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14605657 No.14605657 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw literally Raskolnikov

>> No.14605670

You have a cute sister and a prostitute gf?

>> No.14605674

>cute sister
>prostitute gf
Working in that

>> No.14605694
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>tfw no avdotya gf with super based and redpilled brother-in-law

>> No.14606133


Everyone is Raskolinkov. He even says that he imagines himself to be Napoleon, but then adds that all Russians do nowadays.

>> No.14606143


Then you owe Dosto infinite gratitude. For because of the book you will not make the same mistake he did.

>> No.14606331


>> No.14606427

im calling the police

>> No.14606459

post pics of sister i will tribute them and you can show her and give her my # pls

>> No.14606460

I read the book when I was 14 and thought he was pathetic. The only thing about him I found relatable was his desire to be Napoleon.

It's the way he just blows everyone around him off that bothered me. Especially the housemaid, who only tries to be considerate towards him.

>> No.14606498 [DELETED] 
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>tfw want to be Dmitri thinking he's an Ivan but is actually a Smerdyakov but in reality I'm Ivan thinking he is a Smerdyakov wishing he was a Dmitri

>> No.14606876

i dont know if there was any truth to this, but in my language, (im a southern slav), his surname sounds a lot like a verb raskoliti which roughly translates to splice or to split. And if it is anywhere some similar meaning in russian, it would mean someone who splices or splits. Pure poetry Dostojevsky. Just a piece of interesting information.

>> No.14606905

It's true. "Raskol" in Russian means "schism."

>> No.14606906

svidrigailov is true chad, master seducer, marries into aristocracy, wife lets him have maids on the side, squanders fortunes and gets away, handsome into his 50s and has the balls to sail to America

>> No.14606992

stuck in a shitty book?

>> No.14607028
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>tfw literally Svidrigailov

>> No.14607047

>I read the book when I was 14
>I read the book when I was 14
>I read the book when I was 14
useless detail from a certified psued

>> No.14607051


>> No.14607063
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>tfw literally Rogozhin

>> No.14607068

Literally only unbased thing he did was not going all the way and marrying the prospective loli wife

Also you forgot the part where he scars some poor wageslave government dog for life by committing suicide in front of them

>> No.14607074

>tfw you think you're an Alyosha but really you're a Smerdyakov

>> No.14607077

Tfw when literally Myshkin

>> No.14607083

I thought it usually goes that people think they’re Ivan but they’re actually Smerdyakov

>> No.14607490

RIP, failed rapist.

>> No.14607752
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>tfw literally Humbert Humbert

>> No.14607759

Svidrigailov is a luxurious gentleman and does not rayp

>> No.14607782

of course, he only fails at it :^)

>> No.14607789

same but there was never a predecessor