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/lit/ - Literature

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14598058 No.14598058 [Reply] [Original]

How come lit loves to talk shit about him but never properly refute his arguments?

>> No.14598088

refuting arguments is a midwit activity

>> No.14598094

I want to give him a blowjob.

>> No.14598116

It's not as effective as ridicule.

>> No.14598173

I literally cannot think of anything I ever heard him say as an argument. just word salad.

>> No.14598178

I used to dislike him but when I learned he was addicted to benzos just like me I realized how fucking cool he is

>> No.14598190

Because he's smarter than 95% of the people here. I'm not even a fan of his and I recognize that.

>> No.14598215

He’s good with his self help stuff and knows about the things he specializes in. But when he talks about ‘postmodernists’ he’s really iffy. I think he might be trying to say that even though Postmodernism and Marxism are only compatible for those who can have contradictory views in their heads all at the same time. Postmodernists and Marxism have a complicated relationship and it’s best not to be reductive.

>> No.14598217

ok illuminati

>> No.14598246
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>> No.14598322

More or less this. Even as a staunch anti-communist I have to begrudgingly admit he plays fast and loose with those two concepts and with some of the numbers re: communist regime death tolls.

That said, his insights into totalitarianism are some of his least interesting work and it's been used to try to discredit him on other completely unrelated subjects where he is based as fuck. You will not get a better primer on academic rot, trans athletes, pronoun madness, feminist history, the Implicit Association Test (the pseudoscience behind implicit bias training), status hierarchies, the gradual disappearance of the concept of competent authority, the ramifications of IQ research and what it means to live in a country where 15% of the population is never going to college and the absolute best-case scenario is literally to graduate high school and wrap their heads around working the till at the local fucking McDonald's, etc. Also his self-help is genuinely good; I have read a lot of the self-help "classics" and JBP offers something a lot more direct and distilled with the self-authoring course and all that

He is an imperfect figure but by far the best "mainstream" intellectual we've had in a very long time

>> No.14598350
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Peterson rarely offers any arguments himself.

For example, when speaking of white privilege, he said the methodology of one study was bad, therefore white privilege is just "liberal virtue-signaling". Completely ignoring hundreds of studies concerning differences in wealth, police treatment, incarceration time, etc., when comparing whites and blacks. There is no denying the difference. Nazis will say it's biological, reasonable people will say it's systemic discrimination, but Petey doesn't really take a stand on the issue at all.

Add a couple of comparisons to russia under stalinism, some biblical references, a bit of dramatization, and you got yourself a nice little 10 min youtube video titled "Peterson refutes White Privelege". A neatly packed commodity to be enjoyed by his cult.

>> No.14598369
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how do you refute the idea that tidying your bedroom is a good thing?

>> No.14598383

he's a meme for all those guys that wasted important developmental years playing vidya and dicking about on the chans, who then found themeselves ill-prepared to function irl.
A self-help salesman for the lost manchildren of the internet.
"its not your fault...its everybody elses'"

I don't dislike Peterson, I dislike the poor schmucks who are susceptible to people like him. Losers. Every last motherfucking one of them. Losers

>> No.14598397

What arguments?

>> No.14598401

wash your penis and tidy your room

>> No.14598502
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What always irked me is how things like not being molested by cops or stuck in a kafkaesque state apparatus is framed as a negative entitlement, rather than a historically fought for right. And I realize very left wing liberal types are always the first to come out against such an interpretation, but if you look at their actions it's rare to see them push for genuine structural change. Rather, they want a more centralized, more totalitarian, more depersonalized state, just that the instances where it oversteps its bounds into tyranny should apply less to wealthy college educated blacks/immigrants and more to poor, uneducated, deplorable whites.

It's insulting and patronizing, effectively spitting on the struggles of any white person who has struggled by calling them "privileged", when what they're claiming to care about (basic individual rights and heavy restrictions preventing government from imposing on those rights) is something that even the staunchest and most racist conservatives could get behind. The false framing of a narrative in order to divide, antagonize, and chip away at historical rights which only came about after generations of positive struggle.

