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/lit/ - Literature

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14598711 No.14598711 [Reply] [Original]

Brainlet here. Please convince me to stop playing videogames and start reading books.

>> No.14598714

What are you interested in besides videogames

>> No.14598717

Why, if you wanna read more then just do it.

>> No.14598721

You have to convince yourself.

>> No.14598728

Why? Why escape from one form of escapism to another. It's another distraction. You need to change your life.

>> No.14598730

just play video games a little bit less and read a little bit more and see if you like that better

>> No.14598735

Nothing interest me anymore, to be honest. I'm depressed and I don't enjoy things that I enjoyed before.

>> No.14598737

Wrong. Literature is not escapism. Life resembles art, not the other way around. Mimesis is a lie.

>> No.14598738

Singleplayer videogames or videogames that incentivize playtime by needing to raise stats or whatever are literally designed to waste as much of your time as possible. Some multiplayer games can be an okay social experience but as always use in moderation.

If you start reading fantasy novels or poplit or other trash you're really not going to be doing anything more worthwhile than gaming.

If you want to develop particular skills you can apply to the real world, there are manuals on it. If you want to develop your understanding of yourself there's books on it. If you want to develop your understanding of the word around you there's books on it. There's no games that will do this.

>> No.14598745

Videogames haven't given you a single interest outside of them? Bizarre

>> No.14598747

video games are a meaningless task and no matter how many dumb benefits people say you get from them they will never outweigh the benefits you get from something like reading, when done right. if you just read shallow fiction novels all day youll be wasting your time perhaps even more than playing video games.
>but muh complex strategy games
doesnt matter, youre wasting your problem solving skills on a void whereas you could be using them on things actually applicable to life
mindlessly consuming media is also terrible for you, spend your time on something that matters

>> No.14598748

books stimulate your audio-visual and possibly sensual imagination since you have to picture what is happening inside your head
video games compensate for the lack of your imagination
tell me can you close your eyes right now and produce the mental image of an apple? how about the sound and the feeling of biting into one?

>> No.14598750

Can you recommend me some books?

>> No.14598759

Even if literature is escapism, it's still a lot better than playing mindless video games and you can learn a lot about real life through books.

>> No.14598767

What have you read in high school or college? What did you enjoy? I need more info

>> No.14598769

you learn about real life from experiencing real life autismo

>> No.14598775

really depends on your fortitude and interests, I know anhedonia well but there's definitely topics that can be a chore.

Vocation of Man is a good start for philosophy, it moves itself a long without you needing to rubberneck to understand it too much.

I'm not really a fiction guy but any american classic, steinbeck is a good one, will be a fairly good for a beginner.

>> No.14598777

Humans are one of the few species who can learn a thing without experiencing it--through language and instruction. Literature is a kind of instruction.

>> No.14598784
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Anon, I'd suggest you to check out some /lit/ charts and just pick whatever you find interesting. If you want to read fantasy books, fucking go for it.

>> No.14598790
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What isn't escapism? When you grow out of you ebin 20s phase you'll realise how stupid and shallow all of this normalfag shit is and wish you never got involved in any of it. This is all a mid-life crisis. (quite literally, you will not live to be older than 50 given the current state of things) You are starting to get more tired, less motivated, and you've realized you have absolutely no reason to live, no anchor to this mode of existence. This won't be fixed by socializing with retards at a bar or drawing furry porn in exchange for bitcoins. The solution is to examine your life and come to terms with it. Start with the Greeks.

>> No.14598792

instructions are useless without application in real life
or are you going to tell me you can become a car mechanic by reading manuals instead of fixing a car?
literature can only accelerate or in the best case scenario expand upon what you can learn, it isn't a mean in itself unless we are talking strictly about language and interpreting information

>> No.14598793

I enjoyed Stoner (my favorite book) and Catcher in the Rye

>> No.14598798

I feel the same way, anon. You have to force yourself to start something, a project or a book or learning a skill. Even just learning about an interesting topic.
If that doesn't work, keep trying things until something sticks, and leaves you excited for the next time you get to spend time on it.
You need to apply outside forces to beat inertia.

