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14632621 No.14632621 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the greatest self help book ever written?

>> No.14632642


>> No.14632848

what i dont understand is he doesnt go into detail as a tacp/air force enlisted. He just "gets out" and becomes a pos, and then he decides to change his life because he worked a pest control job? Nigga you had been in the military for years. Honestly his interviews do a better job at conveying his raw will.

>> No.14632888

No. Goggins resilience isnt a "skill". This is abduntantly clear as he displays this trait early in his childhood. Youve got about as much chance of emulating goggins as you do winning mr olympia or gold medalling in the 100m dash. Hes a freak just instead of expressing freakishly long muscle bellies or a freakishly efficient nervous system, hes got freakishly strong willpower and pain tolerance.

Self help is garbage anyway. Absolutely everyone knows exactly what they need to do, they simply dont do because the work of real change is harder than simply fantasising about yourself as a changed person.

>> No.14632980

Because his military service isn't what inspires people anon. Millions of people have done what he did in the military. Not many people do what he did to actually get in. What people want to know about Goggins is his life story, not what he did in some village in Iraq

Besides, how can you excel in the military (besides staying in it for decades)? You just follow commands.

>> No.14633102

>Absolutely everyone knows exactly what they need to do
Deep down in their heart?

>> No.14633167

Have you not noticed streets full of zombies who don't do anything besides consuming products?

>> No.14633245


Yes. And?

Again most people are absolutely aware of what they need to do to address any given deficit, they just don't because harder than continuing to fantasise about change
Need to lose weight? Eat less.
Want to stop feeling like dogshit during the day? Stop going to sleep at 3am watching netflix or videogames
Suck at talking to girls or people in general? You need to talk to people
Want to get better at a skill? START practicing
Want to learn a language? START studying

And so on. The solutions to most problems are dead simple and do not require books after books after books. People who consume self help keep consuming self help because its easier to fantasise about change than it is to actually do the work of change

>> No.14633260

I think you're overestimating people knowing that. I'm not saying your solutions are wrong, just that most people blame outsiders for their failures. That's what depressed people do (and a lot of incels)

>> No.14633303

It got me off my ass more than any other book I read, and I enjoyed it quite a bit.

>This is abduntantly clear as he displays this trait early in his childhood.
What do you mean? He was a fat loser growing up in a shitty family.

>> No.14633389


A very sane post

>> No.14633405


I dont have my book with me but there is a section from his early abusive childhood that makes it quite clear this ability to tolerate intense amounts of discomfort and switch off is something hes had all his life. Its not a skill he developed as an adult its not learnable.

This isnt unheard of; tests done on UKSF populations have shown that on average they produce way more (or perhaps it was way less! Im going off memory) of a certain protein than the general populace and scientists believe that protein is related to stress tolerance. They also tend to have underactive amygdalas. These traits are genetic not trainable. Goggins is even more freakish.

>> No.14633428

That hits it pretty head on.
I guess the real question is how to do the things reliably that you know you are supposed to do?
To acquire discipline and will even when your ways have already started settle.

>> No.14633476



>> No.14633486

Goggins is a retard. He hasn't 'mastered his mind' in the slightest, quite the opposite. If you read his book or watch an interview, it's patently clear he's mental disturbed -no doubt as an effect of his upbringing- and he uses these physical feats as a way of running away from his problems (quite literally).
The only thing even remotely exemplary about him is that he has an above average ability to power through physical discomfort (to the point of retardation, resulting in what is essentially self-harm).
His whole 'take control of your life' shtick is nonsense as well. He's been helped by outside forces multiple times in his life like his mom getting him multiple tutors and his buddy helping him cheat during SEAL training. He's also been divorced a couple times and abandoned his children from those marriages (you'd think with his own childhood being the way it was, he'd be more sensitive to something like that but I guess not).
He's literally just a dumb nigger that can run really far and nothing more, and the fact that people have even given him a minute of their time truly astounds me.

