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File: 96 KB, 350x350, Theodore_Kaczynski_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14597406 No.14597406 [Reply] [Original]

What did he read?

>> No.14597413

>Reads Fight Club once

>> No.14597418

Porn magazines

>> No.14597421

Not much probably. Everything I've read about him indicates he was a savage. Just search "anarcho primitivism reading list" in the archive of you want to find stuff.

>> No.14597426

There was a list that FBI made of the books he had in his cabin IIRC.

>> No.14597430
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>> No.14597432 [DELETED] 

A while back an anon posted a picture of a document listing the books he had requested in prison. I don't have it anymore unfortunately. Maybe someone can find it.

>> No.14597434
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>> No.14597441

Thank you, mothman

>> No.14597454
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And here’s the rest

Not a moth nor a man

>> No.14597481

>almost no philosophy
>trash and some fiction

>> No.14597519

You're such a genius. How can we ever hope to reach your level of understanding?

>> No.14597545


>> No.14598047

>Eastern Mysticism
Was Kaczinsky a Guenonian?

>> No.14598048

I assume he read a lot of left-wing literature. The crux of his argument against "the industrial system" stems from a relentless drive for efficiency, which is a consequence not of the process of machanization in and of itself but a consequence of capitalism. I'm assuming he avoided left-wing language because he was active during the cold war and didn't want to be dismissed as a commie - which to be fair, he's certainly not.

>> No.14598286

didnt know he speaks spanish

>> No.14598292

In Anti-Tech Revolution he cites multiple Spanish authors and also some poets IIRC

>> No.14598395

are you retarded. in his notebook he wrote about wanting to "kill a Communist"

>> No.14598405

Why do math geniuses keep falling for idiotic propaganda? Von Neumann was a political retard

>> No.14598416

Why does he attempt philosophy if he clearly didn't read much of it, and why do you defend him?

Yeah, seems like he was.

>> No.14598428

He read a lot of history, but not a lot of theory. It's probably why he comes across as very intellectual but sometimes rigid and backwards in his evaluations.

>> No.14598430

He read Ellul, quite a bit. This is well known. Next question.

>> No.14598446

That's a ridiculous and false assumption. Ted didn't believe in either side of the political spectrum. He saw conservatives as money obsessed fat cats that oversaw the usage of the IS, but he dedicated an entire section of ISAIF to explaining why leftists are basically brain damaged.
Oddly, his writing has been in fashion with both the left and the right at different times. Which misses the point - he had not faith in any political system actually resisting IS.
The man was a math genius. His attempts at understanding history or humans was probably more than a little flawed, but his intelligence was probably far higher than 99 percent of the board (and of course I include myself in that estimate).

>> No.14598447

Are these just the books found in his cabin after the raid? He certainly read a lot more than this throughout the rest of his life, and if I remember correctly he would get books from the library.

>> No.14598517

What are the trash items on that list? Do enlighten us. Just because he didn't happen to have much philosophy on him, doesn't mean he never read philosophy either.

>> No.14598634

He misunderstood Ellul though.

>> No.14598642

Jaques Ellul

>> No.14598729

>implying i read hack authors

yeah, nah..

>> No.14598749

>Why do math geniuses keep falling for idiotic propaganda?
Equations are optimized at extrema

>> No.14598772
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Tao Lin

>> No.14598852

Who are you quoting

>> No.14598900
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Von Neumann was based. commies are just jealous because the RAND corporation and DARPA are a more effective revolutionary force than they ever were. Counterinsurgency is the dialectical aufhebung of maoist guerrilla warfare. After reading Kojeve's lecture's on Hegel I have come to the conclusion that communism means nothing less and nothing more than an universal neohegelian state of right backed by full NATO-Israeli airspace dominance.

>> No.14599283
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don't remember where I heard/read this

>> No.14600544

I never said he was a leftist or a communist. I just pointed out how his critique of "industrial society" aligns closely with left-wing criticism of capitalism.

>> No.14601346

good at math, creativity, and deductive reasoning,
bad at judgment and understanding people.