>> No.14598800

>are you going to tell me you can become a car mechanic by reading manuals instead of fixing a car?

>> No.14598805

>Yellow Wallpaper
Really? It wasn't particularly scary though.

>> No.14598813

>it isn't a mean in itself unless we are talking strictly about language and interpreting information
you're so close

>> No.14598817

I'm not masturbating though?

>> No.14598821

Brainlets shouldn't read. They ruin discussions about literature all the time. See: /lit/

>> No.14598829

This is very based.

You can learn a lot about yourself, life, the world, and change the way you look at things from reading books. Reading is the means to an end. The end being having a better understanding of those things. Sure this isnt true of youre just reading braindead consoomer entertainment books, but thats not all books.

Also to OP. Video games these days are complete SHIT, and you know it. Wasting time playing video games is one thing, but when they aren't even a fun waste of time then your just cucking yourself even harder. Start reading and it will open your mind to a lot of things, in addition to being an actual quality enjoyable form of entertainment.

>> No.14598835

that's why you'll never be a writer, let alone an intellectual

>> No.14598836

>and you've realized you have absolutely no reason to live, no anchor to this mode of existence
I mean you're body is kinda hard wired to eat, shit and sleep. All the meaning in life you need right there.

>> No.14598839

Women find readers hot and gamers repulsive

>> No.14598846

what did he mean by this

>> No.14598850

Do both.

>> No.14598856

Yeah, women just stop what they're doing and let me rawdog them in public when they see me with a copy of Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War .

>> No.14598857

Only NEETs can do both

>> No.14598860

Do you not consciously act through out the day? Or are you completely unaware of the fact that you perform according to your physical necessities everyday?

>> No.14598882

Why are you shitposting on a mongolese turtle skinning confederacy if the will is all there is to life? You are wasting valuable masturbation time.

>> No.14598902
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>You are wasting valuable masturbation time.
What makes you think I am not masturbating as we speak?

>> No.14598903
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I wouldn't know, haven't read it.

>> No.14598923

it's not really that long
it's just about a woman going insane so I don't get why it's on the list

>> No.14598936

I'd start with story heavy games first.
Planescape Torment comes to mind.
Maybe some of them visual animu novels, Umineko was interesting and taught me about Knox's decalog.

Or go different direction, start with cyoa books. You need a choice, a fast narrative before immersion in i.e. Pelevin
just my 2 cents

>> No.14598968

I don't even read books, I just stare at a blank page and use my audio-visual and possibly sensual imaginition

>> No.14598970
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Video games approach writing very differently from books. They are usually just lore dumps or melodramatic anime screen plays. He'd be better off playing something cerebral like the old Goldbox games, where at least some mental discipline is necessary and thoroughly reading a manual is required.

Honestly though, OP should probably just start with something like The Hobbit, Don Quixote, or some short stories/essays. And then the Greeks.

>> No.14598972

What is mindless about videogames?

>> No.14598985

>I just stare at a blank page and use my audio-visual and possibly sensual imaginition
very based
fuck mediums

>> No.14599004

Fuck it all, just sit still and exist.

>> No.14599019

>The Hobbit, Don Quixote
Name a video game with shittier story than Don Quixote

>> No.14599020
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>> No.14599022

You know i'm right.

>> No.14599025

Super Mario Brothers

>> No.14599028

Pathologic 2 and disco elysium are pretty gud games

>> No.14599029

All of them? Don Quixote is brilliant and accessible to anyone. Also
>muh plot
Absolute pleb tier.

>> No.14599041
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I'm not a neet, I just have impulse control.

