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/lit/ - Literature

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14605146 No.14605146[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Groups of people that ruin /lit/. I'll start:

Anime posters

>> No.14605154


>> No.14605160

White nationalists and "traditionalists"

>> No.14605182

transsexuals and simps

>> No.14605191


>> No.14605197

is this an attempt at sounding smart?

>> No.14605205

>niggers bad!
Fuck off tranny

>> No.14605209
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The medium is the message. /lit/ can encompass many different and even mutually antagonistic viewpoints. /lit/ can handle retarded white nationalists and retarded social media leftists. /lit/ can even handle women posting, in small doses.

What /lit/ can't handle is 60%+ of its posters being phoneposters. It doesn't matter what a phoneposter posts about, because the very form of his consciousness is "phonepost." The concrete content is irrelevant, because the form is already corrupt. An intelligent post could at least theoretically be made about anything, but a phoneposter is only capable of producing unfunny, uninteresting, garbage posts, even when the topic is intrinsically interesting.

>> No.14605212

You first mboko

>> No.14605213

Retarded zoomers still going through their philosophy phase.
Knee jerk atheists
Jezebel posters

>> No.14605224

my friends

>> No.14605228
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This is an anime site faggot

kaczynski posters
poo philosophy posters
people that unironically believe in retard shit like cyclical history, kali yuga, and cultural marxism
hack spiritualists
nrx posters
wojak posters
soi wojak posters
idw posters
self help book posters
mbti posters
people that don't read theory
*twitter screencap* posters
justin murphy

>> No.14605233

No of course not. "simp" is hip internet slang, not exactly muh long academic word. I'm not exactly sure why you would think otherwise.

>> No.14605395

Cringe and retarded post, probably a phoneposter

>> No.14605404

Nihilist cucks

>> No.14605415


>> No.14605424


>> No.14605937


>> No.14606277

/r9k/ and /pol/posters
The "book recommendation" posters
and everyone who hates the remnant of what would be elitist on this board.
If we want to save this board from becoming another cesspool like the red boards then we need to be elitist again. Any and every pseud should be shamed. Every "books for this feel poster" should be told to fuck off. And the redditors need to fuck off back to where they came from.

>> No.14606297
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thank you froggy yuo are my greatest ally

>> No.14606314

This. Based.

>> No.14606422

Exactly this.

>> No.14606465
File: 41 KB, 500x281, 96753694-4F3D-437F-8EC4-C20AADD5F1D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catholics/Catholic larpers
/pol/ tourists
/r9k/ tourists
Frog/blow-jack collectors
Mostly this.

>> No.14606471

some incredibly gay parts to that list

>> No.14606496

anything they say is wrong by association too. anyone is acceptable but tripfags and tourists (particularly the women and women(male)).

>> No.14606510

People that purposely write in all lowercase letters, even for names and titles.

>> No.14606521


>> No.14606525
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Are you hetero?

>> No.14606528
File: 594 KB, 245x136, C6A91C3D-6244-433D-8729-8BFF3055F5E6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rarely ever. More like miffed. Mildly perturbed.

This whole thread is silly

>> No.14606530

Homosexual woman. Why?

>> No.14606536
File: 110 KB, 953x1282, 1516265131108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genre fiction plebs
scifi plebs
YA plebs
twitter screencap posters
frogposters, minus londonfrog
r/badphilosophy tourists
basically all reddit tourists
metathread posters
anyone who replies to this post without calling me based

>> No.14606554

>participates in thread more than any other one user, claims it "silly" when challenged just slightly
>man in a dress

>> No.14606557

I think it's odd that you're alright with sleeping with men and yet find issue with men who are attracted to younger girls is all

>> No.14606568

opinion discarded

>> No.14606593

butterfaggot is a delusional man envious of pretty, young women in their prime, a prime he could never have.

>> No.14606607

I like the chatting for some reason.
I have like one dress and two skirts I rarely ever wear.
I don’t sleep with men. People attracted to prepubescent kids are entertaining a fetish. Childhood is temporary (and something I consider precious) you cannot fall in *that* kind of love with them. They don’t love you back in *that* way.

Are you a pedo?

>> No.14606622

>wojak posters are bad
i guess they really did turn the frogs gay

>> No.14606627

Mostly /pol/tards and pedophiles (large overlap between the two). Posting on /pol/ should seriously get you banned from the rest of the site. Also online Catholics are annoying as shit

>> No.14606631

pedophiles would not be attracted to females in their prime, 14-18

>> No.14606637


>> No.14606644

you fucked up

>> No.14606651

seething rightoid
seething trend hopping moralfaggot cultist

>> No.14606654

I have to wonder what those replying with "/pol/tard" actually mean. The few actual /pol/ tourists who come by are fucking annoying, but this boards unironic gommunists and trannies have a tendency to think everyone else is a /pol/tard.

>> No.14606656


>> No.14606663


>> No.14606664

I hate white nationalists but I hate the lonely sadbois just as much.

I'm a girl btw

>> No.14606667

people that actually dont read
people that read the meme trilogy
people who start christianity vs atheism threads

actually based somehow. my mind is blown. post pusy btw

>> No.14606672

>People attracted to prepubescent kids are entertaining a fetish.

>> No.14606674
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>> No.14606701

They post shit like the Bell Curve, Mien Kampf, Sowell, anti-Marx threads, and other rather obvious bait.
Leftists start threads about Marxism or Anarchism or whatever. They want to discuss the literature.
Bugaboo. There’s probably two or three tops in from /lgbt/. Stop bringing it up for fucksake.

>> No.14606738

I'm a sophisticated pedophile, fond of the works of Balthus, Nabokov, De Sade, Burroughs, Peter Sotos, Lewis Carroll, and the author of several highly erudite academic articles on the aesthetics of transgression in lolicon manga, as a matter of fact I have just finished reading Georges Bataille's electrifying book on the crimes of the Divine Gilles de Rais.

>> No.14606776
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>> No.14606786


>> No.14606791
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>everyone I disagree with must be bad for the board : The Thread

>> No.14606800

>want to discuss the literature.
No, they post nonsense bait too and are a plague upon this board, as are you. you, fellow tripags, /pol/tards, and the lefttoids all shit up this board constantly, more than everyone else combined. I'd even take a dozen more guenonfags over the lot of you.

>> No.14606803

doomer zoomer coomer poopoomer "book rec" posters. those characters started as a funny joke and ended up the worst thing this site has made popular in 2019

>> No.14606807

I understand that you're trying to introduce an epic new copypasta, but let's just get one thing clear: books about pedophilia being /lit/ does not make pedophilia itself /lit/.

Imagine a contextless, unsourced bar graph like that except the y-axis is "gayness" and x-axis is "you over time" starting at age 12 and at the present moment you are off the charts. I'm sure I could find an online tool to make a chart like that easily enough, but hey, this is a literature board. Use your imagination.

Here's a rule of thumb: if you need to resort to this kind of pathetic pedantry to justify your fetishes, then maybe you're the one who needs to change.

>> No.14606812


>> No.14606830

Well there’s always a certain amount of trolling going on. What DID you expect from an anonymous troll board?
/lit/ was great when we were slow and had lots of name users. Do the math.

>> No.14606846

yes, i made the graph that has been passed around more than the average art hoe. how much of a newfag could you possibly be to have not seen this and the dozens similar that go around?
you know it's true, stop complaining.
>pathetic pedantry
whining like this over a single picture lmao
are you a female?

>> No.14606847

this. liberals and niggers in particular need to go back to red*it where they belong.