I don't mean to suggest its like a video game and they spent all their stats and they are mutually exclusive, just that geniuses tend to be hyper focused and not develop in other areas

this does not describe Ted at all though

>> No.14601365

Stealing this thank you

>> No.14601420

ive got it, read it a few times,
its legitmeately excellant, expecially elluls comparision between the western use of technology and the classical greek use of technology.

Ellul also talks about lonliness being a built in feature of industrial society, its clear to see ted basically copied most of his ideas from ellul. But unlike ellul (who was based), ted too the wrong approach imo.

>> No.14601425

>backwards in his evaluations
can you be more specific?

All we usually get are a bunch of vague denouncements. I wonder if it has to do with all the propaganda or ideological opposition to him?

>> No.14601432

then you haven't read it very carefully. it doesn't really "align" with marxist thought, unless you stretch the meaning of the word align to extremes. the central core of Kaczynski's thought is technological autonomy. the idea that the development of society and technology is beyond rational prediction and control and subject to forces of natural selection among competing systems.

>> No.14601438

not op, but i get the feeling ted read a few specific authors like heidigger and ellul, and basically parroted their views because they fell in with his bias. Ted was extremely smart, but he was still a STEMlet, and had a poor conception of philiosophy.

I wonder if he read any schopenhaur, he might have been less violent, as he might have realized that running off to the forest isnt the only way to get rid of suffering, idk

>> No.14601439

he goes beyond ellul. he doesn't "misunderstand" him.

>> No.14601453
File: 1.59 MB, 1067x1600, Anti-Tech Revolution w drones_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's an originalist thinker. he's probably one of the world's foremost minds, especially when applied to complex system analysis. why on earth would he bother himself with outdated or irrational "philosophies" especially when he has far more personal insights and logical ability than most philosophers. He just needs the facts--history, science, statistics etc. No time for other people's faulty reasoning.

A lot of people find it very hard to comprehend just how brilliant he is (due to propaganda or ideological aversion).

I did read him saying that philosophy had so much bullshit in it, that it wasn't worth the time wading through all the bullshit to get to whatever few real insights there were. I have to completely agree with that assessment.

>> No.14601461

I'm sorry, but this is all just nonsense. Have you ever given any thought to the possibility that he simply developed a system of thought based on facts?

>> No.14601468

then how do you know they're a hack?

>> No.14601478
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>this thread
>filled with

>> No.14601483

no, ive read most of elluls stuff, and teds manifesto, and honestly theres such similarity it cant be discounted.

plus ted said he was reading ellul when he was 21

>> No.14601498

ok. but you can't just assume that ted "parroted" from ellul. if Ted felt the way he felt based on the facts, then he wrote the manifesto based on the facts, and ellul is similar. Ted even says that he felt great that someone else (ellul) felt very similar to him about the facts. You are attributing ((motive)) to ted when you imply it was simply "parroted" when have absolutely no evidence other than your propaganda conditioning.

And anyway, Kaczynski's books go far beyond Ellul, and are far more systematic and logically rigorous. it's absurd to talk about "parroting."

>> No.14601524
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academic pseuds btfo

>> No.14601528

Field guides and edible plants books are based as hell. If you don't have them you're probably a fag.

>> No.14601534

That quote is not from the manifesto. it is from Kaczynski's essay "The System's Neatest Trick" which is probably the most relevant essay to the culture wars--from Black Lives Matter to college campus craziness.

>> No.14601537

He's a moralist, nothing is factual with him. He confirms his biases with language and that's it. Bottom line is that you can't just have some tech like he thought / wanted.

>> No.14601542

always cracks me up

>> No.14601549

You're a liar or an idiot. I'm not quite sure. Anyway, I'm going to bed.

btw, if he is simply a "moralist" as you claim, then he's the most moral man alive.

>> No.14601568
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>> No.14601567
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half of the papers seized from his cabin pertain to the minnesota twin studies, which completely destroy the left's blank slate lies

>> No.14601576

Most moral man alive means he won the Special Olympics. Not something I'd celebrate being desu

Also, I'm not "lying," just stating the reality of it. Industrialization was inevitable because it happened in our universe and not any other outcome happened. Cave drawings and fire and wooden spears were bound to result in advanced mechanization and reproduction. Why? Because humanity is curious and it is evil.

