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File: 2.26 MB, 1664x888, richardspencer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14610007 No.14610007 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recognize anything on his shelf?

>> No.14610012

where are the funko pops?

>> No.14610013

Mein Kampf

>> No.14610024

Probably boomer neocon bullshit written by Mark Levin and Ben Shapiro.

>> No.14610027

Some book by Tom Wolfe but idk which one

>> No.14610029

Why does he look like his IQ isn’t any more than 115?

>> No.14610044

The video is on YouTube but they have lots of features blocked and some weird url link that I ain't sharing. It's called Richard Spencer Interview with Itai Anghel of Uvda, Keshet TV (Israel).

>> No.14610146

Probably The Right Stuff or Bonfire of the Vanities.
He also has a book called Nietzsche's Teaching on his shelf.

>> No.14610221

Once Jared Taylor dies white nationalism will not have a single public figure or role model worthy of respect and being taken seriously

>> No.14610414

Step up gen X

>> No.14611092

>I recognize that spine!

>> No.14611104

The Israel Lobby is on the second shelf.
He must have never read it though, considering he is even more of a Jewish peice of shit than half of Congress and supported ZOGnald.

>> No.14611116

That Napoleon painting is cringe as a wall ornament

>> No.14611186 [DELETED] 

It says イデーンバイエトムントフッサール

>> No.14611221

Nick Fuentes

>> No.14611240

we michael jones, who isn't a white nationalist, but he's redpilled on the jq

>> No.14611243
File: 47 KB, 267x400, 31609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recognized this one.

>> No.14611269
File: 37 KB, 888x347, 34232432423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based or cringe?

>> No.14611299

cringe that he would regret such an amazing moment in history, based that he acknowledges trump turned out to be a cuck.

>> No.14611304

jared taylor is a very stupid man, dullards such as yourself think he is saying something smart because he says it in a silly accent

>> No.14611305

I'm guessing yours is 116

>> No.14611382

>muh whites
Imagine not getting the irony of such pleb-tier 'intellectualism'. The will to power of parasites.

>> No.14611389
File: 165 KB, 1000x555, 1525193563356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turned out to be a cuck
>Israel is our Cultural Brother.

>> No.14612874

Cuisine books about different types of burgers probably

>> No.14612876

Lots of anglo trash

>> No.14613047

Dreck: The Personal Library.

>> No.14613090

The future of white nationalism, if it has a future, will never be gained by intellectual discussion. The only way it would ever be taken seriously is through mob-based terror.

>> No.14613098

You can't tell what a person's iq is by their appearance.

>> No.14613107

In another thread butterfly called something dreck so watch out, apparently it's a jewish word, and not just an extremely common word in some anglo countries

>> No.14613120
File: 104 KB, 1034x800, 1558791453248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>public figure
now is not the time for public frens, that comes later

>> No.14613151

gay posts
read like butterfly dropped their trip

>> No.14614143

im sure spencer cant, eithsr

>> No.14614160

Jesus, he dresses like complete shit.

>> No.14614167

It certainly has a future, and that future is certainly not an intellectual one.

>> No.14614169

Funny thing is, books have more spine than most of their readers.

>> No.14614178

Because physiognomy is real and you can judge someone's IQ from their appearance.

>> No.14614241


>> No.14614257

Could have been the next Morissey but someone gave him Nietche to read and sent him on a strange and meandering path. Imagine if he had read Wuthering Heights or Return of the Native instead. Blame our retarded utiltarian education for failing to pass down actual truth.

>> No.14614261

get a grip

>> No.14614731


>> No.14615431

What about Kevin MacDonald or Alex Linder?

>> No.14616863

this dude is so sus hahahahh

>> No.14616868

i recognize that scansnap. best scanner

>> No.14616885
File: 41 KB, 500x593, morrisseyhi_1988_vivahate_promobox_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could he have been the next Morrissey? Spencer isn't a singer.

>> No.14617764
File: 30 KB, 306x388, 14D53CBD00000514-4302498-image-m-6_1489177383063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spencer isn't a singer.

>> No.14617969
