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14620373 No.14620373[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is there antagonism between the sexes? Surely there needs to be cooperation in order to procreate and continue as a species. Is this a sign of an immature culture?

>> No.14620405

It's a sign of women being allowed out of the house. Every culture in history has known that women are big children. The only question with a woman is whether you want her to be a big child who knows her place, or a big spoiled child who thinks she can do whatever she wants. We are surrounded by the latter sort of women.

The bad news is there is no fixing them, but the good news is that there is no need to fix them. Let them live out their horrifying twilight years as spinsters and cat ladies, let the cool wine aunt problem solve itself as they all commit suicide at age 40. All we have to do is raise a new generation of women to have some dignity and humility. We can do that at any time and 60% of the western world's problems (the other 40% are caused by niggers) will vanish.

>> No.14620428


>> No.14620530

Social engineering by plutocrats

>> No.14620590

you fail to realize men are exactly the same. 95% of people are vapid cunts, idiots and unfixable NPCs.
the top 5% must not only rule, but be the only demographic spared in this new great purge to rebuild a comfier, nicer society for themselves.

>> No.14620612

It's just a jest. Do any of you ever go outside and talk to other people of the opposite sex? Did you guys ever converse with other kids when you were little?

>> No.14620630


>> No.14620673
File: 3 KB, 299x168, roastie_assault_threaten_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get out

>> No.14620686

Muh lonely incel sekret klub XD
Go back to /4chan retard

>> No.14620708
File: 195 KB, 732x558, 1578633572478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out or I'll post it

>> No.14620734

>Is this a sign of an immature culture
It's the sign of a species that knows it has no future.

>> No.14620754

First you have to get out if mommy's home tho

>> No.14620760
File: 77 KB, 881x960, 1569374316534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a roastie replies to me implying i'm a shutin
>tfw i've been to court twice and jail once for sexually assaulting women
>tfw plead guilty and did community service

What now roastie

>> No.14620765

woah dude. cmon now. we've been around for 300,000 sunspins, surely a few more left in us.

>> No.14620770

Absolutely this. Just let this generation of women continue to decline and commit spiritual suicide, they live unsustainable lives. It’s really up to men to fix this mess and raise better daughters and find better wives, women are incapable of doing so

>> No.14620782

No it's not

>I’m a cis woman in kind of a classic millennial sex pickle: I’m really repelled by heterosexuality politically and personally, but I’m also really into dick. I’ve been thinking maybe I should look for bi dudes/ bicurious gay dudes

Some may make a joke about it, but the apparent distaste for masculinity is real

>> No.14620795

Theres antagonism between individuals, not the sexes.

>> No.14620832

Do you bring them below mommy's house to show them your gloomy dungeons of lust and perversion?

>> No.14620848

The gender archetypes were working generally well for centuries in different almost all parts of the globe but suddenly some "philosophers" appeared and thought it's no fair! masculinity and femininity must be the same! then it got fashionable and mark of the enlightened to think their little arrogant minds could do better than nature herself and nothing wrong could possibly turn out wrong from meddling with something so delicate and yet fundamental of which they really knew nothing. Then corporations came into play saw that if masculinity and femininity were to be the same it would mean more workforce and therefore more money for them so they started to shill it hard and it became the official doctrine.

But if both men and women are not allowed to be men (the former by artificial restraints and the latter by nature) so both are going to resent one another. Men resent women thinking that they are responsible for their emasculation. Women resent men because they think men naturally but unfairly possess something which they desperately try to imitate but never with any success.

So is it really a wonder that there is antagonism between the sexes?

>> No.14620860

what's the difference between pansexual and bisexual

>> No.14620865

Pansexuals don't limit themselves to the human species, or to the organic world, for that matter.

>> No.14620986

>Is this a sign of an immature culture
The opposite, actually. Any sufficiently developed civilization embraces anti-natalistic values and plunges intself into the abyss. There's a reason why the highest fertility rates are found in african shitholes and lowest in hi-tek havens of Europe and Asia. A sentient creature, at some point, can no longer enduce the facade of life bearing any meaning, and, being a creature of empathy, it refuses to bring more into it.

>> No.14621003

They fuck everything.
That includes trannies and dogs

>> No.14621007

I miss the good ol' days when we just called these people psychopaths.

