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14612093 No.14612093[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the best book about the transexual journey?

>> No.14612100

Don't you fucking dare post my picture here you filthy cis male bully

>> No.14612101

The Divine Comedy

>> No.14612102

Kakfa The Metamorphosis

>> No.14612103

Did ontologicool's bf become a tranny?

>> No.14612110
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Trouble on Triton

>> No.14612114

I know this is meant to be a bully thread, but could someone drop me some actual suggestions, please?
Kind of interested in learning about trannies culture, and living.

>> No.14612121

unironically read the tranny subreddits

>> No.14612125

Guys, I would like to take this opportunity to say that, as a heterosexual male, trannies are fucking disgusting. Anyone who says otherwise is probably a faggot.

>> No.14612140


>> No.14612145


>> No.14612149

This but unironically

>> No.14612171
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Post yfw actual 18yo trannies browse /lit/

>> No.14612181

I think my penis is more relevant right now

>> No.14612186

The Silence of the Lambs

>> No.14612190
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>> No.14612197

The Transsiberian

>> No.14612216

The only truthful post in this thread

Besides >>14612125 and >>14612102, I mean.

>> No.14612230


>> No.14612236

My diary desu

>> No.14612289

Myra Breckenridge, maybe?

>> No.14612300

The implication being all trannies belong dead. Good one.

>> No.14612314

er, I think we had all got the joke, anon.

>> No.14612320
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>> No.14612323


>> No.14612325
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>> No.14612331

Why are there teeth inside of it?

>> No.14612334

you alright there buddy

>> No.14612335
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>> No.14612338

Which are..?

>> No.14612339

very true

>> No.14612438

there's loads of them but probably start at /r/trans
there's also one i was reading before called /r/detrans for people that regret going tranny, crazy shit

>> No.14612509

Based and redpilled. Trannies get the rope

>> No.14612579

it is impossible for the "transsexual journey" to be written about because the one with the original experience of the journey lives in a delusional dreamland where they're actually a woman ("except for some irrelevant parts that don't matter, of course") and the ones around them can see the person as they are but lack the original experiences that prompted the person to become transsexual in the first place
they constantly gaslight themselves into thinking that every bad feeling they've ever thought was latent gender dysphoria, that all the effort they put into looking vaguely feminine makes them the same as someone who's never had to bother trying, that anyone who speaks ill of them or disagrees with their self-perception is evil and bigoted, and that words like "man" and "woman" don't actually mean anything anyway. how could they possibly express either the original experience that possessed them to transition in the first place or the meaning thereof, when it's surrounded by so many lies, when the very words themselves they might use to talk about it don't even mean anything?

>> No.14612645

Interesting. I'm not one to deny the existential situation of transsexuals, which must've been with us throughout our species' evolution, but it makes me wonder how many teens that feel trans are going through temporary hormonal/bodily changes influence that would 'resolve' themselves through adolescence with more fixed social control and clear gendered rites of passage, gendered spheres of labor/leisure.

But with studies on declining male fertility and testosterone levels something more grave wrt our living environment must be going on as well.

Hormone therapy and operations seem to me more a failure of society to legitimately provide transsexuals with a proper social position because the gendered division of spheres of activity has been levelled, in actual practice but all the more so in the dominant ideology.

>> No.14612664
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this ofc

>> No.14612686
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>> No.14612710

I think it's crazy how many people are so deep into swedenborgian esoterics

>> No.14612757

Yeah same, I feel so fucking sorry for them but it's difficult for me to even talk to trans people because I'm so utterly repulsed by them.

