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/lit/ - Literature

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14627279 No.14627279 [Reply] [Original]

I have decided that I will not fight back and shall become a Bugman.
What literature to read to convert myself into a Bugman?

>> No.14627287

harry potter
anything by Richard Dawkins

>> No.14627293

Virtue signalling fag
Unironically all self-help books

>> No.14627412

>Unironically all self-help books
Which ones would launch me straight into being a Bugman as quickly as possible?

>> No.14627449

Just go through the major lit names and read a single book of each as if you were checking items off a list. Then do the same for the major names in philosophy but instead of reading the actual works just listen to a podcast episode on each until you have a shallow understanding, try BBC or partially examined life.

>> No.14627461

Stop reading anything but comic books. Refuse to pirate anything, buy bound limited editions of any comics you want to read. Don't read manga, bugmen look down on manga because weebs don't "fit in".

Watch television about upper middle to upper class people. Ideally, many of the characters should be old and rich and remind you of your parents. Helen Mirren types.

Also watch every article of capeshit, starwars, etc as they come out, then go on the internet and review them in a thinly veiled attempt to own the Drumpfers, by which I mean, mock and demean the concerns of poor rural and suburban people.

If you must be a pseud bugman, rather than just a bugman, look for a list of "accessible classics" in every medium. Consume those and only those, and then bring them up any time anyone talks about other works in that medium. Kurosawa, Vonnegut, Tarantino. Those types.

Stop listening to music except when it happens to come on. If you must listen to it, either create a playlist of videogame music (nothing older than skyrim) or listen to the actual radio, like a boomer. If you're a little gay, a little bit into showtunes, just around the edges. If you're a little macho, get a little bit into country or dadrock.

Consume just a tiny bit of "marginalized" culture. Black American culture is most common, or Latino. Not Asian, don't want people thinking your a weeb. Ta Nehisi Coates or whatever his name is a good place to start. Something contemporary.

Whatever you do, remember one crucial thing:

You must conform, above all else. Suppress any dissenting thoughts or opinions. If you disagree with someone or something, don't object to it-- try to find a way to get the other members of your ingroup to do it for you. If they won't, then stew in silence and impotent rage.

>> No.14627633

frickin' based!

>> No.14627633,1 [INTERNAL] 

I can confirm this. I am acquainted with a certain guy in my workplace, he acts exactly like this crap. The same habits of consooming and indulging in useless crap like this anon mentioned. Cheers.

>> No.14628023


>> No.14628035

Kurosawa is based, though, you have to admit.

>> No.14628054
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Read whatever this guy reads

>> No.14628349

nietzsche, dawkins, dennett, camus, dfw...

>> No.14628385

I would imagine he doesn’t and instead listens to audiobooks of fantasy novels

>> No.14629151
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You already are

>> No.14629250

Reddit shopping list:

- Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
- Stephen King's the dark tower series
- 48 laws of power
- Wheel of Time
- 12 Rules for life
- Lord of the rings & the hobbit (be sure to post about it when you've finished these big boy books and get those upvotes kind strangerino!!)

>> No.14629291

so is bugman synonymous with normie? I always thought it was a memey jokey name for the chinese until reading this thread (millions of them, always scuttling about, look the same, eat bugs yadda yadda)

>> No.14629300

A certain type of normie, one who flaunts a connection to culture, but only consoome whatever brand is the dominating in the current era.

>> No.14629301

Immediately knew he was a faggot.

>> No.14629302

Why do you want to become a bugman OP?

>> No.14629308

Those garbage "in-your-face" diet fad self-help books:
>How to Not Give a F*ck and Be a Fucking Badass!
>Why It's Never Too Late to Start Being a Camwhore
>Ditch the Meat - Animals are People Too!

>> No.14629309

This. He was one of the main inspirations for John Milius's Conan movie.

>> No.14629312

One of my friends is a normie and looks and acts kind of like the basedboy meme. I like him though, I showed him jew memes from /pol/ and he laughed his ass off.

>> No.14629488

So are Vonnegut and Tarantino. But they're entry-level, therefore bugmen love them. Bugmen can't sit through a Yasujiro Ozu or Jim Jarmusch movie, so they watch Vonnegut and Tarantino and never make that next step.

>> No.14629580

BBC radio 3 is alright tho...not like there's anything better on the radio when you're driving around

>> No.14629591

It always makes me laugh when atheists talk about how much they love lotr

>> No.14629602

Any of them that have "f*ck" on the cover.

