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/lit/ - Literature

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14612833 No.14612833 [Reply] [Original]

it's incredible how the greatest fantasy series with the deepest plot, most memorable characters, and richest world was created years ago and everything else pales in comparison

you read this one series and everything else is a disappointment

>> No.14612852

What about Gormenghast? Or Book of the New Sun?

>> No.14612931
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>> No.14613038

I had never heard of this guy, but I just looked him up and it seems like he might be pretty great.

Not OP, it thanks for the recommendation

>> No.14613048

He's the most popular, most reddit fantasy author in Burgerland. How could you not know him?

>> No.14613063

Tbh I wasn’t much of a reader until about a year ago. I’ve mostly only been reading classic literature, and I’m not really involved in book culture, if there is such a thing. I’ve only just started browsing /lit/ in the past few weeks

>> No.14613091

E.R.E. is our based autist.

>> No.14613096


>> No.14613103

Read Gormenghast and Book of the New Sun.

>> No.14613105
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>> No.14613108

I wouldn't call the plot deep or the characters memorable. The only reason people memorize them is because of the pop status that lotr has.

>> No.14613114
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>> No.14613125

dude seriously don't fall for that lol

>> No.14613201

>deepest plot
>most memorable characters
most certainly not.

>> No.14613214

It's because Tolkien, unlike most of the modern fantasy genre, was actually doing what fantasy is supposed to do. He was imagining something new and different, his own private universe. That's the whole fucking point of fantasy and yet all of it reads the same because none of these hacks get it.

>> No.14613224

the point of fantasy is to tell us deep insight about our own world you incel. not masturbate in an imaginary world

>> No.14613228
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>> No.14613233

It can do both, but, by fucking definition, the latter aspect is the crucial criteria.

>> No.14613238

What a faggot definition lmao and

>> No.14613245

Don't read his stuff
Some of the least engaging fantasy I've ever read, popular amongst the Reddit crowd because of "muh magic system" and "muh overly detailed combat"

>> No.14613254

That doesn't necessarily totally contradict what anon said, rather that just makes the rest of the fantasy genre underwhelming when they look to Tolkein as the main source of inspiration.

>> No.14613268

>deep insight about our own world
who gives a shit

>> No.14613276

he was also a genius who invented his own languages and learned existing ones in months

>> No.14613280

>you read this one series and everything else is a disappointment
I have found this to be the case, but Le Guin, Beagle, Williams, et al. are quite good, maybe even as good.

You're thinking of J. K. Rowling (well, maybe not anymore). Tolkien was wildly conservative, and he's not widely read. People claim to read him because he's the alpha and omega of fantasy literature (though, I find more and more people willingly proffer how they couldn't get through the first three chapters).

>> No.14613291

tolkien’s chief insight, and what i think was the major technology that went into the successful realization of his legendarium, was the understanding of the importance of language in the creation of culture, from which one creates legend and myth. he originally planned to write his works entirely in Quenya. The narratives that emerge from his world are lived events that are being set down, the way Bede or Herodotus would document; not fictions created for the purpose of storytelling. The writings he has on the various ages of middle earth are all progeny inheriting the existence of the previous ages

No other author has come close in this regard. Wolfe is an exception, because _his_ understanding was to use archaic english to achieve the same effect when naming various aspects of Urth, if youre not going to start conlanging to the Nth degree

i dont know the whole canon or sf/fantSy so please comment if there are other authors that deserve some credit

>> No.14613306

>Not widely read

More than 150 million copies have sold

>> No.14613310

tbf the first three chapters are the most boring ones, but also you'd have to be borderline retarded to get pleb filtered by a little hobbit lore

>> No.14613313

completely masturabatory.

>> No.14613319

Units sold are not units read.

I agree wholeheartedly.

>> No.14613320

Haven't gotten around to Gormenghast yet, but Gene Wolfe is not even close to Tolkien.

>> No.14613321

>Tolkien was wildly conservative
By modern standards. He was catholic and supported the queen.

