.14639385

i cant find the source using this image, do you have it?
not worth commenting on

>> No.14639396

>not worth commenting on
Why not? Your contention with the issues of marginalization of these groups is that they're rooted in mistaken worldviews. But these worldviews aren't necessary to hold such positions at all. You should have something to say about that.

>> No.14639400

pewdiepie is actually an ai bot run by cia/google

>> No.14639407
File: 6 KB, 208x242, 12e1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ruins you board with 53 threads at any given time

>> No.14639430

It's memory-holed as fuck but the original 2008 source was from The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education who got the data from the College Board

There were also leaks from several other years in the 90s but the College Board generally won't let anyone see these figures.

>> No.14639452

>Piss in toilet is bad
ok, retard

>> No.14639460

I do the same mostly lit has good taste

>> No.14639470

That doesn't actually refute the belief, it just shows that contemporary orthodoxy is left-liberalism/anti-anti-Communism. In other societies, especially non-Anglo societies, across history, one could imagine the reverse being true. Just look at Imperial Russia for example, where you had rebellious young nihilists, anarchists, Communists and so on. On the other hand we currently have an egalitarian liberal orthodoxy with rebellious right-wingers.

If anything given the stupidity we observe today it's more likely that the entire tradition we work within in wrong.

>> No.14639471

id like to see the original studies so thats too bad (on an unrelated note it really frustrates me when so many of these statistics get cropped and posted so its so hard to find context and methodology)
anyway, even what you posted there offers plenty of reasonable explanations for the disparities including but not limited to differences in environment even at the same income bracket, lack of relatives with college educations, and disparities in school funding
all of these are very easily attributed to racial oppression, either current or a ghost of the past

>> No.14639484

Reactionary teenagers or not, this boar is still much better than other boards that occasionally discuss literature, such as /pol/ or /x/

>> No.14639486

>Nooo marxism is acceptable!
Grow up.

>> No.14639494

has he recommended Decline of the West yet?

>> No.14639508

Blacks were slaving before whites, so it cannot be circular logic.

>> No.14639577

I actually don't mind the Guenonposting, /lit/ has become obsessed with philosophers before, it's not such a big deal. Remember the Milbank spam?

>> No.14639584

anti-elitism is killing /lit/

>> No.14639606
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This board was liquid dogshit before pewdiepie started reviewing books, don't kid yourself fuckface

>> No.14639610

>That doesn't actually refute the belief, it just shows that contemporary orthodoxy is left-liberalism/anti-anti-Communism. In other societies, especially non-Anglo societies, across history, one could imagine the reverse being true. Just look at Imperial Russia for example, where you had rebellious young nihilists, anarchists, Communists and so on. On the other hand we currently have an egalitarian liberal orthodoxy with rebellious right-wingers.
>If anything given the stupidity we observe today it's more likely that the entire tradition we work within in wrong.

This is what you sound like:
'That doesn't refute flat Earth/mountains are giant crystal tree stumps, it shows the contemporary scientific orthodoxy to oblate spheroid Earth. In other societies, especially more spiritual societies, across history, one could imagine the reverse being true. Just look at early medieval Europe where you had rebellious young spherecucks challenging the power of the authoritative catholic church. Other other hand we currently have spherecuck orthodoxy and rebellious flat Earther who fight against the Orthodoxy.

Maybe the entire tradition we work in is wrong and actually we live on a fucking cube.'

That's what you sound like.

>> No.14639613


>> No.14639624

>dude... Kierkegaard is like thanos!
he literally says that's just a bait and switch to get kids to watch the video

>> No.14639637

pol and twitter

>> No.14639639

>Caring about some Youtube idiot.
who cares, man
let's just let it happen

>> No.14639641

You're comparing flat earth to a political ideology. This doesn't even merit a serious response but seriously you cannot provide evidence for being left wing in the same way that you can provide evidence that the world is a sphere.

Jesus christ dude

>> No.14639646

Why does Pewds like to post pictures of himself on /lit/?

>> No.14639648

In your opinion, "transwomen are real women just like cis-women" or "there is nothing wrong with abortion" or "promiscuity has no negative effects",is equivalent to "the Earth is not flat"?

>> No.14639649

>You're comparing flat earth to a political ideology. This doesn't even merit a serious response but seriously you cannot provide evidence for being left wing in the same way that you can provide evidence that the world is a sphere.
No I'm comparing flat Earth to 'race realism' and fascism. Both are irrational beliefs that indicate the believer is disconnected from reality and clings to the belief out of some need to be part of clique that's discovered something that everyone else isn't part of.
Yes extreme right politics and flat Earth are equally retarded concepts.

>> No.14639657

If he isn't, they're sure as fuck making sure he gets media prominence.

>> No.14639668

Race realism has in fact a shitload of evidence supporting it. It is antiracism that has no evidence at all, and the only thing they can do is feebly attempt to discredit each new study that once again finds significant races differences.

