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14629671 No.14629671 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend some historical fiction pls.

>> No.14629678
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>> No.14629691

About what

>> No.14629721
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Read the forefather of historical fiction, maybe?

>> No.14629728

15-19 century

>> No.14629729
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I'm looking for stuff depicting massacres, sieges and other nasty stuff and how people deal with the awfullness
I've read La Reine Margot and some of Aztec, and looking for more brutal stuff like it

>> No.14629731

In europe? England? The southern coast of Korea?

>> No.14629741 [DELETED] 

Just open a history book.

>> No.14629745


>> No.14629779


>> No.14629835

I recently quite enjoyed The Sunne In Splendour, it's about the wars of the roses and is a relatively new book.
The spanish writer Benito Pérez Galdos's "Episodios Nacionales" are quite well known, but I don't know if they're available in English. They deal with 19th century Spanish history. "Buddenbrooks" by Thomas Mann deals with a 19th century Hanseatic family's decline.

>> No.14629861

What about Aubrey–Maturin series?and Sharpe?

>> No.14629863

No idea.

>> No.14629873

Farewell Anatolia by Dido Sotiriu comes to mind right now if you want a relatively obscure rec. Written by a commie woman but still not bad. Not sure how it's in translation tho.

>> No.14629881


Not him but I’m genuinely annoyed that he had to ask you like two whole questions just to get you to specify what you wanted under your own damn thread. Come on now

>> No.14629885

Good taste.

>> No.14629891

I can recommend the novel "The Great Dead" about Cortes and Montezuma, but it was not translated into English.

>> No.14629903

I, Claudius and Claudius the God.

>> No.14629962
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Thanks! But yeah something in english that isn't too obscure (Farewell Anatolia is way to expensive) would be best.
Something like Der Untergang or Come and See in bookform (any time period or country goes)

>> No.14629981

Lays of Ancient Rome
thanks to the anon who posted the poem in that incel thread for putting me on to this shit

>> No.14630021

Then you need that of Jewish writers. I watched a review of Jewish books, and for these people, the Holocaust is a real problem, so real that it engulfed the subconscious. No wonder, because it was the destruction of an entire civilization.

>> No.14630039

>for these people, the Holocaust is a real problem, so real that it engulfed the subconscious. No wonder, because it was the destruction of an entire civilization.
oy vey, you're telling me it was LITERALLY like anuddah shoah? holy matzah balls that sounds serious!

>> No.14630046

Yeah sorry

>> No.14630060

Mary Renault is the way to go for ancient Greece.

Pauline Gedge has some excellent novels set in ancient Egypt.

>> No.14630067

I was looking at a retrospective review of contemporary Jewish fiction, and the Holocaust issue is addressed in almost every topic.
Every Jewish family has an ancestor who suffered from the actions of the Nazis and their minions. The Holocaust and World War II are non-healing wounds in Jewish consciousness.

>> No.14630076

Im just going to point out this is a people whose central founding myth is a story about being enslaved in Egypt that simply never happened. They just made it up

>> No.14630175

Sigmund Freud wrote about this. His method was similar to the method of Sherlock Holmes or even Dupin, so it is absolutely ridiculous. However, he has one job that even professionals agree with. This is "Moses and Monotheism." The university professors with whom I spoke, they all acknowledge that Judaism originally developed from a certain Egyptian sect (it was not necessarily a cult of Aton). Commandments, circumcision (which is anti-hygienic in the Middle East), a ban on eating pork (because it tastes like human flesh, and in the period of the Middle Kingdom it was believed that if you know something in your mind, it will affect you ; i.e., feeling the taste of pork, you literally eat a man).
In addition, Aryan beliefs influenced Judaism. The Levites were descendants of the Indo-Iranian nomads. The Hittites brought faith in the seven archangels and the one omnipotent God. Persian king Cyrus (Koresh) was recognized as the messiah.

And yes. The world conspiracy, according to all theorists, is not Jewish, but Gnostic Hermetic sectarians, in the Christian sense - Satanists who draw their ideas from Plato (Plato was a smart guy, and in fact is the one thanks to which Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire, but much of his ideas is satanic and bastard - this was shown by the Byzantine philosopher Pletho, a native of the Gnostic sect, who was declared the reincarnation of Plato).

>> No.14630235

Interesting post. Your second paragraph though, what exactly are you talking about?

