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14602042 No.14602042[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he hasn't yet figured out that arguing with people is pointless
Books that explain why?

>> No.14602050

>my opinion is now fact
fuck off retard

>> No.14602079
File: 56 KB, 264x258, when i speak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"yes i do argue with literally everyone I meet, and I have accidentally created a cult of post-deleuzian neo-internationalist transexual strasserites who just sit around and quabble about hegel without doing anything, but still have more political influence than any other currently existing organization the world has ever seen"

>> No.14602080
File: 5 KB, 220x380, 53A9BCCF-B2B0-48A9-92BF-F0D6533B814B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14602089
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why have a rational conversation if you can just physcially subdue someone? your thoughts dont matter dude

>> No.14602098

So you've came to the conclusion that arguing is dumb but you have no idea why and seek a book to validate your view? Are you fucked in the head? I'd reccomend this thread because clearly no form of arguing will sway your monkey brain.

>> No.14602119

no need to be a contrarian faggit, you know i'm right.

>> No.14602147

I always liked propaganda. The gist is that you create a scenario where basic logic leads someone to the conclusion you want them to reach. I think it's a nice context for the really shitty conspiracy theory videos on youtube. You ask leading questions, then drip feed evidence that can fit the framework of the original premise. Hell it's often the approach of marketing. Focus on the problem, and let the viewer feel clever by solving said problem when they realize the product shown at the end is the solution.

>> No.14602151

>arguing with people is pointless
on 4chan it certainly is

>> No.14602208


What is the absolute point of using rational debate to solve problems? Arguements take too much time to come up with anyway. Want me to prove my point? Ask a person to make a 5 page paper on any topic explaining why X should be this way. I bet most people can't. Probably only 1% of the population is capable of making a reasonble arguement using sources. Sourcing and making sure it is all correct takes time. Neither is it the same for talking about debate. oral debates more than written debates because the human brain is more useful to spew ad hominems instead of memorizing pointless facts.

What other option do I advocate for? action. That is something concrete. Our brains can feel a hit but not the feeling of some stupid numbers on a piece of paper. Get your life together if you think words coming out of your mouth are going to fix anything. Revolutionaries did more than the person debating it because they attemped something.

On a final note, people who are "debaters" often times like to profit off the cluelessness of their audience when advocating for causes.

End of rant.

>> No.14602238
File: 857 KB, 686x857, Nagarjuna_with_84_mahasiddha_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Dispeller of Disputes: Nāgārjuna's Vigrahavyāvartanī

>> No.14602241

propaganda thread