>> No.14621009

but isn't money just created by fiat anyway to meet demand? i don't understand, what is the purpose of corporations getting richer when all of the people stop being human beings and are some kind of robo-slaves. isn't it more likely that 'civilization' was too male oriented and when male innovation built technology that was too destructive women saw an opportunity to add to the conversation because now they could no longer be silenced with violence or war.

i mean think about being born an intelligent woman for most of human history. what a colossal waste of human potential with no light or way to escape from the baby hole.

>> No.14621028

yeah, i'm thinking based

>> No.14621034

Where are all these incredible intelligent women these days? What now hinders them from curing cancer and sending colonization missions into deep space?
Ah yes, da raep culchur

>> No.14621043

there's a lot of women in science and technology fields. but the men solved all the easy problems 100 years ago, so progress is slower. just because you double the mental power doesn't mean you double the mental output. advances are typically stepwise, and the last great paradigm is the quantum world, which will need hundreds of years to be overcome and solved/improved. (just like newton's mechanistic world took a long time to be conquered)

>> No.14621056

>jail once for sexually assaulting women
fuck off chad

>> No.14621068

Just a loud minority

>> No.14621080


>> No.14621090

>shitty Twitter screen cap by literal who's
Not /lit/ you fucking faggot.

>> No.14621098

t. roastie

>> No.14621108

In the past people's identity was on family and clan, namely it was on their actual relationships and customs which have a personal relation to them.

Today people's identity is on more external or abstract entities and categories. In this way, gender is the same as race (American definition) and with the current (fabricated) social climate, prone to tribalism and inventing controversy/conflict.

Feminism postww2 has been the main driver of it. Women (and men) literally sit on twitter consolidating identification with their gender in an abstract sense and forcing conflict. In particular the idea of gender solidarity means you cannot have honesty and integrity because your entire though process is based on propping your overemphasised group about another hated one. What matters is presentation of maleness and male action, rather than an event or action and its wider relation. So a man murdered is not a sad/unfortunate death but instead a joyous or laughable destruction of a forced member of the enemy class. Of course this applies to men and these kinds of fabricated identities in general, but because feminism has social currency and even suggesting that a men's issue be acknowledged is justification for censorship or deplatforming (because any sympathetic or balanced presentation of the Enemy is bad). It only appears as though these women in particular are terrible shedemons, but it's not really unique to them.

>> No.14621122

Progress is slower? Obviously you're scientifically illiterate.

>> No.14621145

To answer your question, yes. It is in-fact a sign of an immature culture.

>> No.14621180

It's about controlling us. The parameters of what is acceptable to disagree about have reduced. Then fierce debate about the things we are allowed to disagree about is fuelled.

>> No.14621230


>> No.14621235

Yes but they have power. What now?
They can make things that most people don't care about into controversies and then enforce their will from the top down.
Its a fucking gaslighting machine.

>> No.14621282

when women shit on men they're talking about people like this kek

>> No.14621334

Mentally ill people and blacks never had power. Twitter is just another mkultra project.

>> No.14621513
File: 328 KB, 552x592, 1576436036220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is a legit way to break up a cauliflower tho, because that keeps it more crunchy and retains nutrients better during cooking. Same with broccoli. Fucking roasties

>> No.14621537

Confusing what women say, especially publicly, with what they actually believe is an incel hallmark.

>> No.14621545

Because competition between different groups is a natural drive for everything but in the modern world men and women (wrongfully) occupy the exact same roles in society and so compete when they should be working together in the different roles they would occupy more successfully

>> No.14621550

Pansexuals are sexually attracted to kitchenware

>> No.14621563

This really doesn’t reflect women in the real world. That kind of distaste for masculinity in favour of bisexual men is common in teenage girls. These women in question are particularly immature

>> No.14621581

I truly hate women. I despise them with every fiber of my being. I would rather die alone and miserable than compromise in any way with a woman.

>> No.14621606

>man have solved all the easy problems

We can fucking fly.
To the fucking moon.

Also you understate how little women have contributed over thousands of years of progress.

>> No.14621608

Women are what we allow them to be, the problem of this age is weak men

>> No.14621632

unironically based

>> No.14621633

What you see today is the reality of women, the thing that they become when they have the choice to act freely. Our ancestors never witnessed this, but at their core their women were the same as ours. Even if you bring them back under dominion they'll still be the same vile, disgusting, subhuman filth on the inside.