>> No.14633583
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You dumbasses always say this with such smugness, as if you're revealing some grand secret about willpower. Virtually everybody knows and understands the thing you've so graciously 'revealed'. The difficulty is execution, and not only that, but execution over an indefinite amount of time. People want to [go to the gym/write a novel/take up playing the piano/learn a language/insert literally anything], so they do it. But then after a couple weeks, couple months (or sometimes even a couple years) something just gives, they quit, and they're back to step one. Sometime later they might decide to give it another go and the same process repeats itself.
A lot of people feel that they lack some sort of inner faculty of control, and they're looking for some sort of method or approach that will allow them to gain this. That's why people relentlessly keep looking for the magic method that will finally allow them to take control over themselves.

>> No.14633609

im in hell mouthafucka and you know what? You're right here with me. We're in this bitch. So who's harder?

>> No.14633633

>That's why people relentlessly keep looking for the magic method that will finally allow them to take control over themselves.

How many books are you going to consume before you get a clue and realize it doesnt exist?

>> No.14633653


>> No.14633657

>as a way of running away from his problems (quite literally).

could you say more about this?

>> No.14633663

>You just follow commands.
It won't suffice to stay in a spec ops group, especially a Tier one or Tier two unit

>> No.14633678
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You can spare me the wannabe psychologist act. I don't struggle with willpower, and I haven't so much as skimmed a self-help book in years. I'm just calling out a 'just do it' retard that thinks his sophomoric realization isn't known by everybody above the age of 14.

>> No.14633697

No one said this is a good thing. Gert over yourself

>> No.14634835

Goggins was Iraq PM bodyguard

>> No.14634853

No. It's peak hypocrisy.
I guess I shouldn't have a bone to pick since I'm not American but there we go.
If it was all about willpower, why did he need to hire a ghostwriter to write this for him and then shill a book.
It's like his greatest willpower lies in talking about.. willpower? There's plenty of people who have done same as him, just without the narrative. Boring, ey?

>> No.14634858

It’s because he didn’t do anything in the military, the military was just a means of making him think he’s better than everyone but it was just a tool, he just wanted to get into a hard job but didn’t actually take part in the job itself.

>> No.14634870

I don't get it your point because he immediately signed back up and went to two different other special forces or whatever.

>military isn't what inspires people
>immediately joins the military again

like he joins PJs, fails, becomes tscp enlisted, then rat pest control, then back to military special forces? It seems like a wide skip

>> No.14634964

Serving is pretty cool and I imagine he would've been interested in that. But it's just serving. Millions of people around the world serve in combat every day. It's not interesting. Nobody would read about Goggins' military service. And I don't think Goggins thinks its important either

>> No.14635121

my point is it doesn't make sense. what changed from when he saw the navy seals documentary on the couch while being a fatass than when he saw some PJ shit and wanted to be a PJ. That's why I think he kinda just made that up to make the story sound cool

>> No.14635436

>You just follow commands.
Not really. Personal initiative and autonomy is very important especially in contemporary warfare. America can to some extent get away with having low IQ command-following soldiers because it hasn't participated in a war that it didn't succeed in by having overwhelming numbers and air and naval superiority. Spamming expensive military tech until the enemy literally has no bullets left for their generationally outdated weapon. That works because certain 'people' make a lot of money if all this tech is used and wasted. Taxpayer money that is. It's better if it's a big, messy affair really.

And even considering this they still prefer smart soldiers for actual deployment and missions. We're not fighting in open-field line battles anymore. The mindless soldier stereotype isn't even applicable to ww1.

>> No.14636051

Not many 200lb men have run ultra marathons, no. He is among a very small group of people.

>> No.14636086

true, imagine getting jewed by ""self-help"" books

>> No.14636133

you are absolutely delusional lmao, i guess you just single-handedly destroyed the entirety of Freud's oeuvre

>> No.14636277

Don’t read the Goggins book, read Hero Living by Rudy Reyes. He’s actually /lit/ and has more charisma in one nipple than goggins has in his whole body.