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/lit/ - Literature

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14606932 No.14606932 [Reply] [Original]

Your awful /lit/
Bumping bait threads
Ignoring my post
You just want this board to be /r9k 2.0 /

>> No.14607054

>You just want this board to be /r9k 2.0 /
The only difference between this place is r9k is that this place is incel dominated while r9k is tranny dominated.

>> No.14607067
File: 11 KB, 273x364, Clown_tight_rope_walker_by_nevelson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

terrible thread, consider suicide.

>> No.14607214

Here's your bump dear Joker.

>> No.14607263

these constant incel threads are getting ridiculous I wish there is there any way to report them but its kind of hard when they're all disguished as "books for this feel" threads

>> No.14607269

When will tad williams release the final book?

>> No.14607271

I've seen "books for this feel" threads getting removed before, so it's still possible if you report them.

>> No.14607273

lol how do I pronounce this

>> No.14607280


>> No.14607284


>> No.14607286

I would agree with you, but I know that by incel threads you mean threads that don't share your view on various matters, so on a second thought, fuck off, r*ddit tourist

>> No.14607289

Sean Connery?

>> No.14607324


We need an easily accessible report button.

>> No.14607342
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Why do you guys insist on recreating the place you've come from so adamantly?

>> No.14607347

yes, sorry Im drunk

>> No.14607352

So much reddit itt

>> No.14607362

>not being an incel is reddit

now you're just shooting yourself in the foot

>> No.14607396

Read >>14607286

The only reason 4chan is superior to r*ddit is that it's an impartial, anonymous free-for-all. What you propose to do is recreating r*ddit on 4chan because you have the emotional maturity of a 20 year old comp sci major, and thus whenever you meet a viewpoint that doesn't mesh with your own, you feel the need to cry to Daddy to make the bad man go away, just like r*dditors cry to their basedböi moderators to remove anything that goes against the circlejerk.

Fuck you.

>> No.14607409

yeah but this is a /lit/ board. For these kind of threads go to r9k

>> No.14607528

give me an example of and r9k like thread you hate .

>> No.14607618

You’re laughing. You made the type of thread you criticize so much and you’re laughing

>> No.14607634

at least he is talking about something relevant to this board (that it is going to shit)

>> No.14607641

True. It was just the best movie-themed response I could come up with
Inb4 someone posts basedjak meme

>> No.14607721

>is just me or is /lit getting shitter in here

>> No.14607729

How about another prose, lit?

>> No.14607738
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What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a board that don't banned of topic threads and bumps incel thread ? I tell you what you get .

You get what you f**kin' deserve!"

>> No.14607743

The solution is just to create as many quality threads as possible. I'd do it myself if my IP didn't fall under a range ban and wasn't forbidden from posting images.

>> No.14607779

>don't banned of topic threads

thats the problem. They're incel threads, but they squeeze in some stuff from a woman hating author, slaps on a "/lit/ for this feel", so reporting them for being off-topic is kind of scary.

Where on this god forsaken board are the jannies/mods?

>> No.14608418

what are we going to do about the incel menace

>> No.14608672

I guess for now all we can do as >>14607743
Bless you all rational /lit/ anons

>> No.14608676

Not for long. Trannies are becoming more and more common here. We must be vigilant

>> No.14608704

What a shit OP
>You're awful /lit/
>Me? I'm awful? Oh yeah, how am I awful?
>Deleting my comics thread, Banning my IP. You just wanted to make fun of Kat! Your just like the rest of them!
>You don't the first thing about me pal. Look what happened because of what you did, what it lead to. There's Guénon threads out there. 2 mods are in critical condition and you're laughing. A DFW thread died because of what you did.
>I know... How about another thread /lit/-ey
>No, i think we had enough of your threads
>What do you get-
>I don't think so
>When cross a self diagnosed loner WITH A BOARD THAT ABANDONS LAND AND READS TRASH?!
>Call the Jannys Gene

>> No.14608868

This site is full of alt righters. Anything left of trump is considered onions.
Not when there's retarded rules and filters. The jannies got so triggered by s oy and t bh that they felt the need to censor those words.

>> No.14608904

>This site is full of alt righters.
I see you came to 4chan in 2016.

>> No.14609534

>Have you seen what it's like on /lit/ Murray? Do you ever go on other boards? Everybody just spam guenon and bait . Nobody's reads anymore. Nobody reads prose from the greeks . do you think the schizo on this board ever read any books like infinite jest or gravity rainbow. They don't. They think that we'll just sit there and take it, like good little anon ! That we won't leave and let this board go to shit?

>> No.14609590

Grow up, stop venerating this movie you total loser. It doesn't make you seem cool or edgy.

>> No.14609593

Right, just tack on "books for this feel" on a godawful thread about why women won't blow you and the jannies will pass it by.

>> No.14609601
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>Grow up, stop venerating this movie you total loser. It doesn't make you seem cool or edgy.

>> No.14610255


>> No.14610303

faggot hates men so he has to fanaticize and pathologize everything they do to make referencing a movie out to be some sort of dangerous fundamentalist piety