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/lit/ - Literature

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14628069 No.14628069 [Reply] [Original]

Conservatards btfo'd

>> No.14628089

Implying conservatives read.

>> No.14628101


I just read hunt for red October.

>> No.14628121

Hey Melissa, why the long face?

>> No.14629219

Wow, just like my German fascist animes

>> No.14629513
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They really do hate us, don't they? It's not just some dumb /pol/ meme.

>> No.14629545

The saddest words heard, or writ with a pen,
Was that /pol/ was right again.

>> No.14629566

Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

>> No.14629574

>printing white papers reading TRASH
pretty based i have to admin

>> No.14629578

Got a list of the books or are you just gonna have /pol/tards whine?

>> No.14629579

Do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny.

>> No.14629582

hundreds of copies of gravity rainbow

>> No.14629587

I believe you mean Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.14629615

anyone who throws away perfectly usable books is a clown

>> No.14629628
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And no matter how hard you cuck yourself you will still be an enemy.
>Justin Trudeau is a white supremacist terrorist

>> No.14629629

I mean you could squash bugs with them or put your cup of coffee on them while it's warm.

>> No.14629634

So, a list of thrown books yet?

>> No.14629636

for once, lit posts that count as real literature. fuck.

>> No.14629664

Looks like no. Went googling and found some Koch blog talking about it but they didn't have a list either. She had some stupid ideas, but playing victim without knowing what was disposed of is propaganda.

>> No.14629677

So it's just fake outrage. A nontroversy. Good to hear.

>> No.14629689


its not some jewish conspiracy theory that academics in the humanities are ubiquitously "radical leftist neo-martixts" as jordan peterson would put it in his idiosyncratic terminology. nobody *hates the canon* (although there is certainly a critique to be made of it and how it functions culturally), but schools need a more realistic approach to pedagogy. want to know a good way to make a teenager alienated from literature forever? force him to read William Faulkner and them force him to parrot your own culturally informed reading of the text. these people aren't scheming to turn your kids into trans sissies who love black cock or whatever the fuck paranoid conservatives are afraid of, they're trying to do their job as educators. fuck

>> No.14629714

>force him to read William Faulkner
Strawman harder, it'll make you even more convincing
>force him to parrot your own culturally informed reading of the text
That's fucking rich
Also, in which part of education do we throw books in the garbage?

>> No.14629720

I mean, adding diversity to English curriculum is one thing, but attacking the old reading list the way she did, as the head of an English department, is pretty bad regardless.

>> No.14629723

So, what books did she attack?

Which books?

>> No.14629724
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>Let's destroy books
>That'll show those Nazis

>> No.14629737
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Can someone ITT let me know which fucking books?

>> No.14629747

Tom Sawyer, because they say nigger.

>> No.14629748

Yeah go ahead and gut the canon because niggers can't understand Faulkner

>> No.14629750


>> No.14629753

Of Mice and Men too, hundreds if not thousands of copies of that.

>> No.14629754

>nobody *hates the canon* (although there is certainly a critique to be made of it and how it functions culturally)
"nobody hates it but they'd be justified if they did haha"

>> No.14629758


Who attacked the cannon?

>> No.14629760

Neat im sure it got replaced with current ya trash that will be tomorrows problematic literature

>> No.14629771

I don't know which books. Not sure anyone here does. If I had to guess, they are books that were at one point pretty standard in american public high schools. In my view, unless there were some yallqueda creationism books, nothing from most required reading lists warrants malicious removal. Sure removal and updating, but why loudly and with the label trash? I guess there's a chance some highschool had shitty books, but it was a public highschool in NJ.

>> No.14629778
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I'm starting to get how conservatard/libtard(read: ameritard) controversies arise:

>see something that might be inflammatory
>don't bother checking the source
>don't even bother going into detail
>just get outraged like a tard
>spam this shit on a Ugandan Karate Dissing Forum/Tumblr
>have the planet laugh at you fir being a tard

Did I miss something?

>> No.14629783

that's what's in the trash in the OP picture
maybe not in a literal sense (or maybe it is, we haven't seen the list), but certainly in a spiritual sense, and that's the only sense that matters

>> No.14629791
File: 8 KB, 227x222, AF8A9EBF-80DA-4628-924B-EED37A4F3304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>spam this shit on a Ugandan Karate Dissing Forum/Tumblr

Lmao, so le randum my fellow Redditor! The narwhal bacons at midnight lol

>> No.14629797

So you don't know shit. Maybe it was fucking outdated science books where Pluto's still a planet or maybe the curriculum changed, or it's a history book from 25 years ago that doesn't cover the last 4 presidents. But no, why bother checking, right? You fucking faggot.

>> No.14629803

I see I touched a nerve. You do realize you're not different from a tumblrwhale, right?

>> No.14629804

>Strawman harder, it'll make you even more convincing
Nice. I've encountered "the guy who loves to invoke logical fallacies". I had to read Faulkner in high school. I have a friend getting his english phd who teaches Faulkner to his students. (Guess what? They hate it) Faulkner is canon. Its also a fucking example dude jesus christ you guys are autistic. Should I have used The Great Gatsby instead? And he came to mind because he happens to be one of my favorite authors. As a matter of fact, literally all of my favorite authors are canon dead white males.
>Also, in which part of education do we throw books in the garbage?
Look I defend the actions of every brainless idiot on twitter. I'm trying to elevate the conversation to a higher level of nuance here. What are some examples of texts you think should be taught to (non-honors) high school students? Do you think there should be any diversity at all in the curriculum to reflect the diversity of the student body or do you think only white male authors should be taught? (i.e. "merit based")

It's not being "gutted" its just not being taught in high school. What's the upper limit for you? Should we teach critique of pure reason to high schoolers? I'm talking about being pragmatic here not saying that the canon is trash. God you guys are fucking thick its like you actually don't understand the basic project of literary criticism and think it should just consist of being a cheerleader for your favorite authors/books like your beloved Harold Bloom.

Literally not what I said. Read some theory. Believe it or not there are more nuanced positions besides "I love the canon uncritically!" and "I hate the canon bc white men!" Although I understand this is difficult to convey online.

>> No.14629805
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Yeah anon, I’m sure it’s just out dated science books that say Pluto is a planet.

>> No.14629811
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>I see I touched a nerve

Could you be any more reddit?

>> No.14629813

**can't defend

>> No.14629815

So what is it then?

>> No.14629819

>he didn't read Kant in highschool
fucking yikes, are you black yourself

>> No.14629820

Yes books where Pluto is still a planet had to be replaced with more "culturally diverse literature"

>> No.14629830

What was thrown out?

>> No.14629831

I told you, copies of Tom Sawyer and Of Mice and Men mostly. Some other less important books, but that’s whats being removed from the curriculum. They never used them anymore anyway, since the district lets teachers choose between those and other books they added to the list later. and they always choose the easiest thing.

>> No.14629837


>> No.14629839

They could at least give it away to someone who wants them. Fucking retards.

