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/lit/ - Literature

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1461677 No.1461677 [Reply] [Original]

what is /lit/ doing with it's life?

>> No.1461684

A love triangle at the moment. Also, theater tech.

>> No.1461686

Pointing out insignificant grammar mistakes on internet message boards.


>> No.1461689
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>> No.1461687

>A love triangle at the moment
you sicken me. continue.

>> No.1461692


Out shit I didn't capitalize Internet fuck fuck fuck fuck

>> No.1461693

On college vacations. Writing, reading, getting high and hanging out with my girlfriend.

>> No.1461699

What's so bad about it? Love doesn't even real.

>> No.1461700

Putting up with it. Just about.

>> No.1461701
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If your day's filled with too much shit and your eyes don't show no quit welcome to this bitch, it's called life, one way to leave in meantime don't forget to breathe you know take your time for a second hit pause on the record grab a chair sit your ass down, and keep your mind in the session ain't no time for your stressing nod your head to the beautiful sound

>> No.1461706

It's always the people without jobs or children whining about how terrible life is.

>> No.1461710

because one person wouldnt want you to do that and you'll hurt their feelings.

you'll probably have children & divorce your wife when you're older you no-restraint piece of shit. also you're full of yourself for thinking 2 people want you. go choke until no oxygen.

>> No.1461715
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>> No.1461719

I'm not going to have kids or get married, I guess. I don't think 2 people want me, I think people are opportunistic when it comes to sex.

>> No.1461722

whats wrong with fapping you filthy whore?

>> No.1461728

You're making me feel a little sad, tbh. I don't know, because I give my everything to everyone i'm with...I give them love and attention. It's a really lonely world.

>> No.1461726

fapping is for the weak

>> No.1461734

On the verge of dropping out of university.

>> No.1461736

not as weak as having to go to clubs designed for getting sex

>> No.1461737

I'm living it.

>> No.1461739

This is true.

>> No.1461742

Drop out and get a library card.

I learned more off that little piece of plastic than I ever could have through 40 years of straight schooling.

I have a degree, btw. If there's ever an autobiography of me, it'll be called "College and Other Mistakes"

>> No.1461753
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>College and Other Mistakes

Please elaborate

>> No.1461759

First college exams, in England where college is equivalent to high school in most other places. Reading Junk by William S. Burroughs and On the Beach by Nevil Shute, getting stoned on an awesome source, writing occasional column for local paper, going to work there in February. Shit's goin' awright.

>> No.1461762

a degree in what

>> No.1461781

The most you can learn in a university setting is how to regurgitate perceptions of works and ideas that are already mass-consumed in those settings. Classes of graduates get churned out like sausages, each full of the same materials that were used to make the classes preceding.

You end up a nonentity who can refer to a text with ease, but really have nothing astute to say for yourself and cannot pinpoint a real-life actual accomplishment excepting the degrees you paied to receive (see Deep&Edgy.)

>> No.1461792

omg i such a failure

>> No.1461799

this guy obviously doesn't believe in dialogic

more's the pity for him

>> No.1461800
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Saving the world

>> No.1461801

I help the pharmaceutical companies sell overpriced drugs through the creation of nice excel models.

There's worse ways to make a living.

>> No.1461804
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I understand your point, and it makes sense.
But how about this:

-attend a community college, then finish off undergrad degree at public college in 2 years. The idea here is to save money and still get a decent education.

-perform well to hopefully qualify for financial aid towards a graduate program.

-make it a point to read up on literature and web content relevant to your interests during your spare time, to create a mind of your own on the subject(s).

Get the best of both worlds?

>> No.1461811

>I understand your point, and it makes sense.
GG bro humour the nitwit sounds good

>> No.1461814

Says the tripfag singled out as an example. lol

>> No.1461816

The only reason I was singled it is because there is no-one else worth singling out.

>> No.1461819

hmmm...I think it's because you were the best example of what he was talking about, but o.k.

>> No.1461822

>best example of what he was talking about,
Yeah, a smart person

>> No.1461823

Wait, how is that a grammar mistake. It's as in possessive, it-is my life. Therefore it's my life. Am I just fucking retarded or something, halp bros.

>> No.1461827

I don't know what kind of university you've been to but that's certainly not how things go down at mine.

>> No.1461829

Just finished my EFL certificate, and upgraded my PADI license, split with my girlfriend and thinking of doing the same with my wife before I head out to Abu Dhabi on a teaching contract.

2011: Not sure how feel.

>> No.1461833


Good arguments, except one thing: I got a lot more pussy at university than I have in the library. That said, I'm an oldfag and the government paid for me to go - if I was having to pay the fees myself, I think I'd have just picked up sluts in the supermarket

>> No.1461835

>split with my girlfriend and thinking of doing the same with my wife
what is it with you fuckers? fucking disgusting.

>> No.1461840
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I don't think I'm ready for this Jelly.

>> No.1461843

how can you actually be that full of yourself to have sex with strangers or cheat on your wife or have two girlfriends. i cant believe im on the same board as you fucks so sad ;_;

>> No.1461847


I'm not full of myself - they're full of me, that's kind of the point. Some people have more libido. Or more opportunity, I've never been entirely sure how the causality of these things works out..

>> No.1461850

Only a child would ask such questions.

>> No.1461855

so like are you selfish in everything else you do? do you work in business, are you good at bullshitting in job interviews?


>> No.1461872

Just starting a research paper that's due tuesday.


>> No.1461880

Pissing it away

>> No.1461900

Same, except it's due in 16 hours. What the fuck am I doing.

>> No.1461918

Attending college, preparing for upcoming exams and generally enjoying myself by pursuing my interests. I’m not a sociable guy; which leaves me with a lot of free time, and quite a sum of money in contrast to my peers.

>> No.1461922

Let's see.

Doing bad in college, but loving it anyway.
Kind of lonely, but I can't complain, since I was the one who dumped her.
Artistic crisis/inspiration moment. Epiphany and dissapointment everyday. Very irregular.
Smoking a lot of weed.
Currently on a diet and exercise routine, feeling good about it.
Moving to some other place, trying to get me a nice apartment.
No job.
Going back and forth non-stop, not relaxed, can't focus, tired. I'm preparing to grab myself together by July.

>> No.1461963


Incredibly good - I turned down 3 jobs with an oil company last week. True story

>> No.1461989

Graduating soon. I'm going to continue playing/making music in the various projects I'm in. I have no idea what I'm going to do for a job, although I have an internship lined up after school along with the job I have now.

I'll continue to try and develop my style of writing although I won't be able to make a career out of it.

I'm not sure outside of that to be honest.

>> No.1461993
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I'm actually from /jp/ (accidentally went here and decided to check things out), but I guess I could tell you what I am doing with my life.

Learning piano.
Waiting for classes to start back up.
Shoveling snow for my mom

Other than that, I'm not really doing anything. I haven't been depressed in weeks because I finally found my own path on the road of life, though. I feel like I can finally move an inch or so forward.

>> No.1463832