>> No.14599056

What's plebian about caring for the plot you pretentious douchebag
>Don Quixote is brilliant
Name a single good thing about it then

>> No.14599086
File: 1.53 MB, 1947x1766, Juan_de_Jauregui_-_Retrato_de_Miguel_de_Cervantes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Sevilla there was a madman who had the strangest, most comical notion that any madman ever had. What he did was to make a tube out of a reed that he sharpened at one end, and then he would catch a dog on the street, or somewhere else, hold down one of its hind legs with his foot, lift the other with his hand, fit the tube into the right place, and blow until he had made the animal as round as a ball, and then, holding it up, he would give the dog two little pats on the belly and let it go, saying to the onlookers, and there were always a good number of them:

>“Now do your graces think it’s an easy job to blow up a dog?” Now does your grace think it’s an easy job to write a book?

>> No.14599113

So you have no argument?

>> No.14599118

>What's plebian about caring for the plot you pretentious douchebag
Plot exists to move the narrative forward. The narrative itself is what makes a book good. How the story is told is what matters most, not the story itself. This is why vidya storyfags will always be retards.

>> No.14599192

>Plot exists to move the narrative forward.
What does narrative even mean in this context, the plot is what moves forward. "Narrative" either refers to the plot or the narration, and the narration.is not something that can move forward, it's just how the story is told.
>How the story is told is what matters most, not the story itself.
That's pretentious nonsense, a shit story with superb prose is still a shit story.
>This is why vidya storyfags will always be retards.
That doesn't even follow from your previous statement, are you sure you have an argument

>> No.14599251

>I didn't live my life.
So simple, so candid, but it cuts like a fucking dagger.

>> No.14599269
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>come to a literature forum to talk about things that are clearly not literature and calling others pretentious because you were too stupid to understand a novel that even children can easily grasp
Big yikes, my dude.

>> No.14599299

Do you always have to strawman your opponent to win an argument, I expected more from a literature board

>> No.14599436

most of the time when people bring up narrative it is in the context of structure of the text
plot is what happens, narrative is the order in which it happens

>> No.14599461

No, the order of the events is also part of the plot

>> No.14599469
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writing one paragraph feels better than reading ten books

>> No.14599695

In general, I find the biggest reasons NEETs might struggle to detach themselves from the lifestyle they've been firmly molded into is because of the people they tend to interact with, which could be friends or an entire community itself. I've had to cut out a lot of people in my life because I couldn't stand the constant manchild trivialities and feeling like I didn't have a sense of belonging.

>> No.14599701
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Videogames can are gateways for literature, not only cinema, like the industry is obsessed with.

>> No.14599715

Video games are a gateway to itself, just an endless cycle of trying to reach the "limits" of its own medium.

>> No.14599901

pretentious garbage

>> No.14600048


>> No.14600938

Let's make it simple.
Video games increases pleasure.
Books increase intelligence.
Reading books will give you the conclusion that hedonism is the only thing that matters.
So play video games instead. Rationality doesn't do shit.

>> No.14600989

>Reading books will give you the conclusion that hedonism is the only thing that matters.
how did you come to think this

>> No.14601079

No person averts to displeasure.
Here's their critique about pleasure:

>it's animalistic
If it's so animalistic then stop breathing then. Breathing is for animals too.
How about rationality ? It's just evolution that humans evolved from. Humans just did it better than other animals.

>it's limited, can't be happy all the time.
Even if it's limited there's no reason not pursue it. As long as you change and improve everyday you'll see yourself more happy than average.

>create something instead
Wagecuckery, your creations wouldn't be permanent. It's mere vanity. It will be consumed by other people while you work hard and struggle for mere appearance.

>how about philosophers who avert to pleasure
Cope. Realizing that the world is empty and about pleasure, is unpleasurable.
They instead do other stuff to escape this fact. Delude themselves more.

Imagine a world without pleasure. It's a world without humanity. Nothing but emptiness. Therefore happiness or pleasure is the meaning of life.