Fascism is a political ideology, and can't be compared with race realism, which is an empirical question about biological reality.

>> No.14639671

>In your opinion, "transwomen are real women just like cis-women" or "there is nothing wrong with abortion" or "promiscuity has no negative effects",is equivalent to "the Earth is not flat"?
Nope. Transwomen are not women. I actually alluded to that in an earlier post. Trans obsession is another product of internet teens looking for identity and community. I am the male version of what the SJWs call a 'TERF'.

>there is nothing wrong with abortion
I wish abortions didn't have to happen but ultimately a woman taking an abortion pill to prevent a fetus gestating is not gravely immoral in the way killing a child is.

>promiscuity has no negative effects
Promiscuity has many negative effects. As does pornography and other things that objectify women and fuck up men's minds. What also has negative effects are abusive marriages that women used to be locked into.

When I am talking about reactionary politics I mean, as I have stated repeatedly, 'race realism', 'women belong in the kitchen'. and bizarre extreme antiquated religious beliefs like Rad Trad Catholics or Wahabbism.

>> No.14639681

>Fascism is a political ideology, and can't be compared with race realism, which is an empirical question about biological reality.
All political ideologies make claims about reality. Most of these claims are false.

>> No.14639693

It was the final nail in the coffin. /lit/ used to be my main board for years until around 2018, when that youtube faggot showed up. Don't really even bother to browse this place anymore.

>> No.14639696

>ruins your literature board with hordes of teenage reactionaries
>entire thread is filled with politicized anglo children
OP is right

>> No.14639700

Still better than guenonposting.

>> No.14639704

Political ideologies make moral claims. Fascism also makes specific metaphysical claims. Completely incomparable to questions of race differences. Indeed when not talking about cognition race differences are an accepted field of study, it is important for example in various organ transplants that the races be close.

>> No.14639710

Friendly reminder that PewDiePie is directly responsible for the deaths of over 50 unarmed Muslims at a place of worship.

>> No.14639724

PewDiePie just needs to be publicly mocked and insulted.

>> No.14639740

Disagreeing that "transwomen are real women just like cis-women" or "there is nothing wrong with abortion" or "promiscuity has no negative effects" usually is enough for many of the people who hold cultural power to dismiss you as crazy traditionalist conservative.
What do you think CNN would call your opinions on transgendered people or promiscuity?

>> No.14639741

>Political ideologies make moral claims
Yes but they also make claims about reality. Also, morality is often downstream from claims about reality.

>> No.14639753

"And why," asked the man, "should we import a billion niggers into our country?" The smug leftist smirked quite Jewishly and tapped on his thoroughly annotated copy of Hegel's Phenomenology of Ghosts. "It's all in here, my friend. Read theory."

>> No.14639773

>What do you think CNN would call your opinions on transgendered people or promiscuity?
These days many would probably agree with me on promiscuity. The narcissistic self-gratifying culture of the sixties is well and truly coming to an end and people are starting to be forced to treat women like human beings.

The trans issue is a fascinating cultural phenomenon. This is a bit different for me as I am an Anglo-Irish and there much much more of a serious genuine feminist backlash against all this stuff in the UK and Ireland, whereas in the USA the feminist left seems to have just swallowed it all. American feminists can't seem to see that the whole trans thing rests on an incredibly reactionary view of gender.

>> No.14639790

You would be considered a far right conservative for disagreeing with promiscuity or that trans women are real women.

>> No.14639802

>You would be considered a far right conservative for disagreeing with promiscuity or that trans women are real women.
On the trans issue yeah a lot of American college students probably would think I'm a terrible terf. However, this is an issue with young student American leftists/feminists not 'the left' or with 'feminism'.

If you're actually interested in left wing/left leaning or feminist ideas then actually read some Marx, Kenyes, Wollstonecraft or de Beauvoir.

>> No.14639810

A lot of modern young feminists are actually opposed to a lot of the aspects promiscuity. Drunk sex is rape. Pick up is sexist. Sexualising things is bad.
Young men are having less sex than ever.

>> No.14639826

What do you think of pro sex work movement?

>> No.14639845

>Marx, Kenyes, Wollstonecraft or de Beauvoir.
Give me a quick rundown and I'll consider it.

>> No.14639863

I seriously doubt the old guard feminists will win against the trannies in Britain. The phrase 'wrong side of history' is usually brought up in these cases, whenever the Progs choose a new group to champion that group wins even if it makes no fucking sense for the coalition(witness Muslims and Feminists/Gays somehow banding together- you can't seriously assert that Trannies are more antifeminist than Sharia law).

>> No.14639870

>What do you think of pro-sex work movement?
In a society where people have to do sex work in order to make ends meet to feed themselves, their families, or, as is often the case, to support some kind of substance addiction, I believe that purchasing sex is indefensible.

Theoretically, in a more egalitarian and post-scarcity society where poverty is impossible, adults exchanging sexual favours for good and/or other services could be defensible (if a little sad and shallow). However, a lot of women turn to sex work in order to support an addiction problem or because they don't have the ability to support themselves otherwise for some reason.