>> No.14613322

i'm on book 2 of mistborn and it's hard to stay interested, very shallow. i feel lied to

>> No.14613324

t. soulless slav

>> No.14613335

pseudo-mythology is the most degenerate invention of western literature

>> No.14613337

holy shit how did you know, i'm serbian what the fuck

>> No.14613340

>"muh magic system"
Hard magic nerds are really dragging the genre down.

>> No.14613341
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>> No.14613348

I know a slav who thinks the same way. they don't give a shit about worldbuilding. they just want drama/character relationships/etc. slavs hate fantasy, everything has to be gritty and realistic

>> No.14613361

He also wrote somewhere that women shouldn't be professors. Sure, there are more conservative people out there, but Tolkien was hardly a reddit-tier, "taking over the Hugo's" author.

>> No.14613369

your friend is right.

>> No.14613372

he was also a tradcath who ree'd about vatican ii if i'm not mistaken.

>> No.14613375
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It's more of a series of biblical parallels than world building, which is why all other fantasy novels that focus on world building are shit.

>> No.14613376

Why are the Witcher books such stupid garbage then? Well, I suppose desiring drama and character relationships could lead a writer to penning a bunch of schlock romance with monsters.

>> No.14613402

So are you saying that Lord of the Rings is a mere shadow of the Bible?

>> No.14613421

I remember reading that worldbuilding quote from Sapkowski about how he designs maps and it was basically just throw together the most generic landmass possible and then put exciting locations down. Sounded more like he was designing a themepark than a real world. Came off as if he doesn't give a shit

>Let's give the reader, who analyze the map a quick injection of adrenaline and sniff of cocaine: let the road from the West to the East run through Vampire Commonland, Rotten Swamps, Plains of Dust, Forest of Rattling Femurs, Misty Death Rifts, Mountains of Tears, Groves of Teethgrinding and Gorges of Typhoid Fever.

>> No.14613445

I stopped midway through book 2 as well. Bail why u can

>> No.14613458
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its weird to think how its basically impossible to come up with a better world than earth. God is really good at world-building

>> No.14613519

Why does everyone love Sanderson?

>> No.14613520

Sub creation. But no, LoTR is not aping the Bible.

>> No.14613546

easy to read, videogame-style magic. mistborn reads like naruto or something

>> No.14614122
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>everything else pales in comparison
>you read this one series and everything else is a disappointment
I like Lord of the Rings a lot op. But Conan is not in any way overshadowed by it.
Where in LotR the civilization of man is the last hope for the world, in Conan civilization is man's doom. makes him vile, wicked, and dishonorable and cowardly.
Plus I think Conan could take anyone in Lord of the Rings, yes even Aragorn

>> No.14614230

>Plus I think Conan could take anyone in Lord of the Rings, yes even Aragorn
Gandalf could kill him with a pinecone.

>> No.14614251
File: 149 KB, 1505x1080, people-of-the-black-circle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gandalf could kill him with a pinecone.
>he thinks magic can hurt Conan
Read the People of the Black Circle. Conan's Western mind and physique means magic fags cant do anything to him
Pic very much related

>> No.14614259

wasn't gandalf's power in guidance and wisdom and persuasion?

>> No.14614277

Toklkein was a serious academic. Fantasy isn't even a fair label for LotR, mythology is closer to what he did.

>> No.14614284

took me until scandinavia to figure out lmao

>> No.14614290

Gandalf isn't some faggy harry potter wizard. He's literally an angel sent by God.

>> No.14614299

and forbidden from taking direct action

>> No.14614307

lol Game of Thrones wasn't written that many years ago, and it isn't even finished! also you posted some taxless drivel by accident as your pic unrelated

>> No.14614309

weak bait

>> No.14614312

The wizards in Conan are basically demons who regularly kill people from hundreds of miles away, not exactly potter level faggots, and I would never dream of comparing Gandalf to that trash series
Also Eru is not God. Its Tolkien's ripoff of him.

>> No.14614575

he comes back as gandalf the white with much less limitation on his power (he's seemingly weightless and impervious to harm from mundane weaponry)

>> No.14614576
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Conan's arm isn't mundane he's jacked

>> No.14614748

Finland be huge.