>> No.14601104

Are you 12 years old

>> No.14601170
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>Are you 12 years old ?

>> No.14601177

No one but yourself can do that.

>> No.14601183

Isn't that just art?

>> No.14601187

Not an argument

>> No.14601194

Not an argument

>> No.14601210

I've managed to quit heroin before quitting the fucking internet. It's insane

>> No.14601301

Pretty based response the more I think about it, I should like to argue against it but I'd rather not engage in the dialectics of cope

>> No.14601311

holy shit.
That's it I'm out. I'm gonna block my laptop from my home wifi and go to the library if I ever need internet for research/school.

>> No.14601858

Why the fuck are you on /lit/?

>> No.14601881

Having intellectual discussion is fun. I was only referring to op who does not want to read books.
I keep browsing /lit/ hoping if ever an alternative for hedonism comes. There's still none.

>> No.14601924

With your extremely rigid definition of hedonism that exclusively applies to you, it's no wonder no one wants to properly engage you in an intellectual debate.

>> No.14601948

>Planescape Torment comes to mind
i absolutely loved this game, the story captured me and i loved talking with each character and getting to know them. then i played too much, was maybe 80% into the story, became uninterested and distracted by other things, and never finished it.

i feel so guilty, for this and for all the many other things i never finish, even though they are inane stuff like this. i kinda blame imageboards for making me incapable of having perseverance, discipline, will and so on

>> No.14602107

I learnt German through video games. Now I read Robert Walser in the original. Fight me
Btw vidya is the most superior language learning tool short of moving abroad

>> No.14602200

which games? I did a course of german a couple years ago and was thinking on resuming it

>> No.14602202

Pus e :3

>> No.14602345

I was a bit disingenuous because I also took skype lessons and read books concentrating on grammar. Only after like 6 months did I dare attempt playing games in German. What first proved useful was playing old point-and-click adventures (LucasArts, Sierra) through Scummvm because it was free and one can also pause the game mid-sentence while talking to someone, thus giving you opportunity to read through the text before the voice-actor finished his lines. All the while collecting words and phrases into your Anki flashcard deck. After that I sought rpg games or games with rpg elements because they provided more repetition, content and more variety with regard to written and spoken text. Stuff like Kingdom Come, Gothic I-II, Risen, Witcher, the new Deus Ex games. Later when I didn't need as much repetition to retain stuff I also played newer puzzle/adventure games like Grim Fandango and the Talos Principle etc. Teachers always recommend watching movies and series in the foreign language but these can't hold a candle to vidya with an avarage of 60 hours of repetitive written and spoken texts per game. Even if you don't like the game the sheer enjoyment of starting to understand the new language can propel you forward because learning grammar and vocab in the beginnings is an exciting puzzle game in and of itself.
I never ever post but these self-loathing vidya game addiction threads are tilting. One half wallowing in self-pity because they are addicted the other half acting superior because they have overcome the addiction all the while missing the obvious benefits (on a literature board of all places) of playing vidya in foreign languages in order to improve oneself enough to start reading books in said foreign language. You can turn your so called addiction in to a boon just like that.

>> No.14602348

You don't read when you play games?

>> No.14602362

forgot to say why vidya is superior to movies or series etc which is that the most useful thing in the beggining of learing a new language is repetition and all games are on one way or the other based on repetition. Whereas movies are too linear: you hear a phrase, a word, a grammatical structure only once or with too low of a frequency.

>> No.14602373

I never understood this mentality. Why can't you both play video games and read?
Both of the mediums have good and bad stuff. No one is forcing you to play shitty video games.

>> No.14602386

Then how else can I feel intellectually superior to other people lifechoices?