The Swedish model is the best idea. Prosecute purchasers of sexual services.

>> No.14639889

It does, Progressivism is about welcoming and integrating previously excluded groups into society in the name of autonomy and equality.
>Sharia isn't compliant with transsexuals or gays
Muslims are seen as too childlike to really be held accountable for their beliefs.

>> No.14639892

The prosts could get a job working construction or mcdonalds or whatever, they don't because fucking some guys is both easier and pays better.

>> No.14639925

In Brazil, one of the ministers of state is being considered crazy by the mainstream media for trying to oppose promiscuity culture.

>> No.14639929

They do oppose slut shaming and try to glorify promiscuous women sometimes

>> No.14639933

Wew lad.

>> No.14639937

>I seriously doubt the old guard feminists will win against the trannies in Britain
When people who transitioned as kids (or young adults) start wanting to transition back and killing themselves when they realised they've fucked up their bodies people will shift.
When transwomen just completely dominate womens' sports then people will shift. When it becomes apparent that paedophiles and sex offenders use being transgender as an excuse to get close to young girls people will shift.

Ultimately, gay marriage and gay acceptance won and will stay won because accepting gay marriage actually has zero effect on society or anyone who is not gay. 'Trans rights' on the other hand have profound implications for women, in particular young women.

>> No.14639946

Plenty of women do it because they can make stupid money or pseudo fame too though

>> No.14639952

>hen it becomes apparent that paedophiles and sex offenders use being transgender as an excuse to get close to young girls people will shift.
This is exactly what was said about gays

also just lmao at the idea anyone cares about young girls being raped when it comes to Progressivism. I mean even bringing that up in fucking Britain of all places, the rape of girls was swept under the rug for decades so as not to offend Muslims

>> No.14639955

>They do oppose slut shaming and try to glorify promiscuous women sometimes
They do but the culture of young women and teenage girls at the moment is best exemplified by Billie Eilish. She deliberately dresses in a very unsexualized way but simultaneously decries slut-shaming.

>> No.14639960

Doesn't she have songs about being a huge slut?

>> No.14639995

>the rape of girls was swept under the rug for decades so as not to offend Muslims
My family actually knew one of the lawyers involved in the prosecution of those cases. Yes, in part the leaders of the Pakistani community in Rotherham did put some pressure to protect the men involved in grooming girls. However, the main reason social services, police and careworkers took so long to respond or take the girls seriously was not fear of being called racist but actual classism.

Here in the UK, class amongst white people is unironically a bigger divider than race is in America. People speak differently, walk differently and think differently depending on their class. The girls in the Rotherham and Rochdale cases were part of the underclass or 'chav' class. Even before they were raped they were well known to social services for underage sex, bunking off school, coming from broken families, borderline illiteracy and academic failure, stealing and vandalism at 12/13. They were already pretty fucked up which is why no one believed them and why they were targeted by Pakistani gangs (the Pakistani community stays away from the drink, drugs, has MUCH stronger family connections; they have their shit together unlike the Norf FC white british underclass). They were like 13 year old girls wandering about the neighbourhood drinking vodaka at 2 am in the fucking morning (this is not uncommon on Northern council estates; the white working class are fucked here).

There is a good bit in a documentary about it where this sex ed worker just tells a social worker that no one cares about these girls because mainstream British society sees them as a bunch of disgusting Chav slags who had it fucking coming. If you're American, think of like West Virginia but on fucking steroids.

>> No.14640014

I somehow don't believe a story of white men raping poor Pakistani children would have been covered up regardless of class.

>> No.14640026

I've met plenty of normal people with "reactionary" views. The left has done an excellent job of driving people into the arms of the far-right. A lot of progressive, tolerant, liberals are actually quite vicious and hateful people. They want us dispossessed and disenfranchised.

>> No.14640040

Dude reviewed marxist writers

>> No.14640112

>I somehow don't believe a story of white men raping poor Pakistani children would have been covered up regardless of class.
Yeah because poor Pakistanis aren't like what I've described. Poor Pakistanis in the UK might have illiterate housewives and believe nutty shit about jinn possession but they don't have the same cultural problems as the white working class. Poor Pakistanis are essentially conservative in that they make their kids stay indoors, study schoolwork or Quran, don't smash up bus shelters or attack people from rival football teams or have loads of kids out of wedlock so they can claim benefits. There is a big difference between poor and underclass. Underclass people are by definition stuck in a cycle of petty crime, welfare, drug addiction and dependence of the government. The white underclass in the UK are uniquely looked on with disdain. Poor white pupils are the lowest performing demographic in the UK academically by a long way.

The main reasons all the victims of the grooming gangs were all white underclass is because no other demographic of 13 year old girl in the UK is going to be out at 2 am in the morning off her fucking head of alcohol and weed. If a strange man in a flash car asks a 13 year old to jump in because he's gonna buy her nice clothes and kebabs most 13 year old would run back to their family. When you are the girls of Rotherham on the other hand...