>> No.14598523

even his psych stuff is very nonsense. I haven't watched any of his lectures or whatever tho, people seem to be way more interested in him as a speaker than an author.

>> No.14598529

It's all they can do because they can't refute most of what he argues. About 90% of what he talks about is logical, backed up by statistics and is experienced by men on a day to day basis. All they can do is try to talk shit about them because they don't stand a ghost of a chance in an actual debate.

>> No.14598533

Which arguments? He makes a lot of them. Some good, some absurd.

>> No.14598548

my cleaning OCD governs my entire life.
my room is spotless, my mind is chaos.

>> No.14598681

Unbelievably wrong. His entire shtick is telling that audience to take responsibility for their situation and change it themselves through baby steps of ordered behavior. He provides a general target for the purpose "why?" as reduce suffering in the world. It's a damn shame he became viral on the back of the culture war bullshit. His pure psychology advice is rock solid. Simplistic and broad, but definitely effective for building a foundation for a group of people searching for one.

All the postmodernist/marxist stuff boils down to a low resolution is vs. them. As in we, the newly baptized orderly ones, are seeking the truth and adding order to the world why they, the other, are spouting cope nonsense and creating chaos. Obviously this is absurdly reductionist, but we are living in an era increasingly defined by the tyranny of irrational passion despite information availability being at an all time high. This is defining all sides though. For every woke diversity hire there is a Donald Trump foil; each achieving their position by appealing to a reigning irrationality of our age.

>> No.14598697

Because he's basically just Pointsman from GR

>> No.14598704

>by far the best "mainstream" intellectual we've had in a very long time


>> No.14598708
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>> No.14598718

>Completely ignoring hundreds of studies concerning differences in wealth, police treatment, incarceration time, etc., when comparing whites and blacks.
There is a reason for that anon
> There is no denying the difference. Nazis will say it's biological
So will correct people
>reasonable people will say it's systemic discrimination
*wee chuckle*
Inb4 peterson cultist, i dont give a shit about some canadian kermit.

>> No.14598724

and that reason being it weakens his argument?

>> No.14598743

I meant there's a reason for all those arrests ;)

>> No.14598744

Don't you guys think it's a shame we don't have decent public intellectuals? 18th century Germany had fucking Kant and Goethe as celebrities.

And who do we get? The neurotic illiterate Peterstein and the clown sophist Zizek (not to mention jokes like Harris and Chomsky).

>> No.14598752

institutionalized racism, we know.

>> No.14598754


>> No.14598760

Pynchon's still around :)

>> No.14598763

juden peterstein

>> No.14598766

We still have me and thats worth something(everything)

>> No.14598770

>institutionalized racism manages to affect every black population in every country on earth
Quite something, this 'institutionalized racism' lmao

>> No.14598773

Anon, I...

>> No.14598782

Because /lit/ is an enlightened board that's aware that every claim to knowledge that doesn't deal with pure metaphysics is but an inversion of true knowledge- gnosis. And, for true lovers, those with aptitude for the Ineffable- that is, the three classes mentioned by Plotinus- it's not valuable, should not be taken serious, and should be scorned at.

>> No.14598783

That's not what I said

am a privileged white male? I knew it

>> No.14598802
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>take responsibility for yourself
>its them postmodernists and marxists that are the bad guys and them that done fucked you up

you spastic

>> No.14598810

Very high IQ post anon. Here in Britain we have mostly blacks from the Carribean, and newly minted immigrants fresh off the dark continent. There is a difference between those who lived under British colonialism and those who came from Africa, favouring the Carribeans, showing that the ebil oppression was not so evil after all.