>> No.14629840

Sauce for this?

>> No.14629853

Why is it always twitter and no serious source? It still doesn't mention which books.

>> No.14629855
File: 29 KB, 300x100, DF589A4F-4170-44D9-BDF4-00CBB4F6359E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yikes and Cringe: The Post

>> No.14629856

That’s what they did in my old high school.

>> No.14629857

post tits

>> No.14629860

>n-no u

>> No.14629871
File: 22 KB, 200x290, 2D1FDB1C-59A3-4B35-8458-44465A148A36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not realizing that it’s natural for civilizations to rise and fall

What did you guys think was going to happen? America would be king forever? America reached its natural zenith in the 90s and is now slowly crumbling like all empires and cultures do. It’s normal. We’re going to be overtaken by an alliance of Latinos, blacks and Asians and a new civilization will be reborn in the old ones ashes. It’s normal and for the most part a good thing.

Just let go brainlets. Most of you will probably be fine anyway

>> No.14629915

>in the 90s
surely it was the 50s? Objectively that was the most powerful they ever were compared to the rest of the world and their culture hadn't completely fallen apart yet. Not that the 50s were the golden age certain conservatives think they were, but clearly better than the 90s
>alliance of latinos, blacks, and asians
seriously doubt

>> No.14629931

Faulkner is an author most people shy away from just by hearing the name, it seemed like you were trying to strike the entire bloody canon down by cherry picking a scary name.
>Merit based
I fully support the specific quote but you're trying to take it to some wild places. I fully support teaching the Baburnama alongside the confessions if you're gonna talk about autobiography. I also support readings from the Mahābharata and the Ramayana to accompany Homer in the "Indo-European myths diffusion epic" bit. If you could sneak in Hafiz alongside romantic poetry that'd be based. If you could integrate readings from Chinese novels that'd be redpilled. If you spent fifteen minutes talking about Eustahios Makrembolites and the Byzameme novels then you'd reach ascension.

>> No.14629967

Honestly it was a woke /lit/ class that played a large role in turning me into the fascist I am today. "Diverse" literature was largely dogshit and I realized that these people have literally nothing to say beyond their own identity politics.

>> No.14629996

this. america peaked mid-century and it is all down from there, though slowly. it basically was as much a golden age as you can get—no golden age is actually perfect, without issue—but conservatives misunderstand much about the period, the decades preceding, and the highly unusual global conditions that allowed it.
also, niggers and spics hate each other and chinamen think both disgusting.

>> No.14630023

>It's not being "gutted" its just not being taught in high school.
Same thing
>Should we teach critique of pure reason to high schoolers?

>> No.14630072

>I'm talking about being pragmatic here
no you are not. the pragmatic action is to make kids read and analyse literature far earlier than they currently do, and with higher frequency, while also doing more to educate them on proper grammar and syntax.
the high school tards hate literature they read because they were raised retarded to that point thus find it totally alien. they hate faulkner because they can barely read him (the same is true for quite easy texts like Gatsby too). their literacy level is not high enough to read it effectively. they're forced by ability to read slowly and focus on very word—such that the experience of reading is overly exhausting. they spend all of their childhood and most of their teens laying on the couch but now and ten you put them in a track meet and expect good results. it is fucking not pragmatic, from the perspective of one who wants high results, to look at the embarrassing level of literacy produced by current curriculums and think we should accept it despite the solution being relatively simple.
that said, i don't personally think it's much worth the effort. we gain nothing from educating the plebs—and widepread literacy was a mistake.

>> No.14630168

Honors should be the standard curriculum and fail those who cant keep up. The fact that a bunch of teenagers dislike Faulkner is because they just dont like reading, not because they hate his work.

>> No.14630191
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>> No.14630321

>a society of latinos, blacks and asians
>a good thing
literally, objectively, false. The rise and fall of empires in Europe is not comparable to the cultural extinction of the group that progressed society in the first place.

Its not falling because the new regime is strong, its falling because weak men allowed women to influence the world and the coming regime is full of emotional and inept people.

>> No.14630337


>> No.14630348

There is something fundamentally delicious about the fact that good little leftists will not get to enjoy any literature in the future.

You can literally watch the shitskin demographic and Jews strip away your culture in real time, and you will still come up with excuses for why this is okay because something something muh healthcare.

"b-b-b-b-buh it's da liberals they're not left wing!" screeches the impotent little leftist as his copy of Ivanhoe is torn from his fingers and fed to the flames. But he will vote and fight and diligently scrape to help Jews and shitskins further cement their majority, and his grandchildren--brown, with IQs in the low 60s--will look back, and sadly say "ay dawg, dafqus a 'greek,' dat some kinna olive oil? finna make mysef some pasta. Grandad din know nuffin."

Oh but least you weren't a reactionary. You good, good little leftist.

>> No.14630372

>want to know a good way to make a teenager alienated from literature forever
If someone doesn't want to a appreciate the classics, being alienated from literature should be their punishment.

>> No.14630391

They read clive cussler and robert ludlum

>> No.14630406

Not reading is better than reading Baldwin or Morrison.

>> No.14630426

>burger burning books
Color me surprised.

>> No.14630437
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>> No.14630479

>want to know a good way to make a teenager alienated from literature forever?
Tell him literature has nothing to teach him because it's written by people with a different background and different opinions? That their entire corpus of work can be reduced to a couple descriptive signifies, which they can then use as a tool to deduce the subconscious motivations of their every word and action? Perhaps teach them that the world is either secretly conspiring against them, to which they can attribute ever failure and struggle, or that they are arbitrary privileged and therefore cannot have any claim to authentic agency in their life? Training them to express every sentiment according to a politically convenient narrative specially designed to be as divisive and alienating as possible, while telling them that anyone expressing opinions outside of that narrative is a closeted Hitler supporter?

No, it must be making them read Shakespeare or Huxley in school. Surely literature is the thing ruining the study of literature for students.

>> No.14630512


>> No.14630536
File: 71 KB, 649x487, Cj0uGNsUgAA0i1i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the totalitarian mind of the leftist art's only purpose is the promotion of the politically correct cultural marxist ideology, an ideology based on the cult of victimhood and identity politics. We must deal with these people as we deal with radical islamic terrorists, for they are at their core religious fanatics, who want to erradicate all dissent. And remeber, These are the people who are teaching your children.

>The Sexual Revolution and Children
>How the Left Took Things Too Far
>Germany's left has its own tales of abuse. One of the goals of the German 1968 movement was the sexual liberation of children. For some, this meant overcoming all sexual inhibitions, creating a climate in which even pedophilia was considered progressive

>> No.14630547
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You fell for the meme. The left wants money

>> No.14630559

it's them or us, anon. hope you're getting ready for the day of the rope, because it is coming whether you like it or not

>> No.14630583

Nice unsourced graph nigger

>> No.14630587

leftists and neocons, along with the kikes, queers and sick liberal whites who currently run academia, hollywood and the fortune 500 should all be regarded as enemies and agents of the ZOG machine by any and all right thinking Patriots out there. It stands as evident that the American education system as it exists today has at its goal the creation of a mongrelized subhuman race of pot smoking videogaming of consumer cattle with pink hair.


