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/lit/ - Literature

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14636936 No.14636936 [Reply] [Original]

>want to be writer
>want to be philosopher king
>in community college

Is my only hope to apply to Bennington for my Sophomore year like Tartt?

>> No.14636980


>> No.14636987

no just start writing faggot

>> No.14637014

nothing wrong with doing your first two years at CC. Do your undergrad as cheap as possible

For your masters/PhD it matters more where you go. Never too late just keep writing. Also get profitable skills in case teaching philosophy doesnt work out

>> No.14637026

Which school you go to is meaningless unless it to get a job quicker. Plenty of forgotten writers went to great school and plenty of classic writers never even went beyond high school.

>> No.14637027

Not too late anon. I went to cc for two years, transferred to Berkeley, and now I'm making 120k a year as a lawyer. I spend my time lifting, writing, and reading. I work a good number of hours weekly 50+, but it's what I chose, and I couldn't be happier.

>> No.14637212

How did you get into Berkeley?

>> No.14637249

I've been at a private uni for all 4 years of college, finishing up senior year this semester
I fucking wish I had done cc for the first 2 years
I got scholarships so my debt isn't too bad, but it's still more than I'd like
stay at community college for another year and then make your way into a bigger school
ALSO, if you can get any requirements at said bigger school out of the way by taking CLEP exams, fucking do it man
CLEPs are easy as fuck multiple choice, right-answer-only exams that can count for college credits

>> No.14637296

I know someone who transferred into Stanford after 2 years of cc. Obviously play the game and apply to 8-10 schools, but if you get a 4.0 GPA and demonstrate drive and motivation toward philosophy and literature, you can get in somewhere great. I agree with the other poster saying stay in cc 2 years, take as many CLEP tests as you can, try to connect with your professors early so you can have a relationship with them when you ask for letters of rec (far in advance mind you), and don't be wishy washy about what you want to major in, even if you're not completely sure, commit to something.

Also, there are also lot of people who go to good state schools, do an honors program like some have, and then go on to an Ivy or top grad program.

Just don't ever tell yourself "It's too late." It's not, turn yourself around stat and do your shit, and you'll get it.

>> No.14637310

You dont have to go to college to be a philli meme or writer

>> No.14637887
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>> No.14637891

haha reminds me of alice in wonderland with alice and the caterpillar haha

>> No.14638101

write every day, read every day, try to live a more exciting life in between these times. These are the only ways to be a good writer. The stuff of good literature is self-knowledge, no esteemed lecturer can teach you it.

>> No.14638370

CC is based. People who go straight to university without a fat grant are paying the stupid tax to the jews. It won't negatively affect you academically, maybe just a little catching up compared to peers when you transfer but it's more than doable. Quality of education is about the same at CCs anyway

>> No.14638400

Drop out. Read the Greeks, then the Bible, study history, then make your way through the western canon.

or get better at writing YA trash

>> No.14638449

took the words from my fingertips