>> No.14640114

Virtually every person who becomes famous and and attracts a huge audience ends up interacting with what is essentially a force of immaturity. Broad appeal has destructively simple demands. The characteristic of the immature individual is being unwilling or unable to change and accept responsibility. This is why Peter pan is a perfect archetypal figure. This is also why almost all celebrities act like immature idiots. It's a requirement to maximize the commodity of likability. The more milquetoast or one dimensional the persona the bigger the market.

>> No.14640119

>The left has done an excellent job of driving people into the arms of the far-right. A lot of progressive, tolerant, liberals are actually quite vicious and hateful people. They want us dispossessed and disenfranchised.
Some lefties on twitter dogpiled me and said mean things about me because i told an off colour joke so i'm going to become to become a nazi now.It's all the left's fault. They drove me to it.

>> No.14640133

>they don't have the same cultural problems as the white working class.
They seem to have a mass rape problem

>> No.14640142

You're a perfect example of it lol. You people are so deeply unpleasant, incapable of accepting other opinions, and sadistic about seeing people fall prey to witch hunts. You're fucking repulsive

>> No.14640177

>You people are so deeply unpleasant, incapable of accepting other opinions, and sadistic about seeing people fall prey to witch hunts.
What does it mean to 'accept' an opinion? To not challenge it? To not comment on it even it's false, ridiculous or abhorrent. You sound like 00s young Earth creationists, anti-vaxxers and catholic miracle believers crying that scientists and mean and disrespectful of their beliefs.
Yeah well some beliefs are not worthy of respect and some people who defend such beliefs do so because they are wicked or very dumb people who need to get smacked down. Witch hunts are good if there are actual witches who need to be burned. It's it's devilish to take delight in the suffering of the unrighteous then call me fucking Satan.

>> No.14640178

It's okay, people like him are accelerating the populist political realignment going on right now. Vicious and bitter ideologues repulse normal, well meaning pragmatists the same way neoliberal bugmen do.

>> No.14640190

>Witch hunts are good if there are actual witches who need to be burned.
The Puritan simply never changes lmao

>> No.14640198

>The Puritan simply never changes lmao
I am an unironic Marxist-feminist puritan.

>> No.14640202

>I am not a real person

>> No.14640207

Behold, the Anglo-Puritan reveals its true form...

>> No.14640218


>> No.14640222

Yeah man, people seeing decentralized communities create create it's own overzealous authority could turn a number of people towards more centralized social systems.

>> No.14640223

>the new people dont agree with me!! get outt!
your the kid in middle school who lost their friends to the cool new kid

>> No.14640231

You sound very shrill and hysterical to be honest.

>> No.14640260

I agree, but instead of burning witches, we should just eat people for leftism and lobotomize those whose results come back positive.

>> No.14640272

>You sound very shrill and hysterical to be honest.
Kek. I'm having a beer on a Friday night and laughing at all the reactionaries get their knickers in a twist after being BTFO.

>> No.14640278

>we should just eat people for leftism

>> No.14640317

Leftists are inherent threat to society that allowing people with left dispositions maintain a state of full consciousness is soctietal suicide

>> No.14640354

Imagine being this reddit unironically

>> No.14640367

>the only way race can be genetic is if the white slaveholders and colonialists who invented it just happened to categorize people by genetic distances they didnt know existed, which is pretty laughably unlikely
wow i can't belive i just read this. fucking hell, i'm floored. guess that's enough 4chan for today.

>> No.14640386

The only way to save /lit/ is for us to become elitists again. Retards need to learn their place on this board. Without elitism this board will just continue to slowly diminish.

>> No.14640416

I bet he genuinely thinks he's saving people by posting data everyone here knows. It makes sense that his family had an academic background. Probably inherited his dad's Messiah complex.

>> No.14640428

>i literally cant even. omg. really, sweetie?

>> No.14640435

>implying he only ruined this board
it's the entire site. Stormfags fucked everything up but Pewd was the final nail in the coffin

>> No.14640444

>Do they come to their senses in college?
nope, college makes them worse, because then they see the humanities hippies/twitter checkmarks that confirm their bias (the SJW boogeyman is real! see?), making them think the entire world is like their little college bubble

>> No.14640449

In case you haven't noticed, /lit/ is the literature board. Philosophy belongs on the humanities board (>>>/his/) and political discussions belong on the politics board (>>>/pol/)

>> No.14640457

dont blame fucking Stormfront, it was a reaction to the entire goddamn culture losing their fucking minds in the past 10 years. Why would you seriously expect a website like 4chan to end up on the self-flagellating side of this culture war rather than the edgy one

>> No.14640467

>dont blame fucking Stormfront
ok, Stormfront's clueless little pawn
>muh culture war
go back to YT you hopeless fucking retard

>> No.14640474

Racism as an outlook is even supported by basic tribal genetic competition in biology you retard. Even if there weren’t measurable differences in intelligence racism and nationalism would still be a scientifically supported outlook

>> No.14640480

How many years since you last went there? Do you miss it? What do you think it's like now you've been away for so long? Would you ever go back and post about how you never go there anymore?