>> No.14630595


careful, big words

>> No.14630604

you can find things yourself nigger

>> No.14630621
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>be a massive piece of shit who wants to remove women's rights, deregulate everything, kill or deport everyone who doesn't look like him, and turn civilization back into Dark Ages tier
>waaaaaah why do you hate meeeee I'm just an innocent incel who wants all minorities to die
fuck off with your brainlet propaganda, you projecting stormfag cocksucker

>> No.14630625


>> No.14630634
File: 62 KB, 580x739, 811f31750ee4d88694fddb60a4d38378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who cares if the fat cat GDP kikes on top happened to get richer during democrat administrations? The planned destruction of the American Family and our European Christian heritage has been a bipartisan project, carried out in tandem by traitors in both parties. I call upon all Patriots to Action, radical measures must be taken in order to defeat the forces of globalism, usury and cultural marxism before our America is irreversibly defiled.

>> No.14630644

the US was in decline long before you were born—and there is not returning to former glory

>> No.14630663

leftists want to control every aspect of our culture our every thought and feeling for social engineering purposes. I suspect the lgbt movement is aiming at the normalisation of pedophilia

>> No.14630669

Does this apply to children being forced to learn mathematics and science also?

Your critique makes sense but the alternative is that these kids gain absolutely nothing. No matter their level of engagement, Harry Potter and whatever some black lesbian wrote last year will do little in the way of improving their lives.

>> No.14630676

I've seen this phrase a few times lately. Do you know who coined it? Sounds like Schlichter or Malice.

>> No.14630684

remember Rotherham and the dozen other British cities

>> No.14630693

>remove women's rights,
>deregulate everything
>deport everyone who doesn't look like him
>turn civilization back into Dark Ages
unfathomably based, but not by your obviously uneducated and pop-knowledge tier understanding of this.

>> No.14630698

Weak bait.
>all my enemies are pure evil so everything I do to stop them is automatically justified.

>> No.14630705

what did you ever write?

>> No.14630706

notorious domestic terrorist Samuel Hyde coined it

>> No.14630707

my diary desu

>> No.14630709
File: 87 KB, 800x560, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-J05235,_Berlin,_Großkundgebung_im_Sportpalast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call upon the american people to leap headfirst into the meat grinder of history, following the last stand of the German Reich, when the defenders of a people prefered total annihilation to defilement.

>> No.14630719

cringe and retarded

>> No.14630723

People like you are why I only read immigrant narratives and holocaust shit in high school, fuck you

>> No.14630749

>>be a massive piece of shit who wants to remove women's rights,
The autonomous woman will always be in contact with national interest.
>deregulate everything,
Whoever said that? All business entities should be slaves to the nation if they even should be allowed to exist.
>kill or deport everyone who doesn't look like him,
Only those whose existence is hostile to mine. Individuals and peoples don't exist neutrally.
>and turn civilization back into Dark Ages tier
The dark ages began when jazz was popularized in the Americas and spread throughout Europe during WWI. I just want this one to be short.

>> No.14630764

i suspect suspect you haven't taken your meds. The only countries in the world who actually, literally control every aspect of their societies' cultures are conservative. Russia, Saudi Arabia, China, all the middle eastern shitholes, all conservatards. And usually the most conservative institutions like the Catholic Church are filled to the brim with pedophiles and closet gays. The only exception I can think of is Hollywood
don't start crying when we remove your shitty ideas
not all my enemies, just you. Shove your strawman up your ass
>Whoever said that?
it's the bread and butter of modern conservatism. But you don't actually read, so it's not surprising you don't know this
>Only those whose existence is hostile to mine
i.e. those who don't look like you, since everything foreign is hostile to you.
>The dark ages began when jazz was popularized in the Americas
thanks for confirming what I just said above

>> No.14630767
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Only an american could be this stupid.

>> No.14630772

>don't start crying when we remove your shitty ideas
Uh sweatie you're not allowed to do that. You have to let all the Muslims in and they dont like gays or women having rights

>> No.14630776

leftist institutions like public education, the lgbt movement, top NGOs, universities and immigrant communities are also filled with pedophiles but you don't hear about it. I wonder why?

>> No.14630778

Not reading Literature or Philosophy is actually based. Observation shows us that the most literate, philosophically inclined peoples are the most likely to be Communists or anti-anti-Communists, however, these are quite shit in practice. One can only conclude that there's something toxic in our literate tradition. Just go read a nice math textbook or something.

>> No.14630805
File: 156 KB, 500x374, raahbbk4thti7157zpnjhfkno1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe if it was 1950 but nowadays leftists are the people who read only YA novels. For a test, try bringing up Nietszche or any other ''western'' philosopher for that matter around your local LGBTQIA leftist cattle. You will see their stupid cow like eyes light up in panic, their fingers move towards the independent thought alarm. In no time they will start bleating as usual: ''wasn't he sexist'' ''aren't you being dangerously eurocentric?'' '' Haven't you been missing out on the latest diverse workplace comedies available for streaming in Netflix, Hulu and Disney Go? It is very important you take the SSRIs and the estrogen pills doctor Goldberg prescribed you."

>> No.14630809

>You have to let all the Muslims in and they dont like gays or women having rights
and yet another straman. In the real world, which you should visit sometime, most left leaning people don't want to let all the muslims in and instill Sharia Law. I understand that the UK is filled with retards left and right, but not everyone lives there.
>leftist institutions like public education
how the fuck is this a leftist institution? is it because you correctly associate the left with not being retarded? "Public education" is not an institution, imbecile. It varies entirely by country. And if we're talking about the US, it varies by state. Which is why so many schools in red states teach the denial of evolution and cherrypicks/embellishes american history.
>the lgbt movement
movements aren't institutions. Imbecile.
>top NGOs, universities and immigrant communities are also filled with pedophiles but you don't hear about it.
because it's bullshit. Post evidence or stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.14630825


Yep, some retarded librarian at some random high school did something retarded, therefore "they" really hate you

>> No.14630828

If the schools weren't leftist they'd teach race realism tbqh

>> No.14630839

>if shcools aren't leftists why don't they teach this bullshit pseudoscience?
flawless argument. Don't expect anything else from /pol/ brainlets

>> No.14630843

first thought was troll but it takes a bonafide leftoid to be this self righteous about lowering the bar for everyone

>> No.14630846

>bullshit pseudoscience
you dont find it odd that every black population on earth is dumb and violent? Surely there'd be 1 counter example if you were right

>> No.14630848

Underrated post.
In the internet of 20 years ago, we would have said "you just pwned his ass".