>> No.14614750

true. gandalf so badass

>> No.14614862

our society, culture, and civilization have been completely ruined

nothing good will ever be made again
and we will all be slaughtered

unless we revolt and utterly destroy the children of the jews
burn them all to death and show the whole world
kill anyone who disagrees
the leftists will kill themselves once their masters are cut off from them

>> No.14614868

please go fucking kill yourselves right now
you are subhuman bastards sucking the soul from real humanity

>> No.14614869

do you guys get paid by the word for every cringe fed post you make or what

>> No.14614872

do jews just come in here to post the subhuman garbage they publish thinking we'll read it based on the absolutely retarded covers or something?

>> No.14614878

go watch TV, you're an animal, there's no reason for you to use language at all, go degenerate some where you're not in the way

>> No.14614886

slavs are about 5000 years behind the rest of us
they have no intelligence or soul compared
and therefore no patience for anything not immediately gratifying

>> No.14614908

>fed post
grow up you zoomer fucktard
there's no future for you unless you make it
you're going to be slaughtered if you don't fight back
you're just a castrated little faggot begging for mercy from the people who want nothing but to kill you and your people

you are literally an animal

>> No.14614913

onions faggots will try to deny

>> No.14614931

okay fed

>> No.14614958

you're a retarded animal that has had its entire set of survival instincts locked behind a brainwashed symbol that your subhuman will can't penetrate

all in exchange for the delusion of 'belonging to something'
you have zero self esteem because there is no place in the world for you, you are totally lost, your brain is completely fried from overstimulation, you can't see anything but the most artificial screaming bright beacons, and you go like a moth to a flame

The zoomers are a dead generation, they will be the death of us if we don't cut them off from their masters' will

>> No.14614964


>> No.14614999

i've called you fed twice and you come up with some elaborate story lol. you look ridiculous

>> No.14615018

Why do Tolkien threads attract so many schizoids?

>> No.14615066

They must be butthurted fantasy writers. I bet they are also jealous of Christopher Paolini.

>> No.14615072

>everything else pales in comparison
>What is Gods of Pegana

>> No.14615100

Why smoosh Spain up like that? Fake and gay.

>> No.14615111

Either commit to the bait fully, or be brazenly ironic. Hybrid-form shitposting never really finds its mark.

>> No.14615169

This is very very based

>> No.14615189

Only against Sauron, fag. He battled the Nazgul at Dry Top and the Nazgul are just corrupted men.

>> No.14615212

ur gay

>> No.14615338

>though, I find more and more people willingly proffer how they couldn't get through the first three chapters
Wtf are most people these days fucking retarded? I read those books as a 10-11 year old kid, and had no problem.

>> No.14615377
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Some people have no patience for Tolkien's style, claiming it is overly descriptive. But if you just commit to it, the rewards are overwhelming. I must have read those books at least 10 times at this point and it doesn't get old.

>> No.14615413

This nigga knows things

>> No.14615418

Maybe I can see them being a little tedious for some, but often they are very evocative or comfy and I think most at least should be able to see that.

>> No.14615428

Only for Whites that aren't named Saruman

>> No.14615435


>> No.14615453

I've never read it but I'm convinced it's overrated. I mean, the movies are fucking trash objectively

>> No.14615511

If it's not for you then it's not for you, but you probably wouldn't go in reading with an open mind anyway so I wouldn't bother.

>> No.14615579

you sound retarded

>> No.14615585

Why? Did you love the m-muh-movies, fag?

>> No.14615591

Fuck off with that Harrison autism

>> No.14615597

what's up with your stutter dude it's carrying through to your typing

>> No.14615617

I'm not saying it's not for me; when I was a kid I used to love fantasy novels. I'll certainly read Tolkien one day, I just hope it's not as retarded as the films.

>> No.14615631

>Le Guin
As someone who really enjoys her first three books, it simply doesn't compare to LotR.

