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14614297 No.14614297 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks for taking the time to read this thread as it possesses more utility and is of more substance than all the conversations about fiction (fairy-tales) and feminine intellectualism.

ITT: We post books conducive towards the domination and control of others.

>> No.14614305

Nothing is important if you are a cumbrain. All true intellectual traditions have embraced celibacy and eschewed the sexual in seeing its vile, debasing, mind eroding nature as being diametrically opposed to the higher brain. You're never, ever, going to make it.

>> No.14614313

I would have contributed to this thread if you didn't thot post. Shame.

>> No.14614340
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Look two overweight neckbeards who embraced compensatory intellectualism because of their poor genetics. You deserve neither liberty not respect. You aren't even fit to be a thrall.

>> No.14614363
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>projecting this hard
never going to make it

>> No.14614393

Whatever you have to tell yourself to not go for the rope. I'm totally the projector and you're the screen. You may keep thinking that. I would hate to imagine being a neckbeard who trashes some person's thread on controlling human behavior. People act like it's such a taboo or bad thing like controlling can't be divorced from abuse. It's like people have forgotten that we are animals.

>> No.14614397

this is way too try hard

>> No.14614410

Man, then, is, as St. Thomas says, the king of himself when he regulates his body and his carnal affections according to reason. ”Rex est homo per rationem, quia per cam regit totum corpus et affectus ejus.” (In Joan, iv.) But, according to St. Jerome, ”when the soul serves vice she loses the honour of a kingdom.” (In Thren., ii. 7.) She loses the honour of a queen, and becomes, as St. John teaches, the slave of sin. ”Whosoever committeth sin is the slave of sin.” (John viii. 34.)

St. James exhorts us to treat the body and its lusts as we would treat a horse. “We put a bridle in the mouth of a horse, and we bring him wherever we please. “We put bits in the mouths of horses, that they may obey us, and we turn about their whole body.” (St. James iii. 3.) Hence, as soon as we feel the cravings of any bad passion, we must restrain it with the bridle of reason; for, if we yield to its demands, it will bring us to the level of brute animals, that obey not the dictates of reason, but the impulse of their beastly appetites. ”And man, when he was in honour, did not understand: he is compared to senseless beasts, and is become like to them.” (Ps. xlviii. 13.)

”It is worse,” says St, John Chrysostom, “to become like, than to be born, a senseless beast; for, to be naturally without reason is tolerable.” The saint says, that to want reason by nature is not disgraceful; but, to be born with the gift of reason, and afterwards to live like a beast, obeying the lusts of the flesh, is degrading to man, and makes him worse than a senseless brute.

What would you say if you saw a man who would, of his own accord, live in a stable with horses, feed with them on hay and oats, and sleep, as they do, on dung? The man who submits to the tyranny of any passion, does what is far worse in the eyes of God.

>> No.14614418
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>It's like people have forgotten that we are animals.

>> No.14614482

>We post books conducive towards the domination and control of others.
nothing enslaves a man more than lust

>> No.14614537
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Pic Related. To live a life predistined by the rape of the mind by dogma and lies is the real slavery. You are a slave to faith to religion. Jesus is the King of Slaves.

>> No.14614549

>ITT: We post books conducive towards the domination and control of others
Literally any religion ever, just create a cult. Btw young women are the most likely group of people to fall for cults.

>> No.14615307

Jezebel posting is dumb but what could be more based than posting one in a thread about controlling and dominating others.