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14600460 No.14600460 [Reply] [Original]

Books featuring a quixotic protagonist? Any recommendations bros? Specifically referring to books with a charismatic, idealistic hero who has the odds stacked against him but succeeds anyways and saves his country

>> No.14600504

nick's fatal flaw is not realizing that america was cringe and gay from the beginning.

>> No.14600515

pic unrelated of course

>> No.14600519

>Succeeds anyway

>> No.14600526

By tweeting and livestreaming?

>> No.14600530

How else would you get the message to the youth
He is very charismatic, but a brainlet

>> No.14600540

he does tho

>> No.14600546

Do you know how Don Quixote ends lmao?

>> No.14600553

even if he does, he's still like 25% shitskin.

>> No.14600577

>How else would you get the message to the youth
What are these youths going to do?

>> No.14600589

>He is very charismatic, but a brainlet

No he's terrifyingly intelligent. His plans single handedly revived the dissident right. He was the one who popularized optics, "no e girls" and the whole strategy of using irony and ironic humor as a way of communicating with zoomers but also as a way to be subversive. Irony allows leeway so sometimes you can make a controversial statement and then deny it as a joke so as not to deter normies but you're still winking to the redpilled portion of the audience that you understand and ultimately the point is made. It's perfect because you have plausible deniability so you can still a remain as a legitimate figure in the eyes of the public unlike spergs like Richard Spencer. Also his whole strategy on the catboy thing is using catboykami is basically another outlet to get their message across in a different medium and being subversive

>> No.14600609

No one even reads anymore, retard. People just reference books and certain terms in order to sound smart or just read the wiki summary of books like revolt against the modern world or Plato's The Republic or whatever. No one actually reads that shit.

What truly matters is being a charismatic speaker and easily digestible memes. Brevity is the soul of wit, after all (again I've never even read anything by Shakespeare)

>> No.14600615

Bring back the nation-state

>> No.14600622

and being a scrawny faggot

>> No.14600627

no more immigration

>> No.14600641

I cannot fucking tell if you're just insanely stupid or ironic, especially with that quote of all things.

>> No.14600651

Low IQ boomer. You just don't get it. This is why zoomers are gonna save western civilization and you're just hunkered down in your shoebox apartment reading books lol

>> No.14600655


>> No.14600661

the way twitter is fucking up zoomer minds is just unreal, this post is practically art

>> No.14600667

Reminder guys, it's not too late to start learning Chinese.

>> No.14600669

No one:
Absolutely no one:
Anon: tHe wAY TwITTeR iS fUcKiNG Up zOoMEr mInDs is jUsT UnReal BIIIIIIIIH. tHiS pOsT is praTicALLy ArT. Also, it's free real estate.

>> No.14600686

post body

>> No.14600752
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Not the hero we deserve, but the hero we need

>> No.14600763

Jesus Christ lay off the adderall.

>> No.14600765

the no one: would be your retarded post, beloved zoomer, go forth and zoomerfy

>> No.14600769

zoomers leave.

>> No.14600774

>i have no idea what quixotic means lol

Thanks for playing.

>> No.14600779


>> No.14600830
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.Jesus Christ lay off the adderall.

>> No.14600845

This is true. Humanism and Egalitarianism are a timebomb within the Western worldview. The US is currently the biggest problem we all face because it's hegemonic position allows it to globalize these values.

>> No.14600985

Get this reddit meme format the fuck off my board.

>> No.14601009

>autist tries to define charisma
Don't get me wrong anon, Nick has planned a lot, even found some direct creative insight such as the starting of his show, but he's almost entirely achieved where he is merely through sincerity and intuition. His high intelligence to the larger degree interprets and proceeds with this. Other than of course implicitly defining his character and so sincerity and intuition.

I know because I am very similar to him. He is not a bugman.

>> No.14601026

>No one:
>Absolutely no one:
>Anon: tHe wAY TwITTeR iS fUcKiNG Up zOoMEr mInDs is jUsT UnReal BIIIIIIIIH. tHiS pOsT is praTicALLy ArT. Also, it's free real estate.

Am I 4chan now, anon-kun?