>> No.14602388

Well, you've got me there

>> No.14602404

there's only so many hours in a day

the wallow in self-pity part comes from not having the luck or brains to do what you did and use it to learn a language. one can play vidya because it's fun and helps them escape reality, responsabilities and harsh truths, and a decade later realize that they wasted the best years of their life, the feeling of impotence and failure can be tough, even more so coupled withe the worthless traits that you hardcoded into your habits and personality

this line from the OP really resonates with me, the last sentence hit me like a brick:
>My mind is filled with stories that never happened. Anime, manga, vidya, interactions with anons everywhere in the world, people that I'll never know. I didn't live my life.

>> No.14602451

If what motivates you OP is that pic, reading will not fill the void, but rather help guide you into the right path of acceptance, books tend to have more meaning than games, anime and movies but only because the format is only limited by language and time but do not let anyone sell you the idea that the answers lie outside of you, book reading is probably the result of copying the activities of noblemen and victorian rich people that could waste their time into showing everyone how superior they were to the unwashed masses and their superficial fellows while failing to see the irony, the few that actually extracted something usefull from reading did so through them but not for them.

This conclusion is nihilistic, but also liberating, do as you must but do not enclose your choices of transcendence into one path or bet everything with one tool.

>> No.14602480

>there's only so many hours in a day
So? Why should one limit himself to one medium?

>> No.14602527

There are no best years of life, that's just a normie view. I'm 31 and still a virgin and I'm honestly happier than ever.

>> No.14602559
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It's less effort to read a book you store beside your bed than it is to get up and sit in front of your computer.

>> No.14602561

Capitalism the game is a very useful stock trading vidya.

>> No.14602572

>Nothing interest me anymore, to be honest
Anhedonia. Seek therapy. Guzzle pills if you need to. Make sure to move about and get some excersise if you can muster the energy.
This is assuming that regular self-help advice does not work.

>> No.14602575

laptop next to bed in front of book.. w-what do anon?

>> No.14602592
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You can read a book lying down more comfortably than you can type on your laptop.
You can even sleep with the book on your chest and skip the excruciating ordeal of reaching for it.

>> No.14602748

Yay. Another guy who doesn't know the difference between happiness, and pleasure. Fucken retard

>> No.14602776

All of them. I say this as someone who spent 30+ hours a week playing vidya for many years. I can't remember the story of almost any game I've played, they're that inconsequential and non-compelling. Don daddy de la Mancha is one of my top three novels.

>> No.14602789
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Ghost Trick is pretty good.
But the vast majority is poorly written garbage that occationally gets unwarranted praise due to being sad or shocking.

>> No.14602817


If you think you are for real clinically depressed, this guy said the correct thing: "Seek therapy", and I would add "help in general".

Said so:
>My mind is filled with stories that never happened. Anime, manga, vidya, interactions with anons everywhere in the world, people that I'll never know. I didn't live my life.

This is a stupid thing to say. "Living your life" is bullshit. Trying to force you into following a standardized pattern of behaviour to "feel bette" is bullshit".
We are all different, in past experiences, present desire and future decisions. There is little point in trying to follow what is "real" if that's not real to you.

I spent a lot of time of my late 10s and early 20s (currently, in my early 30s) simply playing vidya and TRPGs, reading books and studying for my degree.

I missed out some things? Yeah, possibly. How many of those things could have been as memorable as those I still remember from my past? I don't know and I can't know, so what's the point of thinking about it?

To be clear, I don't encourage mindless search of fast gratification, but to simply follow your personal view of life, not that of society or a certain social group.
I don't read because I have been told that it would make me a better person, I read because I want to read for my own personal reasons.

Anon, you gotta live 100% of your life with yourself, no point in bothering with what anyone or anything that you don't care about.

>> No.14602821


Just as most novels are. No shit Sherlock.

>> No.14602829

>I can't remember the story of almost any game I've played
That means you've played shitty games. What were your favorite games back in the day when you were playing video games?

>> No.14602830

Literature has more than maybe 2 works worth a damn tho.

