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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 337 KB, 1080x706, tate_20200129_202758_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14631153 No.14631153 [Reply] [Original]

How many books did you read this month /lit/? How many pages in each book?

Me? Two books. 350 & 500 pages.

>> No.14631158

4 books

>> No.14631164

1137 pages across 6 books, plus 30 pages into my current book and 130 pages of LOTR (reading it with a casual so have to go slow)

>> No.14631238

If you want to be a bug and quantify your reading you should really be counting words and applying a difficulty multiplier

>> No.14631267

3 so far.
The Heart of Darkness-- 100ish.
As I Lay Dying-- 2 or 3 hundy
The Moor's Last Sigh-- 400 some

I also read Persepolis parts 1 & 2. (250-300 altogether)
>I don't count graphic novels.

>> No.14631271

I haven't been able to find the motivation to read for months, I dunno why

>> No.14631279

okay pagelet

>> No.14631283

Is this some kind of multicultural fantasy of what a library would look like without evil white people

>> No.14631285

I didnt count pages.
12 books
most pretty short 200ish pages per?
2400 pagesish

>> No.14631297

i burn with envy for your NEET lifestyle

>> No.14631302

A quarter of one

>> No.14631317

Only 2: Good Omens and The Diary of Satan. I don't know how many pages.
I've been busy playing videogames.

>> No.14631323

i work, i just dont have any friends, partners, family, responsibilities, hobbies, meaning in my life, feelings its like 100 pages a day over 4-6ish hours, more on weekends. still end up watching tv and playing games, could have done more,

>> No.14631331 [DELETED] 
File: 179 KB, 750x550, 2017_02_16_JamesCohan_028-750x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yinka Shonibare's 'The British Library' at Tate Modern celebrates the diversity of the British population. Printed on some of the 6,328 books in the installation are the names of first or second-generation immigrants to Britain, marking their significant contributions to British culture. Among names such as Zadie Smith, Dame Helen Mirren and Hans Holbein, the names of some of those who have opposed immigration also appear. As well as a celebration of contributions, the work also acknowledges dissent — intending to provoke discussion, debate and reflection on all aspects of British culture.

The work continues online where visitors can learn more about the people named on the books, and review materials selected by Shonibare that represent different perspectives on immigration. There are iPads in the space for visitors to contribute to the library, or head to thebritishlibraryinstallation.com to submit online. We’d love to hear your stories.

>> No.14631341 [DELETED] 
File: 179 KB, 750x550, 2017_02_16_JamesCohan_028-750x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yinka Shonibare's 'The British Library' at Tate Modern celebrates the diversity of the British population. Printed on some of the 6,328 books in the installation are the names of first or second-generation immigrants to Britain, marking their significant contributions to British culture. Among names such as Zadie Smith, Dame Helen Mirren and Hans Holbein, the names of some of those who have opposed immigration also appear. As well as a celebration of contributions, the work also acknowledges dissent — intending to provoke discussion, debate and reflection on all aspects of British culture.

The work continues online where visitors can learn more about the people named on the books, and review materials selected by Shonibare that represent different perspectives on immigration.

>> No.14631348

5, all very short though.

>> No.14631362
File: 179 KB, 750x550, 2017_02_16_JamesCohan_028-750x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yinka Shonibare's 'The British Library' at Tate Modern celebrates the diversity of the British population. Printed on some of the 6,328 books in the installation are the names of first or second-generation immigrants to Britain, marking their significant contributions to British culture. Among names such as Zadie Smith, Dame Helen Mirren and Hans Holbein, the names of some of those who have opposed immigration also appear. As well as a celebration of contributions, the work also acknowledges dissent — intending to provoke discussion, debate and reflection on all aspects of British culture.

>> No.14631383

1 only

541 pages + notes in the back which i skimmed 100+ pages.

good so far i guess.

>> No.14631405

Who cares?

>> No.14631442 [DELETED] 
File: 209 KB, 820x817, 596-5967222_8990551-pink-wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who cares?

