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14612357 No.14612357 [Reply] [Original]

What's his best book and why is it Suttree?

>> No.14612778

Blood Meridian is better but Suttree is still incredibly underrated.

>> No.14613032

Agreed, blood meridian has a better story and characters, but Suttree is a deeper book. I read Suttree while incredibly depressed and it impacted me more than any of his other books have. I still think about those feverish chapters in the forest on occasion.

>> No.14613156

>Blood Meridian is better
I'm not an edgy 20 year old so no.

>> No.14613164

I read Blood Meridian and thought it was pretty decent. where do I go next?

>> No.14613168

Just because a lot of edgelords like Blood Meridian because of their shallow, surface level reading doesn't mean it's not a masterpiece and the most eloquent deconstruction of humanity's violent instincts ever written.

>> No.14613169

The Border Trilogy.

>> No.14613206

what's the one with the necrophiliac?surprised that's not number one with you vile dogs

>> No.14613209

Child of God

>> No.14613298

Blowin up bats with dynamite YEEHAW

Yes it's one of my favorites

>> No.14613342

When he was hallucinating the cemerians in the sewers because he nearly blew himself up and was trapped for days. One of my all-time favorite literary characters.

>> No.14613351


>> No.14613394


>> No.14613479

I was also going through a bad period of depression and burned through Suttree in a short time. It was the best thing I’ve read in a long time and blows away any other down and out skid row fiction. I love Blood Meridian and the Border Trilogy but Suttree is his best.

>> No.14613516

Same here, I read it during my destitute, dead-end job days. It elicited all the feelings that notes from the underground bluntly talked about.

>> No.14613599

What the fuck is a Suttree

>> No.14613626

it's a type of catfish

>> No.14613719

"The midnight melon fucker"

I think if Paul Thomas Anderson made Suttree with Joaquin Phoenix it would be the best movie ever made and probably rhe best movie that will ever be made

>> No.14613758

Joaquin as Suttree and Paul Dano as Harrogate would be some dream casting.

>> No.14614489

>it would be the best movie ever made
Probably not but it would be great.

>> No.14614501

Yea, it reads too much like an anthology to make for a single, coalescent film. That being said, I'm sure PTA could do something great with it.

>> No.14614530

Border Trilogy

>> No.14614646


>> No.14614848

Haven't read Suttree yet, it's the last of his works that I've yet to read. Saving that for a special occasion. So I'm going to have to with 'The Crossing' as his best book, with Blood Meridian being a very, very close second.

>> No.14615199

thanks for bringing this book up. I’ve added to my to-read list.

>> No.14615639

I'll post this here re BM which I've just finished.

Felt like trashy self insert autobiography:
>McCarthy is a pedo
>but it's not him but his alter ego
>never describes the child rape because he is the kid
>kills the innocent part of himself at the end

The setting and plot feel tacked on. He mechanically researched mindless details about the time period without ever explaining why any characters are there to begin with. In his universe there is no hope and religion (only Christianity) is endlessly mocked and there is an equivalence then unbalance drawn between the settlers and savages in the favor of the later who receive justice largely because the novel ran it's course and he had to abruptly end. I feel like the only reason this book is pushed is because it is antireligion and anti-American and therefore tickles Jewish critics.

Are the rest or McCarthy's books more bleak and flowery garbage like this? He spent more time describing the death of a random dancing bear than any of his major characters, modernist literature is meandering antihuman crap we could train an AI with a thesaurus and produce thousands of novels like this.

>> No.14615803

Felt like trashy self insert autobiography:
>McCarthy is a pedo
>but it's not him but his alter ego
>never describes the child rape because he is the kid
>kills the innocent part of himself at the end

What on Earth are you even on about?

>The setting and plot feel tacked on. He mechanically researched mindless details about the time period without ever explaining why any characters are there to begin with. In his universe there is no hope and religion (only Christianity) is endlessly mocked and there is an equivalence then unbalance drawn between the settlers and savages in the favor of the later who receive justice largely because the novel ran it's course and he had to abruptly end. I feel like the only reason this book is pushed is because it is antireligion and anti-American and therefore tickles Jewish critics.
The plot is mostly factual based on some real people. Some characters are changed a bit. As for the latter part of you argument i think you might have to read it again or you have serious comprehension issues.