>> No.14601583

That essay is based to hell and back

>> No.14601590

That knight's armor and sword are forms of technology and the technological state of mankind during the medieval era also resulted in all kinds of suffering and torment for people. There is no state where suffering is completely absent, besides death.

>> No.14601600

you're just regurgitating education and propaganda now.

"curiosity" as a motive of scientists (??!!) that is laughably naive. it's just plain absurd.

Your argument boils down to "it happened" therefore it is inevitable. But it's not inevitable in the sense that old age is inevitable, it's made possible due to to the activities of human beings subject to specific social forces.

I'd love to carry on this debate with you but I HAVE TO GO TO BED!!

>> No.14601610
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>> No.14601619

but there is one that tops that, believe it or not. the essay "Letter to Dr. P.B. on the Motives of Scientists" in the latest edition of "Technological Slavery"

It completely blows apart the silly myth that scientists are just morally neutral agents trying to do the best for humanity.

>> No.14601621

Not an argument.

>> No.14601626


You are a dense motherfucker probably paying at the ass for an “education”. How many philosophers did Socrates read? How could he have been smart if he didn’t know his 18th century continental philosophy...

>> No.14601629
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All of these arguments are addressed in the book Technological Slavery and the manifesto (which you've claimed to read).

>> No.14601632

Why are Socrates and a man who lived thousands of years later with far more to read being held to the same standard?

>> No.14601634
File: 2.41 MB, 3024x4032, Anti-Tech Revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. this.

>> No.14601639

No they aren't. Thinking man's lust for power can ever be sated is naive. We find solutions, things get easy, we get bored, we stir up trouble again. Rinse and repeat forever.

>> No.14601640

jesus you're a fucking brainlet. is that why you hang out on /lit/ to feel smarter?

>> No.14601645

Answer the fucking question, faggot. Why are you holding them to the same standard? What point are you even trying to make with that illogical fucking argument?

>> No.14601652

already addressed. we don't think man's lust for power can be sated. (and we think that is a good thing) humans NEED power to live fulfilling lives. not power over other people, but power through nature (power over the meaningful circumstances of their lives)

it's not about modifying man or quelling his lust for power. it's about materially making it impossible for the industrial system to reform post collapse due to resource exhaustion and several other reasons.

jesus you really haven't read the books or you haven't understood them.

>> No.14601655

I've already addressed this.>>14601453

facts > reasoning > argument

where does the need for other "philosophers" come in???

>> No.14601657

So if he read the entire western canon and made stupid opinions that would be better?

>> No.14601664

lol. this. 100% I love you bro. And on that note I'm going to bed.

>> No.14601665

>not power over other people, but power through nature
Same thing. You really don't understand what lust for power means for humans, do you? As soon as nature is in control, it wants to overpower others too.

>resource exhaustion
We will clone or travel into space at that point. Or genocide billions and start again.

>> No.14601670

Doesn't work that way. There are things you need to build up a civilization like low tech energy supplies (oil, coal). When you exhausted easily extracted supplies that took hundreds of millions of years to build up then blow yourself up, you can't just start over .... at least not for a really, really long time.

>> No.14601673

>muh space
holy cope

>> No.14601677
File: 231 KB, 1699x1920, 30grof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Same thing. You really don't understand what lust for power means for humans, do you? As soon as nature is in control, it wants to overpower others too.
>makes no logical sense and completely misses the point

>We will clone or travel into space at that point. Or genocide billions and start again.
>completely misses the point.

"Bleep. Bloop. Bleep. Bloop. Elon Musk. Mars Colony. Existential Risk. Multi-Planet Species. A.I. Goal Alignment. Progress. Space Travel. Bleep Bloop"

>> No.14601680


>> No.14601722

It would certainly be worth a lot more in the context of a discussion on his validity since we'd know he's not worked up on anything naive

>> No.14601740

>"Letter to Dr. P.B. on the Motives of Scientists" in the latest edition of "Technological Slavery"
Is there a pdf of this somewhere?