>> No.14631667


>> No.14632285

Five books / 1,300 pages.

As well as being part way through /abandoned four books totalling about 750 additional pages.

So, 2,000 pages. And I'm not even a good or fast reader, nor do I read too often.

>> No.14632339

5 books
1570 pages
would have liked to read more but most of them are dense philosophy books that I collectively took over 100 pages of notes on.

>> No.14632364


>> No.14633363

good to know that some of you are reading 2,000+ pages a month

>> No.14633690


>> No.14633716

4 books totalling 1450 pages,
Industrial Society and It's Future,
Moby Dick,
Clean Code

>> No.14633750


About 150 pages each

>> No.14633786

About 450 pages

>> No.14634710

>12 books
>4600 pages
just shut the fuck and start reading you pseuds.

>> No.14634719

3 books. About 230, 100, and 342. /sci/ can do the math.

>> No.14634721

What books?

>> No.14634727

Just 1, about 440 pages.

And 50 pages on one book and about 120 in another. Slowish start so far

>> No.14634730

2800 pages. Hobbit, LOTR, Silmarillion, and the first three books of Joseph and His Brothers.

>> No.14634796

Zorba Kazandzakis
La Peau de chagrin Balzac
L'universalité de l’herméneutique Grondin
My struggle knaugsard
Gonczarov Oblomov
Froth on the Daydream boris vian
fathers and sons turgnieniew
houellebecq's shit i'd rather forget
roadside picnic
voltaire L'Ingénu
Taming of the Shrew; Two Gentelmen of Verona. shakespeare
and masłowska, writer from my country

>> No.14634860

Nice, Fathers and Sons was a pretty good book.

>> No.14634884

so read Oblomov, same era, country, awesome characters

>> No.14634933


>> No.14635443

>reading it right now
Bazarov annoys me so far.


>> No.14635465

Speed reader alert

Maybe you should try reading those books properly

>> No.14635502

I read Lolita again, every short story by Ambrose Bierce, every short story by Ted Chiang, and The Stranger again

>> No.14635752
File: 30 KB, 820x547, thom-yorke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14635800

I read 1,630 pages across 7 books

(copy-pasting from goodreads cuz i'm lazy)

>> No.14635836

3 books
Wieland; or the Transformation
Arthur Mervyn; or the Memoirs of the year 1793
-Charles Brocken Brown
The Adventures of Captain Bonneville
-Washington Irving

>> No.14635856

I've been rereading the same book for the last 2 years

>> No.14635862

Wieland; or the Transformation
Arthur Mervyn; or the Memoirs of the year 1793
-Charles Brocken Brown
The Adventures of Captain Bonneville
-Washington Irving

all are library of america

>> No.14635915

I read four and half books, 1000-1200 pages

>> No.14636470

Speed reading can lead to increased rate of comprehension. Retard.

>> No.14636508

2,5 books.

>> No.14636609

16 books
3636 pages

>> No.14636674


>> No.14636843

9 books

300 odd pages for most of them. But one of them was 150 page novella and one was 400 odd pages.

I replaced weed with books.

>> No.14636944

>I replaced weed with books.
good lad

>> No.14637043

9 books
More than 3000 pages

>> No.14637063


Book of the New Sun - 597 (shadow and claw) +615 (sword and citadel)

The Yiddish Policemen's Union - 411

Currently 150 pages through Urth of the New Sun

>> No.14637208

Gullivers' Travels -330
Memories of old Liverpool - 350
Nibelungenlied - 404

And also;
A ton of reterofuturist short stories from Galaxy magazine
Henry Viii letters to anne boleyn
An essay about why the British would lose India written in the 1700's

>> No.14637357
File: 40 KB, 391x394, R-672892-1154961903.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Henry Viii letters to anne boleyn
>An essay about why the British would lose India written in the 1700's
neat, similar to what im interested in

>> No.14637410
File: 7 KB, 231x218, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Iliad. We're off to a rough start this year.