>> No.14640481

You're part of it too you fucking dumbass, that's why you're crying about 'stormfront' instead of crying about 'sjws'

>> No.14640489


Why do JIDF hate Anglos so much? You seem so keen to mix with our genetics...

>> No.14640490

>Philosophy belongs on the humanities board (>>>/his/)
in an ideal world, but right now his is full of crusade larping christcucks and schizos who hate actual history/humanities more than anything in the world.
>political discussions belong on the politics board (>>>/pol/)
/pol/ is POLITICALLY INCORRECT, newfag. It is and has always been a containment board for stormfags. Philosophy and Political Theory writers are perfectly valid subjects for the literature board.

>> No.14640501

You seem to believe of a myth of certain adulthood.
You become an adult when you accidentally knock up someone. Otherwise, you have the chance not to.

>> No.14640505

They become the salt of this Earth and the light of this world, reaching sainthood

>> No.14640508

Been here since 2006

>> No.14640511

calling someone a stormfag or an sjw on an anonymous imageboard from your comfy desk isn't a culture war, you pathetic out of touch dunce. It's flame war at best. Go outside.

>> No.14640514

You're right. Not wanting to be replaced is retarded. And Jewish supremacists counter protesting about wanting to replace is unquestionably right. There can be no challenge to Jewish hegemony and anything that attempts it is insane evil racism.

>> No.14640526

Have you ever read the rules newfag? And don't give me your argument that people come here to discuss political opinions in good faith. /lit/ is where /pol/tards who think they're smart go because they saw some probably fake, years old reddit screencap about a conspiracy to turn 4chan into a communist board through /lit/'s tremendous influence on the site, and they think this is a battleground and not a literature board

>> No.14640535

It's a result of the culture war you immense cretin

>> No.14640544

I love watching you cretins delude yourself that there isn't a massive organic backlash against liberalism. /pol isn't filtering people to to other boards. Normies are becoming /pol and it's beautiful

>> No.14640556

>Have you ever read the rules newfag?
yes. They also say no racism outside of /b/. Guess which board enforces that rule.
>And don't give me your argument that people come here to discuss political opinions in good faith. /lit/ is where /pol/tards who think they're smart go
I agree. But I've seen good non strictly left vs right politics posts here. Now that I think about it, last time i saw a good politics thread was almost a year ago... fuck.

>> No.14640565

Why the fuck are you here then?

>> No.14640578

They are aware that the racism and misogyny and so on are evil, and they are aware that they are doing evil by joking about it, evangelizing it, and treating the righteous with contempt. It is meaningless to speak with them; it will be our duty to kill them. I will not beg any of them to repent simply to reduce the burden on my own shoulders.

>> No.14640583

>it's evil to be aware of basic facts about reality
fucking lmao. You aren't going to kill anyone you little seething faggot

>> No.14640613

When I was a child I wanted to die with a clean slate. I didn't want to kill anyone. You are why that will not be possible. The desire for spiritual purity does not outweigh the moral duty to defend the good. Goodbye.

>> No.14640618

>/pol isn't filtering people to to other boards. Normies are becoming /pol and it's beautiful
do you actually believe this lul

>> No.14640620

You probably cant even lift a gun you fucking pussy

>> No.14640633

>he major factor determining voting pattern is race.
Nice democracy you've got there

That sure show us that multiracialism is good for a nation and it totally doesn't destroy it's political foundation.

>> No.14640643

Why do you doubt this? Are you totally unaware of the burgeoning culture war?

>> No.14640646

a rise in reactionary rightard politics isn't a culture war, imbecile. It's outrage culture. Just propaganda parroted by FOX, CNN and youtube talking heads with no credentials, fed to retards and literal children. Your hours wasted shitposting on 4chan aren't for a greater cause, they influence nothing and no one. It's organized and internet celebrity propaganda campaigns that make an impact, and propaganda campaigns coupled with yellow journalism have existed for hundreds of years. The only significant difference is the effectiveness and magnification thanks to the internet, with spam, bots and shills (who are too busy on facebook to be on fucking 4channel). No one actually does anything in your imaginary war. It's all immature idiots cherrypicking shit on twitter, YT, reddit and 4chan. The civil war was a culture war. This is just retarded board shitting shit flinging fueled by two massive industries and possibly russian psyops. Learn the difference.
Go outside.

>> No.14640651

Yeah people aren't shooting up mosques and synagogues, it's all just 4chan posts

>> No.14640692

Yeah, give up whites. Just give up. Please give up. Nothing is changing. Right wing politics isn't rising. You'll never get your countries back. Nation states are only for Jews and a few brown countries. Just give up. Please. Give up.