Kek, little does he know, I am a working class half Anglo/half Spic. And before you start with heteronormative homophobe, I occasionally ravage boipucci too :)

>> No.14598815

>18th century Germany had fucking Kant and Goethe as celebrities.

didn't have TV radio or the internet then. public intellectuals in the 18th century were for the elite. Joe schmoe wasn't reading Kant and Goethe because they couldn't read. I would heavily dispute the characterisation of them as "public intellectuals"

>> No.14598826

because we0ll be accused of not watching/reading all of his pseud bullshit

Which would be fair because we haven't, we're not morons

>> No.14598845
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of course you are

>> No.14598849

Aristocracy has to return. The plebs have ruined everything.

>> No.14598881

Would you like pics to prove EITHER of those claims, hun? ;)

>> No.14598893

Then be one retard. I'll watch how you justify being better than everyone while being unable to produce anything of value.

>> No.14598895

>half Anglo/half Spic
Why do anglos do this? Have some fucking self-respect.

>> No.14598912

We are very self depreciating. I love who I am really anon.

>> No.14598964
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What's up? Not gonna take me up on the offer of proof? Here is some anyway ;)

>> No.14598980

Nice, you just described my cousin. Spends most of his life playing vidya and uses JP as a giant cope mechanism. If you even there critique his idol he breaks down and starts ranting all kind of bullshit.
If you can't refute Jordan Peterson as he is talking you are brainlet. You are either dumb or a young fella who's brain isnt fully developed. Watch any video of his and he makes fallacious arguments every 30 seconds. Anybody who buys into him is just dumb.

>> No.14598997


Because he has no arguments, he just ends up relating everything to personal responsibility, Solzhenitsyn and Dostoyevsky.

>> No.14599003

Lol I saw a debate of him where exposed himself as the absolute dimwit he is. A literal 13 year old view of how the world works. YoU CaNt beLiVe hOw baD tHE wOrLd ReAllY iS BucKo, I am TellINg YoU mAkE yoUr BeD.

>> No.14599027

Just give it a few more years. This works just like sports. You need a large base of people in order to get a handful if geniuses. Today more people know how to read and write than ever before, and are exchanging ideas at an unprecedented rate. In a decade or so genius literary and philosophical works will be popping up from the internet, with no editorial bullshit limitations.

>> No.14599035

Are you illiterate? It's a holier than thou argument, not blame shifting. The fault lies with the individual which is why the individual has the means to better their situation. If it was the other's fault then the other would be required to change for betterment to occur. It's an advertising pitch that says the adherent is superior to the nonbeliever. It does not explicitly blame the nonbelievers for the base unfavorable condition of the acolyte. It's vaguely analogous to Christian original sin. Christians do not blame any man or group for the fallen condition as they believe it to be universal.

Such a pitch is dangerous because of retards like you that then turn an assertion of imbalance into blameshifting. Which is why I wish he would not have gotten fame on the back of the advertisement. In its pure form the advertisement is a crude scare tactic: either carry on like those confused histrionic dipshits or take responsibility and better yourself. You don't want to be a miserable freak, do you? It's punching down by singling out examples of the most disordered individuals to use as a boogeyman for repulsive personal motivation.

The breakdown is that humans are seemingly hardwired to short circuit to blameshifting and fault finding as a recreational activity to avoid confronting their own faults. Just the naming of the other as the dipshits they are and pointing out their dipshit qualities is seen as an opportunity to avoid personal responsibility and instead engage in complaining about dipshits ruining your whole world down to the level of your inability to tidy up your room. An obvious absurdity.

>> No.14599047


>> No.14599053

brainlet libtards flooding this thread lmao dunno what it is about peterson that inspires such a visceral reaction 30 years ago (and in america) he'd have been a democrat and republicans would have been annoyed by him

>> No.14599061

I've found his psychology of personality is ok. Most of the stuff he says that is even remotely profound is baited from Jung and related wrong, sometimes even misinterpeted (but still nice for a hack).

