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/lit/ - Literature

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14610165 No.14610165 [Reply] [Original]

Do you believe in "the Western canon"?

>> No.14610176

At this point writers from other regions have made great contributions to literature. The name should be changed to the Global canon.

>> No.14610179

Name 2 that aren't Japanese.

>> No.14610180

>all degrees and varieties of white men

>> No.14610186
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>all degrees and varieties of white men
Very based.

>> No.14610318

Believe, meaning how one believes in the christian God+salvation+truthfulness of the Bible, or whether one believes that there are people who believe in the christian god etc.? The former gives a lot of space for debate, but the latter doesn't.

>> No.14611635

Can someone give me all the names of these old white men?

>> No.14611651
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No. I believe in Cycles instead

>> No.14611669

Homer, Vergil, Shakespeare, Milton, Joyce
Cervantes, Pessoa, Molière, Hugo, (((Proust)))
Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Dante, Machiavelli, Wordsworth (?)
Twain, Hemingway, Goethe, Schiller, Man

>> No.14611708

That's Manzoni you fucking giga pleb gtfo

>> No.14611728

Get a load of this dumbass

>> No.14611839

Why the "(((Proust)))"?

>> No.14611867

That's why I put the "(?)" because I was UNSURE, you colossal FAGGOT.
He had Jew blood.
Woah I'm sorry I didn't know your FAGGOT WOP AUTHOR.

>> No.14611887

It's beyond me why ((())) means anti-semitism and/or white nationalism.

>> No.14611942


>> No.14611953

Canonicity as an idea is pretty bad, but typical. I would expect it to be clung to and justified for a while longer, especially as a reformed archive: 'we are expanding the canon' or 'we are increasing access to the canon' or some other reformist nonsense that enables the easily coherent view to perpetuate itself. In short views that understand the canon as compromised but do not interrogate its epistemic problems seem set to remain powerful (this is alongside the reactionary negation, which seeks simply to reclaim the immaterial 'losses' it takes from the liberal reformists.)

As for the authors I am sure they have or had things to say. I have maintained a good relationship with some of them and you wouldn't be wasting your time reading them. Its sophisticated small scale ideology and maybe a bit better than reading liberals or fascist mystics or whatever rosewater less sophisticated ideologues like myself wanna sell you.

>> No.14611972

I'm familiar with how to google. I was saying that it's retarded that parentheses are somehow anti-semitic. I don't really know where I lie politically, if anything I'm socialist, but liberals are fucking dumb for just blindly accepting that such and such symbol means something racist/homophobic/anti-semitic/etc. We should all be fighting over meaning, not cowering in fear.

>> No.14613492

there aren't even any japanese

>> No.14614550

Borges, Garcia Marquez

>> No.14614555

Name 2 that are japanese.

>> No.14614562

Yes, because it’s real. And it’s also growing, the western cannon is constantly being revived and updated as works continue to be produced along side with works that have had no spot light being discovered. Now, if you’re asking if we agree with it, that’s a different question. Tho I love white girls, fuck white people. They’re great tho.

>> No.14614583

It's a wide spread symbol for the "guys controlling". Elders of Zion and stuff.

>> No.14614586

I believe that Alexander Dumas is, as they say, phenomenal

>> No.14614604

There's at least 12 non-white writers in the pic, why are people so buttmad?

>> No.14614613

It's the only canon there is. Everything else is scattered sparks, whereas Western civilziaton is a fire. Much of them didn't write with anything resembling a canon in their mind, but I suppose to first men to gather and plant seeds never though of making a thing called civilisation either.

Yes, I do.

>> No.14614619
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No, I reject your meta narrative

>> No.14614648

Elaborate on why

>> No.14614657

Some people I've never heard of decided for me that these authors and there texts are the right books for our arbitrary seance of civilization. What the fuck is 'the West' meant to mean anyways. It means what ever the person saying it means, and I don't see any reason why these authors should be the only held up in this way.

>> No.14614662

I don’t, no

>> No.14614670

The Literary Cannon is still growing as we continue to read through old news papers, magazines, and others readings that were published but were over looked because of the Canon. Yes, the Canon was biased, white driven, but with reason. They captured the voice, images and feelings of a developing country. The country that now holds the most power today. Though I would agree that it should be rearranged, I would not disagree with it because then you ruin the point of /lit/ and only limit yourself with how far you can go with a discussion.

>> No.14614680

>Some people I've never heard of decided for me that these authors and these texts are not the right books for our supposedly arbitrary sense of civilization.
See I can critique your meta meta narritive, as it itself is a meta narritive, just one twice removed from honesty.

The western canon is such since it simply is meant to outline the most influention texts to better understand the predicate of as well as the current nature oof our immediate cultural zeitgeist. You just got out of intro to western thought with your hippy post modernist teacher, didnt you? You question for the sake of questioning instead of trying to understand why things are their in the first place.

>> No.14614832

Fuck it, 404. I’m out

>> No.14614855

shut up fag

>> No.14614973

The fact that someone took the time to make this into a wikipedia article shows how dedicated the encyclopedia is

>> No.14615000

>make canon for western culture
>people get mad because it's not a canon for global culture

>> No.14615092

Yes. It serves as a strong literary foundation, a catalog of all those writers who have helped guide what has been the dominant cultural force of recent history. Of course, it shouldn't be seen as a restrictive list, and of course it should evolve over time (people pissed about Dead White Men need not apply), and some of the writers may be a little out of date; nevertheless, without it, we'd be reduced to groping our way through dubious best-of list from the likes of retailers and online bloggers.

>> No.14615112

Good rebuttal.

>> No.14615256

>not western

>> No.14615273

That's just how symbols work though. It's true that the Left are way too hysterical about this stuff, leading to such idiocy as the OK sign and whatnot, but given their need to absolutely condemn and ostracize all far right stuff they don't really have a choice, if Nazis pick something up then the Left have to drop it.

>> No.14616107

Dante is Italian

>> No.14616138

>They captured the voice, images and feelings of a developing country. The country that now holds the most power today
Are you implying that the Western Canon is somehow American?

>> No.14616152
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daily reminder that this is what the people on /lit/ bitching about white people look like

>> No.14616160

More or less - canons serve as a good guideline but should not take precedent over genuine reader interest. Good starting point.