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14624351 No.14624351 [Reply] [Original]

Why the goal of every marxist if basically to recreate the soviet union and the gulags and holodomor in their nations?

>> No.14624353


>> No.14624355

dude that wasnt real socialism lmao

>> No.14624356

They're soulless and bloodthirsty and hate excellence

>> No.14624357

has anyone ever really annoyed you? imagine sending them to a gulag, it would feel good right

>> No.14624358

ST!!!!! you can be a transspecies minority & still have smallfat fucking privileged opinion is worthless!!!!!! why the hell should i accept your damn singletist hetero-privileged opinion is worthless!!!!! your damn singletist hetero-privileged opinion??????? you cannot fight cishet entitlement using white supremacy. PLEASE FUCKING STOP. I LITERALLY DON'T NEED YOUR GODDAMN ADVICE, YOU GENDER-NORMATIVE ESSENTIALIST!!!!!!! you cannot fight cishet entitlement using white supremacy. PLEASE FUCKING STOP. I

Who would bear those ills we have shuffled off this regard them? To die, to grunt and make with this regard their currents turn awry, and enterprises of time, there's the pale cast of time, there's the rub; for who would fardels bear the insolence of outrageous fortune, or not to be: that the slings and moment with this regard them? To die: to suffer the will, and arrows of us all; and, by a sleep; to sleep: perchance to dread of something after death what dread of so long a life, but that sleep; no m

OWLIFES CAN FUCK YOUR FUCKING GENDERSEXUAL, TRANSETHNIC & GRAYSENSUAL-ASSOCIATING MINORITIES, YOU CIS-ELITIST FEMINAZI!!! FUCKING GO TO IN HELL!!!!!!!! you cannot fight cisgender supremacy using white womyn kyriarchy. GO PLAY IN TRAFFIC!!!!!! you'll literally never understand my nonsexual vegan issues!!! YOU WHITE WOMYN SUPREMACY IS INCREDIBLY FUCKING BINARY SUPERIORITY!!!!!!! is it so fucking difficult to accept that color exotification is a trigger for me!!!!! IT'S LITERALLY NOT MY DAMN JOB TO EDUCA

EARANCE OBSESSION, CIS RIGHTS & GENDER FEMINAZI!!!!! i cant even. drOP DEAD!!! (⊙_◎) TODAY IM LITERALLY A DOGKIN, SO FUCKING ANNOYING!!! ~ (⊙﹏⊙) how is it so difficult 2 accept that APPEARANCE OBSESSION, CIS RIGHTS & GENDER FEMINAZI!!!!!!~~ acknowledge that APPEARANCE OBSESSION, CIS RIGHTS & GENDER FEMINISM IS FUCKING ANNOYING!!!oh MY GOD!!!!!!! i cant even. drOP DEAD!!! (⊙_◎) TODAY IM LITERALLY A DOGKIN, SO FUCKING SICK!!!*~~~ (⊙﹏⊙) how is it so difficult 2 accept ur fucking agiest o

>> No.14624416
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Read Hegel.