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/lit/ - Literature

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14635055 No.14635055 [Reply] [Original]

Also do we have any /lit/ charts about this?

>> No.14635077

what are kafka's diaries about?

>> No.14635561
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bump plz I need something to read. It a chart doesn't exist, I'll make one.

>> No.14635583

Constant neurosis

>> No.14635586
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This is a must

>> No.14635629

what are they about?
Also plz post a picture of the edition you want in the chart (if none exists that is)

>> No.14635806
File: 16 KB, 256x389, kitchen confidential.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this probably doesn't count as lit because it's kind of low brow but kitchen confidential by anthony bourdain is really fun to read :) maybe you would like it maybe you have read it already

>> No.14635950

goebbels' diary if you want some incelkino

>> No.14636095

The Diary of Samuel Pepys

>> No.14636533

Aight imma head to bed now. I have already started on the chart so keep the thread alive and post stuff you want included

>> No.14636863

C.S. Lewis - Surprised by Joy

>> No.14637993


We already have an Anne thread up anon >>14562004

>> No.14638072 [SPOILER] 
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Company Aytch by Sam “Fuck the Twenty Nigger Law” Watkins

>> No.14638075

Ernst Junger's war diaries
Diary of a Man in Despair - Friedrich Reck (NYRB edition)
Victor Klemperer - I Will Bear Witness

>> No.14638409
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>> No.14638413

I recently enjoyed Stephen Kings On Writing

>> No.14638422


This is a smut

>> No.14638447

Circonfession, Jacques Derrida,1991

>> No.14638824
File: 24 KB, 261x400, chronicles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14638857

He asked for autobiographies not fiction.

>> No.14639076

Marco Pierre White's The devil in the kitchen is also very well written

>> No.14639248
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What I got so far. I have considered somewhere around 25-50 books depending.
I mixed in some of my favourites.
Is there any great concentration camp diaries/memoirs I should include?
What about some well known stuff like Girl, Interrupted and Ernest Hemingway's autobio?

>> No.14639269

you misspelled autobiography

>> No.14639290

Ah shit I'll fix it the final version

Also remember to reply to the posts you agree should be on The Chart

>> No.14639316

Also remember to reply to the posts you agree should be on The Chart

>> No.14639346

where's the famous my diary desu

>> No.14639477
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I guess this is /afg/ II
The madness of it

>> No.14640118

Wasn't the writer a literal saint?

>> No.14640658 [SPOILER] 
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I want to see her safe, happy, barefoot, and pregnant lads

>> No.14640689

dumb nigger baka desu

>> No.14640705

plz elaborate

>> No.14641428
File: 113 KB, 1100x1650, AWomanInBerlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14641563


Was the movie any good?

>> No.14641742
File: 46 KB, 326x500, 5148gSVGyDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was pretty good. Solid but nothing memorable

>> No.14641811
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This is a must. The beginning has wonderful insight into the people he meets, and the whole book itself is a great read into the Russian perspective during WWII.

>> No.14641847


Write one first

>> No.14641853
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If you could pick two to meet irl who would it be?

For me, it’s Anne Frank and Sam R. Watkins



>> No.14642266

Boswell’s London diary
Goodbye to All That by Robert Graves

>> No.14642414
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The days result, I think 24-40 should be enough overall so hurry and post your favourites

>> No.14643377


It isn't a diary or an autobiography, but Michel De Montaigne's Essays are incredible. Id argue there is something autobiographical about them, especially as Montaigne himself describes them as 'autological' - "I study myself more than any other subject. That is my metaphysics; that is my physics".

>> No.14643385
File: 674 KB, 1651x2481, My War Gone By I Miss It So book cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This masterpiece.

>> No.14643436
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I don't really read Autobiographies, so I have no idea what is really considered good or not, but;
I really enjoyed Ozzy's.

>> No.14643612

Darwin - Voyage of the Beagle. It’s a great adventure book with a few boring geology bits thrown in.

I’d second Klemperer for his war diaries.

>> No.14644934 [DELETED] 


>> No.14644957

All Souls by Michael Patrick MacDonald. It was a completely random choice but I loved it, it was a beautiful story desu

>> No.14645435

does any other anons agree this counts and sgould be on the chart?

>> No.14646030
File: 108 KB, 349x465, T.E._Lawrence;_David_George_Hogarth;_unknown_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seven Pillars of Wisdom by TE Lawrence

>> No.14646370

Does anyone have a PDF of William Byrd II's diary?

Seconding this.

>> No.14646387

Tangentially, what are some good fiction diaries?

>> No.14646933
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2 to go!

>> No.14647276
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>the part where she runs after the Emperors funeral procession


>> No.14647542

Goethe’s Italian Journey diaries

Also I feel like the genre: of memoir and autobiography are so expansive that the selection in a small list like this will appear strange and idiosyncratic. I think this chart might be better if restricted purely to the diary format.

>> No.14647686


>> No.14647738
File: 2.00 MB, 2128x3752, finished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit you may be right...
Either way, here is the completed chart if anyone is interested, Idk if I should add it to 4chanlit.fandom.com(/)wiki(/)Charts or not since it needs its own category, what do you anons think?
also thank you for all the new reading material !

>> No.14648194

Diary of Gaspar de Carjaval

>> No.14649086



>> No.14649886 [DELETED] 

I want to cuddle with a nine month pregnant Anne Frank

>> No.14649888

I want to cuddle with a nine month pregnant Anne Frank.

>> No.14650232
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and we're back on again.

>> No.14650276

I really enjoyed this desu such an interesting read

>> No.14650631

same, one of the best books I have read period. Communist china was some surreal shit