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14611779 No.14611779 [Reply] [Original]

What literature explains the effects of not being taught this from an early age and how to reverse them if you're already an adult male who has deeply internalized different beliefs?
>men are capable of anything
>majority of men are worthless and expendable
>women are extremely valuable
>women are perpetual children
>women's opinions are worthless

>> No.14611830
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>> No.14611847

I bet that old jewish bitch gives awesome head.

>> No.14612047
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How do I stop myself from becoming super disinterested in sex the moment it's within my grasp?

I feel like a dog chasing cars, except I actually caught a few. Once I have it, I just don't know what to do. Not in a "where does penis go" literal kind of way, but my sex drive just flies right out the window. Like my mind pulls a hairpin turn and now I'm completely disinterested in actually having sex. Then a week later I'm kicking myself and back to being a horndog.

I've gone from "in the mood" to "get out of my face" at the snap of a finger for no reason. I swear every time I sound it out, it sounds like anxiety or something, but there's legitimately no component that feels anxious in my own experience. It even happens even when I'm loaded up on GHB and other anxiolytics.

I'm fucking going insane over it, holy shit. What's some literature that will illuminate the demon causing this, so I may hang ot by its ankles and break every bone in its body?

>> No.14612087

By realizing both your internalized narrative and the narrative you seek to internalize are equally made up bullshit. The moment you stop trying to understand things, and just do things, you'll find yourself in a favorable position.

Operating in stereotypes and generalities is a heuristic method for brainlets who are incapable of taking each individual datum as a unique discrete quantity of experience that is understood in observation sans connotation.

>> No.14612097

Operating in generalities is quite literally the basis of the pattern recognition that dominates the neocortex and is the basis of human intelligence

>> No.14612105

Have you actually been in love or lust with any of the girls you picked up? If you just want to have sex to have sex it won't be the same

>> No.14612107

I dont know about literature, but maybe it's gotta do smtg with porn usage. As in the day of if that's applicable to you. Beating my meat before going out fucks with me and my sex drive, so abstaining helps. Im not saying don't beat it ever, but not just the day of.

Women in porn are just better looking, which, consciously or not, leads to an almost sort of disgust during social/sexual interactions with still attractive, albeit less so, women.

If anxiety is an issue, I found that meditating for like five minutes while I lay in bed before I sleep to be helpful. It wont take effect immediately, but its definitely calming. I like to repeat the same words to myself as I tense and relax many of the major muscles in my body, starting from toe all the way to my head.

>> No.14612108

like what the fuck are you even saying? How can you understand a given experience without relating it to past types of an analogous nature? It would be senseless noise, data of completely no meaning

>> No.14612137

I am the same. I had a girl stay with me for a couple weeks recently and I was just annoyed at the "obligation" of having to fuck her, because I knew I wouldn't reply enjoy it. I knew I had to do it because I'd regret it otherwise, I knew that as a man I had to force myself to be into sex, but in my core, I felt nothing.

I don't know what it is. I've tried a thousand ways to figure it out. Is it that I see women as barely sentient, so I can't be attracted to them? I think that's definitely part of it, but it's tough to say that's the entire problem. Am I just depressed? Maybe, but then why can I get it up and go through the motions at all?

I just don't care. It's not exciting, it's not "different." It doesn't allow me to lose myself in it. It's just sort of there. And the more I do it, the more distant and estranged I feel from the girl, because she's clearly enjoying it and losing herself in it.

>> No.14612148

Overthinking a situation can lead to inaction.
Wallowing in ones self-pitiful internal narrative for eternity will never get you out of a dark place.

Hamlet, who is 30, overthinks and plots his revenge for like two years until he finally does it. It isn't perfect but he at least did something and died a noble death. Sometimes you just gotta do things, whether or not your action is the "right" one. Time kills.

>> No.14612167

Yes, one of them was a super sweet girl who I was very attracted to, and the circumstances of our relationship was very meaningful. She was acting sexy in my lap, and still desire dried up and I told her I wanted to sleep.

I don't really watch porn. Every once in a while I might, but it's something I save as a special treat. I usually prefer to fantasize in my head. Also I masturbate sub-daily, I like having a background energy of horny, so that's not a problem.

If it were so easy I would have rooted it out long ago.

>> No.14612170


High levels of sexual disgust senpai. What are your partner counts? (It's negatively correlated with promiscuity)

Fucking based

>> No.14612219

Maybe you just dont enjoy vaginal sex. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

There are others ways to have intimate experiences with a partner. Maybe engaging in those other activities for long enough/on a regular basis will naturally lead to increased comfort with sex. Anyway, people always talk about how girls j ust can't cum from only vaginal sex :)

>> No.14612225

Post your feet, whore.

>> No.14612228

>mfw pseud's try to refute this

As you can see, I have no face.

>> No.14612231

Sex is for reproduction, not entertainment. A society which normalizes sex as recreation is an inhuman society. And I mean literally not human.

>> No.14612248

lmao get off those drugs and just get drunk like everyone else who has sex

>> No.14612274


Why doesn't abstaining from sex cause pain then? Evolutionarily speaking, it would provide an impetus for reproduction similar to the euphoria of an orgasm.

>> No.14612302


>> No.14612345

What a retarded post

This has happened close to 10 times now. There is no disgust, no strong emotions at all. That's the problem. If I felt anything but boredom I'd be able to emotionally transmute that to libido.

>> No.14612377

This'll sound corny but it could be a sleep/ health issue. More sleep could revolve this.

You said you were taking some drugs. If this is part of a larger underlying psychological problem that your taking medications for, then talk to your doctor.

Also, talking to your partner about it and being honest could help.

>> No.14612433

I think you may be onto something here.

The drugs aren't an acquaintance, I just gave them as further context for why I didn't think it was an anxiety thing.

But a health issue, like an endocrine thing, might just be a missing piece of the puzzle. Thanks for your potentially corny post anon, it will be of some use to me.

>> No.14612462

me too anon, I only chase girls because I know I "should", and might regret it later in life if I don't. I could care less about sex. Sometimes I can't even get it up I'm so disinterested.

>> No.14612467

Have sex

>> No.14612477

you guys should get on antidepressants

i haven't been able to rage at the vacancy and moronic sexual attitudes of western society anymore. if anything i just find them mildly amusing