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14638815 No.14638815[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>dude humans evolved from this
>it just took billions of years, don’t question it, a lot can happen in a billion years
>evidence? Proof? W-why would you want that? What you believe in god? Lol

Is there anything more pathetic than evolutionists/atheists?

>> No.14638817

Not literature

>> No.14638825

There are a series of fossils showing changes from one body plan to the next

>> No.14638829

>and an eagle named small government perched itself on the flag

>> No.14638831
File: 42 KB, 512x512, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really... why did this retard wrote a very thick science fiction book about it then

>> No.14638847
File: 30 KB, 800x600, Dbm2CefVAAA3kUw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude we already posited hypothetical aeons but it's still not making sense
>Let's just tack on more hypothetical aeons
lmao @ evolutionists

>> No.14638862

If evolution is real then who created evolution? Checkmate atheists

>> No.14638868

Evolution is the providence of God over millennia and reveals how His plans are executed intricately across time. The Lord inspired this fish to brave land

>> No.14638875


>> No.14638876

>theistic evolution
Retroactively refuted by Titus Burckhardt.

>> No.14638884

>theistic evolution
Materialism in drag is still materialism.

>> No.14638888

>he was an eminent member of the “traditionalist” scho-
He’s a guneonfag. Right.

>> No.14638892

You literally can’t justify this opinion. How does evolution correspond to materialism? How does creationism correspond to dualism?

>> No.14638936
File: 90 KB, 753x520, DDF4051B-7929-47CE-8A9A-D8A380287D64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there’s no evidenc-

>> No.14638947
File: 215 KB, 350x478, Basil_of_Caesarea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When we look at scientific data we apply uniformitarianism, which is an assumption that the physical laws and processes of the universe have always functioned in the same manner. Note that this is an assumption, as there is no way to demonstrate it for remote periods of time. Prior to the adoption of uniformitarianism, people applied catastrophism, which is the assumption that physical laws have been modified through various catastrophes occurring throughout time.

The view of creation presented in the Bible follows the catastrophic model. At the Fall of Man, when Adam and Eve were evicted from the Garden of Eden, both man and the world were made subject to death, which constitutes a catastrophe on a cosmological scale. There seems to have been a gradual introduction of physical changes, as Genesis records the age of humans gradually decreasing until it reaches the current lifespan, which arrives around the time of the Flood (there is also scriptural evidence of other physical differences from the antediluvian period).

What this means is that humans are cut off from the period prior to the Flood on an epistemological level -- we cannot look at the way the universe functions at the current time and apply it to the past, as the past functioned in a fundamentally different way than the present. If we were to do so, say utilizing scientific dating methodology, it would yield incorrect answers as our underlying assumptions are incorrect. This is the current state of modern science.

>> No.14638959

Homology is scientistic astrology.

>> No.14638966

>dude this whale has a penis
>humans also have penises so this must mean we have the same ancestor

>> No.14638972

How so?

>> No.14639001
File: 29 KB, 333x500, 41NCNzzpftL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing really.

>> No.14639013

>that one priest who doesn't believe in evolution purely for its conflict with platonic idea of forms
any reading to drink the Platonist "soup"

>> No.14639044

Homology woks aginst evolution because it's not really random. And homologous don't really have a viable path, true gradual functional change

>> No.14639064

Bruh do you think something won't look different for billion of years ?
There's also lots of debates against god.
Determinism, Which one ?, morality etc.
You think all atheist are the same.

>> No.14639078


>> No.14639079

>Bruh do you think something won't look different for billion of years ?
The universe has only existed for around 6,000 years.

>> No.14639085

Once you study genomics it becomes impossible to reject evolution.

>> No.14639097

>The "universe"
uh huh

>> No.14639102

Pretty sure it's really low very low quality bait why do you even bother replying.

>> No.14639141

We are an alien species and most living creatures on earth evolved from us