>> No.14601470

Nick is smart but he doesn't seem to read much desu

>> No.14601538
File: 1.70 MB, 500x278, tumblr_o3mtn1B6n11rcufwuo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BAP and his "mutuals" have been larping for years about how they're totally going to save Western civilization by spamming cringe about visiting agartha and posting pics of naked male models on twitter timelines
>opportunity presents itself to actually seize an opportunity irl
>nicky boy jumps on it with full big dick energy while the BAP twitter-mongs recoil and sperg out like basedboys
>"n-no, y-you can't g-go out and actually challenge the establishment or organize a movement. y-you have to just post ("poast") about some obscure roman general or steppe warlord and circle-jerk ourselves into the delusion that we're the true Evolian aristocrats of the soul."
>Nick's summit goes off without a hitch, things continue as usual
>BAP and his drones forever discredited
It was hilarious to watch a 21 year old college dropout YEET that hard on those non-entities. I still think Nick is a retard, though.

>> No.14601558

Irony as subversion has been the way things have been moving since before Nick was old enough to internet. He’s just riding the wave.

Every red pilled guy on the internet has always been critical of e girls. Nick is a virgin and I’m sure likes to rationalize things to himself after the fact. But make no mistake, it’s autism first and foremost thats the cause of his virginity.

I’m not hating. I’m sure he’s a good source of entertainment / good for things overall, but don’t deify the guy.
Daily Stormer >>> America First, but that’s just my opinion.

I’m moving on to Moldbug essentially

>> No.14601571

I still barely get this meme

>> No.14601580

wholesome 100
[everyone liked that]
happiness noises 100

>> No.14601581

This anon gets it.

>> No.14601595


>> No.14601895

>I still think Nick is a retard, though
He's, dare I say, quixotic

But yeah I completely agree with your analysis. BAP does have some good advice though like his posts on hormonal function and introducing his readers to Ray Peat, or telling people not to touch receipts. However, most of his posts and the posts by his followers are PURE posturing. In addition, half of his followers don't even lift or are just new lifters. It kinda ruins the whole "unrelenting will of the high IQ, esoteric bodybuilder who will save civilization" vibe. I think I finally realized this when I saw some BAPist ask what literature he should read on fasting and if he should read these various bodybuilding routines. It pretty much illustrates my gripe with most of BAP's side of frogtwitter. It's all mental masturbation to the point where they need to read 12 different esoteric books to get the motivation do something as basic as refraining from eating or picking a generic full body weight training routine and following it. It always has to involve posturing as an "evolian steppe barbarian and arisotractic sub 10% body fat nationalist and heremtic anabolic shaman" or some other gay shit like that. Nick actually decided to act and he was immediately shamed by BAP and his followers for not following BAP's cowardly (and ultimately foolish) recommendations of attempting to join and infiltrate the military or a 3 letter agency.

He used to be a voracious reader when he did alot of debates during the bloodsports days but now he just does his show on the groyper wars stuff so he doesn't really get to flex his intellectual muscles

>> No.14601908

Nick was pretty much leading the charge on irony and cancelling e girls for the dissident right though. Prior to the "thot wars" and "optics wars" the alt right and conservatives were encouraging more females to join and the alt right were proclaiming that optics is for pussies. While 4chan has always used humor to be subversive, Nick was the one who brought it to the dissident right and to the real world instead of just online or just 4chan pranks like HWNDU.

>I’m moving on to Moldbug essentially
Watch this video:
You might find it interesting as it relates moldbug's theories to how the groyper war played out.

>> No.14601984


>> No.14601999

Don Quixote xd

>> No.14602011

>No he's terrifyingly intelligent

>> No.14602016

Don't bother, he's a loser and a virgin. Read a man.

>> No.14602222


>> No.14602374

>get the message to the youth
this is what people say they're doing when they're actually just collecting livestream donations, selling premium content subscriptions, t-shirts and mugs.

>> No.14602471

he's not going to fuck you, bro

>> No.14602489

>Specifically referring to books with a charismatic, idealistic hero who has the odds stacked against him but succeeds anyways and saves his country
thats not what quixotic means you dumb fucking retard and no quixotic book will be anything remotely like him

>> No.14602567
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>He's, dare I say, quixotic

>> No.14602574

dog whistling doesn't make one "terrifyingly intelligent" you G-d damn brainlet.