>> No.14612775
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>> No.14612842
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For most of its existence human behaviour and roles were determined by biological parameters and the needs of organic human community. But we moderns live in the experimental society, an artificial machine world. Liberation and permissiveness might be part of the official ideology now, but the social control hasn't gone away, if anything the capacity to gather information about individuals, classify them into bureaucratic and administrative categories discipline them and normalise them has only grown and grown. Everything must be made public and exploited

Even the culture war gender constructs people are going apeshit about are artificial. Gender roles court rulings on abortion, sexual harrasment and homosexuality in turn create mechanisms of propaganda and ideologies around them, from an early age our children are saturated with perverted hypermedia, advertisments, cartoons, videogames, pornography. No wonder so many young people get so little enjoyment out of their sexuality. Notice also how feminists can think of no better ideal for women than a gender swapped 80s action hero muscleman, a simulacrum of a simulacrum.

>> No.14613749

why does he look almost like he's got that jewish sidelock thing going on, is he studying to be a rabbi?

>> No.14613782

Sex and Character

>> No.14613833
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I've read so much critical theory for school that even as a traditionally religious person, I find it difficult to argue against LGBTQ stuff nowadays. Maybe it is because I have become so emasculated from growing up on the internet and I do find myself liking feminine stuff like Romance manga and fashion. I unironically like a lot of the music that is shilled among trans people too (Laura les from 100gecs is trans for example) and so it is hard for me to want to say no to something that makes them happy.

Whether you like it or not, I think the eschaton is just some sort of gender chaos in which all norms are thrown away and mixed together like some cybernetic melting pot. Reproduction won't be from sex organs soon enough and gender will become nothing but performative. I don't think this can be avoided with enough time.

>> No.14613945

I am actually a MtF tranny. I knew about how I felt as a kid without computer access, started transition as soon as I hit age of majority, and never looked back. I think some of the closest-to-accurate tranny literature is Blanchard's studies of us, although his work was marred by his own biases and certainly has its flaws. The most visible MtF trannies are what are not actually legitimate transsexuals with diagnoseable gender dysphoria but rather are called autogynephiles---transvestic "sissy" fetishists who take it too far, often under the false assumption that they are transsexuals but sometimes knowing full-well they aren't (think Hannibal Lector's monologue on Buffalo Bill not being an actual transsexual). These are not necessarily attracted to women like Blanchard wrote (and actual MtF transsexuals aren't necessarily attracted to men, which he also wrote), but can be heterosexual or homosexual outwardly because their real desires are more directed inwards in what he called an "erotic target location error." In FtM trannies, you could say that there are actual FtM transsexuals who suffer from gender dysphoria and then there are autoandrophiles (i.e. fujoshi who get off to the idea of being the man). Most literature by trannies kind of sucks major ass. We have contributed almost nothing to modern literature that is actually worth reading even to laugh at, and there is so little research out there about us that we are still kind of an uncharted kind of scientific curiosity. The most visible among us are unfortunate deluded fetishists who don't understand who they are, and our most visible supporters are degenerates who use our condition to further their gender ideologies, increase pharmaceutical profits, or encourage more of us to transition so as to satisfy weird porn-addict fetishes. This is why there is no legitimate research on finding a cure or figuring out surgeries that aren't hackjob crap. Anyways, if you want to read literature that is transsexual-relevant, you should check out
>"Orlando" by Virginia Woolf
>studies by Blanchard, keeping in mind his biases
Also, if you believe the memes that she would have transitioned if she were born today...
>anything by Ayn Rand (this is not a serious recommendation)
I'm repulsed by us too, but I appreciate that you feel sorry for us. It really sucks being this way. It feels really bad getting invited to a support group by a therapist and being among the freaks and perverts when you just want to live normally and be a regular person.

>> No.14613993
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picture related is a typical moment in the transsexual journey

>> No.14614052

>I knew about how I felt as a kid without computer access, started transition as soon as I hit age of majority, and never looked back.
this is the only legitimate trans story (possibly without the bit about no internet access, even though it's harder to tell if you've had prior exposure to it)
anyone who mentions the word "questioning" or "egg" as part of why they transitioned is not trans but has been gaslighted (gaslit?) to think they are by the pinkpill community (/r/traaaaaaaaaa, egg_irl, etc)