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14638455 No.14638455 [Reply] [Original]

Where did it go so wrong?

>> No.14638462
File: 39 KB, 636x583, E54E9712-99D3-4C8E-9006-B660232DEA84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>refuted by Guenon, retroactively
Nothing personal, kid.

>> No.14638494

Fifth book.

>> No.14638515


>> No.14638519


>> No.14638605

>literally every response to her tweets nowadays is troomer seethe

lmao i know i'm a faggot for following this shit but it's funny and intersects with actual big brained feminist drama

>> No.14638663


>> No.14638671

fame. fame is worth than meth for some people.

>> No.14638718

when she started writing

>> No.14638899
File: 44 KB, 306x630, article-2614846-1D6BC06F00000578-288_306x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it hasn't

>> No.14639289

>Harry Potter is all about how fame isn't what it's cracked up to be. Harry himself does not like being famous
>J.K. Rowling is addicted to being famous

It's bizarre how these things happen, huh?

>> No.14639344

hypocrisy at peak level, really

>> No.14639402

when she started TERFing around

>> No.14639445

Why? Don't tell me you are a crazy supporter.

>> No.14639666


>> No.14639682

Harry should have been in Slytherin

>> No.14639716

she is just expressing her views in public reading about authors is never a good idea they are unimpressive people who got major polish by talented editors and entire branding teams at the big publishing houses very similar to how most actors are just likeable stupid people largely ignorant and skating by on good looks and movie professionals you wouldn't trust mel gibson with mowing your lawn or teaching you prussian silver edging of fine china why would you expect jkr to know anything outside of writing children's novels?

>> No.14639728

when she started expanding the HP universe via twitter

>> No.14639745

Holy fuck nigger use punctuation, and Im sure Mel can mow a lawn just fine.

>> No.14639795
File: 1.30 MB, 600x325, SanshaMendan-EroAnime-Episode4-PV-Omake-6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never facefuck rowling

>> No.14639921

>my minge

>> No.14639947

when that stupid kid picked up her manuscript by accident

>> No.14639992

>you will never get facefucked by Rowling

Fix'd it for you, plebeian.

>> No.14640012

>believe industry myths like this

>> No.14640013

No it was already on it's deathbed in the 4th book. 5th book just sealed the coffin. I unironically enjoy 1/2/3, and pretend nothing was written afterwards.

>> No.14640017

Yes, but can he paint china?

>> No.14640807

Why though? I'm genuinely curious

>> No.14640849

Name one positive impact Twitter has had on the world since its creation. The disease is baked into the structure. Judge a tree by its fruits... said anonymous on 4channel.

>> No.14640871

You're right

>> No.14640893

4th book was when it stopped being a fantasy adventure series, and turned into twilight. Forced drama starts showing it's face during the 4th, and from then onward it infests every page of every book. Everything is thrown into a catch all "b-but it's adolescence and muh crazy hormone emotions", just an excuse for trash writing.

>> No.14640895

Are you implying 4chan is bad?
It's one of the only good websites on the web.

>> No.14641090

3 > 6 > 2 > 1 > 7 > 4 > 5

>> No.14641129

Execution by lethal injection is the least painful method of killing someone.

>> No.14641209

Jennifer Down's tweet

>> No.14641417

This. First three were good, especially 2 and 3. After it gets worse and worse.

>> No.14641739

Fifth book was best book u degenerate cunt

>> No.14642244

The fifth book was the best you cuck.

>> No.14642292

third book was the best book, and third movie was the best movie because it was the least like it's corresponding book

>> No.14642295

Learn to write, asshole

>> No.14642640


>> No.14642646


>> No.14642654

I was really into Harry Potter as a kid.
I've since then reread the books and realized everything about Harry Potter but The Prisoner of Azkaban (the movie, not the book) is worthless

>> No.14642661

maybe but i always had a soft spot for half blood prince since it brought back the goofy/fun tone of the first 3 for the first time since PoA.

>> No.14642679

I think it's more that Harry is her way of putting the "Guys, PLEASE don't pay attention to me, ugh I'd HATE that really I would please don't, hey did you hear me tell you to like not pay attention to me at all" affectation into writing