>> No.14602732

>happiness noises
The worst

>> No.14603086

He needs money to fund the new nation-state

>> No.14603106


All this noise just to get out a few thousand youths voting Republican. Hmm yeah

>> No.14603161

Are you niggas on fucking Sodium Pentothal?

The world is watching :^)

>> No.14603197

This is bad how?

>> No.14603222

Stop watching retarded zoomer youtubers that indulge in ideology, are detached from reality, play vidya, and don't read and read theory instead. This board is garbage.

>> No.14604065

Scared, Chaim?
Fuentes isn't gay and neither am I

>> No.14604143

>Fuentes isn't gay and neither am I
Well you're giving him an unduly amount of praise. You must be really pathetic and impressionable anon, I wouldn't even suck off someone like John Milton in the way you did.

>> No.14604159

>but succeeds anyway and saves his country
Nick won't be doing anything like this.

>> No.14604209

Nick is just another white bougeois suburban kid that has no connection to reality and has never had any real problems in his life.

>> No.14604227

He's like middle class. I don't like Nick, but stop reducing people to your political narratives, retard. I suppose you think only stupid poor niggers can have real problems.

>> No.14604306
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He's a very charismatic and attractive young guy, probably smarter than most of his audience. The way he rails against homosexuals and his general demeanor makes me think he's a closet fag and I'm guessing most of his audience are attracted to him.

>> No.14604767

Even though I'm totally engaged in it reading someone write out deep twitter lore makes it sound cringey as fuck

>> No.14605385

>gay spic white supremacist
murrica is a wonderful place

>> No.14605391

he sucks but ur take against him sucks more

>> No.14606511

>The way he rails against homosexuals and his general demeanor makes me think he's a closet fag

This is the biggest cope I've ever seen. People with arachnophobia don't secretly want to fuck spiders so why would homophones want to secretly fuck gays?

>> No.14607953

Arachnaphobes don't talk about spiders 24/7, their amorality and how they need to be set on the right path. They certainly don't host daily talk shows where spiders are one of the main undertones of the conversation.

>> No.14607964

this is embarrassing please reconsider

>> No.14607986

No one is trying to make spiders an integral part of our society either.

>> No.14608034


>> No.14608247
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Forgot to reply. I checked it out.
The guy literally talks about how the movement is more decentralized, and if there wasn’t a Nick then it would still be going.. which it obviously would. More than anyone you have 4chan to thank for that.

Like I said, riding the wave.
I just stated reading Hans Hoppe. I will go through the Mises Institute, and then circle back to Moldbug.

No idea where I’m headed but it certainly isn’t Trad Cath bs yet most certainly is a nation state of some kind. I support the general movement & Nick included though.

Check out Palladium Mag (Trad Caths), or Jacobite Mag (more Trad Caths.. I just met and had a dinner with the co-editor the other day) for some actual intellectual thought, that will actually get somewhere (Moreso Palladium.. Jacobite is art). Check out The Charter Cities Institute!! Seriously

What I mentioned is so indicative of Zoomer vs Millennial. You’ll grow out of it eventually, young one

>> No.14608269

Ok.. I just need to emphasize this for anyone thinking Nick will lead you to the nation state:

Charter Cities open the door for literal modern colonies.
Palladium is focused on future governance. Also check out The American Affairs Journal (can read for free on Safari reader mode).
Finally Jacobite is our highbrow art.

All run by millennials, just to the put zoomers among us in their place a bit We are still in this together guise

Not to mention Moldbug, Thiel, et al among Gen X. We’ve got like minds among the boomers as well. Make no mistake, this is fucking real

>> No.14608287
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>it certainly isn’t Trad Cath """""bs"""""
>nation state of some kind
Cringe. Read Gue'non (pbuh) and get enligthened, brother.

>> No.14608311
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Yeah it’s harsh, but I’m not going to worship some peasant kike on a stick. God very clearly loves the strong and punishes the meek & weak. Jesus preached in part, an anti life message (e.g. turn the other cheek). He did not fulfill prophesy. He was tortured and publicly humiliated.
False Christ at best. Potentially even Anti Christ imo - and that’s if you’re going by scripture, which - color me skeptical.

