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File: 105 KB, 570x712, ginsberg_360x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14593409 No.14593409 [Reply] [Original]

was he based or cringe

>> No.14593428

I thought he was cringe until I heard a really good recitation of Howl that gave me chills

>> No.14593441

that's without a doubt the most jewish looking person i have seen in my entire life

>> No.14593458

lots of pepe shit posting today. is it a snow day in idaho?

>> No.14593461

he was also a supporter of NAMBLA

>> No.14593469

>poetry in the 20th century


>> No.14593471

Howl's whole Moloch bit was kind of cool. Nothing else from the Howl collection stuck with me. The NAMBLA thing is uncomfortable.

>> No.14593477

The most foul and disgusting creature in lit in living memory. Cringe is not the word. This man is a self serving pederast that made trash poems that promoted his egotism and were a way of expressing and revelling in his urges. A waste of oxygen. Him and that utter creep Foucault make my skin crawl. Too bad they escaped the inevitavle day of reckoning for their type.

>> No.14593482

so based, gotcha.

>> No.14593508

>>>/pol/ that way kiddo

>> No.14593528

>hating on pedos
>must be a nazi
Wanna know how I know you are a jew tranny child molester?

>> No.14593534

he fucked young boys in panama

>> No.14593537

>Too bad they escaped the inevitavle day of reckoning
lol, they're probably burning in hell right now, so no, they really didn't

>> No.14593588


Gee, I don't fucking know.

>> No.14593589

Im an agnostic but people like this make me wish I had faith.

>> No.14593598

>aaah pls don’t make me reconsider my beliefs!!
Put a gun in your fucking mouth

>> No.14593698


>> No.14593789

VERY based

>> No.14593954

Based waste of space.

>> No.14593965

Worst of the Beats. Kerouac stomps his poseur ass.

>> No.14594023


>> No.14594438

Williams "Accidentally Killed His Wife" Burroughs is the only one that will last through the next century.

>> No.14594447

>Three days after Burroughs returned from his South American trip, Vollmer was balancing a water tumbler on her head as her husband aimed a handgun at it.When Burroughs fired, the bullet missed the water tumbler and hit Vollmer, who died later that day from a gunshot wound to the skull, aged 28.

Truly Based

>> No.14594457
File: 241 KB, 1893x1383, JewishPedophile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burn them all. Then burn the ashes.

>> No.14594480

all beatniks are fucking trash

>> No.14594503

No. The beats existed only for Kerouac to have happened. The rest were spoiled degenerate hangers-on, though they did write well.

>> No.14594537


>> No.14594566
File: 253 KB, 1070x554, Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too bad they escaped the inevitavle day of reckoning for their type
Focault got his reckoning and I thank God everytime I read his name that his final punishment fit his crime.

>> No.14594595
File: 30 KB, 460x368, Beatniks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think is not trash then?

>> No.14594631

young french boys they were copying

>> No.14594646

/leftypol/ tourist tranny try having an original thought for once

>> No.14594649

edgy french existentialists are cool but that doesnt make beatniks trash

>> No.14594831

That's weev

>> No.14594974
File: 71 KB, 750x1000, collected-poems-1947-1997-allen-ginsberg-D_NQ_NP_821577-MLA31285349030_062019-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he may be a pedophile or jew or whatever
but for all i care he could be a murderer
renting pic related from the library as a teenager changed my whole life and i will love him forever no matter what. howl is a masterpiece gn.

>> No.14594995

buddy, any faggot can be struck by inspiration. being struck by any faggots inspiration will stunt you. be your own faggot, anon. find your own faggot inspiration.

>> No.14595038

>google NAMBLA
>it is actually real
Holy shit, I thought South Park made that up. America was truly a mistake

>> No.14595124

faggot jew child molester

>> No.14595146


Ginsberg and Buckley


>> No.14595181
File: 219 KB, 800x1067, Allen_Ginsberg_1979_-_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"On the day of the bar mitzvah in 1982, newspapers reported in huge headlines that the Supreme Court had ruled child pornography illegal. I was thrilled. I knew Allen would not be. I did think he was a civil libertarian. But, in fact, he was a pedophile. He did not belong to the North American Man/Boy Love Association out of some mad, abstract conviction that its voice had to be heard. He meant it. I take this from what Allen said directly to me, not from some inference I made. He was exceptionally aggressive about his right to fuck children and his constant pursuit of underage boys."