>> No.14630849

reminder, this is what leftists mean when they talk about ''science''


>> No.14630854

>it's the bread and butter of modern conservatism. But you don't actually read, so it's not surprising you don't know this
You don't need to read to know this. If you live certain parts of in America, the sentiment is in the air you breathe. I think think holding such a position in a post-Schumpeter world is contradictory to the point of being totally incoherent. Leaders will try to sell it with hokey recreations of past glory, but I think most who buy it just don't know better. If directly offered to choose between either rectified culture or the free market, I think they would choose the latter. Unfortunately some very sinister businessmen and their cronies have convinced that one is necessary for the other. The only sympathy I have towards deregulation is that total human annihilation is preferable to a humanity under communism or anarchism, so if the victory of those roaches seems inevitable, policies that will guarantee the complete destruction of the environment should be purued.
>i.e. those who don't look like you, since everything foreign is hostile to you.
Not at all. Identity itself is shaped from continuous acts of violence done by and against various groups of people. The histories of violence which shape the trajectories of some identities make conflict inevitable. I personally believe in allowing for the free immigration to Western nation states of all non-Muslim peoples from the Middle East and North Africa. I also believe in giving practitioners of the Vedic faiths special protections and social privileges over Abrahamics.
>thanks for confirming what I just said above
Jazz was the destruction of any culture that existed beyond mere consumerism. Philip Larkin (a huge fan of jazz) put it pretty well:
>Mick Jagger at Altamont in 1969 is the logical outcome of Louis bringing the house down with ‘Ain’t Misbehavin’’ in 1929, and the process isn’t finished yet. When it is, the chances are that Armstrong will be remembered as much as an agent for replacing one culture with another as an individual artist. If so, it won’t be his fault: nothing, in this line, is ever anyone’s fault.
Any form of existence outside of the most vulgar American consumerism is gone, and will be until all elements of this dark century have passed us.
>don't start crying when we remove your shitty ideas
Don't pretend it's a national tragedy when one of your porcine comrades suffers than she deserves

>> No.14630868

>Yep, some retarded librarian at some random high school did something retarded, therefore "they" really hate you
Yeah man, this event exists in a vacuum and isn't part of any trends.

>> No.14630871
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>> No.14630889

People claiming "this is nothing" are just being dishonest. They don't really think this is nothing. They actually think this is good and this "you are overreacting" thing is just an attempt to shut down criticism.

They actually think it is a good thing that canon books are being replaced by identity politics shit. They think it is good that "Brothers Karamazov" is replaced by "diary of trans latinx victim of prejudice".

>> No.14630904

You have worms in your brain pal.

>> No.14630910

>They actually think it is a good thing that canon books are being replaced by identity politics shit. They think it is good that "Brothers Karamazov" is replaced by "diary of trans latinx victim of prejudice".
They're a little more sophisticated than that. They know they need something sophisticated is they are to train students to empathize properly (i.e., feel in accordance to their agenda). That's why they incorporate the grandest works of hand-wringing in their tradition. You'll see it Dostoevsky replaced by the likes of Baldwin, Morrison, and Alice Walker rather that whatever YA spectacle NYT bestseller is pulling on the heartstrings of teenage girls and cool wine aunts alike.

>> No.14630923

>Nietszche isn't a precursor to Marx

>> No.14630931

Did you mean Foucault?

>> No.14630934

I challenge you to find one other instance of this happening (I'm not talking about people freaking out over books that have the n-word in them—I agree that this is worse than that).

Don't put words in my mouth faggot. I wholeheartedly believe in the enshrinement of good writing, but the fact is that people use the category of a "Western Canon" to avoid engaging with literature in a very deep way, and this is true of its attackers as well as its defenders. I am equally wary of the formation of a kind of "neoliberal canon," if you will, that is a canon of works that makes the classes who benefit from the multinational circulation of capital least uncomfortable. Personally I think that the only sort of humanistic education that can hold its own among the globalized knowledge systems of today, is one that seeks to familiarize the student with all of the most celebrated forms of human expression, irrespective of region.

>> No.14630937

>>14628101 >>14629689 >>14630337 >>14630391 >>14630406 >>14630512 >>14630778 >>14630825
It doesn't even make sense. If they dont read, why it was produced? You burn something because you have fear, just like Nazi burnned jewish books.

>> No.14630943

>I challenge you to find one other instance of this happening (I'm not talking about people freaking out over books that have the n-word in them—I agree that this is worse than that).
Yale's administration have openly stated that "decolonizing" the curriculum is part of their goals.

>> No.14630944

This kind of shit is happening everywhere


>> No.14630950

>in which part of education do we throw books in the garbage?
When underfunded schools run out of room in the library.
This is a massive problem in American universities especially. My university recently threw out a bunch of books in history and the humanities because they have no incentive to keep them.

>> No.14630962

Here. I want to see you defend this shit



>> No.14630972

newfag die

>> No.14630985

holy fuck lmao

>> No.14631003

ITT: seething /po/roaches
>Here, defend this opinion piece and this """protest""" by 3 starbucks baristas
kek. They're kinda right tho, even if they're probably going about it wrong. There should be more world literature classes. Teaching with the same ""canon"" since high school all the way to university is the reason /lit/ charts are so generic these days. Every time someone here asks for latin american literature the only answers are Bolaño, and eastern philosophy/history threads are ridden with retarded misconceptions all the time. You're really missing out by not expanding your horizons. Of course I don't expect some clout seeking Chicana to be impartial about this

>> No.14631009

I just read more of that second article and it's not even a protest, it's an online petition lmao. /pol/tards are this desperate

>> No.14631028

Yale actually changed their curriculum due to those "3 baristas in an online poll".


Your dishonesty in claiming that "this is nothing" will not work here.

>> No.14631031

That's not the same thing you tards. There will still be plenty of classes on Renaissance painting for those who are interested: They are not taking the additional (symbolic) step of making the materials covered in the course physically inaccessible to the students. And let me tell you something, as someone who goes to a top-tier university that has gen-ed courses on "Western civilization" and the like: they suck ass, and your time would be much better spent taking a class with people who want to be there. And in spite of how bad the people in those classes are, only a couple times have I heard someone voice an opinion as simplistic as "this is bad because it's patriarchy," or whatever. Get it into your head that these people have an interest in manufacturing outrage for you to consume, and go do something productive.

Not gonna read those, but unless their headlines are terribly misleading, that's still a far cry from book-burning. I certainly don't support such a restructuring of the curriculum if it means fewer humanities courses overall. What I will defend, as I said, is the view that the humanities will continue to die if we insist on structuring them along national lines. The purpose of the university is no longer to construct a national myth, and thinking about literature in those terms has been outmoded. This ought to be a good thing, as I believe literature to have far higher ends. Now, the circumstances under which the boundaries between regional knowledge systems have largely dissolved happen to be extremely unfavorable towards forms of knowledge that do not promise "progress" of a certain kind, but the solution is not to regress to the material conditions of the 19th century (not that such a regression is possible anyways).