>> No.14630316

You do not like Jews.
I am trying to make it clear that the world conspiracy created by powerful people is not a Jewish conspiracy.
The Hebrew faith itself was formed as a fusion of Egyptian and Aryan religion. Modern Talmudic Judaism was formed under the influence of Greek philosophers (more precisely, the "orthodox" understanding of these philosophers). Kabbalism was formed under the influence of Gnosticism, and actually turned into an offshoot of Gnosticism, the war with which all Christian church fathers waged war. Kaballah and Gnosticism = Satanism, both from the point of view of Christianity and Islam, and from the point of view of Talmudic Judaism.
But the movement is ruled by those who are at the head of the original premises. So modern Satanism with its agenda is ancient Gnosticism, not Judaism. And Hitler acted exactly within the framework of the satanic projection, taking on the mystical role of the biblical Pharaoh or leader of the Canaanites. He did not just want to destroy the Jews, he patronized the cult of the deity Irmin, in accordance with the Gnostic texts, he tried to turn back the clock by organizing a mass sacrifice. In fact, he embodied the principle of "Ouroboros", which is symbolically expressed in the image of the snake "Samael" biting its tail. Time has an end, and this end leads to the Last Judgment. The principle of Gnosticism is that you need to turn back the clock, to escape from the paradigm where the Serpent will devour itself, and the Being ceases to exist.
Jewish Gnostics very often positively characterize the role of the Serpent in the development of mankind. But Gnosticism sets the task of running away from the mouth of the Serpent. Therefore, now the satanic leaders again want to turn back the clock - return the world to the "Golden Age", which is actually a neo-Middle Ages.

>> No.14630620

Where are you getting this stuff?

>> No.14630951

>that even professionals agree with
psychoanalysts aren't professionals? 10 years of school?

>> No.14631371

I recommend "The Conquest of Mexico" - William Prescott

>> No.14631886


>> No.14631974


>> No.14632529

it's just double speak nonsense invented by 19th century jews to invalidate the valid critique of them being usurers and bad faith lenders (often lending only to collect on the collateral), it was repackaged as 'mysterious' in the 20th century by more jews who lie about everything.

you can just list the top 500 jews in the world and they are all tied directly into predatory and nefarious activities which undermine their host nations, they do it to each other even in israel, but they come together against gentiles. sortof like how criminals have a 'dont snitch' rule and are typically unified against law enforcement, but between each other they are still ruthless and competitive.


this is when jews became jews ^ there is no history of them before this except in their own fanfiction reinvented in the roman period. just take a look at the Jews wiki page and how desperate the sourcing is:
>A factual reconstruction for the origin of the Jews is a difficult and complex endeavor
>The Israelites become visible in the historical record as a people between 1200 and 1000 BCE.[83] It is not certain if a period like that of the Biblical judges occurred[84][85][86][87][88] nor if there was ever a United Monarchy.[89][90][91][92] There is well accepted archeological evidence referring to "Israel" in the Merneptah Stele, which dates to about 1200 BCE,[23][24] and the Canaanites are archeologically attested in the Middle Bronze Age.[93][94] There is debate about the earliest existence of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah and their extent and power, but historians agree that a Kingdom of Israel existed by ca. 900 BCE[90]:169–195[91][92] and that a Kingdom of Judah existed by ca. 700 BCE.[95] It is widely accepted that the Kingdom of Israel was destroyed around 720 BCE, when it was conquered by the Neo-Assyrian Empire.[76]


haaretz is typically jews hating on ther jews ^ so you can trust their 'critique' articles.

>> No.14633197


>> No.14634103


>> No.14634150

Three Musketeers and sequels

>> No.14634535

Pharaoh (1999)

>> No.14634553
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Empire and Burr by Gore Vidal

>> No.14635293

Need opinions on these series

>> No.14636448

Count Belisarius
The Egyptian

>> No.14636463

fuck off, kike

there is literally no evidence for anything you say
you just narrate erratically, focusing on insignificant peripheral details, trying to distract from the main body of your people's work

jews are a singularity of human evil that consume all and create nothingness

>> No.14637723

Livy Books 1-10
Procopius Secret History

>> No.14637839

wow so funny 100 internet ebin points and upboated good sir

>> No.14637856

Yourcenar - Memoirs of Hadrian

>> No.14638976
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Sharpe and Aubrey–Maturin are great fun reads, don't read them all at once or you are going to get burned out since they can be a bit repetitive, i just read 2 books of the series every month or so.

>> No.14639018

Hornblower and Aubrey are true seakino

>> No.14639030

Fernando del Paso (PBUH)'s book about Carlota of Mexico

>> No.14639109

Wolf Hall
Bring Up the Bodies


>> No.14639441
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>> No.14640828
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And Lincoln

>> No.14641614

4x games are trash prove me wrong

>> No.14641887

Memoirs of Hadrian

>> No.14643001

Niccolo Rising by dorothy dunnet