>> No.14602945

by owning them in a debate

>> No.14602948


>> No.14602951

>I can't remember the story of almost any game I've played
play good RPG's
I can recount VtMB broad outlines without much effort, though the end gets messy

>> No.14603071

So do videogames

>> No.14603077

> I can't remember the story of almost any game
Because people treat games like books or movies so they fail at both.

Kenshi is a videogame, Children of a Dead Earth is a videogame, DCS is a videogame, Noita is a videogame, Dwarf fortress is a videogame even Darkest dungeon is a video game... these are systems of complex interaction not choose your own adventures with scripts, and I blame the shift from games being made by programmers(xcom, doom...) to artists, from people that only understood them superficially and therefought created a demand for the imposible.

>> No.14603166

Avoid pills. Start excercising. I'm not kidding. Start doing pushups situps and jumping jacks right fucking now, and I mean right fucking now. Pick a skill you're going to develop (writing, playing a musical instrument, etc.) and COMMIT to getting better at it. Don't drop it when it gets hard. Pick an era of world history (French Revolution for example) and learn more about it. You'll get a better perspective on your own situation and on human nature if you read history, even historical fiction. I know you don't have motivation to do anything right now, but do all those things, and you will pull yourself out of the hole without pills. Also, stop eating fast food and junk food. Stop fucking around and follow this advice.

>> No.14603176

I love reading but my problems are that I have a short attention span and I'm a slow reader. Advice?

>> No.14603359

>I love reading but my problems are that I have a short attention span and I'm a slow reader. Advice?
Whats the problem as long as you do something you love?

>> No.14603392

I have the opposite problem
learnt how to chunk sentences and read quickly but have no attention spam, nor can I remember what I read
please liberate me from this hell

>> No.14603409

> nor can I remember what I read
Thats impossible, you at least remember what the concept of hell means.

Read poetry, it requires rereading anyway so no matter how fast you go you will go over it over and over again.

>> No.14603481

This is an extremely pure post.

Regret serves absolutely NO purpose besides causing you misery.

>> No.14603517

Don't do it. The idea that reading books will make you intelligent is a complete meme. One look at this board should be enough to tell you that.

Books are nice, but it's a weirdo niche hobby nowadays that not many people participate in. Video games are much better as a hobby since more people play games. You're far more likely to make friends through games than through books.

If you tell someone you play games they'll want to talk to about games. If you tell someone that you read books they'll never want to talk to you about anything ever again.

Books suck.

>> No.14603592

your pic is a perfect example of obsessional neurosis

>> No.14603608

I always tell people I Read books so they can stop talking to me. Yesterday I heard 3 students(18-19 years old) in front of me talking about fortnite and tiktok. so yeah no thanks

>> No.14603770

how so? and in what way is he wrong

>> No.14604280

I was just like you, Anon. I'm in the top one percentile in the United States for reading. I was reading at a college level since late Middle-School. But nobody ever encouraged me to stop reading fiction and to read non-fiction, so I got bored and started watching anime and playing video games instead. This month I remembered I owned an old 2011 Kindle and began to read again. I loaded free books onto it, non-fiction mainly with some Lovecraft and Kafka in there as collections. I'm now so bored of Video Games that I only bother to play them socially because they don't offer any actual substance to the mind.

>> No.14604322

Kek i play an old competitive rts for pleasure of mental exercise same reason why people enjoy chess
Reading is just passive brainlet tier of an exercise no problem solving to fast paced decision making just midwit escapism

>> No.14604342

>terrible grammar
Stopped reading here. Go back to your board, cretin.

>> No.14604413

Video games are entertainment. Meaning that in order for you to read a book and stick with it, you need to find one that is entertaining to the level of a video game. To be honest, that is going to be fairly difficult due to many books being an acquired taste. Having an open mind to try out books is not enough.

I suggest starting off with short stories and light novels to build up your reading muscle before moving onto exposition hells known as the science fiction/fantasy genre.

>> No.14604517

seethe cognitioncel