>> No.14640721

Everything you wrote is unironically true though.

>> No.14640743

i'm 30

>> No.14640813

only 1 side is shooting up mosques and synagogues. They didn't shoot up the mosques because a twitter checkmark shot up their church. As I said, it's a rise in reactionary rightard politics. Not a war. Much more like an epidemic. Culture war implies something completely different.
>Right wing politics isn't rising
I said the exact opposite of that you illiterate dumbfuck

>> No.14640821

It's a rise in rightard politics(the fact that you cant see youre part of this by using this term is hilarious) as a reaction to the rise in leftard politics. The two sides are becoming more and more polarized and unwilling to talk to each other. This is incredbly fucking obvious and both sides remark upon it all the time so you're completely on your own here

>> No.14640844

I think the internet in general is causing a rightward shift. Right-wing politics on 4chan seems similar to the netoyou phenomenon in Japan.

>> No.14640850

>The two sides are becoming more and more polarized and unwilling to talk to each other
and why is that? because of some war? because someone on 4chan called them a retard? no. It's all caused by the massive propaganda machines controlled by media conglomerates. For the fourth time, what you're describing here is absolutely not a war. And it's not the first time the left and the right become incredibly poralized. Calling it a culture war makes it about the ideals themselves and not the fabricated outrage culture and clickbait that fuels the blind hatred in all sides.

>> No.14640858

It is about ideals, it's about first and foremost multiculturalism and immigration. It's happening all over the West and has nothing to do with clickbait, which is just taking advantage of the divide.

>> No.14640897

>which is just taking advantage of the divide.
it's what making the divide stronger than ever.. where do you read about multiculturalism and immigration? right, from the news. The news are making people think refugees are coming to your house to rape your wife and kids the same way they make you think world war 3's coming or some virus is gonna kill us all this time for for real. In 2016 the Russians fabricated protests and extremely divisive debates that wouldn't have gotten that heated otherwise. They've also been shown to have a hand in Brexit. If some third world communist shithole has the power to do that imagine what facebook and media conglomerates do. You're being very naive.

>> No.14640911

You are literally just repeating the Left wing line on the divide, further proving my point that the two sides can no longer communicate. I see you as falling for laughable propaganda about Russian infiltration, and you see me as falling for propaganda about immigrants. That is literally the point.

>> No.14640930

4chan always has and will always be reactionary. It’s been like that since day one

>> No.14640948

>You are literally just repeating the Left wing line on the divide
nothing in my post is inherently left wing. In fact I'm against open borders and mindlessly letting them in. The fact you think me saying they won't come to your house and rape your wife and kids is "Left wing line" just shows how irreparably brainwashed you are.
>laughable propaganda about Russian infiltration
but it's literally proven. Not the part about trump but no one denies their fabricated facebook groups. It's actually much better documented than the 50 cent party https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_web_brigades

>> No.14640953

You came here in 2016

>> No.14640956

No one reads the fucking news except boomers. You're a boomer in spirit, or baiting.

>> No.14640968

>No one reads the fucking news except boomers
kek, do you just never leave your basement and this site? EVERYONE reads headlines. Even zoomer memes like the WW3 ones are directly influenced by the latest headlines. Imagine being this out of touch holy shit

>> No.14640969

Imagine typing a post like this unironically.
Imagine being this clueless about politics, psychology, sociology, philosophy... the entire field of humanities.
How does this happen? Why is our education system so terrible?

Pro tip: just read any book written at least 20 years ago. The older the better, so that it's not contaminated by current events and topics.

>> No.14640977

>it's literally proven
Who is being naive now? You think your sources of information are just pure and honest?

You are repeating the Left wing line and you don't even realize it's a line, you think it's just 'unbiased reporting' or something

>> No.14640978

>No one actually does anything in your imaginary war. It's all immature idiots cherrypicking shit on twitter, YT, reddit and 4chan.

Oh dear anon . You're assuming that the internet operates in isolation rather than bleeding into real life.

>> No.14641013

>The older the better, so that it's not contaminated by current events and topics.
in other words, not "contaminated" by the latest, most accurate science. Just read Lucretius bro, and ignore Pythagoras btw
>You think your sources of information are just pure and honest?
go ahead and prove they're fake. You're the first anon I've seen that denies what's been literally proven by a US investigation https://intelligence.house.gov/social-media-content/

>> No.14641022

forgot your hard-earned (You) >>14641013

>> No.14641042

Yeah imagine the US government lying about politically charged topics. Could never happen

>> No.14641050

>the latest, most accurate science.
all of which continues to show race differences btw. The genetic studies are particularly bad, even though it's practically forbidden to look for genes related to IQ, there are genes that are related to certain diseases that also relate to IQ which offer proxies

>> No.14641068

why would the republican controlled house, in an investigation led by a republican, say a lie that goes directly against them? Go ahead, show me your mental gymnastics. In any case, the wiki article I linked has at least 60 sources
>The genetic studies are particularly bad, even though it's practically forbidden to look for genes related to IQ
source: /pol/

>> No.14641072

>Pewdiepie is getting young people to read Plato and Aristotle.
Except he's not. All he's doing is getting kids to drape Plato and Aristotle around their shoulders like the newest Supreme cop.