>> No.14629980

Ikr, they're clueless. Same goes for liberal/politically correct types that claim they love lotr.

>> No.14630045

Yeah apart from BBC Radio 6

>> No.14630058

vonnegut sucks, tarantino sucks, jarmusch sucks

Ozu is okay.

>> No.14630085

Scifi and fantasy YA trash

>> No.14630096

Most Jarmusch films are admittedly bad desu. The Dead Don't Die is one of the worst movies I've seen in recent memory, thought I don't go to cinemas often, and I've never stopped watching a film faster than Coffee and Cigarettes. Stranger than Paradise is a gem though.

>> No.14630144

well today I found out what a bugman was. sure they're boring and strung along by consumerism, but I'm pretty sure they don't have a nickname for you. Hell they've probably never even though about someone like you. This website was a mistake.

>> No.14630158

Leave then?

>> No.14630159

whatever you dislike and consider middlebrow thus project onto them. bugmen are a spook. see >>14627461


>> No.14630178

They don't have a nickname for us because they believe everyone is like them.

>> No.14630377

-Most fantasy and sci-fi
-All self help targeted at you
-Beatgen lit to impress their boomer parents.
-Female and POC (modern) lit like Atwood.
-At best stuff with tame or outdated social commentary (like Dickens, Jane Austen or Harper Lee)
Your Big 3 should be:
-H.P. Lovecraft
-George Orwell

>> No.14630388

reddit hates Peterson retard, he is everything reddit is against

>> No.14630469

Hes midwit core bugman shit just for right wing people

>> No.14630477

The Extended Phenotype is an exception

>> No.14630495

>Peterson is a right winger

>> No.14630531

>Fantasy and sci-fi
Bugmen hate Lovecraft because "muh racism". In fact, I think few people have actually read Lovecraft because his prose is pretty dry for a horror writer. They also hate any fantasy/sci-fi that isn't wokeshit (Heinlein, Robert E. Howard and Tolkien, for example).

>> No.14630571

>they don't have a name for us because they believe everyone is like them

This is exactly right. Non-bugmen don't give a shit about being recognized or thought of as special by other people, so bugmen not having a box to put them in doesn't matter to them.

Saying "you're upset and they're not, so they must be cooler" is peak bugman, as is "it doesn't really mean anything, it's just a mean word for things you dislike". Bugmen want to maintain composure and deny the possibility of conflict because they're terrified of other people, and want above all else to avoid disagreement. That's why they judge people for caring about real issues or trying to have sincere experiences. It's the exact same impulse that compels a bitchy, insecure teenage girl to type "You ok, sis?" whenever somebody calls her on her bullshit. They want to shut down conversations to defend themselves from judgement.

It's literally slave morality. That's what slave morality is, it's the exact same phenomenon.

>> No.14630580

Oh come on TCM is great I have fond memories watching films on that channel with my grandparents.

>> No.14630638

That whole starter pack is an "I know you are, but what am I?" from anons whose jimmies were rustled when they got called conformists.

The majority of the items in that pack are fairly neutral publications and outlets. Center left, maybe. I don't see how anybody could consoom Kanopy or Janus films, they're literally just collections of classics. Maybe you could consoom NPR, though Radiolab would be a better bet.

But the way the pack is used is always dishonest. Bugmanning isn't about consuming certain products, it's about a mindset and a pattern of behavior. So saying "you like certain brands too, you're just as bad" is arguing around the point.

>> No.14630647

I want to give myself up into the cold embrace of alcoholism

>> No.14630653

Yo NPR is nice.
I listen to it while cleaning the house.

>> No.14630666

>You must conform, above all else. Suppress any dissenting thoughts or opinions. If you disagree with someone or something, don't object to it-- try to find a way to get the other members of your ingroup to do it for you. If they won't, then stew in silence and impotent rage.
I am a natural contrarian and I must autistically and vocally oppose literally anything that is in the majority opinion. Am I an anti bugman?

>> No.14630717

Yes, if it you don't try very hard to control that impulse to fit in

>> No.14632013


>> No.14632020

The Metamorphosis by Kafka

>> No.14632092


>> No.14632585

My diary desu

>> No.14632591

Does anybody remember when Ready Player One was the most hated thing here?

>> No.14632650
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I still hate it with a passion.

>> No.14632725

Bugmen are those content in knowledge, but also having a boring life.

