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/lit/ - Literature

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14596502 No.14596502 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14596526


The Man Without Qualities
In Search of Lost Time
The Castle-Kafka

>> No.14596535

the last ones gonna sound silly, but honestly, the Hunger Games, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay

>> No.14596551

Also feel free to add the reasons for choosing your books

>> No.14596583

>In Search of Lost Time
is this the english title of La Recherche ?

>> No.14596835

You already know the answer to this.

>> No.14596846

it's just it sounds strange in english

>> No.14597341

Gospel of John

>> No.14597372

bruh, you gotta at least have romans

>> No.14597373

Plato: Complete Works

>> No.14597410

The Bible
Horcynus Orca

>> No.14597431

>Complete Works
what a post

>> No.14597438

Aristotle's Metaphysics
The Discourses of Epictetus
Montaigne'a Essays

If I had to choose fiction I would go with these:

War and Peace
Anna Karenina
Les Miserables

>> No.14597478

If Complete Works are not allowed I would go with The Republic

>> No.14597498

Good choice. It just feels like a comfy conversation so it’s good for repeat enjoyment.

>> No.14597509

Fanged Noumena
The Crisis of the Modern World
Finnegans Wake

>> No.14597518


>> No.14597530

Burton Arabian Nights
Shakespeare Plays

>> No.14597535

Don Quixote
The Bible
The Complete Works of Shakespeare

>> No.14597555

Complete works of freud
Hiedegger's Basic Writings
Schopenhaur's essays, maybe?

Posting the bible doesn't make you cool or pious you fucks

>> No.14597579

and posting Heidegger (spell it correctly at least) doesn't make you an intellectual, you pseud

>> No.14597590


>> No.14597596

I gotta read 3 books??

>> No.14597608

they can have pictures and big letters

>> No.14597609

Complete works of spinoza, the most comprehensive world atlas available and the Oxford English dictionary.

>> No.14597612

Imre Madach's "Tragedy Of Man"
Dave Cohen's "Adventures In Flatland"
Earl Cook's "Man, Energy, Society"

>> No.14597618

>oxford english dictionary
lmao this is the cringest thing I've read today

>> No.14597620


>> No.14597625

How come?

>> No.14597641

cause if you were alone with three books and you couldn't read anything else the dictionary wouldn't do you any good

you should instead force yourself to use your memory and recreate your language from zero

>> No.14597657

There is nothing in the prompt that says you are alone and even if you were, the limits of your language are the limits of your world.

>> No.14597661

Encyclopedia Britannica 15th edition
Classic Chinese Novels
Complete Works of the Western Canon

>> No.14597669

the lord of the rings, the hobbit, and the silmarillion.

>> No.14597688

but you're not going to stay a 12yo for the rest of your life anon

>> No.14597702
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Think most of you in this thread need this

>> No.14598019

This is exactly what the eternal anglo would say. Ask yourself why everyone dislikes you.

>> No.14598440
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>> No.14598468

Joseph and His Brothers
The Bible
Ovid's Metamorphoses

>> No.14598471

I've been very slowly reading the Lord of the Rings over the past week or two. Whenever I get really tired I read a bit of it before falling asleep so Im only half-way through. That bit where they meet the elves in the forest is so ethereal

>> No.14598474

War and peace
Moby dick

>> No.14598479

the bibble, moby-dick and the book of disquiet

>> No.14598526

>The Oxford Book of English Verse
Material for years, and the capacity of poetry to make you think every verse is a plus.

>Dom Quixote
High-quality entertainment.

>The Republic
You always learn something new from every read.

If the first one is cheating I'd change it for the complete works of Shakespeare.

>> No.14598678
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dao de jing
zhuang-zi inner chapters
zhuang-zi outer chapters

>> No.14599158


>> No.14599204
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Best stick to one subject so:
>le ebin alkemii
Corpus Hermeticum
De Occulta Philosophia by Cornelius Agrippa
Amphitheatrum Sapientiae Aeternae by Heinrich Khunrath

>> No.14599267
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Philosophy as A Rite of Rebirth
Blumenberg - Work on Myth
Penrose - Road to Reality

>> No.14599286

The Bible
Moby Dick

>> No.14599386

You can determine most word meaning from overall context

>> No.14599591

Infinite Jest
Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.14599739

Yes in fact dictionaries give some surface definitions and fail to describe a word's nuances and uses. Especiallly if they're new or unrecognised, literally cucking your own internal language to someone's shallow authority. Reading on the other hand provides this, passively too.

>> No.14599835

nothing else

>> No.14600009

Oy Vey we've got no real creativity and it makes us seethe.

>> No.14600014

Are you Jewish too? You really think you're going to be able to transfer blame onto the Anglos?

>> No.14600060

why not the complete works of the world?
people are so stupid

>> No.14600198

These two posts are so similar. Also, based.

>> No.14600213

Because the complete works of the world doesn't exist, not in one book. Dumby dumb dumb.

>> No.14600291
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>The greatest authors of all time in each respective culture created their masterpieces when language was not yet formalised by national dictionaries and rules.
from a passage of the Zibaldone