>> No.14631055

You are the cancer that is killing Western culture.
Replacing great works with woke shit is a terrible idea.

>> No.14631067

I don't believe in replacing any great works, and I don't believe that you should read shit just because it's woke. I believe people should read more and different kinds of great works. Go die in a ditch, midwit.

>> No.14631068

>And let me tell you something, as someone who goes to a top-tier university that has gen-ed courses on "Western civilization" and the like: they suck ass, and your time would be much better spent taking a class with people who want to be there.

This tells a lot about you

>> No.14631069

from your own link, again:
>The reconfiguring of the English department’s required courses did not directly address the demands of the petition to do away with the Major English Poets sequences altogether; the courses still exist. The reconfiguration also did not refocus the program’s pre-1800 and pre-1900 literature requirement to address issues of race, gender, and sexuality as demanded by the petition.

>Instead, the English department now allows students to fill three required prerequisites from a choice of four different courses: Readings in English Poetry 1, Readings in English Poetry 2, Readings in American Literature, and a newly created course, Readings in Comparative World English Literature.
This is not "nothing", it's actually great. They didn't remove anything like you're implying. They just added more options. I shouldn't be forced to read English literature in fucking university, especially when I've been reading it since high school. It should be entirely optional. I dreaded the English courses that made me read TS Elliot, William Blake and Dubliners for the millionth time.
>Other courses she has taught at Yale include “Contemporary African Fiction: Challenges to Realism,” “South African Writing After Apartheid,” and “Postcolonial World Literatures, 1945 to Present"
all these courses sound really interesting and I wish I had the privilege to take them when I was a freshman. Even the electives in my uni are English this English that

>> No.14631081

>all those courses sound really interesting
lmao you fucking faggot

>> No.14631082

What, that I don't think the privilege of talking to 18-year-old engineering students about Dante twice a week is necessarily worth $4,000 or whatever?

>> No.14631086

You are defending people who are doing just that. Don't try to pretend you aren't. This is the whole point of this. Replacing the works of the canon by those of authors who fill the demographic categories they want and who write about "identity shit".

>> No.14631091


>> No.14631099

>all these courses sound really interesting and I wish

>> No.14631105

> And let me tell you something, as someone who goes to a top-tier university that has gen-ed courses on "Western civilization" and the like: they suck ass, and your time would be much better spent taking a class with people who want to be there. And in spite of how bad the people in those classes are, only a couple times have I heard someone voice an opinion as simplistic as "this is bad because it's patriarchy," or whatever. Get it into your head that these people have an interest in manufacturing outrage for you to consume, and go do something productive.
The problem is that they are not being forced to take it. These classes shouldn't be about about "engaging students" but rather inculcating the Western tradition into them. We should think of the alienation these students feel as deserved punishment rather than institutional failure. The notion of student control that was developed in the sixties was a mistake, and you and your ilk striking up these institutions deserve to be lobotomized.

>> No.14631108

Universities should not be glorified trade schools.
And you said yourself you didn't like those courses.

>> No.14631117

if you don't actually like literature, don't take the courses. Again, they're entirely optional. Illiterate retards

>> No.14631121

We are actually laughing at you for liking that.

>> No.14631122

>haha he likes literature what a fag
>on the literature
fuck off to your containment sewer

>> No.14631127

Of course, they won't reply you. They have to say face before daring to accept what this is all about. What a sad existence one must stand upon where they have to lie about the fundamental in order to secure a posture that defiles the beauty that offers itself, even to you.
Deep down they know you are right.

>> No.14631130

Not all literature is equal. Do you read John Green books?

>> No.14631132

if a culture is so pathetic that they'll denigrate their own great works in order to outdo each other in "showing concern for the marginalized", it deserves to be destroyed.

>> No.14631138

>contemporary african fiction = John Green
how do you know that? have you read contemporary african fiction? imagine being this much of a square headed imbecile

>> No.14631143

Yeah, that was the best post in this thread. And it was conveniently ignored by them.

>> No.14631144

You know who are actually illiterate? The monkeys you're tripping over yourself to praise. Not that i believe for a second you actually give a shit about their 'literature', you're just a fucking coward repeating the party line.

>> No.14631149

You are moving the goalposts

>> No.14631150

>how do you know that? have you read contemporary african fiction
Ben Okri is among the worst living poets.

>> No.14631151

I think that anyone who wants to REPLACE Wordsworth with whatever flavor-of-the-month Caribbean writer is a fucking retard, and I would protest it if that were what's happening. Do they want to make a new faculty post for the Caribbean FOTM expert? I'm all in favor of it. Do they want to force first-years to read Shakespeare and James Baldwin, rather than Shakespeare and Wordsworth? It's no skin off my nose; I think they're equally bad, even if I like Wordsworth better. You can't be reasoned with in any case.

Yeah, well, your understanding of literature will always be severely limited by prejudice, and that's fine. I'm glad you're not employed by a university.

You're right, and really the problem extends down to the fact that kids don't get a meaningful education in primary and secondary schools. I suppose it is selfish, but it's not fair or necessary to put people at two entirely different levels of preparation for discussing the material in the same section. I guess this is mostly specific to gen-ed classes in a seminar format; I've always thought they'd be much better as lectures.

>> No.14631154

What if we made all the leftists and marginalised queers ''go away somehow''? I don't know load them into trucks drive them out to the countryside? Wouldn't it feel like a tremendous weight was lifted off your back, wouldn't the very air we breathe feel much cleaner?

>> No.14631162

Not really because whatever underlying priors that led to the formation of those ideas are still there, so we'll just be back where we started sooner or later.

>> No.14631174

>Yeah, well, your understanding of literature will always be severely limited by prejudice, and that's fine. I'm glad you're not employed by a university.
My understanding will be better than any of theirs because I believe that literature exists to be something other than a tool for advancing shallow empathy-politics. There's a reason the quality of literature declined with the rise of the MFA program.
I'm also glad I don't teach there either. The only chance literature has is for schools of anti-academic/anti-intellectual folk criticism top rise up and sweep the institutions away. Like I said you and all your bright academic pals deserve to be lobotomized.

>> No.14631177

Did they really print out pages with just the word TRASH in big letters on it to throw in?

>> No.14631181

Your mind is so infected with dishonesty you are literally incapable of thinking. The only mental operation you can perform is rationalization for positions you are not permitted ever to question.

>> No.14631182

You're swinging your fists at the ether.

>> No.14631185

no I'm not, you're the one calling my interest in literature bad and equating a continent's literary output to John Green while you yourself have never bothered to read anything from it
>You know who are actually illiterate? The monkeys you're tripping over yourself to praise
>having interest in african literarure = literally praising it
what an insecure little shitstain.
good thing he's not the only african poet and Nigeria isn't the only country in Africa, I'll have to read more from them to see if they're all shit writers or not

>> No.14631186

What, specifically, is the position that I'm rationalizing? I'm just telling you what I think about the university, in practical terms. It's a different question from the metaphysical significance of literature or whatever you seem to have in mind.

