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14594492 No.14594492 [Reply] [Original]

Comfiest philosophers?

>> No.14594837

Julian Baggini

>> No.14594844

Karma Lingpa

>> No.14594850
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Emanuele Severino. Not just because he died a few days ago, but because he actually makes you feel better in this horrible world.

>> No.14594859

Walter Benjamin

>> No.14594877
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>> No.14594893

may I direct you toward the NYT best sellers? The oprah book club, perhaps? How about just fucking reddit, and decide your life upon a metric of upvotes?

>> No.14594914

>Emanuele Severino
holy fuck he died? RIP my dude.

>> No.14594941

Camus' essays from when he traveled around the Mediterranean in the 30s

>> No.14594947


>> No.14594963


>> No.14594981

You want to know how I heard it? Check out these posts:


>> No.14595184
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The philosophy of comfiness is Epicureanism


>> No.14595355

Didn't know Carlin was this cringe

>> No.14595390

>Anonymous hears actual red pill and he calls it cringe
You sad sad people.

>> No.14595411

Marcus Aurelius

>> No.14595430

That's blue pill by definition

>> No.14595942

Insanely cringe and bluepilled. Only a few things he said were true. But he is ignoring that the female selection is not working correctly since the late 1800's, and with patriarchy, civilization will fall.

>> No.14595962

Derrida, Heidegger, Hegel, Lacan

>> No.14596021

Sam Harris

>> No.14596052

lmao if your social philosophy is anti progress wtf are you even saying at that point

>> No.14596056

lol who hurt you

>> No.14596063

There is no such thing as progress.

>> No.14596069

"Progress" is just the new dogmatism for our new age, an umbrella term in which anything and everything can be lumped under whatever ulterior motivation political financial moral whatever

>> No.14596082

See, these things are easy and fun to say, but I'm suspicious of their authenticity. Especially having been tempted by it myself in the past. I'm actually more sympathetic to traditionalism and primitivism than most people I know. But at the end of the day you're fucking kidding yourself if you can't acknowledge progress. It's not really dismissible as an is/ought problem, it's staring you in the face. There are things gained and lost with every chance to be sure, but the general awareness of people is absolutely rising, science is clearly advancing, and technology has strictly improved. It's not a narrative, the fucking internet and curing of otherwise fatal diseases represents a radical positive change from past states of affairs. At best you could argue that you can't provide an analytically thorough justification of this, tracing to certain principles, but I think that's some lazy bullshit. Even if progress wasn't real, I'd bet your ass still believes in it

>> No.14596087

Why is Aristotle holding his book in such a weird ass fashion? Can he even be taken seriously? Anyway, bearded fucker in lower left looks like Ted Kaczynski.

>> No.14596101

>muh Carlin redpill
You're making us look bad. At least drop the trip before posting dumb shit

>> No.14596609

You are a moron
>traditionalism and primitivism
Two very different things of course. And yes, progress and time are just inevitable. Leading not back to the cult traditionalism or primitivism, but thus far a new cult led by stupid elites. Elites put there by a current traditionalism of state capitalism and defended by the “male disease”.

>Anonymous too stupid to acknowledge the truth
Anonymous makes everyone under this non-name look bad, fool. Why else would I not want to be in your club of stupidity?

>> No.14596719

also if you are in to aesthetics check out Kierkegaard's Mozart essays and Hegel's lectures on aesthetics. really comfy.

>> No.14596783
