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14598837 No.14598837[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does it really matter if God doesn't exist? If believing in something makes you feel better, why not believe?

>> No.14598858

this is exactly what i was thinking when i got that life time ban from the winn dixie.

>> No.14598981

It does if you want to live forever in eternal bliss

If not then you are free to remain a cum brain

>> No.14599000

Exactly this. Laws, borders, or language also don't actually (read: physically) exist yet they help give structure to our lives.

>> No.14599067

Eternal bliss seems boring
If there's an afterlife I'd like it to be nice of course but I'd also like to interact with people and have the pain that goes with that

>> No.14599080

you can believe what you want, that has no impact on those who want to know the truth. what a dumb question

>> No.14599081

>muh heaven is boring argument

>> No.14599101

good post

>> No.14599108

no one knows what heaven is like, but it sure sounds like you just end up a celibate monk basically high on ultra-heroin for eternity. the alternative is hell where you just get raped by demons while on fire for eternity. both sound very scary for someone accustomed to life on earth.

>> No.14599202

heaven is timeless

>> No.14599208

I'm treading into some psued /x/ takes here so come along for the ride. Belief can manifest as reality. Consider a society where everyone is conditioned to be afraid of the dark. I'm not going to go full Huxley and autistically create a plausible mechanism for achieving this for you. You could prove this phenomenon by measuring their cortisol levels in lit and unlit environments. As an outsider in that society your perception of the dark is distorted by their own. You can never interact with an individual at baseline cortisol levels if the environment was dark. Every interaction in an unlit space would have the tension of increased stress from cortisol production. And this whole chemical warping of reality stems from a belief.

This is why everyone is obsessed with policing and controlling beliefs. They are not innocent. They directly influence reality. Even positivity is a distortion projected on reality by belief. Much of what we find meaningful is tied to these distortions.

Why believe? You like the distortions. Why not believe? You dislike the distortions. Simple as that. It's not as edgy as disliking positivity. Positivity with belief as its source is on shakey ground and creates a directly proportional depression if the belief is shattered. Now you have neither the belief or the now judged false source of positivity. Positive belief is just as much of a minefield as negative belief.

>> No.14599275

>Why not believe? You dislike the distortions.
Some want to believe that their sins will be forgotten, that there is no soul, and that there is no meaning to life, so that their actions may be justified. And others value their ego so much that they can’t believe something if they cannot totally understand it, as if they operate on this principle in other, simpler matters in life (they don’t). Some worship truth, and label truth to be whatever makes sense to them.

>> No.14599295

>Some worship truth, and label truth to be whatever makes sense to them.
effectively worshipping their own reason, which they mistakenly call Reason

>> No.14599296

It makes you live by an arbitrary rule set based on how a god is judging your actions. "Sinning" is a part of life.

>> No.14599302
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If you're willing to put up with some technical reading, I think you'd enjoy Birth of Meaning, Ernest Becker. A lot of the same ideas as the ones you mention here

>> No.14599312

Sin leads to bad consequences, material and/or spiritual. It’s part of life because we’re imperfect.

>> No.14599320

Because for most people belief isn't an 'option' — it is contingent upon what they perceive the reality to be.

>> No.14599337


quality response

>> No.14599339

Believing falsities is a mistake. Intentionally believing them is a defect of character.

Learn to be happy with truth

>> No.14599373

Predicted by >>14599275
Why is truth so valuable? Is it good in itself? No, you only value truth because of the fruits of your knowing it. But it’s possible that faith also leads to happiness. In fact, without faith, you couldn’t even eat your food, because you don’t know the truth about whether or not it’s been poisoned. Both reason and irrationality are tools for our benefit. And judging by depression and suicide rates, it seems pretty healthy to have faith in God rather than not.

>> No.14599405

Truth is the most optimal tool for completing a given action. Taken to the maximum extent, it’s omnipotence, which is literally Godhood.
Truth is how we find God and, eventually, how we attain unity with Him

>> No.14599411

Lowercase R reason, when effectively put through the scientific method, becomes Reason

>> No.14599430

I don't really think believing in God makes you feel better in a modern world where you can just overload yourself with escapism whenever you want. When I am sober in thought and action and practicing my faith, I sort of feel like every day I'm just waiting to die. Not in a depressive way obviously, but it just feels like everything I do is for something that has no direct contact to earthly life. It's probably just since I do nothing but read and use the internet all day.

>> No.14599437

>thoughts don't physically exist
Citation needed. All those things exist... Comparing them to a negative claim (god) is evidence of severe brainletism.

Belief exists and can provide structure, sure. But are people able to just 'believe' independent of their ontological assessments?

>> No.14599866

Good post

>> No.14599963

eternal bliss is not bliss

>> No.14600425

>arbitrary rule
It's not arbitrary if it's God

>> No.14600485

I shelve it away as a method by rulers to control the ruled. We have no evidence exactly for existence after death, nor of any gods. The definition of faith is to believe in something without evidence. For me, it's a no go. While I couldn't say where death leads to, as I have never died, I have my doubts that some invisible force would preserve my consciousness and being after I die. We can't prove or disprove the spiritual. Some would call God a straw man. Might just be. While alive, I will wonder and continue on with my blissfully ignorant experience.

>> No.14600580

do you think they directly (or indirectly) influence places beyond our own reality? (assuming they exist?)

>> No.14600618

Religion is not about believing. Or, to be more precise, it is about believing only for normalfags. Intelligent people who praise God know exactly what they are referring to.

>> No.14600648 [DELETED] 

It doesn't make them feel better and It limits their rationality. It only makes them feel better for a while then after that existential questions comes back hunting them.
They even don't try to ask questions anymore because they already have it.
They also deal a lot of damage through the world even if they think they're doing it for the good.

>> No.14600692

"Normies ought to be thinking for themselves" is an Enlightenment meme. Truth is for a select few who can handle it.

>> No.14600724

>They even don't try to ask questions anymore because they already have it.
Couldn't be more wrong

>> No.14600831

because you are believing something un-substantial, paranormal if you will, basically magic, which cannot logically exist by definition.

>> No.14601203

Religion is by its nature more accommodating to the unaccountable than rationalism ever can be.

>> No.14601265

Maybe eternal bliss can still contain that. Maybe eternal bliss is unimaginable

>> No.14601275
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>> No.14601309

making shit up doesn't accommodate anything, you just can't away inconsistencies by say so. you might as well turn into solipsism if you at least want to be consistent.

>> No.14601315



>> No.14601474

>It's just about feeling better
Fucking baby
Conventions, contracts, and laws are not superstitious drivel

>> No.14601486

Because then you're wasting time worshiping something that's not there. You can believe those remedies on the internet cure cancer or whatnot but it just isn't true.