>> No.14631187

But in the direction of evil. My hopes are still noble even if they are futile.

>> No.14631190

Ultimately Conservatards like >>14631174 and others are just mad that the ideals of centuries of Western tradition are being fulfilled in spite of their protests.

>> No.14631194

Yeah, the state of modern academia is not very good.
But I think that eventually things will improve.

>> No.14631200

>the ideals of centuries of Western tradition
Uh, what?

>> No.14631206

Yes, you are moving the goalposts.
You claimed any criticism of any kind of literary taste doesn't belong here.

>> No.14631209

>literature has nothing to teach him because it's written by people with a different background and different opinions
Literally the thing you people are bitching.
>What??? There are new courses that assign books written by niggers??!! holy shit bros literature is dead liberals want you dead or enslaved :'(

>> No.14631212

You may not like it, but this is what "all men are created equal" or "all men are born equal and free in rights" looks like. Mindless virtue signaling.

>> No.14631226

sorry, reversed "equal" and "free" there, but you get the idea. It inevitably ends in the shit we see today.

>> No.14631227

They're really not, man. The ultimate significance of the great works of Western literature is not in their making you feel cozy, or giving you a false sense of belonging. Do you need a safe space?

>> No.14631230

No, it doesn't

>> No.14631233

Like most leftists, he values the aspects of the western tradition that can be used to dismantle the western tradition. To them the west may as well be nothing more than a homogeneous toolbox of critical thought.

>> No.14631237

That's a strawman

>> No.14631244

>The ultimate significance of the great works of Western literature is not in their making you feel cozy, or giving you a false sense of belonging.
He didn't claim that.

>Do you need a safe space

>> No.14631248

Why has the left carried all the energy for 250+ years then lel, dismantling the Western tradition IS the Western tradition.

>> No.14631249

>You claimed any criticism of any kind of literary taste doesn't belong here.
nope. I claimed any criticism of INTEREST in an entire genre from someone who clearly isn't even familiar with it is absolutely retarded.

>> No.14631256

Leftists and penis-envy feminist carreer dykes have, ironically, quite the oedipal relationship with the institutions. Whether it is journalism, the presidency, the media and the HR department, they want daddy to notice and impose the PC law of gynocracy. Having undermined the basis for all rightful phallocentric authority these loonie leftists think they can still compel red blooded americans like myself or millions of others to give a fuck about their narcissistic PMS whining or respect their debased illegitimate authority.Basically leftists hate themselves and want to make you feel as humilliated dependent and miserable as they are.

>> No.14631263

See >>14631122

>> No.14631269

>dismantling the Western tradition IS the Western tradition.
It is not.
History didn't begin in 1968

>> No.14631272

>all men are born equal and free in rights
This isn't a call for forced egalitarianism you moron.

>> No.14631275

They don't hate themselves, they're just trying to show empathy towards the marginalized or excluded.

>usurpation of rightful phallocentric authority
Why'd phallocentric authority give them power then?

>> No.14631278

>haha i was just pretending !
Keep crying.

>> No.14631289

You're right, it can also end in Communism, which is a different route on the same general trajectory, though distinct from Anglophone egalitarianism.

>> No.14631293


I feel like i've previously encountered this meme before the jpgs date stamp

>> No.14631301

These ''marginalised'' people actively relish victimhood can't create or appreciate art and lack connection with any authentic culture, they are basically patient/victim/consumer units engineered in a lab in order to spread cultural marxism like a self replicating virus( the lab was generously funded with the white man's tax money)

>> No.14631308

see >>14631081
and go back to your sewer

>> No.14631318

Okay, but why are they wielding power?

>> No.14631336
File: 21 KB, 267x400, 1579895326455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do normies hate incels like me?
>I just want to disappear queers.

Wash your penis nigga lmao.

>> No.14631343

>Why has the left carried all the energy for 250+ years then lel
What fruits have they bore?
>dismantling the Western tradition IS the Western tradition.
It's one aspect of a heterogeneous tradition, and it's one that should be rejected.

>> No.14631345

Smacking my dog when he's misbehaving is on the same trajectory as killing it, though you're being an intellectually dishonest moron if you try to tell me my intent is to kill my dog when I hit him.

>> No.14631346

This happens around the country you fucking retard

I literally had to do white privilege exercises in my undergrad in 2014

>> No.14631355

Throwing books away is super triggering for me

>> No.14631360

>What fruits have they bore?
None, that's the whole problem...

>It's one aspect of a heterogeneous tradition, and it's one that should be rejected.
I agree with you except "one aspect of a heterogeneous tradition" is a bit of an understatement.

>> No.14631363

>projecting cocksucker

This is what happens when you leave your discord safe haven for longer than five minutes.

>> No.14631372

it's literally what you've been bitching about this entire thread holy shit

>> No.14631379

how many more years are we going to have this same old shitty thread on every fucking board dude
how many more years do we have to do this
have you guys done anything else at all since 2016 i'd love to know

>> No.14631390

All the PoCWoCLGBTQIASJWTFNPC literature leftists shill reads like the official literary production of the people's soviet republics. I think one is not actually meant to read it, as it exists solely as a simulacrum of ideologically correct literary production.

>> No.14631396

until cultural marxism is defeated of course!

>> No.14631406

What are some examples of this literature?

>> No.14631439

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

>> No.14631450

People are bitching about diversity for diversity's sake, which usually entails choosing a shittier thing just because it isn't white.

Maybe because it's getting worse? Do you just not like talking about it because it doesn't fit into your desired narrative?

Also here is a nice difference. We collectively roll our eyes at this, while they actively try to harm e.g. Charles Murray for having the wrong ideas.

>> No.14631480

i don't like reading the same 10 or 15 people calling each other triggered wokey brokey safe space snowflake cucks over and over again incessantly it's fucking annoying
you're not solving anything here by doing that

>> No.14631855
File: 85 KB, 730x490, 31427850234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you type like my ex
if providence ever grants me the clarity of your name or face, I'll beat your ass in public

n i g g e r

>> No.14631873


>want to know a good way to make a teenager alienated from literature forever

the smart kids will get into it anyway. you can't expect a dumb nigger to get into lit even if they ready maya angelou their whole life

>> No.14631891


>> No.14631987
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x1080, 2020-01-11 03_00_02-Greenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stupid but important question:

What happen if BBC's Dracula™ (2020) suck out Melissa Woking's blood, he will woke up too?

>> No.14632051

go to your local library today anon
see what's on display
if it's not at least 1/3 communist propaganda count yourself lucky

>> No.14632157

So we dumb down the course because "certain people" cant get into classics?

>> No.14632221

Link 5 posts like that

>> No.14632458

is nu-dracula like kirby now?

>> No.14632483
File: 32 KB, 543x543, 1579818737350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're trying to do their job as educators. fuck
"Now class, I want each of you to write a letter to our local congressman explaining why we should abolish prisons."

