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14631039 No.14631039 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14631045
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>> No.14631449
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>this is what "I only read non-fiction" plebs read

>> No.14631452


>> No.14631490
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> Barbarians: How Baby Boomers, Immigrants, and Islam Screwed My Holes

>> No.14631739

is this what counts as theory for conservatards

>> No.14631747

this kind of name calling and dismisal of our philosophy is why you libcucks lost the 2016 election (and you're going to lose the 2020 election too KEK!!!)

>> No.14631761

Trumpism isn't a philosophy, it's the dumbest personality cult in human history.

>> No.14631771

reddit is down the hall and to the left, take you pussy hat and your nintendo switch with you.

>> No.14631778

its pics like these that reassure me that i'm destined to become an uberman

>> No.14631786

You're fully groomed by a demented narcissist who's said 16,000+ lies in office (yes, WaPo kept count) and have the temerity to call others cucked.

>> No.14631795

Only the ones with addictions to reddit and youtube. The ones with addictions to 4chan have slightly more esoteric tastes in shitty books. On the other hand, it's not that much worse than deliberately obtuse books written to justify the urges of French pedophiles and swingers; at least these are just a cash grab.
Are baby boomers still into that Q anon stuff? Are they still doing freaking shit? I've been out of the loop for a while.
A personality cult is a philosophy. It's dumb but it's a philosophy.
You can go too.

>> No.14631797

You can't cute WaPo because any source critical of Trump is automatically fake (and probably the work of the Jews).

>> No.14631801

16000 lies? according to Jeff Bezo's washington post? I suppose that seems like a lot until you consider Hilary Clinton tells 20,000 lies a day. When will you people learn that we're trying to eradicate evil? You're misguided at best but you're helping the defilers of the world like clinton and soros and for that you would throw away our country

>> No.14631809

This is satire, right?

>> No.14631815

are you implying other presidents don't lie? stfu brainlet

>> No.14631818


>> No.14631822

fact checking is dumb and essentially just used to justify the ideology of the ruling class. But trump is a retard either way

>> No.14631824

hillary is a modern day faust. she's actually pretty based when you think about it.

>> No.14631829

To be fair to the Trump crowd, it's not like he's much different from previous presidents. The only real difference seems to be that curtain has been raised and his opponents are pointing fingers as if their guy wasn't sending the CIA to destabilize various countries among other sketchy stuff. Yesterday's Iraq War protesters are crying that we have to remain in the Middle East and today's executive bootlickers were yesterday's small government Tea Partiers. If you press the people who claim the president is out of order enough and they don't outright accuse you of being on the SVR payroll, they will admit that "well, at least Obama had more tact and didn't say things out loud." This is why they miss even Bush.

>> No.14631832

There is more fiction in these pictures than in Stephen King's biblography, probably with the same quality too.

>> No.14631841

She just had a baby and got married lmao. No pics yet but rumour has it it's a beautiful mixed child

>> No.14631845

I was actually proud of you guys for voting Trump. It was meant to be an entirely satirical presidency and a big orange Molotov cocktail. But instead of keeping that momentum going his base devolved into disgusting unironic toadies and have doubled down on the cognitive dissonance twice as hard as the most stereotypical leftist.

>> No.14631846

if he's such a retard how did he win the election and become a billionaire?
she's the devil and you are her unwitting servant

>> No.14631848

>fact checking is dumb
Ummm, what do you mean. Are you referring to the way people typically do it or something?
In principle it's one of the most important things you can possibly do. How else does one avoid being completely lied to about anything and everything?

>> No.14631850

Stop thinking the corporate media represents the opinions of anyone other than the billionaire class.

>> No.14631854

Because half the country are literal retards.

>> No.14631862

reminder that this is only one step removed from dweebs stocking their bookshelves with unread evola books

>> No.14631863

ugh, i'm wiring this guys barn/garage/mancave and today he had this guy over with a mutt baby and these people are really outgoing and were trying to get me to joke around with them and the mutt baby about getting him to help me with my work. yeah sure, he can help me, just let me go grab my whip, you fucking miscegenists. lol lmao just kidding i don't hate niggers really, but i do hate seeing mutt kids, its such a fucking shame.

>> No.14631868

stay deranged, libtard

>> No.14631872

/lit/ really is dead, huh?

>> No.14631878


>> No.14631889

Where did I say otherwise? You're wrong, though; it also represents the multimillionaire class.

>> No.14631898

Straight talkers like Chomsky admit that theory's largely bogus despite its air of haughty sophistication which is designed solely to flatter pretentious artfags

>> No.14631927

>straight talkers
I know this is b8

>> No.14631967

You said:
>Yesterday's Iraq War protesters are crying that we have to remain in the Middle East
That's not accurate.

>> No.14632031

Let's face it. Most leftists are pseuds who don't even bother to read Marx. While the right doesn't read either at least it doesn't make believe that it does.

>> No.14632190

i mean fact checking done by politifact, wapo, or any other major news corporation. They don't try to be objective and just use their appearance of legitimacy to push their interests. Obviously checking facts to make sure your view is well founded is a good thing

>> No.14633413


>> No.14633569
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>> No.14633574

what would lacan say about this image?

>> No.14633594
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Cool thread America.