>> No.14595187

He talked about boys a lot and may have done stuff with Burroughs In Tangier but the kind of guy he was always falling in love with was a straight but poetic late teens early 20s athletic guy. I think he was always trying to relive the moments he fell in love with Kerouac, Cassady, or his life partner Peter Orlovsky. I knew people who fit that profile and got hit on by Ginsberg when younger, gross but not illegal and no sleazier than a straight poet hitting on young coeds.

>> No.14595265

What a pleb of a reader you are. Get out.

>> No.14595421
File: 55 KB, 600x600, 1558580650569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14595438

Read this in Michael Savage's voice

>> No.14595447

>consent is a contractual notion
I mean, isn't it?

>> No.14595477
File: 141 KB, 430x594, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They cry out in pain as they strike you

>> No.14595481

Thoroughly mediocre degenerate who was only propped up by a degenerate age devoid of art and artists.

>> No.14595948

Between two adults it is. But when one party isn't even a teenager yet, then the only ones who still believe consent can be contractually established in such cases are baby fuckers and Onision.

>> No.14595967

Based pedo

>> No.14596184

looks like weev

>> No.14596287

If we're talking about only his poetry, and not his personal life, the two collections "Howl" and "Kaddish" are amazing. Even the shorter poems in both collections are fantastic. Anything besides those two is kind of shit though.

>> No.14596295


>> No.14596308

Different poster here. I don't know the direct source, but I know the exchange was between Ginsberg and radical feminist Andrea Dworkin

>> No.14596312

IMO everyone from the best group is cringe

They just did drugs and wrote about it

>> No.14596313


>> No.14596316

I mean, couldn't you say the same thing about The Lost Generation except with alcohol? Unless you don't like them as well....

>> No.14596431

And your point being...?

>> No.14596487

Who is in the lost generation

I like Bret Easton Ellis because there’s more to it

>> No.14596492

If you mean Hemingway he’s certainly better than the beats and doesn’t just pop bennies for all his books. Still not a huge fan tho, old man and the sea was great

>> No.14596498

The kind of Jew that provoked the Holocaust

>> No.14596961

i hope you someday realize how disgusting a human you've become

>> No.14596977

Dworkin didnt support fucking kids? A feminist jewess? Genuinely shocked. Happy though.

>> No.14596987

Agreed. After those works he wasted away with drugs and fame. I think Gregory Corso was a better Beat poet but he also wrecked himself with drugs. Ferlinghetti is also a better poet, more pre-Beat than Beat, and it’s amazing that he just turned 100 and is still writing.

>> No.14597009

Cringe as fuck.

>> No.14597017

Howl is based, everything else he wrote is cringe. It's honestly astonishing how some people do a lot of bad stuff but then once in their lives rise to something great. Then go back to sucking.

>> No.14597023

yikes, ill pass on another hebrew perv

>> No.14597055

GRIDS: it makes the world a better place every day.

>> No.14597064

Met him at a party once, probably in the early 1980s. He was incoherently drunk. I was not impressed.

>> No.14597134


>> No.14597141

based God taking out the trash

>> No.14597162


>> No.14597187

>that he is an american poet is pretty weird. That he is jewish is even weirder. But the fact that he is also a fag, man, I just can't understand.

>> No.14597198

>makes /pol/tards seethe just by existing
yeah im thinking hes based

>> No.14597212

t. dies of aids from raping kids

>> No.14597231

both based and cringe

>> No.14597858

who said this? kerouac?

>> No.14598909
File: 500 KB, 800x400, chapo_trap_house.2e16d0ba.fill-800x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Matt Christman, is that you?

>> No.14599148

I'd recommend checking out his poem "Kaddish." It's fantastic, and I think superior to "Howl"