>> No.14632502

There was the USSR. Foreign, hostile lands remained unconquered. There was a possibility of expansion. The empire could conceivably grow. Some people scratch their heads and wonder how the golden ages of previous "world hegemons" last so much longer than America's, which appears to have last a few measly decades. The answer is simple; America conquered the world more thoroughly and quickly than any previous empire. Fine, call it the Anglo-Jewish Thalassocracy if you like, it doesn't matter. There were few to no real adversaries left to wage war with, expand, find new vassal tributaries. There was no option other than decline.

>> No.14632590


>> No.14632612

These wheelie containers are being transported to a local used book store or goodwill, yes?

>> No.14632720

What's a nigger bitch like you doing on a computer?

>> No.14632742

I don't recall associating with you.

>> No.14632754

Only an American could see his reading list, 90% American authors (10% English), and smile, saying "why should we ever want other writers in our schools? Diversity? Pah! We have all the diversity of opinion and perspective right here".
Read the Scoffing Scholar of Lanling and the Florentine Codex you absolute dilettantes.

>> No.14632849


>> No.14632868

Stop being dishonest.
There are not many threads about this. You dislike this thread because you support woke shit and you don't want anyone to criticize it. The whole "I'm tired of people discussing this" shit is just an attempt to silence opposition.

You are just a dishonest piece of shit.

>> No.14632874

>schools need a more realistic approach to pedagogy. want to know a good way to make a teenager alienated from literature forever? force him to read William Faulkner and them force him to parrot your own culturally informed reading of the text

>School need a more realistic approach to teaching math. A good way to alienate teenagers from math forever is to make them do math.

Throughout history it have always been the most retarded idiots that suggest we change our teaching to what literal children want, instead of what they need.

>> No.14632879


Did you not read the "replaced by culturally diverse literature" part? Obviously this has nothing to do with planets.

>> No.14632890
File: 113 KB, 1080x293, 1578765054102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, gotta study those left-wing classics. Upgolded!

>> No.14632892


>implying that's what they mean when they say "culturally diverse literature".

You know diversity is about how brown your skin is and your sexual orientation, right?

>> No.14632903

Yeah, I know, and that enrages me too. When they say "cultural diversity" they mean "American minorities". It's just another extension of Amerocentrism.
But you niggers with your delusion that sticking within the famous parts of the Western Canon is anything other than stagnant and self-lobotomising is equally posterior prickling.

>> No.14632905

Countering shitposting with shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.14632914


>> No.14632916

And "culturally diverse" probably means "about identity politics topics".
I doubt they are reading actually great books from other cultures like "Journey to the West" which are comparable to the Western Canon.

>> No.14632919

Yeah, fuck Michel de Montaigne and shit, what a retarded idiot.
Read "On Schoolmaster's Learning".

>> No.14632921

>sticking within the famous parts of the Western Canon is anything other than stagnant and self-lobotomising

You get more from reading Homer and Tolstoy than you get from reading all of woke literature put together.

>> No.14632925

Behold, the words of someone who has read some of Homer and the tvtropes page for Anna Karenina.

>> No.14632929

This is not really an argument, is it?

>> No.14632937

No, it's an insult.

>> No.14632946

Neither is >>14632921. It's just a statement of opinion. There's no reasoning behind it.

>> No.14632950

>It's just a statement of opinion.
No, as >>14632937 said, it is an insult.

>There's no reasoning behind it.
Is this the tactic of having an unequal demand for rigor?

>> No.14632965

What rigour do you discern in "Homer + Tolstoy > (((woke))) literature"

>> No.14632973

What is the rigor here >>14632903 or in the posts defending the woke changes?

>> No.14632992
File: 108 KB, 926x678, I+hail+from+notaingloserstan+your+meme+was+bareable+at+first+_6440a0adad86f9e0223982bc54586149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone hates disgusting fat fucks.

>> No.14633005

There's no discernable rigour anywhere in this thread, or on most of this board. That's the point.

>> No.14633018

No, it is not. You tried to apply an unequal demand for rigor. You demand a higher rigor for posts you dislike than for posts you like.
That's why you picked up that post instead of any other in this thread.

Because it offends you that people don't take woke literature as very constructive.

>> No.14633020

Anon, the reason I picked up that post rather than any other is because...it was replying to me.
>No, [opinion]
>"that's not really an argument, is it?"
>No, you
Now cease this self-martyring autism.

>> No.14633035

Anon, this post >>14632925 is not an opinion, it is an insult.
Again, you got offended by the opinion that woke literature is of little worth and tried to offend me. Then, you tried to apply an unequal demand for rigor when it didn't work.

>> No.14633038

Such a waste just for political statement
/pol/ hasn't been right for a while, that place has gone to shit.

>> No.14633044

Anon, it's a bit embarrassing I have to be the one to point this out, but you were the one who made the unequal demand. You said "this is not really an argument, is it?", when you yourself had presented none..

>> No.14633065

Yay!! Upvote!!

>> No.14633069


>> No.14633075

>"this account doesn't exist"
Fucking losers and/or assholes instigating for their own enjoyment or "validation"

>> No.14633080

Postcolonial studiea are on par with creationism. Completely deluded and only serve to fulfill an ideal narrative

>> No.14633086

Wife. Mother. Servant Leader. Living daily to glorify God. Blessed to lead teachers to inspire children to be engaged readers and writers.

>> No.14633096

Ok the account existed at one point. Doesn't change the fact she's a hypocritical conservative retard.

>> No.14633100

what books though? most of those are probably trash

>> No.14633103

>It's not happening
>They're just an internet strawman
>You're crazy
>Actually it is happening and its a good thing
>It was always like this

>> No.14633122

Chaponiggers should be shot on sight.

>> No.14633130

Pointing out that a post is an insult is not a demand for rigor.

>> No.14633200

Sure, anon, you were just randomly calling my post "not an argument". You certainly didn't mean to imply that not being an argument was a bad thing.

>> No.14633203

I called you out because your post was an insult

>> No.14633204

There ya go then. You're the one applying uneven standards.

>> No.14633226

You just want to be the last person to post, don't you?

>> No.14633229

I'm actually trying to figure out why tf you think I was the one applying the standard when you were the one complaining first. I do believe you truly think it was me, which is why I'm curious.

>> No.14633243

i imagine a lot of books that are considered racist now because they have nigger in them but no list of titles has been released

>> No.14633253

>They really do hate us, don't they?
Yes, they do. It will make much more sense to you from now on.

>> No.14633305

Spoken like a true cocksucker.

>> No.14633418

Not the same poster.

>> No.14633526

Why are rightoids so easily triggered? It's like they're trying to be outraged.

>> No.14633622

Nah. Anti-whites are real and all shitlibs may count themselves in their ranks.

It is unambiguous racism and it will only get worse. Thankfully, your cringe nonsense will be disregarded out of hand. The people are awake.

>> No.14633631

To what?

>> No.14633632

Even using the term "triggered" seriously is utter submission to right-wing will.

