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File: 951 KB, 3166x2372, lord of the rings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14599084 No.14599084 [Reply] [Original]

What was Aragorn's tax policy?

>> No.14599098

He’s going to build a wall and Harad is going to pay for it.

Let’s face it, the Haradrim arent sending their best.

>> No.14599553

Everytime I read that quotation from Martin it makes me want to fucking scream.

And beyond that, is a robust tax system mentioned once in asoiaf?

>> No.14599606


There are both royal taxes on everybody and taxes from the lords to their subjects

A lot of the taxes paid to the crown are excise taxes, tolls, and customs duties paid in coin by those engaged in commerce

We know that there are specific royal taxes enacted in King's Landing that are not enforced in the same way in other parts of Westeros

We also know that there are other royal taxes that are enforced everywhere

We know there is a Westeros-wide tax on fine wine and at one point a Kings Landing tax on prostitution

We know there are customs duties and port taxes, enforced by publicly employed harbormasters, who are generally not nobility, but act on the wishes of the nobility - these exist in King's Landing and in other cities

A lot of the taxes paid to lords are in the form of in-kind levies (mostly food and clothes)

We know that mills pay 1/10th of the grain they grind to lords in the form of an in-kind tax

We know the people of the Gift historically paid in-kind taxes to the Night's Watch, and that another alternative for them might have been to pay in-kind taxes to Winterfell. We don't know the scale of this tax or how it is assessed.

We know that there are incomes associated with feudal obligation, but we don't hear a lot about what they are specifically. They may be a land tax, they may be a hearth tax. We do know that there can be agreements between lieges and vassals that change entitlement to the incomes associated with a holding.

We know that there is a conflict in the Crownlands between people who claim an historical easement on their taxes to their local lord based on bending the knee directly to Visenya Targaryan, but we know the local lords send armed men to collect taxes anyway (we can infer from this that local lords can use their own armed men to enforce tax collection, and that the tax system, like the legal system, or like the military, operates through a number of parallel systems based on different levels of authority and tradition that are not rationalized by a top-down official - at least outside Dorne)

We know that the crown employs "tax farmers" - that is, private officials who work on commission to collect taxes - they collect taxes on behalf of the crown, bring the taxes to the crown, and the crown pays them a percentage

We know that King's Landing has three different mints, which would imply a fee collected from minting related to seigniorage, but not operating on the modern level. Contrary to occasionally popular belief, seigniorage is a tax.

We know that in the Dornish system (which has a public magistracy of justiciars rather than the Andal system where duties like this defer to the feudal lord or are conducted under charter), there are bailiffs, who are publicly employed tax collectors.

>> No.14599696

I like to think that Isildur's existing fortune was the basis of his executive wealth, that maybe in this new utopia of Minas Tirith and greater Gondor, maybe he even shared that existing wealth distributively to the constituency in exchange for their allegiance.

>> No.14599703


With that in mind, there must have been at least some degree of claim on estates of the deceased toward the kingdom

>> No.14599706

How does GRRM do it? One single paragraph and brainlets still seethe.

>> No.14599755

Taxes are unnecessary if you're not fighting wars for an alien power who creates money out of thin air and then lends it to you in ever increasing amounts and then moans about racism when anyone talks about breaking their racially exclusive monopoly.

>> No.14599767

Let me correct that for you

> One single sentence and the non brainwashed are reminded of his political ineptitude.

>> No.14599843

>Sunset found her squatting in the grass

>> No.14599882


>> No.14599900

Are all of these details meaningful to the books? Plot, character, themes, etc.?

>> No.14599912

Fantasy is 80% world building

>> No.14599939

Are you retarded? The purpose of lore is not so that nerds can spend hours reading the wiki. You're so supposed to sprinkle it throughout the story just enough to make the world feel real and alive.

>> No.14599941

Believing this too...

>> No.14600016
File: 61 KB, 810x500, Drag_queen_story_time_810_500_75_s_c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truth is, right-wing governments don't need tax policies or written laws because everyone is on the same side. only in a liberal left-wing government is there a need for such things because everyone is divided against each other and they're too feminine to settle things like men so they need a daddy government to tattle in their neighbor to if he cuts down the wrong tree or some shit.

>> No.14600079

>right-wing governments don't need tax policies or written laws because everyone is on the same side.

>> No.14600132


What were Cersei's bowel movements?

>> No.14600149

Those covers are kino. I lost my Worm Ouroboros one, damn shame

>> No.14600184

Are you only being as comical as your pic?
C’mon now.