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14596117 No.14596117 [Reply] [Original]

I know this is somewhat of a lukewarm take, but while reading Brave New World i noticed that many of the conditioned behaviors seen among the citizens of the World State highly resemble that of nu-males and women today. Men and women alike remain as emotional children, easily entertained and manipulated while still possesing the computational intelligence required in order to perform their functions. Hypergami and the abolishion of the concept of family also closely mirrors the behaviors seen in the real worlds inner-city youth, where any and all conflict is avoided and non-traditional polygami more common than anywhere else. Really, the description of what was essentially an AR cinematic interracial porn video was what really made me associate the ”civilized” lifestyle of the World State with real world behaviors, as the consumption of deviant and counterevolutionary pornography is a hallmark of the emasculated man. Feel free to explain how shit of a take this was and call me
a faggot, but these were my thoughts when reading the book.

>> No.14596124

Fuck. My brain really is fried today. This paragraph looks like shit and reads about as well. Ignore the numerous errors in the previous post and the autism it oozes. I’m really fucking tired and my amphetamins aren’t working

>> No.14596164

This book is basically pleasure bad and less intelligence more pleasure.
Is this what pseuds thinks profound ?

>> No.14596170

Nowhere does it say anything depicted is bad. The only characters who are unhappy are the gigachad, the beta manlet and the savage from the ghetto. Everyone else loves it.

>> No.14596183

Pretty cringe to breakdown YA that everyone's read on an 18+ website.

>> No.14596221

I think if you came off BNW with the impression that depiction wasnt negative then you should re-read the book.

>> No.14596240

Huxley would dare to differ

>> No.14596259


the last man (German: Letzter Mensch) is a term used by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche in Thus Spoke Zarathustra to describe the antithesis of his theorized superior being, the Übermensch, whose imminent appearance is heralded by Zarathustra. The last man is tired of life, takes no risks, and seeks only comfort and security.

The last man's first appearance is in "Zarathustra's Prologue." According to Nietzsche, the last man is the goal that modern society and Western civilization have apparently set for themselves. After having unsuccessfully attempted to get the populace to accept the Übermensch as the goal of society, Zarathustra confronts them with a goal so disgusting that he assumes that it will revolt them.[1] Zarathustra fails in this attempt, and instead of repelling and manipulating the populace into pursuing the goal of the Übermensch, the populace take Zarathustra literally and choose the "disgusting" goal of becoming the last men. This decision leaves Zarathustra disheartened and disappointed.

The lives of the last men are pacifist and comfortable. There is no longer a distinction between ruler and ruled, strong over weak or supreme over the mediocre. Social conflict and challenges are minimized. Every individual lives equally and in "superficial" harmony. There are no original or flourishing social trends and ideas. Individuality and creativity are suppressed.

Nietzsche warned that the society of the last man could be too barren and decadent to support the growth of healthy human life or great individuals. The last man is only possible by mankind having bred an apathetic person or ethnic group who are unable to dream, who are unwilling to take risks, and simply earn their living and keep warm. The society of the last man is antithetical to Nietzsche's theoretical will to power, the main driving force and ambition behind human nature, according to Nietzsche, as well as all other life in the universe.

>> No.14596327

Well, if regular old origami ain't good enough for ya...

>> No.14596337

He's an alpha plus manlet tho

>> No.14596393
File: 533 KB, 640x398, 814D383C-6BB6-4B21-8AFC-4A26284CC603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what technology leads to. The last man is inevitable. The uebermensch will be a machine. More human than human.

>> No.14596397

kek. refer to the first reply

>> No.14596657

180 cm

>> No.14596671

BNW is literally a utopia.

>> No.14596690

The “basedboy” is a bullshit term for people that have been around forever.
The state of Anonymous NPCs

>> No.14596875

>using NPC while criticising the use of basedboi
>claiming superiority in any way
Just out of interest, why do you come here? No one likes you, you aren’t intelligent or interesting, and never contribute beyond some vaguely related shitposting that no one beyond you yourself or your fellow discordfurries replies to. Why not just accept that you aren’t welcome and go back to deviantart or wherever you people congregate? genuine question

>> No.14596905

he's obviously a mod

>> No.14596921

basic ass take

>> No.14596923
File: 50 KB, 600x600, old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually your kind - the hyper-aggressive internet machismo - who are the true failed males. You don't care about self-determination, you merely want to "get your own way" and idealize males who get their own way through any and all means possible, especially violence and conflict. You're a list of endless accusations and complaints at what others to do to distract from what you do: shake your fist at the world like a Boomer pining for the "Good ol' days." You're emasculated, you feel emasculated and instead of blaming yourself as you should, you blame... people who enjoy things? How dare they! Look at the Soi Bois all with their friendships, familities, and passions! Don't they know that to be male is to hate life as hard as they can like I do?

>> No.14596932

lmao good bait, but becomes obvious at the end

>> No.14596943

>People ITT actually defending pod-dwellers

>> No.14596946

Before they were weaponized into an online death-cult, we simply called them "trolls" and it was widely understood that they were angry, hateful people who got off at hurting other people anonymously on the internet.

>> No.14597011

yes, i admitted as much in the OP. Either work on your reading comprehension or stop wasting entrophy with your redundant observations.

>> No.14597339

What does this mean? Does it imply that OP is incorrect?

>> No.14597771
File: 283 KB, 1600x900, CFA705D6-EE2F-4148-B749-EBE217A6C505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised one of the greatest scifi books written over a hundred years ago during the birth of modern psychology predicted the evolution of post-industrialized man? I’m not. Perhaps he knew the nuclear family was doomed to fail? Huxley probably looked at post-slavery America, the de-militarization from Teddy R, and Yung/nietzsche writings to draw a line toward standardized nutrition. Not to forget he lived in a pre-depression and scarcity world. Hell, no electronics except maybe a radio. Must have been very nice to sip coffee, smoke grass and listen to the typewriter at night.

>> No.14597785

>feds literally do stuff by the book as a litmus test to filter retards
Wowwwwwwww shit dude didn't see that coming

>> No.14597792

Posts about how we live in Brave New Animal Farm is the most onions shit on Earth.

>> No.14597825

What do you think of this omniscient one?

>> No.14597904

BNW is a tragic parody to me I think. But the difference between OP's statement and the situation presented in the book is that in the World State such behaviors as infantility and sexual promiscuity are forced upon the public consensus due to conditioning and government enforcement, while in our world it is not, or at least not to such an absolute degree if you buy into government conspiracies.

I don't think the term "emasculation" comes into play here. Masculinity is merely a social standard that changes with time. I'm not implying it's for better or worse, but I think it's natural that the men of today would be less "masculine" than say the men of the early 1900s due to changes in culture and condition-But only in the form of a slight overall shift, not a total change as, I must admit, is the case with some people. I can't help but feel that OP is being a bit narcissistic here...

I don't think Huxley's views can be simplified so much like that, anon. He isn't critical about the very concept of pleasure, at least I felt as such during my reading. Mustapha Mond makes some compelling arguments for the existence of the World State in the second to last chapter, and the human condition in general. The last chapter and what happened to the Savage I think wasn't really supposed to be sympathetic-Huxley isn't saying that flagellation, suffering, and repentance is moral while the ways of the World State are not. To me it seemed to be more about the clash of natural human instincts against an engineered and predestined society.

>> No.14599038

your post has less words than the brain would allow to store in its memory