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14604967 No.14604967 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically my favorite book

>> No.14604969


>> No.14604974

what's a book like this that's actually good

>> No.14604975

>Unironically my favorite book
That's what someone who subtly doesn't give a f*ck would say.

>> No.14605031

Not sure what the book is about but I assume it's just a book about stoicism with lots of "fuck"s in it. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

>> No.14605042

This is like the defacto book of people who don't read recommend.

>> No.14605293
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Seconding this.
>be me
>on a date with a chick and she said she was into self-improvement
>"Self-improvement? What have you read?"
>This book

The subtle art of not giving a fuck is a clickbait book that's all about the "hehe there's a lot of swearing in this book"

>> No.14605327
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here are my favourite books

>> No.14605342
File: 252 KB, 1005x668, demiurge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ironically give fucks as baits to farm energy of the other who indeed does care , if you cant beat the demiurge learn from it

>> No.14605351
File: 1.12 MB, 977x866, 2020-01-25_977x866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what else is essential midwit core?

>> No.14605485

midwits dont understand Tolle
Only based soccer mommies and high IQ can tap into the now

>> No.14605529

I don't give a f*ck

>> No.14605550


>Mfw I only know one of these

Does this make me based?

>> No.14605581

>Laws of Power
>Art of War

That's all the midwit stuff I can come up with right now. Although I don't think midwit is the right word for it, because midwit to me means someone has enough intelligence to do pretty good in day to day life, enjoys reading, just doesn't excel. These are all books for people who consider themselves to be intelligent but actually just read books which confirm their beliefs or gloss over massive fields of study to give the reader a sense of "knowing something"

I respect the midwit, I like midwits. All my best friends are midwits. my mother and father, they were midwits. In my heart, i fear that I am a midwit.

>> No.14605584
File: 120 KB, 622x621, epictetus+1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read self-help books on the regular, whenever I need a break, I think I've finished like 30 of them by now. The book in the OP is only okay. I can distill what they all say for you guys:

The first and most important thing in life is to find worthwhile work to spend your life doing. (Note that work doesn't imply a paying job.) The second is to serve others more than yourself, ideally through doing said life's work. There's also a third point that some books like to harp on; just stop being fucking distracted and go do what you're supposed to, even if you have to force it.

There, that's what every self help book says.

>> No.14605590

>find your why
someone once told me that during a job interview for a part-time seasonal cashier job when he asked me why i wanted to work there and i guess i seemed insufficiently motivated
i don't understand why every single facet of modern life is designed to gaslight you into thinking you actually want to live like this

>> No.14605598

Read mark fisher! Speaking of midwit lit lmao
But actually capitalist realism is a good intro to thinking about the types of issues you bring up.

>> No.14605648

I read it, it's okay, helped a little bit but i've already forgotten it.

>> No.14605723

Art of war, like most of aphoristic books (or similar to Aphoristic in this book's case) doesn't get much retention from a lot of people. People get it becuase it's a very old book you can get at an airport books store for like 8 dollars and then tell everyone you read the same book top business men and world leaders read. nothing wrong with it, if you can actually remember most of what's in it
>I fear I am a midwit
same. should probably just assume I am to get rid of the fear

>> No.14605802

jesus christ this.

also, implying you need a grandiose reason for stacking overpriced shit that nobody really needs on a fucking shelf.

>> No.14605850

because we're looking for passionate go-getters and self-starters! lie to me anon, go ahead, LIE! you have to be a LIAR like me if you want a shred of what i have!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.14605896

Is python really seen as complete retardcore? I'm learning it to learn to code

>> No.14605914

whenever somebody criticizes your programming language just go link them a cve list and tell them nobody actually knows how to code so there is no basis for any judgement whatsoever

>> No.14605918

>so what language do you feel you know best
>eh python probably
>well I did write a 3d engine in C but...
>yeah yeah python hmm
It's the mid-witers mid-wit.

>> No.14605920

Not all the books there are midwit core. To be honest I just took a picture of the 'most popular books' section from b-ok.cc.
Python is a very popular and useful programming language that any prospective programmer should learn, but it isn't the most elegant that programming has to offer. It's a good way to get into programming because of the ease of the syntax and the amount of learning material. Once you have a decent grasp on the basics of programming, you should look into SICP.

>> No.14606012
File: 1.01 MB, 2569x1946, 825A23FF-142D-4FDA-9FF2-C6EDD6A9A424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you need a grandiose reason for stacking overpriced shit that nobody really needs on a fucking shelf.

>> No.14606583

What is this book about? Explain in detail.

>> No.14606655

wtf op

>> No.14606662

why hijack a term that means something other than what you're saying it means when the word for what you're describing already exists

>> No.14606709

None of this is midwit core. Midwits read classics (the greeks, Dostoevsky, Neech, Voltaire, Orwell, Shakespeare, and so on), and things of the likes of Walter Isaacson's biographical works. This list should be rebranded as the "dude trying to make it core" or something like that

t. midwit

>> No.14606792

Well, I would agree but it depends on the definition of midwit.
But when I wrote midwit there I meant it in the derogatory sense and not in any strict sense. In any case the type of person that reads those pop self help books would be smart enough to be willing to read but not smart enough to read any substantial work and analyze the ideas that the work presents.

>> No.14606947

Anything self help isnt worth the paper its published on. Seriously take any popular self help book and the entirety of its work can be summed up - and ironically more effectively grasped - in a paragraph, maybe 2 max. So youre paying money 300 pages of actual bullshit like when you had an essay in high school and wrote maybe 50 words of actual content and then stretched it into 1000 with nonsense and 5 dollar words that halfwit school teachers think is impressive.

If you've ever done any technical reading, the content is droll but it is always informative and purposeful. On the other hand self help seems to be about merely providing the fantasy of change and improvement to people who are perpetually fantasising and never taking action.

I made the mistake of reading some of this book at my brothers house. It made me angry how ridiculously stupid all was. BRO JUST DONT CARE BUT ACTUALLY CARE IN A CERTAIN KIND OF WAY. The actual story "i learned that most of this shit is out of your control and if you're white and want to enjoy anxiety free dating, go to the phillipines" wouldve been more interesting but pua dorks like manson are reluctant to ever admit that "game" just MYSTERIOUSLY works way better when you're white in a non white country.

>> No.14607112

Python is very useful as a scripting language and for its powerful and plentiful libraries. Its syntax is also very simple.
Despite this, I always recommend C as a first programming language. It doesn't let you take anything for granted and its very difficult to learn bad habits, as bad/spaghetti code is even more fatal in C than most other languages. Its low level nature also let's you learn the most about what is actually going on under the hood of your code.