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14619747 No.14619747 [Reply] [Original]

What makes Homer and Virgil better than any capeshit?

>> No.14619770


>> No.14619797

talent, intelligence, and wisdom

>> No.14619799

I haven't read it but I'd assume it actually has real plot development. All the marvel movies I see are just CGI showcases

>> No.14619803

tomato.. easy on the male gazing

>> No.14619874
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>he reads for the plot

>> No.14619881

Good writing
The real question is, what makes capeshit so inferior to Virgil and Homer

>> No.14620018

lack of talent, caring, and soul. See Watchmen. Capeshit can also be elevated. its mainly just about someone pouring essence into it.

>> No.14620140

Watchmen is pure midwit garbage.

>> No.14620157

Homer and Virgil have deep ties to culture while all capeshit is the product of decadent modernity.

>> No.14620162

The Iliad is literally capeshit, and it's fucking wonderful

>> No.14620171

Capeshit is Jewish poison

Homer was a bearer of the culture, moral and mythical history of a people

>> No.14620173

>The Iliad is literally capeshit
Reddit is that way.

>> No.14620181

Because capeshit exists solely to appease a power fantasy of being able to enact moral authority over others, but offers little in the ways of critical thinking.

>> No.14620202
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Gravitas and heritage

>> No.14620235

This. There is no mythology behind capeshit, it was created as a purely consumerist ploy.

>> No.14620304

Because Homer is old, therefore reading him makes you monocled.

>> No.14620322

>Homer was a bearer of the culture, moral and mythical history of a people
Throwing cuckold buzzwords around isn't an argument retard

>> No.14620334

Not the original Alan Moore book. Filtered.

>> No.14620340 [DELETED] 

Wrong, honey. Valuing heritage or antiquity as if it were a value in itself is debased.

>> No.14620524

Well, in translated form, it loses it's main aspect, it's poetic form. It retains it's underlaying humanity and Homer's ability to somehow, without saying it directly, show various elements of human nature and paint very pretty pictures with descriptions.

>> No.14620589
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Real peril

Hector was never revived by a Lazarus Device or revealed to actually have been a clone from Dimension X. There was never any speculation that he might come back in Iliad #2 and team up with Golden Age Hector.

>> No.14620622

Have you ever read the Iliad, faggot? Literally Deus ex machina the book. BRB, God's gonna shroud me in clouds right before dying

>> No.14620745

Not him, but yes it is. Grow up.

>> No.14620820

Homer's work is divinely inspired metaphysical allegory, it is a holy text of both Greek and broader Indo-European religion

>> No.14620866

>He reads because he is compelled to

Lmaoooooooo even fucking worse

>> No.14621961


>> No.14622031

What makes anything anything?

>> No.14622047

It quite literally is. You just pretend it isn't because it's old and because muh Greeks.

>> No.14622070

Homer and Vergil's works are more thematically, aesthetically, and poetically developed. Capeshit is not even close to that.

>> No.14622082

You need only look to the effects. Entire cultures based values off the works of Homer. People heard recitals of these poems and were joined into a cultural collective. Nowadays you can go to the theater, watch capeshit, and it won't change your life or values in the slightest. Well at least positively, there's probably an argument for increasing consumption as a true value of culture.

>> No.14622088

But it undeniably is

>> No.14622099

You can continue to apply your little anachronistic, revistionist labels but it won't really work.

>> No.14622104

(1) historical significance
(2) lack of an intent to profit
(3) one piece of work refined by the ages instead of a character created by one person, written by another and drawn by another etc
(4) the explicit intent to appeal universally as opposed to being one issue in a serial
(5) the strict utilization of words and the extensions of them instead of visual imagery

None of these assessments are quality judgements— you can like whatever, but they separate the works significantly

>> No.14622109

A better comparison would be the Lord of the Rings, but even that was consciously created as myth so it's not really the same thing.

>> No.14622806

The foot that launched a thousand ships

>> No.14622948
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>> No.14623544

>Capeshit is Jewish poison
You couldn't explain what you mean by this gibberish if you tried.

>> No.14623575

Which is still elevated from the McDonald's-tier trash that constitutes capeshit movies.

>> No.14623598
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no pictures

>> No.14623619

promotes and enables manchild culture in western white males. it renders them intellectually impotent. flacid minds.

>> No.14623639

All of that shit is correlation vs. causation in the most classic sense. The original superhero comics did not in any way promote and enable these things, but unchecked greed, liberalism, and processed foods certainly do.

>> No.14623659

Not him but superhero comics are the epitome of soulless capitalistic corporate sludge. Comics have never been good.

>> No.14623666

They're just stories about heroes you fucking weirdo.

>> No.14623898


>> No.14623904

ok npc