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14603839 No.14603839[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>woke up at 9 am
>lied in bed, browsing internet on phone
>was feeling sad about not being a banker or lawyer, so I'll never make a lot of money and afford a house; I don't have the social skills to easily pass job interviews
>got out of bed, drank coffee, watched tennis, browsed internet
>went to gym, lifted heavy weights, felt sad at seeing gymthots
>went for my usual walk; listened to the Mike Baker Joe Rogan episode but had to stop after 15 minutes because it felt like propaganda
>went to library and skimmed books for 1.5 hours (including an autobiography of a successful person who went to Oxbridge)
>knew I'd have nothing better to do than be in the library
>go walking some more; saw many Staceys and felt so demoralised; felt more pointless to be outside than usual
>walked around a touristy area and felt so demoralised and aimless
>now drinking my usual Saturday evening coffee; will have my guilt free weekly McDonald's binge as well
>will read a book when I get back to my flat

Nothing to talk about desu. I'm just so aimless and old. I read parts of the autobiography of a famous person with the reputation of not being overly sociable and she spent tonnes of it talking about networking.

I'm feeling a bit of nostalgia over multiple things. I am remembering reading about the incel blackpill after Elliot Rodger killed himself and it was so sobering. I think I spent over 8 months with that as the top thing in my mind. Now it has merely settled in to a framework for everything else. I'm also remembering a KFC I went to once, and the McDonald's near Piccadilly Circus, which I ate at twice. This was during my early days of being in London and I had less habits.

This summer will be the first summer ever that I'm chained to a wagie desk. Will it even feel like summer?

My ugliness, non-poshness, and non-normieness will hold me back from doing anything in life.

It's kind of incredible how everyone but me at work has iPhones and Instagram pages filled with holiday photos. My corporate workplace is saturated with unironic "woke" bs. Unironically there are popular Staceys giving presentations about how they suffer from made up disabilities. People who say "this sjw stuff is only weirdos online!!" are college or school kids.

>> No.14603870

Your existence has been a net drain on everyone in reality ever since you started draining your mothers tits. :3

>> No.14603884
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>9 am
>lied in bed, browsing internet
>I'll never make a lot of money and afford a house
>listened to the Mike Baker Joe Rogan episode but had to stop after 15 minutes because it felt like propaganda
> lifted heavy weights & contemplated stacies
>skimmed books for 1.5 hours
>nothing better to do than be in the library
>felt so demoralised; felt more pointless to be outside than usual
>usual Saturday evening coffee; will have my guilt free weekly McDonald's binge as well
>will read a book when I get back to my flat


>> No.14604218

bro why are u yelling

>> No.14604468

We should write a collective LondonFrog since there seems to be real londonfrog guy is probably dead. I'll start because I'm actually from London from an estate that was on fire till the chinks and the oligarchs started buying up all the flats and began building luxury ones in the remaining green spaces.

>> No.14604508

Are we supposed to be rent slaves forever? That doesn't seem like a solution.

>> No.14604535


>> No.14604548
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>rent slave
>not a solution
lmao you are utterly mogged by propaganda by the banks to sell you loans for properties you'll further have to pay taxes on in perpetuity. in most cases renting is extremely comparable to owning a house, but with the added negative of being tied down to a place and a ton of added responsibilities

>> No.14604585

No. You’re supposed to find an abandoned building and squat there. It’s best if you have a weapon with you.

>> No.14604591

London fag actually seems to lead a pretty wholesome and busy life.

>> No.14604599

Those are all fair criticisms, but loan payments and taxes are still cheaper than rent here, and being tied to a place seems easily mitigated by turning the property into a short-term rental (provided there's a market, but there is here). Off hand, wouldn't doing the van life thing represent the best of both worlds?

>> No.14604618

This kind of whining is extremely normie. Even your failures don't make you special. And you should feel guilty about your weekly binges.

>> No.14604626

>People who say "this sjw stuff is only weirdos online!!" are college or school kids.
I'm guessing it's because you're living in a hub. You know, London, big city. In a big city there's a lot of networking going on, lot's of people getting together from all over the world.
If you wanna stand out in a gigantic space like a hub, like London, you gotta stay on the bleeding edge. You're not going to impress people by being yesterday's PC whore. You have to show them you're the PC whore of tomorrow.
When you talk to people about your PC ideas they should get scared when they think about their PC futures. The reason for this is that it should be evident that these ideas are destructive to the local community, but nobody can argue with you because it's so PC. And of course you're competing with everybody out there to be the biggest PC whore.
Now of course not everybody can shine in a highly competitive environment like this so at the very minimum you should at least be aware what the absolute base line of PC whoredom is at any given time lest you become 'that guy'. You know what I'm talking about.

>> No.14604629

The real redpill is making a house yourself out of cheap, long-lasting materials and then giving it to your children, but this is practically illegal in the West now.

>> No.14604636

Wholesome? More like an empty and busy life.

>> No.14604638

It wouldn't have the pathos if he werent doing everything he's supposed to be, but still eternally shut off from world of gliding normies

>> No.14604639

It's not illegal in the US, but too few people would know how to build a house (to code, especially).

>> No.14604643

>to code
Like I said, illegal.

>> No.14604647

Having lived in London I relate to Londonfrogs posts cause i imagine him roaming the streets and being super stressed out just like i was, but i appreciate your consistency is posting, although sometimes i wish some more stuff would be going on in your life lol
good luck

>> No.14604659

What would you be doing that went against code? No electricity? No plumbing?

>> No.14604799
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> but loan payments and taxes are still cheaper than rent here
yes in many cases you are paying a slight premium so that you don't have to deal with the inherent volatility of owning a property. if you're in a place with low property tax and you are perfectly happy staying in one place forever, go for it. but the "just buy a house" meme is just patent financial illiteracy; even if you payed more in all cases (which is not the case) you are still benefiting in a plethora of ways. this Meme *is* propaganda because the banks make a fucking killing on those loans. it's unbelievable how much money they make. the idea that owning a house "builds wealth" is completely brain-dead. i could afford a home right now. if you want to build wealth invest in stocks, build a 401k, max out ira contributions, don't sit on a fucking house unless you want to build a family and live there for the next 20 years.
>and being tied to a place seems easily mitigated by turning the property into a short-term rental (provided there's a market, but there is here)
this is a vary common comeback but it's totally nonsensical. taking out a huge loan to buy a house that you live in is not the same thing as investing in another property that you rent to someone that generates revenue. this is the same thing as going to buy a car and then thinking "woah, if i just go buy a taxi it makes me way more money!" like that's not the point we're discussing here, and there's other easier and less volatile ways to invest your money. with my vanguard acct i can go anywhere i want and hold on to it. i can do whatever the fuck i want, whenever i want.

>van life
yes. yes.
van life is kino but i don't think we're all mentally prepared for it.