>> No.14641081

>in other words, not "contaminated" by the latest, most accurate science.
This thread is mostly about politics and ideology, not science. If you read books instead of shitposting you'd know the difference.

>> No.14641085

>The average person lives in a simulacra
If you'd bothered to actually read Baudrillard, you'd realize that everyone lives in the simulation. No one is outside it. There literally is no outside.

>> No.14641091

I'm sure your survey was rigorous and without bias.

>> No.14641167

>science. If you read books instead of shitposting you'd know the difference.
he was replying to a post about flat earth and race """"realism""""

>> No.14641173

Do you really think women just decide to become hookers ? Sure, I guess there are some instances, but in reality there is whole industry concentrated on duping susceptible young women into sex work. Have you seriously never heard about sex trafficking and white slavery ?

>> No.14641177

A children’s entertainer receiving this much fucking attention is part of the reason the world is going to shit. I’m just surprised we’re not yet at the stage where we question how this retard got popular in the first place now that he’s been dethroned.

>> No.14641204

Because he browses /lit/ and probably not /pol/ anymore you retard.

There is literally physical proof of this.

>> No.14641213

haha, BTFO

>> No.14641216

Honestly shut the fuck up you complete retard. Read a book.

>> No.14641412

This didn't happen.

>> No.14641418

He isn't a children's entertainer, his audience is young adults.

>> No.14641424
File: 47 KB, 800x609, respect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truest posts.

>> No.14641455

This is objectively correct
The only reason 4chan was ever good was relentless, sincere bullying against newfags and retards who didn't know what they were talking about

>> No.14641479

Except I doubt any of them have a genuine interest, as they only look into literature because their god-king told them to. Just like when someone listens to a band only because someone they worship name-drops it. It's not real.

>> No.14641481
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1200, 1548540766399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly one of the worst threads on 4chan right now. I hate everyone one of you who is participating in this godawful thread. Zero intelligent discussion, zero sentences worth reading and all the arguments are surrounding some faggot with a camera and completely misunderstood philosophical viewpoints. I fucking hate every single one of you morons who come and shit up my once glorious board. Go back to your fucking autism discords and let me enjoy my book board in peace without your degeneracy tainting it.

>> No.14641489

Grow up desu.

>> No.14641564

Honestly who cares? He's shot himself so many times in the foot he's probably bleeding to death right now.

>> No.14641568

But it is true, no matter how harsh it sounds. Those who have a genuine curiosity will seek these things out on their own accord without having to be told. In the modern age of convenience and instant gratification, literature does not do well.

>> No.14641570

kys tranny

>> No.14641589

Sure anon, you're very very special, if only we could have more young men like you :)

>> No.14641664

Thanks but you haven't proven me wrong. Marvel fast food is in, Scorsese full-course meals are out. One isn't necessarily better than the other but that's the reality of today. The average attention span has grown short due to the internet, as evident by the lightning-fast quick cut zoomer humor and editing that is prevalent today. Slow literature has little place here anymore.

>> No.14641669

Your argument is that everyone who watches the biggest youtube channel in the world is a mindless drone who is completely incapable of being introduced to new things.

>> No.14641725

Well no, that wasn't my intent to categorize ALL of those who watch him, but it's likely to be a sizable portion. Exactly as you indicate, he is the biggest channel and a large majority of people today are content to be ensnared by superficial consumerism. To each their own.

>> No.14641757

I'd consider myself a "reactionary" in some senses, though not a violent one. I think you've got it a bit backwards. As a teenager living in a small town, I was a liberal that wanted to rebel against the boomers and conservatism that were dominant there. I didn't become right wing until I went to college in the city and saw the hellscape of an environment dominated by liberals, leftists, and degenerates firsthand. As for attacks- though I personally disavow all violence, I suspect they will only increase until the left loses control of the zeitgeist once more. Because American politics tends to be so binary, it also tends to swing like a pendelum. There will come a day when people grow tired of SJWs and conservatism reigns supreme again. And then people will grow tired of that and it will shift again.

>> No.14641798


This board used to be genuinely amazing, probably the the best literature discussion board on the internet, as far as I can tell. It's gotten shockingly bad. I'm glad I'm not the only who has noticed. Oh well.

>> No.14641932

If you'd actually been capable of understanding Baudrillard you'd realise that, like all other critical theorists, he talks shit.

>> No.14641943

This is a culture war and you're in the trenches. Why do you expect reasoned debate. We're fighting over whose world view and future is permanently destroyed.

>> No.14641958

When did the left not control the zeitgeist?

>> No.14641981

The fact that people get baited so easily by these threads is in itself a sad phenomenon.

