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14616376 No.14616376 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for books defending globalist capitalism,mainly from a historical and moral perspective.

>> No.14616379

>defending the indefensible

big yikes there buddy

>> No.14616389

I read that book, I agree with everthing except the first chapter.

>> No.14616408

Jeez, are you sure of what you're doing man? I mean, there must be something else that is worth defending other than a system which will suck you dry, and this is coming from someone who isn't a leftie. Either way maybe read Capitalism Realism by Mark Fisher and see how it goes from there

>> No.14616434

I DO have a thing for defending hated ideas.but this is actual honesty rather than contrarian-ness

>> No.14616442

But to be honest capitalism isn’t an innate evil, only an extrapolated one based on a few predicates. See it as a system first then you can create an opinion on its general nature.

>> No.14616450
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Why would you want to defend global finance?

>> No.14616459
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Is this the kind of stuff you were looking for OP?

>> No.14616460

That wasn’t honest. Saying something sucks you dry is a rather broad statement without nuance.

>> No.14616475

not really,more scholarly stuff,but that book seems fascinating

>> No.14616511
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>defending globalism

Seriously, I thought we had sufficiently evolved in the last 20 years to understand certain things.

The peak of lowliness of this board has been touched.

>> No.14616527

manchesterian-libertarian globalism,no less!

>> No.14616558


>having to defend the statu quo

Seems to be you have been statu cucked.

>> No.14616567

being ideologically pro-capitalist is very unpopular today

>> No.14616573

Of course it is, you dumbass.

>> No.14616581

i defend child labor.
i have unpopular opinions

>> No.14616587

How are people on this board so retarded now they think that the only reason anyone would read a book is because they agree with its thesis

>> No.14616620

I don't think that, I usually read anything, left or right doesn't matter. But why the hell would anyone care about a book that defends an outdated retarded idea that has been proved wrong and harmful by the last 30 years of history?

>> No.14616648


>being ideologically pro-capitalist is very unpopular today

I didn't know anybody was still working on Wall Street nowadays, sorry, my bad.

>> No.14616690

Most of them are just going to go over average global living standards improving and people can buy larger televisions for less today. I don't know why you'd want to read the same thing presented slightly differently over and over. Most people just want more things and that's all the morals you need. Maybe ask different questions.

Globalization despite all the political opposition isn't slowing down none really and capitalism and monetization of everything is only going to get easier and worse. Someone working at the Cato Institute is most likely a hack and disingenuous but the past 30 years wasn't overall harmful, I say that as an anti-liberal.

>> No.14616703

>the past 30 years wasn't overall harmful
You must be joking.

>> No.14616745
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>Reddit spacing
>alluding to The Myth of Progress
Go back

>> No.14616750

>past 30 years wasn't overall harmful

LMAO ... you the type that believes government statistics I guess

>> No.14616778

No. Real living standards in the most populous country, China, is much higher today... but that has more to do with a rejection of the Washington Consensus model of globalization. Also technological advance has allowed more social control and such but it's still in its infancy, it can still get a lot worse.

>> No.14616793

So the past 30 years of destabilization were actually alright because Chinese peasants can now afford two servings of bat soup as opposed to one

>> No.14616851
File: 89 KB, 968x1068, Ali-Ferguson415[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niall Ferguson. Historian.
The Ascent of Money

>> No.14616895

I never said that. It's just population wise e.g. there was a lot more Chinese peasants 30 years ago than Russian factory workers or anyone else like that who got hit hard. China made a form of globalization work for them obviously and they're the most populous so that's the main story of the past 30 years.
When you're talking about "destabilization" you're probably talking about the results of stupid policies e.g. making homes a primary store of financial wealth, not taking unemployment serious, etc, etc but still the relative tiny amount of individuals in America that got foreclosed on isn't the main story of the past 30 years and you have a distorted sense of history if you think that.

>> No.14617157
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>Why, yes, I defend global capitalism, how did you know?

>> No.14617165
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>> No.14617189

>more books like this
Literally any book written by an employee of a mainstream anglo-american (((economics))) department.

>> No.14617683

THIS. All of (Western) economics is the advocation Globalism at the expense and cost of all else.

>> No.14617758
File: 4 KB, 299x168, Idoprefertheillusionofchoice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes I do prefer common morality to be based upon a relitively free medium of exchange ensured by the relation between any level of indivigual and group that can be opted out of in large part if one wills it, rather than a direct government enforced master-slave system That is directly instead of indirectly controlled by that very same government in question, making it a commanding instead of regulatory body, how did you know?

>> No.14617806

Basic Economics
Why Nations Fail
Human Action
The Great Contraction
Individualism and Economic Order
Defending the Undefendable
The Housing Boom and Bust

>> No.14617937

>US increasingly sucking all the high-end talent from around the world
>puts them into a low fertility environment
>retards breeding in record speeds
yeeeee boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

>> No.14618014
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>defending global capitalism
>mainly from a historical and moral perspective
10/10 bait

>> No.14618032

Guns, Germs, and Steel is a good one but not sure it touches the specifics you're looking for. Whatever, people are globally mobile now and that means that national economies need to evolve to meet the migratory needs of today's human. If that means people aren't gonna look like how they used to look then that's what it means. At least we're all gonna be richer and have a better standard of living.

>> No.14618040

Its corruption itself

>> No.14618100
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>At least we're all gonna be richer and have a better standard of living
Uh - Anon, I...

>> No.14618143
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>> No.14618215

>half the planet is literally destroyed
I'm done with this board