>> No.14601761

yeah, fuck this brainlet pseud. i bet he hasn't even read maya angelou or chinua achebe

>> No.14601782
File: 71 KB, 622x486, 1579942735531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would Ted think of the Corona virus?

>> No.14601787

Pretending to miss the point doesn't make your case any more convincing champ

>> No.14601789

yes our learned academics are the only serious thinkers. from hegel directly apprehending the mind of god to contemporary discussions on why being a eunuch is a good thing, it's all vital stuff

>> No.14601806

>Thinking man's lust for power can ever be sated
his manifesto is 30 pages long and literally none of you retards even manage to read it before screeching about it, unbelievable

>> No.14601811

>we'd know he's not worked up on anything naive
this is retarded. how would you "know" this? how would you know that the other philosophers weren't themselves naive or incorrect? because you choose to believe this???

>> No.14601814

>get book from library
>go to your cabin in the woods so the library mafia will never find you
yeah, I think he's based

>> No.14601817

The guy was a psycho nutbar who lived in the woods. Get a grip.

>> No.14601820

You have to get the latest edition of "Technological Slavery" Here:


>> No.14601826

>psycho nutbar
BLEEP BLOOP BLEEP BLOOP bomber man bad psycho schizo killed people killing bad live in cabin crazy crazy to live in forest crazy crazy BLEEP BLOOP

>> No.14601831
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>> No.14601835
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>> No.14601907

yes he quit academic mathematics the moment he read Reign of Quantity and learned that spacetime is a scam

>> No.14601913
File: 251 KB, 1276x1026, tedpilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, >>14600544 is a retard to think that there is any overlap between Kaczynskian thought and leftist politics. Leftists are universally technooptimists and only want to change the sphere of distribution while maintaining industrial production based on division of labour. Ted was both anticap and anti-technology

>> No.14601941


Doesn't matter.
Ted didn't write what he had learned he wrote what he knew.

>> No.14602106

Logic and math is philosophy faggot kill yourself

>> No.14602112

Politics. Logic. Math. Booked.

>> No.14602116

Theory was in logic and discrete maths>>14598446

>> No.14602463

>appropriating basic high school math to come up with completely unrelated metaphors for human events
Absolute garbage.

>> No.14602787

Assuming resource exhaustion is really that serious of a threat to us right now and not fabricated bullshit / something we are centuries away from, we aren't that far from having alternative systems for many of the resources you're deeming near-exhausted anyway.

>> No.14602844

An astoundingly idiotic post, a glaring example of the Dunning-Kruger effect. You should do some introspection (if you are physically even possible to) about the idea, and I'm not being "4chan funny and just saying something edgy to shock people" that maybe you're an enormous fucking idiot. Really chew on that idea, I want you to screencap this post and print it out and tape it to your bathroom mirror and everyday you're shaving or brushing your teeth or whatever to REALLY think this through. I implore you to not reject this as trolling or a joke, I truly mean this.

Only someone with just a tiny bit of grey matter barely more than a brainstem could formulate such a monstrously moronic comment that a man of which the very crux of his argument that leftism can never actually address the problems of environmentalism and those answers have to come from a hard right place. Such a shocking display of dim-wittedness has lowered the IQ of everyone here. Have a good day and go fuck yourself.

>> No.14602930

>Why do geniuses have different political views than me? Despite being objective geniuses in other things, it MUST BE that they're wrong about THIS AREA because I disagree with them. Of course this shouldn't be a sign that maybe through introspection realize that I'm wrong here. Nope, can't be. Being an NPC is wonderful.

>> No.14602972

Because being a genius in a specialized field doesn't mean you'll be one in other specialized fields or especially in the field of all fields (i.e., philosophy).

>> No.14603121

Jack London

>> No.14605011


>> No.14605065

>"companion to" book
Lel midwit

>> No.14605247

>A Finnish grammar
>Cartas Finlandesas

>> No.14606364

>Doesn't understand the difference between a metaphor and a joke
>Muh retarded high schoolers