Don't do it bro, your Ne already has so much left to offer.

>> No.14632747

Bugmen originally referred to some kind of U.S intelligence agent.

>> No.14632757


Jordan Peterson

>> No.14632766

Don't do it man. It starts off great and quickly makes you feel worse than when you were sober. Go with occasional binges if you have to. Also alcohol will destroy your body and mind just as bad as the "heavy" drugs.

>> No.14632815
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Check the social media of bugmen you may have met.

>> No.14633011

anything y/y fiction or with a censored swear word in the title

>> No.14633019
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>What literature to read to convert myself into a Bugman?
Haruki Murakami. He writes a lot about modernistic casual sex and being a quirky and deep atheist.

>> No.14633055

Bugmen don't read lit.

They browse Vox, Slate, Salon, NYT, CNN, etc. Retweet your enthusiastic agreement to their articles to the ethot of your choice and hint you are available for sex.

>> No.14633078

Why do they all have their mouths open like that?

>> No.14633106

audiobooks are based

>> No.14633160


Bugmen are sojaboys, compliant passive child like adult men with severe testosterone deficiency.
The distinction is that bugmen are usually also homo or bisexual or into that weird love triangle cuckhold shit

>> No.14633220

>The distinction is that bugmen are usually also homo or bisexual
They aren’t, they pretend that they’re bisexual because they want to be part of the alphabet soup and so they feel less bad about sharing their gf in an mmf.

>> No.14633300

Weirdly, holds my attention better than Kurosawa. Don't even need more than 1x speed.

>> No.14633717

bugmen don't know lovecraft was racist

>> No.14633723

nice trips, you should read a hero of our time

>> No.14633734

Perfectly pleb filtered

>> No.14633751

Source? Thought it came from starship troopers

>> No.14633886

bugmen are more left-leaning and feminine than your average normie

>> No.14633896

He's fairly right wing on most issues, just not a /pol/tard

>> No.14633901

>Yasujiro Ozu or Jim Jarmusch movie
They're entry level as well, you're a pleb

>> No.14633924

Name some.

>> No.14633953

He can't. Peterson's shtick is basically being a liberal from 30 years ago.

"the nazis were bad, but the communists were also bad!" is the most "right-wing" opinion he has. Other than that, he's perfectly fine with trannies as long as they don't use the state to force him to use their pronouns as is against racism in any way. Peterson is a centrist liberal like the rest of them.

>> No.14633958

A Song of Fire and Ice, but you must watch the show as well and dedicate at least an hour a day to participating in its discussion through various mediums on the internet.

>> No.14633993

just cancel /lit/ already

>> No.14634106

Disliking nazis does not make you a liberal, you fascist retard

>> No.14634111

It pretty much does

>> No.14634112

But he is a liberal. He says he is, you imbecile

>> No.14634114

Fuck off /pol/tard

>> No.14634130

Oh no you called me a /pol/tard what will I do now

>> No.14634133

continue to be an uneducated retard most likely

>> No.14634137

Not neccessarily but Peterson's opinions on almost everything are textbook liberalism

>> No.14634160

If you mean in the classic sense yes but he is a too christian and capitalist to be grouped with modern liberalism

>> No.14634169

It's a bit problematic to assign positive value to western cultural norms like being educated and not retarded when whites are overrepresented in these sets

>> No.14634171

It's a shame you aren't educated like other whites

>> No.14634173

It's my way of allowing marginalized peoples a seat at the table, I am truly the strongest ally

>> No.14634174

Are you retarded? Bugmen are bad because there is nothing to be found in being one.

>> No.14634191


>> No.14634193

>he is a too christian
He doesn't even dare to say he is a christian. Modern liberals aren't as different to him as you think, it's just that a lot of liberals get lumped with the hard "progressives" who would likely identify themselves as social democratic or just socialist.

>> No.14634467


Why has the West abandoned the the theology and morality of Aquinas, but clung so mindlessly to the pedantic urge to classify and categorize literally everything?

Look at the ant. Industrious, but mindless. The ant rolls the same grains of sand back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. But God is kind, for God gave the ants purpose, even if they are blind to it.

To follow after the ant, however, to devote your mind to such tireless activity, to endlessly seek distinction without purpose--that is to make man like a bug.

>> No.14634478
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Based post.

>> No.14634509

is that filthyfrank?

>> No.14634749

comic books, manga, genre fiction