>> No.14621670

>men solved all the easy problems 100 years ago.
Problems seem easier after they are solved.

>> No.14621761

the preponderance of the female principle and sex is a sign of the end times, as corroborated by most religions from christianity to hinduism.

>> No.14622064

Consider the incentives involved in having eggs and pregnancy, or having sperm. Really think about it, then look at the material and social conditions of today. The mystery should disappear very quickly.

>> No.14622074


>> No.14622093

uummm hello??? based department?????

>> No.14622122

It's like how you hate rats. They're rats so you know they're going to act like rats, but that doesn't excuse anything.

>> No.14622130

You need help mate. Genuinely not trying to be a cunt. But there's nowhere rational to go with that kind of extreme disillusionment and dissociation from humanity. Honestly get off this fucking site and others similar.

>> No.14622140

>But there's nowhere rational to go
The rational choice is simply to not have anything to do with women.
>with that kind of extreme disillusionment
If I'm disillusioned then that means I'm viewing the situation accurately.
>and dissociation from humanity.
Don't have any problem with the other half of humanity, so it should be fine.

>> No.14622155

Thank you, finally someone sane! I LOVE YOU, just for this. Women are annoying and "doesn't compute" but men can be even more harmful and unpleasant.

>> No.14622156

Women will always be antagonistic towards men, whether they love them or not. Your mistake is seeing this as a negative aspect of women and not central to their very being and purpose.

You know how you get creeped out walking alone on the street or you sometimes fear somebody attacking you or breaking into your house? Women feel that with 100x the intensity, all the time. Women understand how vulnerable they are, and that's why they seek out men. They find a man who impresses them in some way, who they can be comfortable enough around, who is likeable enough, and finally, who is capable of defending his interests, physically or otherwise effectively. Once this man expresses attraction to her, from that moment on it becomes a game of testing him. The only way for a man to continue being attractive to a woman is to win this game. Sometimes you win it by outsmarting her, sometimes you win it by disregarding it completely and knocking over the figurative chessboard. To a woman, might is right.

The reason a woman becomes antagonistic towards a man who fails her tests, is because she is rightfully angry that a man is becoming weak. If you can't defend yourself from her attacks, how are you supposed to defend her from another man?

Because a bunch of moronic, pussy whipped men decided to, we've all been lead to believe that women and men behave the same way, and when we see women acting in what we interpret as an irrational manner, we become confused and resentful. It's like trying to play a game where your opponent is allowed to cheat. The problem is that men are not aware of the rules of the game, not that it is unfair.

Plain and simple, you wanna know what keeps a woman satisfied? Knowing that a man she is attracted to will not put up with her horse shit. That he will not allow her to cross the lines he has drawn. That as soon as his principles are not adhered to, no matter how slight the violation, he will punish her or if the violation in severe, he will leave her and find a woman who will play by his rules. Women's power only goes as far as you allow it to, and this is why they continue test men and ridicule the ones who can't catch on as losers.

>> No.14622158

You need help and someone to show you genuine concern and care. I'll leave it there. All the best. Hope it gets better for you. Sincerely.

>> No.14622160

? this is a common and accepted view in mainstream academia that scientific progress is slowing down as technological progress is hitting the universal physical boundaries of size and energy.

>> No.14622169

What kind of man can’t rip apart some cauliflower?

>> No.14622170

Why deal with all of this bullshit to get pussy when you can just fap?

>> No.14622179

No, the top 5% is leading anyway, and will be culled for their failures. The bottom 95% can fuck off to other countries or fuck into other populations, but the top 5% can only change, or be removed from their position.

>> No.14622194

It isn’t about money, it’s about capital. More workers means more production.

>> No.14622216


All men ask themselves this question, and I can only give you my answer.

I live for the thrill of the hunt. I take great pleasure in conquest. There's nothing better than fucking a woman who only hours ago hated you and couldn't stand you, only for her now to willingly and completely give herself to you, begging you to cum inside her. A stress free life to me is nothing but hell. A reward not earned is not a reward at all, but a token of pity. Above all, man's duty is to fight and be victorious.