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14589410 No.14589410 [Reply] [Original]

People who use "I" instead of "me" in the following way should be publicly excecuted:

>Hannah looked at Jim and I
>between you and I


>> No.14589412

retard, read more and come back later

>> No.14589420

I is nominative. You and I suck each other's cocks frequently. But between you and me, I'm a lot better at sucking cock than you are, and you and I are going to have to have a talk about this later.

>> No.14589439

Why do you call me this?

>> No.14589447

because you posted something retarded. unless youre ESL then you are a pea brained retard

>> No.14589529

You have offered no arguments, and have only resorted to hurling primitive insults. I sense that you are the type of person with which no productive discussion can take place.

>> No.14589546

'I' and 'me' are more interchangeable than you have been led to believe, methinks.

>> No.14589555

Me disagree with this.

>> No.14589563

You mean 'Me *disagrees* with this'.

>> No.14589580

what >>14589546 said is true. the way i learned is to simplify the sentence so there is no "and"

>hannah looked at jim and i
>hannah looked at i
that sounds retarded therefore its me

>do you want to come with john and i
>do you want to come with i
sounds retarded therefore its me

>> No.14589613

You are correct, but the post that you claim is true contradicts your post.

>> No.14589624

its late and im tired anon forgive me.

>> No.14589626

While I agree that hearing someone using the wrong pronoun is annoying, I think execution is a bit harsh.
Nice pronoun usage, homofag.

>> No.14589640

Your complaint would sound much less idiotic if you actually described it using intelligible linguistic terminology, e.g. "people who incorrectly use nominative pronouns where accusative or oblique pronouns should be used ought to be executed".

>> No.14589643

Thou art forgiven, my child.
> I think execution is a bit harsh.
Fine. Flogging, then? Or perhaps simply sharply reprimanded.

>> No.14589651

that would be hard to enact

>> No.14589661

Correct, but I oppose capital punishment.

Wrong and retarded


>> No.14589671

it's easier just to remember that you only use "i" if it's the subject (doer) of the verb. if it's a direct object ("he kicked me" instead of "i kicked him") or the object of a preposition ("to me," "of me," "before me," "on me"), you also use me.

it's exactly analogous to He/Him or She/her. if someone were saying the sentence in third person, they'd never make the mistake. i feel like the only reason people really get confused is with "x and x" structures in the first person, like
>He and I sorted it out
>She talked to me and him

people sometimes go "me and him sorted it out," OR they overcorrect to "she stalked to him and I" (or something similar) because they think that's the "fancy" way to say it, similar to how people think "whom" is "fancy 'who'." but it's the same with who:
>Whom did you kick?
>Who kicked whom?
>To whom did you speak?
>Who is speaking?
>The gentleman to whom I was just speaking ...
>The gentleman who was just speaking to me ...

>> No.14589688

>OR they overcorrect to "she stalked to him and I" (or something similar) because they think that's the "fancy" way to say it
That's what pisses me off about this. The people who do this are stupid people trying to sound intelligent. Few things are more aggravating than pretentious people.

>> No.14589820
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Now people are starting to use "whom" instead of "who" in a revolting act of hypercorrection. They should be made to correct their deficiencies before they are allowed outside or online again.

>> No.14589842

No, not at all.
>incorrect use
>nominative/accusative/oblique pronouns
These expressions cannot be fundamentally justified. In addition, they would present the matter in a misleading way: The anon wants to set out a moral/esthetical precept, his wish is not the result of any rational enquiry.

>> No.14589888

That fact that any of this needs to be pointed out makes me want to doublecheck whether I'm browsing /lit/ or /b/.

>> No.14589974

'Me' in methinks and its forebears is a vestigial dative only by coincidence does it appear accusative or objective.

>> No.14589997

Based and now I'm going to go jerk off.

>> No.14590086

Why did this post make me hard?

>> No.14590730

So people who adhere to grammatical convention should be killed? This board is a lot shittier than it used to be a year ago, when I first started posting here.

>> No.14590978

Every time someone uses "whom" wrong I want to kick them in the face.

>> No.14591000
File: 24 KB, 399x388, 8C46C728-7F9C-4D1F-8C3A-0033E3F4A1BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When people refer to themselves as ‘one’ as well

>> No.14591230

>So people who adhere to grammatical convention should be killed?
Yes. The option of peace was permanently ended the moment some bitch 3rd grade English teacher violated the armistice conditions by haranguing some kid about using singular they.

>> No.14591254

It's not even a grammatical convention. When you and your friend are the object of the sentence, it should be "me", not "I".

>> No.14592351


>my friend and me corrected a dumbshit who has no knowledge of basic grammar

Does that sound right to you? I guess I can’t relate; from an early age, I followed most grammatical rules instinctually, and never had to memorize them by rote.

>> No.14592564

Based and faggotpilled

>> No.14592591

Are you being facetious?

>> No.14592593

in your example, "my friend and [pronoun]" would be the subject of the sentence. You don't even know the difference between subject and object.

>> No.14592641

>I is the direct/indirect object first person pronoun in english
Okay, bud.

>> No.14592741 [DELETED] 

But they don't. 'One' is a generic pronoun, 'you' is used as the informal form among other things. Generic referent is not referring to anyone particularly.

>> No.14592811

Imag’ine be ing such a cuck/ad-hearing to gramer rules0

>> No.14593064

Are there actually dumb shits on this board that can't tell a subject from an object?

>> No.14594169
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>I guess I can’t relate; from an early age, I followed most grammatical rules instinctually, and never had to memorize them by rote.
Translation: From an early age, I decided I was a genius, so I never progressed past the mental age of 10.

>> No.14595661

I intentionally use Me and I wrong sometimes to spite losers who think it matters.

>> No.14596143

(not true, by the way)
>Old English mē thyncth, from mē‘to me’ + thyncth ‘it seems’ (from thyncan ‘seem’, related to think).
The German equivalent would be "mich dünkt"

>> No.14596152
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>tfw agglutinative first language
I pity you Anglo mouthbreathers.