>> No.14599085

We can do better than the aristocratic model. Replace wealth gatekeeping with whatever talent or trait gatekeeping under the sun. Also note that results are not guaranteed to be positive. Creating enclaves such as these merely manifests the possibility of greatness, it does not guarantee the output will be great. It's a gamble, but the alternative is a worse creative environment so the risk is worth taking. It's annoying that members default to treating their status as something to be valued. The enclave is judged by its fruits, not it's gatekeeping standards. Membership means nothing, only results. Idle pride rots any great collective.

>> No.14599106

hes literally a benzo addict who was like "lobsters are so cool dude benzos bro ahahah"

>> No.14599109

you think people are going to actually care anything about you just because you're racist?

>> No.14599116

>Not allowing you to abuse others because of your privileged position IS holding you accountable to your own actions and not dodging responsability. .
>What is the devil anon. What are woman. What are degenerates. What are atheists.
>So he is a just a glorified selfhelp performer.
>Taking responsibility for your own actions does not refute the reality of privilege and people who abuse it. In fact, is the other way around.
>Funny that people use Peterson to refute the extisting oppression some groups held over others but not to acknowledge their own positions of power. Brainlet legion

>> No.14599127

I've watched a number of his youtube videos and some other speech as well. There is in most cases something he says in them that is so stupid that it gives pause. There is good things too, new perspectives and ideas worth considering but nothing profound. People who benefit from him, that is mostly people with problems, they predictably come to worship him and take all his words as gospel. For them it might be two steps forwards, one step back. For anyone that isn't defective to start with though there are better people to read and listen to.

To address your question directly, not all needs be refuted, that which could be is very plenty and every one of them will take the exhaustive argument with a cultist with all which that entails. It simply isn't worth it and basically drop peterson and start with the greeks for profit.

>> No.14599136

It's called a Marxist society. A place where resources are not scarce and people can spend their time developing their talents. Also, no social classes to pump the ego of sophisticated shitposters. It is just a matter of time.

>> No.14599146
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>all post scarcity societies are marxist

>> No.14599154

Yeah maybe it was superfluous to mention it. Still, a matter of time if we don't nuke each other.

>> No.14599155

>mounts argument
>is presented with different argument
>"I need not address you as you are racist"
>conceniently side steps having to defend his views.

Tell me this my chocolate loving friend, why is it that the whitest African states are the wealthiest? Or why Africa is less well off than black Carribean states? Why is it that the slavic states (who were subjected to such high rates of slavery from barbery pirates they named slaves after Slavs) are far better to live in than even those Carribean states.

Answer one of these questions, I dare you, slippery leftie won't though.

>> No.14599180
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>> No.14599195

>people share roughly the same conception of happiness
>we must be all equally capable of attaining the means of said happines
Jesus Christ anon, am I reading into this correctly? Is this what you are infering here? Holy shit I expected a brainlet take but fuck you really surprised me.

>> No.14599290

"wash your penis" isn't an argument, more like a suggestion

>> No.14599304

What the fuck are you on about? This all stemmed from some anon >>14598383 saying Peterson makes the argument "it's not your fault... it's everyone elses." I'm just asserting his argument has always been it's your fault and take personal responsibility. In fact, it's less about fault at all and more an indifference towards finger pointing and cutting ties with the past. Who gives a shit why you are like this, what are you going to do to be a better person? You don't know what to do? Try doing this.

You're off on your own ideology fueled tangent. How does all your bullshit relate to the original argument in any meaningful way? Try to address the topics at hand rather than defaulting to spewing so much ideology you forget what the conversation was about.

>> No.14599308

Please respond to this anon

I am fucking dying for an answer, I am having palpitations from the stress of the sheer stupidity of your last response.

Pls gimme more copypasta fuel for posting later to my racist whatsapp group, they will love it.

>> No.14600343

In no fewer than 18 years, he will undergo tragedy and blame everyone but himself, not even seeing the irony in it. I guarantee it

>> No.14600371

Just a heads up, Petey lives in chaos all day and causes it upon himself. That's why he's so keen on the responsibility room-cleaning schtick. It took him 60 years to figure out his mom was right, and still wont give her credit.