>> No.14615640


>> No.14615667

True. I mean I haven't really read anything else but I know nothing surpasses LotR anyway.
Actually I've never read LotR either but I loved the movies as a kid.

>> No.14615763

What a fucking faggot.

>> No.14616423

>He has never read anything
True Chad right here

>> No.14616464

>lol discourse is just supposed to be an exchange of abbreviated labels I don't even understand complete sentences
every zoomer

>> No.14616479

Let it be done

>> No.14616487

The hobbit is about guiding a scattered and displaced people with highly semitic personalities back to their holy land.

>> No.14616538

>try to command the context arbitrarily
>just say words

>> No.14616540

Tolkein literally based the dwarves on Jews.

>> No.14616568

Tolkien himself said the dwarves were semitic, specificly the warrior-like old testament hebrews.

>> No.14616579

And you call this ultra-simplistic idea "good literature"?

>> No.14616606

Some kike samefagging
also not true

>old testament hebrews
pick one

>> No.14616608

Presenting truth through fiction is good literature, yes. The biblical parallels in Tolkien's work are what elevates it from pulp shit to mythology.

>> No.14616612


>> No.14616614

>stormfag mental gymnastics in action

>> No.14616640

>Presenting truth through fiction is good literature, yes.
Okay, so JK Rowling is a genius of literature.

>> No.14616660

There is not a single acorn of truth in all of Rowling's works.

>> No.14616675

Based retard. If you want to prove that Tolkien is better than JK Rowling at least choose a better argument.

>> No.14616684

>makes up some label that's totally unverifiable and the opponent would never identify with
>because it was called a jew
>it's a jew
>it identifies as a jew
okay kike, wow you sure got even

>> No.14616795

>I find more and more people willingly proffer how they couldn't get through the first three chapters
Of fellowship of the ring?
You can’t be serious.

>> No.14616820

the mods are literally kikes
normal people are mostly banned and deterred from ever posting

>> No.14616838

>normal people are mostly banned and deterred from ever posting

>> No.14616857

normal as in functional
not normal as in popular

>> No.14616874


>> No.14616877

I mean, this is 4channel, after all.

>> No.14616914

>or the characters memorable.

Even before the films came out it was one of the most read novels in the 20th century.

>> No.14616972

I just want kino fantasy that is one book long. I'm sick off 9 book long trash.

>> No.14616986

Sailing to Sarantium was pretty good. I haven't read the sequel yet.

>> No.14616997

So lotr

>> No.14617006

That's three books. I've read it, it's the best of fantasy.

I just want a one book long fantasy.

>> No.14617017

i swear to fucking nigger jewish god these things are bots

>> No.14617021

Am finna read A Song of Ice and Fire den.

>> No.14617033

>That's three books
It's one book published in 3 volumes. You can buy it in a single volume if you'd like.

>> No.14617045

LotR is as much three books as War & Peace, which is to say it isn't; it's just one long book that is often split up into volumes because it's easier to read it that way (and to make more money from it).

>> No.14617054

but ive read it doe

>> No.14617064

fuck off you retarded illiterate nigger

>> No.14617076

Lotr is just at the edge between average adventure book that everybody can enjoy and something outstanding that nobody would read if it wasn't because of the adventure. It is like spilling Socratic dialogues with karate fights in between.

>> No.14617090

See >>14613114. Pre-tolkien masterpiece.

>> No.14617098

So, is choo finna name meh a fantasy book or wat


>> No.14617568

>you have zero self esteem because there is no place in the world for you, you are totally lost, your brain is completely fried from overstimulation, you can't see anything but the most artificial screaming bright beacons, and you go like a moth to a flame
holy shit the cope

>> No.14617941

>default response 2 of 3

>> No.14618008

>Chapter 4:
>Up down left right A B A B select start

>> No.14618054

there was an interesting thread about how dwarves and orcs are actually the same species (and not elves and orcs, as is commonly thought)

it wasn't the main discussion of the thread, but the conversation took place over three or four threads.


>> No.14618060

It’s the scariest thing I’ve ever read I mean a man that lives in a hole