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14607494 No.14607494 [Reply] [Original]

Do you seriously think you can be a good Christian without supporting some kind of socialism?

>> No.14607508

Have you not read the parable of the workers?

>> No.14607512

I didn't realize theocratic monarchism is socialist.

>> No.14607515

This is a stupid thread. Socialism is a buzzword that has lost all meaning. How exactly do you define it, since that makes a huge difference?

Considering socialism in its traditional sense is a product of modern Europe and never emerged in a Christian country before it, there really isn't a question here. The issue is that westerners think that sharing resources and having basic human dignity also means the abolition of private property, materialism, and the slew of other ills that Marxist socialism implies. Of course, if you are not talking about this sort of socialism, you should imply as such.

>> No.14607518

film id?

>> No.14607590

Parables, their meaning isn't literal

>> No.14607608
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That's why I said "some kind of socialism". Of course it can't be Marxism as it is an atheist ideology.

>> No.14607617

Pasolini's The Gospel According to St. Matthew

>> No.14607692

Interesting /lit/ trivia: Giorgio Agamben is in that movie.

>> No.14607728
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why don't you faggots ever spell out explicitly what it is you're demanding
>muh socialism

>> No.14607734

socialism noun

a set of political and economic theories based on the belief that everyone has an equal right to a share of a country's wealth and that the government should own and control the main industries

>> No.14607750

>government should own and control the main industires

Big ouch on that one>>14607734

>> No.14607757

This is kind of what Anabaptists believed and as always lots of people died.

>> No.14607951

Yep. Socialism is Atheistic Jewish nonsense and supports theft.

It has no place in any Christian discussion. Childkillers don't get to tell Christians what to do, period.

>> No.14607971

>"A set of political and economic excuses for theft"

All Socialists belong on the end of a rope. I'm so glad that we tortured them all to death here in Spain. In particular, the practice of brutally raping left-wing women dozens of times before drowning them pleases me. They all deserved it, of course. "Means of production," and all that. Busted up teeth, nice broken ribs. Smashed up lips, and executed kids.

>> No.14607991

I'll admit it. I like any political ideology that gives me the opportunity to torture and murder my enemies.

>> No.14608080
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theft? Wtf are you talking about?

>> No.14608088

Christian socialism is the way

>> No.14608092

Why have socialists been allowed to completely take over any sort of care for your neighbor in need as "socialism"?

>> No.14608098


There is no Socialism in the sayings of Jesus.

>> No.14608305

>why is the truth true

>> No.14608313

Yes. You only need to compare capitalist countries and the rest of regimes.