>> No.14600379


>> No.14600387


>> No.14600402

I can side with his encouragement of finding a way to justify your own existence. It can be hard enough for people to find reasons to get out of bed.

>> No.14600723

>Means of said happiness
Aaa the eternal Anglo.

>> No.14600726

What arguments?

>> No.14600728

I don't even read sjw philosophy but my points still stands in the last paragraph. Use your brain kid.

>> No.14600740

>"its not your fault...its everybody elses'"
That is literally the exact opposite of his self help
It is unironically the correct ontological position to take

>> No.14600777

>not being an ethno insults ethnos
>not being a paranoid conspiracy theorist ...
>no being illogical christcuck...

>> No.14600790

What are his arguments?

>> No.14600930

R*ddit, pls go and stay go

>> No.14600947

I know you're baiting, but there's something that should be said

>he's a meme for all those guys that wasted important developmental years playing vidya and dicking about on the chans, who then found themeselves ill-prepared to function irl.

You seem to imply that people willingly waste their youth playing vidya and dicking about on chans, resulting in them being ill-prepared to function IRL, when it's the other way around : people play vidya and dick around on 4chins for years on end exactly because they're outcasts. You're mixing cause and effect here.

>> No.14601063

>he thinks greentext is a paragraph
>his greentext points are meme ideology with no relation to the topic at hand
F-figure it out kiddo

Still waiting for an answer how anything in that word salad relates to personal responsibility vs. blameshifting.

>> No.14601196
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He's irrefutable

>> No.14601200

Guenon refuted him.

>> No.14601291

>why doesnt lit properly refute his arguments
because when you do like here >>14598350 then you have to read dumbass replies like >>14598718 >>14600930

>> No.14601320

Really bad take. White privilege is hardly a "fought for right" when by the time whiteness was even invented white people were already on top running shit
>they want whites to be tyrannized equally
How do you even see the countless protesting about overzealous policing, biased justice system, etc and get the message that they just want this equally distributed?
>spitting on the struggles of amy white person
No one mentions white privilege to rob white people of legitimate struggles they have personally.

>> No.14601323

there is nothing to refute, its nonsense. You cant refute white noise

>> No.14601326
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Peterson is a hack, but you're just a plain pseud, or a troll.

>> No.14601327

reread my post

>> No.14601350

Why? You didn't say anything of substance. You just started crying like a true redditor because people didn't start sucking your dick.

>> No.14601354

>You cant refute white noise
Based. May I suggest a way to be more based? Read Guenon (pub). His basedness will only increase yours.

>> No.14601358

oh youre one of the dumbasses LMAO

>> No.14601369

>implying Peterson presents arguments
Nice try. Clean your room.

>> No.14601370

Are we getting raided again?

>> No.14601431

>alt-right jewtube cuck
Good one OP

>> No.14602035

Post body.

>> No.14602036

>implying Kant and Goethe weren't low iq pseuds
wew lads

>> No.14602094

I just wish he would be a better acedemic! Stephen hicks is shit desu and anyone who reads and quotes him is commiting treason to philosophy.

>> No.14602097

But he is right about what decemating socital order. He is just not very eloquent about it.

>> No.14602597

>For example, when speaking of white privilege, he said the methodology of one study was bad, therefore white privilege is just "liberal virtue-signaling". Completely ignoring hundreds of studies concerning differences in wealth, police treatment, incarceration time, etc., when comparing whites and blacks.

blacc people are lazy and prefer living in mediocrity, they´re also not very bright

>> No.14602729


>> No.14602739

I agree with you completely! These simpletons who have no rebuttal to your statement say things that make me cringe!! Always saying something so idiotic about reddit. You can tell they are new here! I see why most original users have left....

>> No.14602746

Alt right are so cringe lol

>> No.14603168

Find another to sully, you evil coward.