>> No.14637449

>Bazarov annoys me so far.
Thank fucking God I'm not the only one.

>> No.14637452

None. And I have the time to do it. Fucking hell...

>> No.14637467

I got halfway through Moby Dick and a quarter way through a book about Pre Socratic philosophers. I also spend a good amount of time reading poetry, but that doesn't really count in this context

>> No.14637484

None because I willfully adhere to the mind numbing tedium of a seven to seven job that has paralyzed my brain, precluding any semblance of learning, contemplation, or general introspection in life; so I come here to seek in others the quickening flame born of intellectual novelty that has long been extinguished in me, and I deeply mourn.

>> No.14637496

The Divine comedy
Jurassic park
The republic
Now I'm halfway through blood meridian

No idea about how many pages, I'd have to check when home from work

>> No.14637628

0. 39 pages into V.

>> No.14637659


>> No.14637669

6 books

>> No.14637686


the gita
the koran

now gilgamesh

>> No.14637712
File: 710 KB, 2048x2048, 1579297444119348253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 books
one was 800p, two others a tad over 400p, 3 were below 200p, others average (300-350p)
and while you're here, look at that giant damn horse. the man is 191cm. love that pic, horse looks great

>> No.14637756

The Road by Cormac McCarthy
Dream Story by Arthur Schnitzler
Stoner by John Williams (halfway through)
The Golden Age of Weird Fiction Vol. 2 by Frank Belknap Long (halfway through)

>> No.14637776

one and a half books.
1079 and 156 (in the half)

>> No.14637784


2 are for school (NOT TEXTBOOK)


>> No.14638125
File: 90 KB, 901x749, YTD January 2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three books. Worked 15-hour days the first two weeks of this year so didn't have time to read anything during those weeks, save for the weekends.

>> No.14638130

I bet it hasn't in your case, pseud.

>> No.14639254 [DELETED] 

Kys nigger

>> No.14639306

if you aren't reading at least 8 books a month then daqfuq are you doin [an individual book meaning an at least 400 page volume, 1-200 page novella doens't c ount]

>> No.14639341

seriously that's like just 100 pages a day it's not that fucking much you fags

>> No.14640454

so fast reading reading assuming that i cant do it "properly"? what is that even mean. you can read for fun, plot, and screw that "properly" reading. read and have fun.

>> No.14640461


>> No.14640479
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, ge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's big ass horse

>> No.14641330

how do you access this breakdown on goodreads? unless its not GR?

>> No.14642196

hehe can you imagine its dick i bet it's huge haha
i bet it's like 2 feet long. that's a lot of cock.

>> No.14643051
File: 339 KB, 607x364, 2020.02.01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work, live with my gf
it's ez to read a lot if that's all you do
wasting my live desu
i hope you younger ones actually study at school and do useful stuff with your life

>Who cares?
well on a litterature board why not

>just shut the fuck and start reading you pseuds.

>None because I willfully adhere to the mind numbing tedium of a seven to seven job that has paralyzed my brain, precluding any semblance of learning, contemplation, or general introspection in life; so I come here to seek in others the quickening flame born of intellectual novelty that has long been extinguished in me, and I deeply mourn.
stay stronk senpai

my books
year in books
next year

>> No.14643059

meant for

>> No.14643202

None. But i learned around 600 pages for my exams.

>> No.14643213

4. 5 if you count the one I’m finishing today :3.

>> No.14643302
File: 86 KB, 663x627, 4chan reads.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, friend :)

>> No.14643328

whats that incas book like?

>> No.14643334

really bad sorry
it's kind of the deities and emperors of the incas, put in luke warm mini stories, with zero effort to make it enjoyable.
i enjoyed the wikipedia summaries of the protagonists more than the book.

>> No.14643460

Urs Bitterli - The Discovery of America
Ziblatt/Levitzky - How Democracies Die
Homer - Odyssey
Sun Tzu - Art of War
Musashi - Five Rings

(granted, the last two are rather short)

5 books. Also watched 17 movies.