>> No.14642013
File: 89 KB, 628x171, ur a faget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ was never "good". Sometimes the tidal wave of shit you have to wade through to find something interesting goes up or down but it has always been a chore.

>> No.14642282
File: 316 KB, 401x360, 0 Alex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking cringe!

>> No.14642388

"Reactionary" is a complement. Left-wing trash are less than human and deserve to be crowded out of everything they enjoy.

You don't deserve anything. Not literature, not television, not vidya. Every single thing will be torn from your fingers. I will smash everything that you love, rather than allow you to enjoy it.

>> No.14642498

literature is an overwhelmingly leftist space
also stop talking like a teenager

>> No.14642506

>literature is an overwhelmingly leftist space
There is like 3000 years of literature and the 'leftist' portion is maybe 100-200 years

>> No.14642508

The modernists has a diverse set of political views. Literature and art in general have been on the deed line since the left achieved totall cultural hegemony.

>> No.14642523
File: 392 KB, 652x562, 3lj6s5l.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Reactionary" is a complement

>> No.14642545

>categorizing literature and philosophy by political affiliation

>> No.14642558


>> No.14642570

i bet this anon just doesn't know the meaning of the word cause he's foreign, let's forgive him guys it was a heated gamer moment

>> No.14642889

>They are aware that the racism and misogyny and so on are evil, and they are aware that they are doing evil by joking about it
Stop deluding yourself troon

>> No.14642896

Why would easy dissemination of information do this?

>> No.14642899

Okay boomer

>> No.14642900

i'm a leftist and you fucking wish it was that simple. 'disconnected reactionaries' have gotten people to win elections, it's pointless to try to separate the 'loser cult' aspects like reading evola from the 'populist' reactionary thinking that just wants to deport immigrants or have the police not bother them for killing them, it's all part of the same wave.

>> No.14642932

it's almost as if it's not "/pol/" or "4chan" that has become absurdly politicized, but the actual world itself (at least the USA, when it comes to discussions like the ones in this thread). expecting this site to somehow not reflect what happens in reality when it's so big is naive.

>> No.14643031

>including the majority of STEM academics.
>even if we restrict to actual academics my cherry-picked statistics are still going to be true, probably
Do you have any evidence of this? College educated whites actually voted for trump. Now consider that 0% of those people came from the gender studies wing of their university. There's a ton of STEM graduates who are conservative and just never mouth off like the liberals do. And just in principle it's not surprising that a bunch of autists obsessed with objective truth can't stand humanity majors who don't know what falsifiability is telling everyone SCIENCE has decided how many genders there are.

>> No.14643080

yeah all these poggers kids screaming no popery on live streams it's really annoying

>> No.14643089

What do you even mean by this?

>> No.14643247

in my experience whenever actual biologists talk about this they basically say "none of you know how to even ask the question so fuck off"

>> No.14643352

Oldfags don't exist you lying sack of shit, oldfags got a career, a family etc they can't and really don't want to fuck around anymore on a place like this

>> No.14643376

/pol/ used to meme that he was a nazi and then some retards actually started to believe their own memes

>> No.14643381

Leftist limpwrists are a lot worse than neoreactionary kids. He saved this board. Now We only have to remove that "READ THEORY" guy.

>> No.14643391

Amazing troll. Look How many You got.

>> No.14643400

>The left wing people are being sent by correct the record.

>> No.14643405


>> No.14643415
File: 387 KB, 1274x819, aicecf71q8z01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just any Nazi - the best kind, a Nazibol

>> No.14643428

lets all love lain

>> No.14643550
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>> No.14643824
File: 11 KB, 242x251, Jon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit was SO cash ...

>> No.14643857

Go back to your chink cartoons, weab.

>> No.14643956

Why call them reactionaries, though?

>> No.14644090

It's the communist term used to refer to those whom the use of violence against is justifiable in a revolutionary setting. By using the label, he's essentially put them on his hit list.

>> No.14644508

>this entire post

wew lad

>> No.14644522


>> No.14644917

shut the fuck up you simp

>> No.14644936

In a revolutionary setting, you're either for the revolution or you're a counter-revolutionary. There's no such thing as a middle ground because a revolution entails an open battle

In a normal context (like today) reactionary is usually used to describe people who are against whatever the status quo they perceive to be (liberalism, capitalism, modernity, "globalism", whatever they call it) but from the perspective of a previous era rather than the perspective of going beyond the current one

>> No.14645162

We are of the same mind.
Except I want to be a warlord in the decaying world and have lots of children to love.

>> No.14645502

His Mishima takes were unironically pretty good though

>> No.14645990

he knows his audience

>> No.14646006

Start by killing yourself you massive gay shite

>> No.14646159

It makes me really sad /lit/ has become this shithole. Conservatards thinking reaction is le funny racism xd and c*mmunists thinking their ideology is just statism an altruism. Everytime I read their discussion I just fall into complete sadness, /pol/ and /leftypol/ should just get the fuck out

>> No.14646677

>this post
>that picture