>> No.14603191

1. Im not the guy who made the arguments
2. When one reply is calling them reddit and the other is denying systematic racism, then yeah they are simpletons who make me cringe

>> No.14603248

Because he doesn't really make arguments. He just reframes motivational speaker stuff into his alt/lib agendas. Theres as little to argue about in what he's saying as there is in Tony Robbins stuff.

>> No.14603760

JBP has never read shit on Marx and his
sole sorce pomo is Steven Hicks, a
self publishing brainlet. Peterson is not
an intellectual. He's a true believer.

>> No.14604810

real life experience

>> No.14605491

That's good, now all you need is an example and you've actually said something worth discussing.

>> No.14606707

reasonable people will say its both. :)

>> No.14606720

uh dude haven't you heard of the intellectual dark web? the four horsemen? sargon of akkad?

>> No.14606723
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How come this Koch Industries thread is still up?

>> No.14606751
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>> No.14606754
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This board is contrarian and just dislikes whatever is popular.
>harry potter popular so harry potter bad
>jordan peterson popular so jordan peterson bad
>Guenon 3 years ago when he was more obscure = good
>Guenon now when he is super popular = bad

I don't like Peterson's Jungian stuff and frankly he seems a bit uninformed with the whole post modernism stuff but this board very rarely treats any thinker with intellectual fairness. For a board that loves to appear smart, it is just as irrational and emotionally charged in its popularity contests as any other. Everyone wants to be in their secret club of elitism.

>> No.14608095

People in general need to put others down to make themselves appear more elevated; they are coping.

>> No.14608591

lol take cyanide you gigantic mongoloid faggot

>> No.14608655
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>wasted important developmental years playing vidya and dicking about on the chans, who then found themeselves ill-prepared to function irl.

>> No.14609177

Peterson has nothing of value to say, and even when he does he dilutes it with meaningless nonsense.
His ideas are destructive and any person who would actually take his advice will find himself in a swamp of self hate and self blame. It's bastardized stoicism for bugmen.
His garbage-tier self-help isn't even taken seriously anyway and mostly serves as a psychological image for burger right-wingers to project onto leftists.

>> No.14609198

His biblical series are gold.
It's refreshing to hear a brave person like Peterson refuting the stance on academic sadist and pathetic postmodernist that want a totalitarian rule order.

>> No.14610054

blacks have a lower iq, low iq predicts criminality and low income

>> No.14611307


It's obvious from the last few days of JBP threads here that his real crime wasn't using the wrong names to describe what he saw dominating universities (even though he is way out of his depth on pomo and Marxism). It was that he dared put a name to it at all.

>> No.14611319

holy BASED

>> No.14611331

His ideas are destructive and any person who would actually take his advice will find himself in a swamp of self hate and self blame. It's bastardized stoicism for bugmen.
What specific ideas does he have that are like this?

>> No.14611399

His daughter got early arthritis requiring multiple surgeries, friends have committed suicide and now her wife got diagnosed with cancer. So far he is not blaming anyone.

>> No.14611543

He looks so smart.

>> No.14611755
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I refuse to believe a man can be this ignorant, let me drop you some replies.

>> No.14611770
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>> No.14611813

"postmodern neomarxism" as Peterson calls it is really just the Protestantism of Marxism. Sure, it's a heresy, but it's a heresy grown out of Marxism.

>> No.14611924

You have to make an argument to be refuted.

>> No.14611982


I lol'd guys! This is a really original and funny take :P have you considered doing stand-up comedy? ;-)

>> No.14612127

not an argument :)

>> No.14612332

>get a tan on vacation
>iq drops
this is what stormkids believe

>> No.14612343

That seems to run counter to what he was claiming

>> No.14612346

Because the resentment against him is entirely political

>> No.14614027


>> No.14615342

/lit/ loves him you schizoid buttplug

>> No.14615505

>the fucking Lynn study
Why are /pol/fag the biggest liars around

>> No.14616871

Self help """literature""" is actually >>>/r9k/