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14589427 No.14589427 [Reply] [Original]

Do you take religious authors more seriously or less seriously? I for one refuse to read them on principle.

>> No.14589437

Yes; I do take them more seriously. However, not if they are practicing "rational" Theology. In that case, they should be totally ignored and ostracized.

>> No.14589460

The phenomena of religion are too obviously compelling to disregard flippantly. Religious ideas were the fundamental working ideas, the prior forms of metaphysics, that informed the human mind at a vital and early stage in its civilizational development. Some paleontologic evidence suggests humans have had religious tendencies for at maximum 200,000 years, roughly the entire duration in which the phylum speciated from its ancestors. Some of the smartest people of their day, working with very little, pondered the great questions using the instruments of religious doctrine as their only tools.

>> No.14589470

>Religious ideas were the fundamental working ideas
demonstrably false...

>> No.14589476


>> No.14589479

Then demonstrate it bitch. Philosophy and religion were closely associated in the earliest stages.

>> No.14589492

Depends on the religion. Islam or some random african teachings are completely worthless.

>> No.14589503

history proves you wrong

>> No.14589504

How so? In what way exactly?

>> No.14589516

material need gave rise to post-hoc religious cope, not the inverse... there are thousands of counterexamples i can name off the top of my head that i am sure even you would concede

>> No.14589844

>being a /his/let

>> No.14589906

It's annoying to hear about God so often, like some skank who got "saved", but I won't just drop Goethe simply because of this.

>> No.14589938


Congrats on being able to only read 10% of authors, most of whom are shite.

Go back to plebbit

>> No.14589942

if an author is dumb enough to be taken in by this scam then how can i trust their writings?

>> No.14590132

Do you take left-handed authors more seriously or less seriously? I for one refuse to read them on principle.

>> No.14590138

>Do you take religious authors more seriously or less seriously?
Depends on the religion and the author.
>I for one refuse to read them on principle.
Then you are as ignorant as those who only read their religion's texts.
t. Atheist