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/lit/ - Literature

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14591484 No.14591484 [Reply] [Original]

1. Trade/Profession?
2. When do you read?
3. What are you reading right now?
4. Primary hobby/side gig?

>> No.14591520


I'll start:

1. Small town lawyer
2. 1hr over lunch, 1hr around 8pm, and 30ish minutes before I go to sleep
3. Bondage of the Will - Luther
4. CSA farm that my wife and I run from our homestead.

>> No.14591538

>student (psychology)
>between classes and everday at home
>just finished Bronze Age Mindset today, was alright. might start "No longer human" today, or read a book on the sumerians

>> No.14591560


Formally, or just with other people that you talk to?

>> No.14591584

>student (literature) / wage slave at supermarket
>on break at work, on public transit, after dinner, and in bed
>Donna Tartt's The Secret History
>electric guitar and bass

>> No.14591586

>1. Trade/Profession?
Penis inspector
>2. When do you read?
With my clients during their inspections
>3. What are you reading right now?
book of erotic art focused on male anatomy
>4. Primary hobby/side gig?
Sex with women

>> No.14591636

1. Software engineer
2. I have a lot of downtime, I average 3 hours at work, 2 hours before sleeping
3. Nibelungenlied
4. Piano, exgf got me into drawing, military plastic models, lifting and muay thai

>> No.14591638

>Food runner/high school senior
>Sometimes during work and when I have no other responsibilities to do
>Getting shit done. I unironically want to become king of a country, so everything I do is geared towards that goal. Plan to gain fame as a writer

>> No.14591650

Formally, British Parliamentary style. Been doing it for about 3 years now, do fairly well at it. Get to have fun making ridiculous arguments for dull motions and chatting to cool people at the bar afterwards.

>> No.14591654

1. Concierge
2. At home/at work
3. Roger Bacon - Opus Majus
John Harsanyi - Rational Behavior and Bargaining Equilibium in Games and Social Situations
Nicole Oresme - On Seeing the Stars
Jeremy Bentham - Deontology; or The Science of Morality
Aristotle - The Topics
4. Music, and talking to people :)

>> No.14591655

Sounds like a good way to meet people desu

>> No.14591656

Tips for reading during work hours?

>> No.14591710

>Student(Software Engineering)
>While drinking morning coffee(30 minutes), between classes when i can, and during the evening
>Beware of Pity by Stefan Zweig
>Writing music, usually on guitar or synth

>> No.14591714

>plan to gain fame as a writer

Might want to get a useful degree, just in case this doesn't pan out :)

>> No.14591717

>After dinner
>Sublime Object of Ideology

>> No.14591719

>1. Trade/Profession?
Student (Economics)
>2. When do you read?
On the bus/before bed
>3. What are you reading right now?
Epictetus - Discourses and Selected Writings, finished Lolita recently
>4. Primary hobby/side gig?

>> No.14591730

a e s t h e t i c

>> No.14591747

>just graduated with an english degree so barista-hood is in my future; currently unemployed
>throughout the day
>Frost by Thomas Bernhard; thinking I'm going to read Molloy by Beckett next
>writing and I really enjoy playing Magic although it's manchild-y

>> No.14591812

>on breaks and whenever I can at home
>Divine Comedy
>target rifle shooting

>> No.14591829

>wage cuck and part time philosophy student
>in the evening, between 4 to 9
>just finished the Confessions, deciding between reading Plato or more Augustine
>shooting, shitposting, and drinking alone

>> No.14591839

Is there anything more obnoxious than an 18 year old still in highschool

>> No.14591854

>1. Trade/Profession?
music student at uni
>2. When do you read?
whenever I can
>3. What are you reading right now?
Karamazov Bros, Kenny's History of Philosophy
>4. Primary hobby/side gig?
Film, books, art appreciation in general

>> No.14591880

>Graduate student (economics)
>1 hour before sleep.
>Representations of the Intellectual: The 1993 Reith Lectures. (Edward W. Said)

>> No.14591899

>the coomer manifesto
>shitposting on /lit/

>> No.14591906

1. public service (my job is essentially boring office work)/psychology student
2. 1h over lunch and between 15 and 30 minutes before sleep
3. Demons - Dostoyevsky
4. watching films

>> No.14591927

Hello CIA niggers
you can go fuck yourself

>> No.14591936

1. Real estate broker
2. After work I read aloud to practice my speaking. And read in the evenings before bed.
3. Reading Giacomo Casanova’s memoir rn. In page 700/3600. I hope the book never ends, it’s amazing!!! He was a scholar and philosopher in addition to seducer. And may be one of the best speakers ever.
4. Nightlife is my hobby. Bars and clubs.

>> No.14591987

Student (wildlife science)
Sporadic. Sometimes I read on campus. It's hard reading at home because I'll put on a movie or play a game.
The First World War by John Keegan. It's the first non fiction book I've read in a while. Dropped Ada by Nabakov for it.
Guitar and jobs I only hold down for a month or two. I used to be the aquarium upkeep guy on campus but I got laid off.