>> No.14633634

There is nothing wrong with "racism" and your insipid ideology of equality will not be allowed to weaken my people.

>> No.14633636

Left-wing trash once again illustrating that they don't love their own children. Fortunately, some of us do. The future will not be as ugly as you want it to be.

>> No.14633638

Based schizophrenic anon

>> No.14633655

Libtard: The nazi's burned books!
Also Libtards: Its only ok if WE destroy books.

>> No.14633660

Because having sincere attachment to something other than bodily comfort is frustrating when half the political spectrum is intent of seeing those things destroyed.

>> No.14633689

Imagine being so "frustrated" you can't distinguish the most obvious bait ever baited.

>> No.14633700

Marxism is the opiate of the intellectuals.

>> No.14633706
File: 168 KB, 977x977, Book Burning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one ever bothers to ask what books the Nazis burned...

>> No.14633746

You are okay Anon, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The climate on here can get toxic and I want you to know that your opinions hold merit.

>> No.14633749

I've seen the sentiment expressed sincerely enough times to not care. This is my place to vent my frustrations about the the omnipresent Spectre of leftism that lingers over any space I'm able to enter in my daily life.

>> No.14633752

>I've seen the sentiment expressed sincerely enough times to not care
The autist's defence. Know that there is no defence for autism, anon. You are genetically inferior.

>> No.14633757

you fat sack of estrogen

>> No.14633758

what's wrong with throwing some mass produced paperbacks in the garbage? people acted as if this woman was burning rare manuscripts.

>> No.14633767

Look who's talking...

>> No.14633769

If I were autistic I wouldn't least have an excuse. I'm just consumed by a most impotent rage

>> No.14633771

Are you feeling better after telling me off? Your path of hatred is highly unhealthy and deep down you know that.

>> No.14633773

Have you considered viagra? Then it would be potent rage, at least.

>> No.14633779

Nothing, her making a spectacle of it and her cheap rhetoric is the bad part about it

>> No.14633790


>> No.14633792

I'm just doing my part, fighting my crusade to let you eternally outraged niglets know that you're inventing your own anger.

>> No.14633794

Your pathetic kowtowing to official religion is admittedly probably a more adaptive behavior, but it's still pathetic.

>> No.14633810

>the group that progressed society in the first place

Why do /pol/tards have such a narrow view of history? The Chinese, Indians, Muslims , and Europeans have all contributed greatly to the development of society. Europeans have only been the dominant force for the past few hundred years.

>> No.14633821

He's a bad person and his attitudes towards pedagogical attitudes have harmed society. Making him feel less than okay would be the greatest thing this board has ever accomplished.

>> No.14633830

>The Chinese, Indians, Muslims , and Europeans
certain groups conspicuously absent lmao

>> No.14633834
File: 577 KB, 246x246, 1571170338271.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that the use of the word "triggered" was meant to mock tumbltards who pretended to have PTSD symptomes because someone disagreed with'em. Here, in this case, people rightfully inform you that you are nothing but trash

>> No.14633836

So why ARE rightoids so easily triggered?

>> No.14633837

I literally can't describe how much I hate these people. I wish I wasn't born in this era.

>> No.14633849

This thread is an identity politics circlejerk of the highest degree and differences in the respective viewpoints are semantic, null and culturally learned. One day you may understand.

>> No.14633850

They unironically think 'no u' is some brilliant rhetorical display. This is the problem with spending all your time in places where nobody is allowed to dissent, you get a highly twisted sense of how clever you are

>> No.14633859

They will never understand. They have failed to pass the first test.

>> No.14633866

I don't know why you drag "official religion" into this, but I just want you to know that you are an amazing human being and have the power in you to make your life better without putting others down.

>> No.14633870

>it's all culturally learned
Your belief that you're not a dumbass is culturally learned bro

>> No.14633881


>> No.14633882

>literal blank slatist ITT
I hope you get tortured to death, scum.

>> No.14633897

Do you think the content of your post is the reflection of your authentic self, or culturally learned in the context of abrasive, edgy language on 4chan?

>> No.14633902

That's not no u it's ad absurdum demonstration of relativism being gibberish

>> No.14633905
File: 184 KB, 720x1018, 1570960166094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-its in your head!
>theres no problem with people praising ignorance and universities arent filled with such people!
>i liek to maek u mad anyway teehee
Now you can finally end your life..

>> No.14633906

>authentic self
Clearly a toxic meme your culture has drilled into you

>> No.14633914
File: 36 KB, 506x404, 1573424420522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even the smelliest, most pathetic stormweenie manchild acts like your average attention-starved tumblrina, and I have spent countless painful hours on /pol/

>> No.14633933

I highly doubt that empathy and introspection is more "toxic" i.e. mentally unhealthy than what's on display in this thread.

>> No.14633948

You doubt that because your culture has inculcated it into you, you're nothing but an imperialist forcing your ways on other people

>> No.14633949

Yes it's gibberish, like everything in this thread. There are 103 unique Posters flinging 12 words per post on average against each others heads to see what sticks.

>> No.14633952

Being culturally learned or socially constructed doesn't make them or the differences between them meaningless or reducible to semantics. Yours might be the worst post in the whole thread.

>> No.14633972

I'm not the one you are discussing with and I don't agree with him.
>The Chinese, Indians, Muslims , and Europeans have all contributed greatly to the development of society.

Yes, but they are not exactly adding alongside the works of the Western Canon the "Journey to the West" or Mahabharata. They are not having students read Lady Murasaki.
They are trying to replace the works of the Western Canon by identity politics.

>> No.14634008

like everyone on this thread, but my initial posting was to aid a fellow human in an attempt to tell him it's okay and to not take the dissent on here too seriously. Basically in the same vein as you do right now.
My post was not worded very precise, you are right in that regard. I was merely trying to scrape away the culturally learned appendages to education and exposing the thread for what it is. This thread reads like a facebook page of soccer moms trying to critique an educational system because it differs from theirs and having been a student once makes them experts on pedagogy. Some people here focus on the aspect of carrying the torch of a cultural and educational canon. If you wanted to critique that, you could say that the insecurity of this argument stems from fear of invalidation of the own education. Other people on here focus on adaption to current paradigms. If you wanted to critique that, you could say that the insecurity of this argument stems from validation of the cognitive dissonance they have with the structure in place, or an attempt of iconoclastic will to power.
In the end, there are people here talking about what it means to receive "good" education without measuring or even defining what "good education" is, using highly emotional and logically flawed arguments to serve at most their sense of identity. That's what I meant with "null" - the argument itself is not really defined and the positions of the respective debaters, if stripped off cultural and identity context, are not apart by much. They want children to read.

>> No.14634313

Reminder that diversity of skin colour is all that matters. Diversity of ideas (not intrinsically tied to skin color) is bad.

>> No.14634780


>> No.14634820

I think you expressed what a lot of people think, thank you. I wish people argued in good faith.