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14620713 No.14620713 [Reply] [Original]

>Author uses "her" and "she" when talking about a hypothetical person for an analogy

>> No.14620719

Fuck you, nippleman

>> No.14620724

Do any of you losers ever get sick and tired of posting this tired old misogyny garbage? Have you ever considered going outside and actually meeting a womahahahah just kidding I hate women.

>> No.14620732
File: 79 KB, 945x1360, Mearsheimer-The-Great-Delusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this right now and he does it everytime.

>> No.14620746

god is a woman because men have nipples.

>> No.14620758

Grow up

>> No.14620775


>> No.14620909

Revolting. Slacktivism at its worse. The He is a generic He and the world is no closer to the feminist ideal by arbitrarily throwing She in, as if they were equivalent (they're not). It's also worth noting that entities such as boats, vehicles, and nature tend to get the honorific She. There's no need to change this just as there's no need to correct the generic He which obviously doesn't have any of the gendered implications that our modern academic class would vapidly read into it.

>> No.14620914

> being this easy to trigger

>> No.14620930

I agree, the author should use, they/them/one/ones self

>> No.14620950

It's ahistorical misandrist language. 'He' used generically is not the same as gendered he. 'She' isn't used generically but with the intention of explicitly gendering language.

>> No.14620968

The horror, truly masculinity hasn't faced an attack of the same magnitude since The Gillette Ad

>> No.14621004
File: 18 KB, 479x460, ol eng pronouns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See OE pronouns. Animate/inanimate distinction didn't exist. So 'its' would be 'his' up until late Middle English and even later in some dialects. This is very clearly an inanimate ungendered today, as it was for that use then. Same with 'man' and such, which just means human but when used contrastively can distinguish male-female. The idea that they exclude or sideline women is a contemporary fiction. It's just harder to maintain separate pronouns. I'm sure in some dialects the feminine ones merged into the others too as they would only be used when referring to a woman specifically. Most of the time, even with animate use, the gender is not known (especially outside of a more interpersonal context like clannish tribal societies Germanics once had). Hence our 'problem' here was naturally fixed by ambiguating gender over a thousand years past.

>> No.14621010

Holy fuck that actually makes sense

>> No.14621012

it's made rpg rulebooks these days unreadable

>> No.14621064

If I notice him/her pronouns in an analogy made by those of the respective sex, I shrug it off. If, however, they are using pronouns utilized by the opposing sex (particularly in the case of she/her), than an instant red flag is drawn. While the use of masculine pronouns is sources from historical bias, the idea of using feminine pronouns is a recent invention. The point is to acclimate the audience such that they will not notice a distinction. This means, and especially in more abstract works, they prioritize politics over whichever truth they are trying to reach. I find this demeaning to their goal. Use gender neutral pronouns if you are trying to reach a universal audience.

>> No.14621074

Men have nipples, because, before birth, they were all female.

>> No.14621079

>gender neutral

no such thing you fucking centrist pig.

>> No.14621085
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>> No.14621087
File: 11 KB, 350x350, yin-yang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woman: big breasts, small penis
Man: small breasts, big penis
We're the yin and the yang, opposites but with a small piece of the other in us too.

>> No.14621117

'He' is gender neutral

>> No.14621146

The only sin here is a man using she. I can tolerate women self referencing if they want to, but a man using she is without a doubt serving some master.

>> No.14621171
File: 240 KB, 1281x1600, John-J-Mearsheimer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said, it was in a John Mearsheimer book I noticed this.

>> No.14621319

Alternating male & female pronouns is worse

Imagine how bad it would be if we were speaking a language that had different pronouns for different colors

>> No.14621514

>small penis

>> No.14621517
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>> No.14621567

Good argument.
You don't use 'she' because it violates hundreds of years of convention and it's extremely distracting to the reader. Even if the reader is a supporter of using the feminine for generics, every time he sees it he thinks, "oh look the author used 'she'," taking his mind away from whatever he was reading.

>> No.14621627

t. never found the clit.

>> No.14621718

What if they are describing actions that a woman is more likely to do

>> No.14621760

Mearsheimer is opposed to neoliberalism, so I don’t think he’s doing this out of any appeal to a higher power or the “work” crowd.

Maybe it was publisher pressure?

>> No.14621762

Like what? Going to hell for murdering their own children?

>> No.14621774

Welcome to 1970

>> No.14621956

It's just a learned thing among academics from the latter part of the 20th century. Like, it's always jarring to me, but it's not like the worst thing.

>> No.14621967

>but it's not like the worst thing.
The worst thing is using CE and BCE.

>> No.14622129

Fucking atheist scum academics.

>> No.14622137

>I'll use the date system based around Christ's birth but I'll use a different name so that makes it completely different. I am very smart ;)

>> No.14622138

It's honestly just petty. I mean CE and BCE still make you think 'what happened 2000 years ago, oh right Jesus'

>> No.14622144

When I hear the term "current era," the first thing that springs to mind is ancient Rome. /s

>> No.14622264

It's actually "common era"

>> No.14623377

I'm atheist and I hate this shit

AD and BC is soul CE and BCE is soulless

>> No.14623479

Fun fact: In hyenas, the female clitoris is actually way longer than the male penis

>> No.14623494

Yes, everyone knows this reddit fact, go back.

>> No.14623497

Maximum cringe.

>> No.14623519


So attempting to push cultural Marxist ideology by means of some bastard version of the discredited Sapir Wharf hypothesis. Got it.

>> No.14623524

yes fuck books that do this

>> No.14623537

you say that like trannies don't literally kill themselves over this sort of thing

>> No.14624551

He made man in his image, if his image is man then he is male. The "god is gender neutral" is just a femoid cope.

>> No.14624641

hohoho you had me there for a second!

>> No.14624702
File: 124 KB, 1072x715, 591C6ADF-314B-4A07-A4E2-BE8BE5841B0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We ought to swap this “Common Era” thing out with HE, the “Human Era”
Making this the year 12020 HE

>> No.14624713

My abstract math text book literally did this in the forward. It’s written by a guy too

>> No.14624777

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
This verse leaves God's 'gender' ambiguous but of course God is understood to be 'male' for many reasons. Jesus Christ is literally a male human. God is referred to as Father on multiple occasions.

>> No.14624806
File: 146 KB, 1080x1084, 1560362591769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Author is a she

>> No.14626314

>God has nipples and his chromosomes are deformed!