Not to mention the fact that Babel was casus belli as far as I’m concerned. Yahweh is a false God.

We attain unity with god by gaining knowledge (leads to omniscience) and using that to further our power (leads to omnipotence). The goal is not subservience to God, but to become Him. Deus Vult

>> No.14608334
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>Yeah it’s harsh, but I’m not going to worship some peasant kike on a stick. God very clearly loves the strong and punishes the meek & weak. Jesus preached in part, an anti life message (e.g. turn the other cheek). He did not fulfill prophesy. He was tortured and publicly humiliated.
>False Christ at best. Potentially even Anti Christ imo - and that’s if you’re going by scripture, which - color me skeptical.
>Not to mention the fact that Babel was casus belli as far as I’m concerned. Yahweh is a false God.
>We attain unity with god by gaining knowledge (leads to omniscience) and using that to further our power (leads to omnipotence). The goal is not subservience to God, but to become Him. Deus Vult

>> No.14608337
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>> No.14608356

This childish & counter-traditional viewpoint has been retroactively refuted by Guenon.
Read: Crisis of the Modern World, East & West, Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times.

>> No.14608461

There’s nothing childish about it. It’s just truth. Christianity is based on the assumption that Jesus will return to fulfill prophesy. Which is to say, Jesus never fulfilled it. Everything else I said, like about our path towards omnipotence or the fact that God loves the strong, is self evident.

Can you argue his Guenon’s points or give me an excerpt (10 pages or less)? It’ll be a while until I get around to him, if ever.

>> No.14608471
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Runaway Horses - Mishima Yukio

>> No.14608507

Nick Fuentes is a sodomite who paid to get dominated by an alpha Australian catboy NEET
also his sister has a huge anus

>> No.14608514

none of the overdressed walmart employees on Nick's patreon will be able to influence much, they locked themselves outside and have no way in
BAP's advocacy for establishing a powerful professional life (instead of being a "professional influencer" or whatever it is Nick wants to be) is correct

>> No.14608528

>The goal is not subservience to God, but to become Him.
This is what my priest had to say on the matter.

>Metaphysical unity with a being implies unity in all properties.
>Thus unity with God presupposes a total unity of will with God, for indistinct beings have indistinct wills.
>Denying God's attribute of being 'the Eternal Dominating' and 'Controller of All' is patently absurd.
>Thus not serving God is a rebellious action of going against his will.
>Now assume a being exists who is 'in unity' with God and yet does not submit to him.
>The being then goes directly against God's will, and by extension against his own will, in virtue of the assumed 'unity'.
>This splits God into two 'parts' - a 'part' which follows God's plan and a 'part' which goes against it, creating an immediate contradiction.

>> No.14608589

this is the plot to shin megami tensei

>> No.14608632

God is the All. The idea is ultimately to make God conform to our will. We do this by winning it. We win it through the advancement of science, technology, and our well being.

It's a good thing. The universe / God rewards to strong. Let's look at humanity as a microcosm for the universe. The mind of humanity is completely confused, because it so divided, broken into these competing slivers of consciousness. The goal is to bring unity to the mind of humanity. To make humanity sane.

Right now we are a demigod in the universe, and the strongest we know about. Once we unify under one Will, we will go out and proceed to unify the rest of the universe. And we'll continue doing this, unless a competing demigod manages to beat us.

>> No.14608659

Not the guy you are responding to. But it is true that Nick is just a kid and therefore there is a significant limit to what he understands about the real-world simply because of lack of experience with it. There's a reason why there is a minimum age requirement to become President of the US for instance. Its because some knowledge and wisdom only comes from time and experience.

I'm not going to listen to some Zoomer who lacks sufficient experience with the real world and all its nuances

>> No.14609027


>> No.14609069

sounds based. which one of the games?

>> No.14609585
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Read up, zoomer, it’s a good one.

>> No.14609592

LMAO this is how his fans really think.

>> No.14609616

This seems pretty obvious to me.
Part of the guilty self-sabotaging that American right-wingers regularly participate in is their need to announce their honest intentions with a bullhorn so the lefties inside can bar the doors first.
This recent wave of right-wing sentiment really only propagated as well as it did because it was decentralized and accordingly hard to stamp out.